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35 Drying of Pulp and Paper

Article · November 2006

DOI: 10.1201/9781420017618.ch35

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2 authors, including:

A. S. Mujumdar
McGill University


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Drying of Pulp and Paper
35 Osman Polat and Arun S. Mujumdar


35.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 793

35.2 Drying of Paper ................................................................................................................................... 794
35.2.1 Drying Process ........................................................................................................................ 794
35.2.2 Types of Dryers....................................................................................................................... 795 Cylinder Dryers....................................................................................................... 795 Air Drying............................................................................................................... 801 Radiant Drying ....................................................................................................... 807 Recent Developments in Paper Drying ................................................................... 809
35.3 Drying of Pulp ..................................................................................................................................... 815
35.3.1 Conventional Pulp Drying ...................................................................................................... 815
35.3.2 Flash Drying ........................................................................................................................... 816
35.3.3 Steam Drying .......................................................................................................................... 816
35.4 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 817
Acknowledgment............................................................................................................................................ 817
Nomenclature ................................................................................................................................................. 817
References ...................................................................................................................................................... 818

35.1 INTRODUCTION Papermaking is essentially a massive dehydration

operation. A fiber–water suspension with initial con-
Ts’ai-Lun apparently produced a sheet of paper in sistencies of 0.2 to 1.0% (consistency ¼ grams of fiber
about A.D. 100 in China and became the first recorded per gram of fiber–water suspension) is delivered to a
papermaker in the world. However, it took about screen, where, with the application of vacuum, much
1000 y for this new art to reach Europe. In the medi- of the free water is drained off and the consistencies
eval era, the progress of papermaking was very slow rise to about 18 to 23%. Then, more of the free water
and the major ingredient of paper was old rags. By is removed by mechanical ‘‘squeezing’’ at the press
the beginning of the 19th century, the progress of this section. The sheet is then transferred to the drying
industry was enormously accelerated. The first prac- section, with a consistency of 33 to 55% to remove the
tical paper machine was produced in the early 1800s; remaining excess water to obtain the final product
then continuous drying techniques were introduced to with 6 to 9% moisture content. In the United States,
the industry by means of cylinder drying in 1817 by the production of over 60 million tons of paper per
John Dickinson; later, in the mid-1840s, the extensive year entails the removal of over 80 million tons of
use of wood as a cellulose-fiber source began by the water by thermal dryers. Considering that for a typ-
advent of the first wood grinder. Today, papermaking ical newsprint machine the water removed in the
has become one of the major industries in the world. dryers is less than 1% of the original water, one can
The production of paper increased enormously, over easily realize the amount of water that must be re-
60 million tons per year in the United States alone. moved in the papermaking process.
The machine speeds also increased up to 10 to 15 m/s Although drying removes the least amount of
and even higher for tissue products, to keep pace with water in absolute terms, it still remains the most
the increased production rates. costly and energy-intensive step in the papermaking

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

process. Thus, improvement of the efficiency of water The drying cycle of paper is divided into three
removal before drying and improvement of the drying fairly distinct stages, as for most materials. The initial
system and its thermal efficiency without adversely warming-up stage is followed by the constant-rate
affecting the product quality are of great importance stage, which is followed by one or more falling-rate
to the pulp and paper industry. stages. This idealized concept is shown in Figure 35.2.
In this chapter, pulp drying and paper drying are The heat is supplied to the sheet to increase its
discussed under separate headings. temperature up to a certain value at which the
heat demand for evaporation and losses comes into
equilibrium with the heat supply. At this point,
35.2 DRYING OF PAPER constant-rate drying begins. During this period, water
evaporates from the paper surface and the diffusion of
35.2.1 DRYING PROCESS moisture from inside the sheet is rapid enough to keep
up with the vapor-removal rate from the surface.
Paper is hygroscopic. The transfer of moisture When the rate of diffusion cannot keep up with the
between the paper and the surrounding atmosphere rate of evaporation, the drying plane recedes into
takes place unless the sheet is in equilibrium with the the sheet and a falling-rate stage begins. In his drying
surroundings. However, the amount of water present studies on various paper and paperboard products,
in the paper at equilibrium conditions depends upon Montgomery [2] observed that the drying rate is fairly
whether it has been taken up or given off by the paper. constant up to 10 to 15% moisture content, after
This hysteresis phenomenon is known for many other which it decreases rapidly. The falling-rate period
hygroscopic substances. The sorption behavior of a can be divided into three phases. The behavior of
paper sample (Figure 35.1) shows that an equilibrium moisture movement in these phases is not yet well
moisture content reached by wetting and drying will be understood. It is generally accepted that the capillary
different at the same humidity. There is no satisfactory action and diffusion inside the fibers are responsible
theory to explain the hysteresis. Luikov [1] suggested for the first and second falling-rate periods in drying,
two explanations for this phenomenon. One is that the respectively. At the end of these two stages, the sheet
hygrothermal equilibrium sets in slowly, as a result of is almost ‘‘oven-dry.’’ The last stage is to break up
which the observed equilibrium is not a true equilib- the strong chemical bonds and to remove the final
rium. The other hypothesis suggests that evaporation
and condensation phenomena are irreversible. In dry-
ing (desorption), full wetting of the capillary walls
occurs. On the other hand, during wetting (sorption),
the capillary walls are gradually covered with a layer of
Moisture content, dry basis

liquefied vapor, but the meniscus is not formed until

the adsorption layer is sufficiently thick to close the
pore at the narrowest point.


Relative humidity

2 a b c d
60 1

40 b a
Drying rate

20 c

10 20 d
Equilibrium moisture
Moisture content, dry basis
FIGURE 35.1 Sorption behavior of paper sample (1, drying;
2, wetting). FIGURE 35.2 Typical drying curves.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

molecules of water, which is not important for paper-
TABLE 35.2
makers as the drying ends at the oven-dry stage for
Paper Industry Dryer Distribution by Application
almost all paper products.
(Pulp Dryers Excluded)

35.2.2 TYPES OF DRYERS Dryer Distribution (%)

The types of dryers used in the paper industry can be Tissue Paper Board Coating
classified by the basic means of transferring heat to the Cylinder 5 95 95 35
paper. For conventional steam-heated cylinders, the Impingement — 4 — 50
predominant mechanism of heat transfer is conduc- Yankee 84 — 3 —
tion; convection is for air dryers, such as impingement Infrared — 1 1 15
and through-dryers; radiation is used for infrared Through 11 — — —
dryers; and dielectric heating is used for microwave Condebelta — — 1 —
and radio frequency (RF) dryers. On the other hand, a
Condebelt is a trademark of Metso Paper Oy, Finland.
some of the dryers use more than one means of heat
Source: From Kuhasalo, A., Niskanen, J., Paltakari, J., and
transfer, for example, Yankee dryers are a combin-
Karlsson, M., in Papermaking, Part 2, Drying, M. Karlsson, Ed.,
ation of cylinder and impingement dryers. Fapet Oy, Helsinki, Finland, 2000.
An estimate of the distribution of dryer types used
in the paper industry is shown in Table 35.1. This
table shows that the conventional steam-heated cylin- sweat dryer, size press, spring roll, and dryer doctors,
der dryers are still dominant in the industry. The are not shown in the figure.
others have application to only one type of product, The number of dryers and the auxiliary equipment
as shown in Table 35.2. used in a dryer section depend on the particular grade
to be produced and the speed of the machine. Up to Cylinder Dryers 70 cylinders may be used in a Kraft dryer section;
50 to 55 would be adequate for a typical newsprint or
The multicylinder dryer section of a paper machine
fine paper dryer section. On the other hand, although
consists of a number (up to 70) of large, hollow, cast
the breaker stack and size press are necessary for
iron or steel cylinders over which the web passes. These
Kraft bag and the hot press, size press, and interca-
cylinders are used to alternately heat the two sides of
lender dryers for linerboard, none of these is used for
the sheet. The major mode of heat transfer is the
corrugating medium [4].
conduction through the steam-heated cylinder shells.
Typically, the dryer cylinders are made of cast iron
Part of the multicylinder drying section of a news-
and have diameters of 0.91 to 1.83 m (mostly 1.52 to
print machine is illustrated in Figure 35.3. The sheet is
1.83 m in modern machines). The length of the cylin-
tightly pressed against the cylinders by a dryer felt to
ders ranges up to 9.1 m for the largest paper machines.
enhance heat transfer. This figure also shows some of
The shell thickness varies with diameter but is gener-
the important elements of a dryer section such as felt
ally around 25.4 mm or more. The design and manu-
rolls, felt dryers, felt stretchers, and felt guides. The
facture of these cylinders have important effects on the
other auxiliary equipments, lead dryer, breaker stack,
quality of the finished product. The outer cylinder
surface must be highly finished and free of any imper-
TABLE 35.1 fections to avoid marking the paper; the wall thickness
Paper Industry Dryer Distribution must be uniform throughout the periphery to provide
uniform heat transfer. As the machine runs at very
Dryer Types Industry Share (%)a high speeds (up to 3000 fpm; 15 m/s), the head, journal
bearings, and other parts must also be carefully
Cylinder dryer 85–90
Impingement dryer 2–3
designed for smooth operation. Cast iron is a widely
Yankee dryer 4–5 accepted material for dryer cylinders because of its low
Infrared dryer 3–4 cost, corrosion-resistance, and ability to take a fine
Through-dryer 1–2 finish. However, its relatively low resistance to thermal
shock may cause some problems [4].
Pulp dryers excluded.

Source: From Kuhasalo, A., Niskanen, J., Paltakari, J., and Mechanism of Heat and Mass Transfer
Karlsson, M., in Papermaking, Part 2, Drying, M. Karlsson, Ed., Drying involves simultaneous heat and mass transfer.
Fapet Oy, Helsinki, Finland, 2000. In conventional machines using steam-heated cylin-
ders, the temperature of the paper entering the dryer

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.




FIGURE 35.3 A typical newsprint dryer section (A, dryers; B, felt dryers; C, felt rolls; D, paper; E, felt; F, felt guides; G, felt

section generally varies between 5 and 308C. The web Nissan et al. [7] also proposed a mechanism of
must be heated to a temperature at which significant moisture transfer from the sheet to the felt:
evaporation can take place, which is normally be-
tween 77 and 938C. The first two or three cylinders 1. Liquid transfer due to capillary suction
are generally used for this warming-up period, and 2. Liquid transfer due to the force exerted by
beyond these the temperature of the sheet is assumed expanding gases
to be the evaporation temperature [5]. 3. Evaporation from the sheet followed by con-
The drying process on felt-covered cylinders can densation in the relatively cooler felt
be divided into four phases, as illustrated in Fig-
ure 35.4 [6]. Nissan et al. described the mechanism However, the first hypothesis of Nissan et al. that
of water removal in those phases in a series of papers the dryer felt removed liquid water from paper by
published between 1954 and 1962. They summed up capillary suction was disproved by Kirk [8]. A more
their conclusions as follows [7]. There are three pri- detailed discussion on this subject can be found in the
mary mechanisms for water removal on a cylinder literature [9]. A more detailed summary of various
dryer: mathematical models proposed to describe multicy-
linder drying is given in a recent review [10].
1. Direct evaporation in phases 1, 3, and 4 The heat flux for steady-state conduction can be
2. Partition of water between the sheet and the written as
cylinder as the sheet leaves the cylinder
3. Extraction by the felt, as both vapor and liquid kA
q¼ DT (35:1)

The individual resistances to the heat transfer on a

steam-heated cylinder are shown in Figure 35.5. In
practice, the overall heat-transfer coefficient, which is
the combination of all conductive and convective
resistances in the system, is used for calculation of
the heat flux. The overall heat-transfer coefficient for
the system illustrated in Figure 35.5 is

1 1 1 X
Lf 1
3 ¼ þ (35:2)
ho Ao hs As i¼1 ki Al ha Aa
The overall transfer area Ao, which is the dryer sur-
FIGURE 35.4 Phases of felt-covered cylinder drying. face area, must be clearly defined, and all other areas

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

hs k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6 ha Nissan and Hansen [12] solved this equation numer-
ically for the conditions of hot-cylinder drying with
the following initial and boundary conditions. Initial

t ¼ f (x) for t ¼ 0 (35:5)

Boundary conditions, phases 1 and 3:

@T  hcs
  ¼ (Tcyl  Tx¼0 )
@x x¼0 k
@T  hsa l @w
 ¼ (T  T ) þ
@x x¼X
x¼X a
k k @t x¼X

Phase 2:
@T  hcs
  ¼ (Tcyl  Tx¼0 )
FIGURE 35.5 Resistances to heat transfer on a cylinder @x x¼0 k
dryer (A, steam; B, condensate; C, scale; D, dryer shell; E,   
@T  hsf l @w
dirt and air; F, paper; G, dryer felt or fabric; H, air bound-  ¼ (T  T ) þ
@x x¼X
x¼X f
ary layer).
k k @t x¼X

Phase 4:
should be adjusted to reflect the dryer diameter. Some   
suggested overall heat-transfer coefficients for various @T  hsf l @w
 ¼ (T  T ) þ
@x x¼0
a x¼0
grades of paper are shown in Table 35.3. k k @t x¼0
In actual practice, paper drying is a transient pro-   

@T  hsa l @w
cess. For more realistic results, the following transient  ¼ (T  T ) þ
@x x¼X
x¼X a
k k @t x¼X
heat-transfer equation must be used:
The calculated temperatures agreed well with their
@2T 1 @ 2 T 1 @T own experimental results for a three-layer muslin
þ 2 2 ¼ ¼0 (35:3)
@x u @t a @t sheet on an unfelted cylinder.
Water evaporates at the hot-cylinder interface,
which assumes very thin and isotropic material. Fur-
and the resulting vapor diffuses through the paper
ther, curvature is neglected, as is conduction through
at a rate modeled by Fick’s law:
the edges. For the fast speeds of commercial ma-
chines, the second term of Equation 35.3 is negligible;
so, with little error one may write [11] w ¼ D (35:6)
@T @2T At the air–paper interface, the mass-transfer equation
¼a 2 (35:4)
@t @x may be expressed in the following form for simplicity:

w ¼ bDc (35:7)
TABLE 35.3
Overall Heat-Transfer Coefficients for Various where b is a mass-transfer coefficient, which embodies
Grades of Paper both the flow conditions and the fluid properties, and
Dc is the concentration difference. The partial pres-
Grade of Paper ho (W/m2 K) sure of water vapor is the most commonly used con-
centration term in the paper industry; therefore, Dc
Felt paper 45–85
becomes the difference between the partial pressures
Corrugating medium 140–230
Linerboard 170–230
of water vapor at the interface and in the bulk air.
Kraft sack paper 230–255 There are two main factors that affect the rate of
Fine paper 255–285 mass transfer: (1) the sheet temperature, which deter-
Newsprint 285–315 mines the vapor pressure of the evaporating water at
the surface; and (2) the partial pressure of water

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

vapor in the air near the sheet, which is kept at a low to accumulate inside the cylinder, they cause trouble.
value by replacing the air, i.e., pocket ventilation. The accumulated noncondensable gases affect the
As there are so many different types of drying vapor pressure of water inside the cylinder, especially
media in use today to supplement cylinder dryers, near the condensing surface, which in turn affects the
TAPPI has outlined the following procedure to cal- condensation temperature at a given total pressure.
culate the drying rate. The calculation taken from the As a result, the drying capacity and uniformity are
TAPPI technical information sheet [13] is reduced. For example, a 5.58C drop in steam tem-
perature on dryer-limited linerboard grades will result
BM in an approximate 8% production loss [14]. In order
w ¼ (0:318)Sm (35:8)
DN to prevent this effect, special steam-supply arrange-
ments are suggested; but the common way to deal
In this method, the drying rate is expressed in kilo- with the problem is to simply bleed off sufficient
grams of water evaporated per second per square steam with the condensate so that the accumulation
meter of the drying surface, where drying surface is of noncondensable gases is prevented [15]. However,
the circumferential area of the dryer cans multiplied recent studies [14] have showed that this practice
by the sheet width at the reel. (bleeds) is very poor and unnecessary.
Another problem that must be considered when Steam Supply and Condensate Removal designing the steam-heated dryers is the removal of
All cylinder dryers are heated by the steam condensing the condensate. If the condensate is not removed from
inside the sheet because of its efficiency (heat-transfer the cylinders continuously, the heat-transfer rate
coefficient for film condensation of steam ranges from drops and the power load on the drive increases be-
5,700 to 17,000 W/m2 K (1000 to 3000 Btu/h ft2 8F). In cause of the buildup of a heavy load.
the early days of papermaking, steam pressures as low At slow machine speeds, the condensate forms a
as 14 to 21 kPa (2 to 3 psi) were used; after World War puddle in the dryer. As the speed increases, the cen-
II, the new machines for Kraft papers were made for trifugal and viscous forces cause the condensate to
586 kPa (85 psi). Today, after the introduction of climb the side of the cylinder; then the cascading from
fabricated steel dryers, mills use 827 to 1016 kPa (120 the top starts and a rim of condensate forms suddenly
to 150 psi), the Yankee machines have operated at at higher speeds, as illustrated in Figure 35.6. At
pressures up to 1206 kPa (175 psi) [5]. speeds higher than 5 m/s (1000 fpm), if the condensate
In general, the dryer steam can be produced by layer is thin, there is a definite centrifugal action and
central steam electric stations, heating plants, or any the condensate will form a rim around the inner
industrial steam systems. The rotating joints to intro- circumference. It is much better to maintain the
duce steam into the dryers and the condensate-removing
devices must be specially designed, however.
In a paper machine, the dryers are arranged in
groups that have a common steam-supply header.
Each group has to operate in such a condition that
neither the condensate nor the noncondensables accu-
mulate in the dryer. There are basically two approaches
to design the dryer steam and the condensate system.
One is the recirculation system in which most of the
blow-through is recirculated and the other is the cas- (a) (b)
cade system in which the blow-through steam from
higher-pressure sections is used in lower-pressure
sections. The recirculation system is more flexible
whereas the cascade system is simpler and cheaper [4].
Dryer steam should be free of superheat. Although
the condensate inside the dryer desuperheats the steam,
a separate desuperheater is used in some cases. The
effect of superheating above 1008C is controversial.
The incidence of noncondensable gases (usually (c) (d)
air or dissolved gases in feed water) in the steam
supply is one of the problems that must be considered FIGURE 35.6 Condensate behavior at different machine
when designing the steam system. In most cases, only speeds: (a) puddle; (b) climbing puddle; (c) cascading; (d)
trace quantities are involved; but if they are allowed rimming.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

rimming condition because of its relatively lower Air Systems
power requirement, more stable heat transfer, and The dryer air systems, namely, the dryer hoods and
steady machine speed [5]. ventilation systems, are designed to pick up and carry
Buckets (dippers) are used to remove the conden- the water vapor evaporated from the paper web.
sate in low-speed dryers. No pressure differential is These systems affect not only the uniformity and
required to lift the condensate above the dryer center- rate of drying and ultimately the quality of paper
line, where it flows through a pipe to the outside. but also the working conditions and the operating
Buckets can be used in dryers up to the rimming and capital costs.
speed [15]. Modern higher speed machines provide a To remove the large quantities of water vapor
pressure differential to remove the condensate. involved in paper drying and to keep the dew point
Syphons are used to pick up the condensate by ap- of the exhaust air below the wall temperature of
plying a pressure differential. These can remove the the hood, large volume of air is required. As the
condensate from both a puddle and a rim. A syphon handling and heating of air is expensive, there are a
is basically an open-ended pipe leading from the bot- variety of commercially available hood designs and
tom of the dryer through the steam supply, opening heat-recovery systems.
to a condensate line. A simplified diagram of a sy- There are basically two types of hoods: open and
phon is illustrated in Figure 35.7. The extracted con- closed vapor hoods. In the open type, only a roof panel
densate flow depends on the velocity of blow-through is placed on the top of the dryer bank. This panel can be
steam, the pressure differential, and the distance be- either insulated or uninsulated. Open hoods are only
tween the condensate and the syphon inlet. The flow suitable for limited production capacity paper ma-
of the extracted condensate can be calculated by using chines. Modern paper machines are usually built with
the simplified equation a fully closed vapor hood. The supply air can be heated
to elevated temperatures so that the dew point, and thus
Qe ¼ Qs R(PA  PB )1=2 (35:9) the vapor-intake capacity of air, increases. The air can
be heated to 1808C indirectly in the heat exchanger by
There are fixed and rotary syphons. Different types of saturated steam or directly to 4508C with gas or oil
tips have been designed to increase the efficiency of burners. Modern air hoods allow faster drying rates
fixed syphons. The vibration of the syphon, the length and a more uniform drying profile owing to the high
of the cantilever, and the position of syphon for opti- dew point and efficient means of pocket ventilation.
mum heat-transfer uniformity are the basic problems The most common dew point for these hoods is about
that must be considered when using fixed syphons. 55 to 608C. However, these high temperatures require
Rotary syphons may have one or more tips that additional insulation of the hood walls. A well-designed
move with the dryer shell. The basic problems here heat-recovery unit, however, permits an amortization in
are the need for a rotary seal at the junction of less than 2 y. Closed hoods operate on the principle of
the rotary pipe and the fixed condensate line and the two-stage recirculation. The function of a heat-recovery
extra force (centrifugal force) that must be overcome system with a closed hood is shown in Figure 35.8. The
inside the pipe. fresh air supplied to the machine room is exhausted
A more detailed discussion of steam-supply sys- through stage 1 of the heat-exchanger system, where it
tems, condensate behavior, and condensate removal is heated for the ventilation of the hood. If required, as
can be found in the literature [5,15]. during winter, the room-supply air can be preheated in
stage 2. A comparison between the heat requirements of
PB an open hood ventilated by convection and a totally
enclosed unit with heat-recovery system is shown in
Figure 35.9. With the open hood ventilated by convec-
tion (Figure 35.9a), the loss of heat in the exhaust air is
denoted as 100%. With the totally enclosed hood (Fig-
PA ure 35.9b), the heat requirements of the drying steam [1]
are substantially lower from the outset. The fluctuation
2 of figures for unused waste heat [3] is attributable to the
difference in the heat required for machine-room heat-
ing between winter and summer.
The space-bounded dryer cylinder, felt roll, and
FIGURE 35.7 A simplified diagram of a syphon (1, syphon; the sheet approaching and leaving the cylinder, as
2, condensate). illustrated in Figure 35.10, are called the pocket.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

improved by introducing hot, dry air evenly across
the width. Pocket ventilation systems can increase the
2 drying efficiency up to 20% depending upon the pre-
vious conditions [16].
There are different designs to achieve ventilation
9 11 in the pockets. Low-pressure crossblow pipes, ar-
8 ranged alternately on tender and drive sides, induce
12 crossflow of air through the pockets. Low-pressure
4 3 blow pipes, extending across the full width, have per-
forated nozzles that introduce hot air into the pockets
5 1 at low velocities. These pipes are commonly used in
low-speed machines. The Grewin system, which is a
high-pressure blowing unit, is positioned similarly to
7 blow pipes. The Grewin system uses a comparatively
small quantity of hot air. However, because of its
injection principle—alternately arranged nozzles—
this system provides effective crossventilation and is
6 applicable for heavier-basis weight products. Hot-air
blowing rolls are also used for pocket ventilation
purposes. Hot air is introduced into the pocket
through the perforated shell of the felt roll. This
FIGURE 35.8 Function of a heat-recovery unit with closed system requires sufficiently permeable felts and is the
vapor hood (1, vapor hood; 2, exhaust fan; 3, supply air heat most effective equipment for this application. How-
exchanger; 4, supply air booster heater; 5, fan for supply air; ever, these rolls are also the most expensive equip-
6, air distributor; 7, pocket ventilation; 8, room air heat
ment for ventilation.
exchanger; 9, room air booster heater; 10, temperature-
The application of very high–permeability dryer
control flaps; 11, room-supply air fan; 12, ceiling air dis-
tributor; 13, air outlet louvers; 14, warm-water unit; 15, fabrics in the paper industry made it possible to intro-
warm-water discharge). (Courtesy of J.M. Voith GmbH.) duce air through the fabrics. Therefore, the above-
mentioned blowing rolls and the hot air ducts below
The moist air trapped in these pockets retards the (or above) the felt rolls between the cylinders became
drying of the sheet in the draws and causes nonuni- very popular. These systems provide better crossflow
form moisture distribution across the width of the ventilation, which in turn results in more uniform and
sheet. However, conditions in the pockets can be higher mass-transfer rates.

5 C

3 A
D 4

2 8 2

1 1 H
(a) (b)

FIGURE 35.9 Heat-flow diagram of (a) an open hood ventilated by convection; (b) a unit with totally enclosed vapor hood.
(Courtesy of J.M. Voith GmbH.)

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Problems in Cylinder Dryers
At the beginning of the drying process, the fibers are
A free to slide over one another; but as moisture is
C removed they tend to come together, and at the end
B fiber–fiber bonding takes place. Then the sheet tends
D to shrink. The restraint owing to dryer felt and the
tension due to draw tend to prevent shrinkage. This
restraint results in a high tensile strength and very
little ability to stretch. Otherwise, the net effect of
those two forces is to reduce the bursting strength
and basis weight and to increase compactness [24].
A very good discussion of the control of shrinkage
has been presented by Nuttall [25].
FIGURE 35.10 Dryer section pocket (A, paper dryer; B, felt
roll; C, felt; D, paper).
The most common quality problem in papermak-
ing is the nonuniform cross-machine (CM) moisture
profiles. The traditional approach taken for wet
streaks is to overdry the sheet. However, a 1982
A more detailed discussion on air- and heat-
study [26] showed that overdrying from 6 to 4% reel
recovery systems can be found in the literature
moisture for a typical 800 t/d capacity linerboard
machine results in $189,000 additional steam cost Dryer Felts and Fabrics and 11,200 t production loss per year because of the
Dryer clothings are normally used for cylinder dryers reduction in machine speed. Uniform CM moisture
only. The term fabric represents the highly permeable profile is obtained by improving dryer pocket venti-
structure of synthetic materials, whereas by felt is lation systems and using supplemental drying, such as
understood a woven, comparatively low-permeability air impingement or radiant drying.
structure of both natural and synthetic fibers. Cockling of paper results mainly from imperfect
The basic function of dryer felts or fabrics is to sheet formation. The difference in felt tension may
improve the contact between the cylinder and the web also cause cockling and uneven drying. Uniformity of
by reducing the air gap between them. Other advan- moisture content and basis weight in CM direction
tages of using drying felts can be summarized as: (1) prevents cockling.
prevent cockling, (2) control shrinkage of the web, Another common dryer-related defect is curl,
and (3) support and guide the sheet [21]. The conven- which results mainly from the differences in stress–
tional dryer felts are very costly, however, and hinder strain characteristics through the thickness of the sheet.
mass transfer and pocket ventilation. On the other However, moisture distribution through the sheet and
hand, felt tension variations, wet streaks, felt seam, the drying process may also cause the sheet to curl.
and other problems also affect product quality. After Low sheet tension, excessive sheet flutter, loose
high-permeability synthetic fabrics were introduced draws, and misaligned, cold, or undersize (due to
to the industry, most of these drawbacks were over- wear resulting from dryer doctors) dryers caused
come. However, the use of high-permeability felts dryer wrinkles. Other than these problems there are
caused sheet-flutter problems on high-speed ma- various defects related to dryer section, such as blis-
chines. This problem is solved by repositioning the tering due to loose dryer felt or a hot or dirty cylinder;
lead rolls and by using less-permeable fabrics. The linting (accumulation of solid particles); and dryer felt
recent introduction of serpentine (or slalom) wire, marks, especially felt seam marks.
which is an endless fabric and eliminates the bottom
fabric, to the industry made it possible to run the Air Drying
newsprint machines at speeds higher than 20 m/s
without flutter in the sheet and with no change in In the early days of papermaking, the only means of
the drying capacity [22]. paper drying was natural convection—air—and this
The advantages of dryer fabrics can be summar- practice continued until the advent of cylinder dryers.
ized [23] as: (1) increased drying capacity, (2) uniform Today, the old loft, festoon, barber, and tunnel dryers
moisture profile, (3) improved runnability and easier are obsolete (or used in a few cases in which certain
cleaning, (4) increased running life, (5) no fiber shed- special low-production paper is made) because of
ding, and (6) elimination of felt dryers. their very low drying rates. However, it is very difficult

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

to operate conventional cylinder dryer sections at under various turbulent impinging jet configurations
speeds much higher than 1000 m/min. Therefore, an can be found in Obot et al. [28] and in the relevant
alternative method of drying must be found to keep parts of this handbook.
pace with increasing machine speeds. Currently, one Typical high-temperature, high-velocity air hoods
viable alternative dryer is an air dryer. By combining used in industry are shown in Figure 35.11. The air-
impingement and through-drying methods, a dryer flow pattern is also indicated. A variety of heat
can be built to provide, at acceptable cost, not only sources, e.g., indirect heating by steam or oil, natural
high-speed operation and high drying rates at all sheet gas, or direct firing, can be applied to those hoods
moisture contents but also safe sheet handling, im- depending upon the temperatures sought. The air
proved paper quality, flexibility, convenient process velocities for the modern high-velocity impingement
control and profiling, and comfortable working con- hoods range between 60 and 130 m/s. In practice, jet
ditions [27]. Of course, through-drying can be used for velocities around 100 m/s are commonly employed.
permeable grades only. Air temperatures for those hoods range from 150 to
5408C, but 3008C seems to be the most commonly Impingement Drying used value.
Early types of air dryers were all designed to operate A schematic showing the drying capacities attain-
at low air velocities and relatively low air temperat- able at different temperatures and jet velocities is
ures. The drying rates were quite low for those dryers. shown in Figure 35.12. The graphs denoting the spe-
The application of high-temperature, high-velocity air cific energy requirements (referred to the effective
jets impinging on the wet web results in very high dryer area) show that the energy demand rises rapidly
drying rates. The average heat and mass transfer with increasing air velocity and decreasing tempera-
under single or multiple jets can be represented func- ture. The diagram applies to an initial web dryness of
tionally by 35%; when the web is simultaneously dried by contact
drying, the specific drying capacity of the contact
Nu(Sh) ¼ C1 Rem Prn (Scn )H r Dsp (Xps ) (35:10) dryer must be added. An example for a desired spe-
cific drying capacity of 89 kg H2O/m2 h at 4208C air
temperature is shown in this figure. The diagram gives
for single jets and by
approximately 90 m/s air velocity and 6.5 kW/m2 as
the specific power requirement.
Nu(Sh) ¼ C2 Rea Prb (Scb )H c f d (35:11) The heat-transfer coefficient as a function of jet
velocity, the pressure drop at the nozzle, and the
for jet arrays. An extensive summary of the correl- power requirement are the key parameters in the
ations proposed for the prediction of transfer rates design of impingement dryers. These parameters are


(a) (b)

FIGURE 35.11 High-capacity hot air dryer hoods: (a) MG hood; (b) tissue hood (A, fresh air; B, heater; C, to heat recovery).

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Impingement air drying has found only limited
application, either to increase the capacity or to


450 control the moisture profile, in conventional cylin-

der drying systems. In such applications, the par-
4 12
0° ticular dryer cylinder is left unfelted. However,
C 80
6 impingement dryers are widely accepted in two
important fields, drying of coatings and drying of

8 tissue and machine-glazed papers in conjunction

kgH2O/m2 h
60 with Yankee and MG cylinders.
A typical multizone impingement dryer for coat-
12 C ings is shown in Figure 35.13. In this particular dryer,

30 40 supporting air decks are used to convey coated paper
14 25 webs, which are dried by high-velocity impingement
hoods. Different arrangements can be used for on- or
170 20 off-machine drying of coatings. In some cases, a ra-
diant dryer, with an infrared radiation (IR) zone, is
located to accomplish the initial drying, and a couple
of impingement units, usually two to three zones with
10 30 50 70 90 110 different air velocities, follow to carry out the drying
m/s process. The impingement systems offer not only con-
siderable improvement in drying rate but also undis-
FIGURE 35.12 The drying capacities and specific energy turbed drying for coatings.
requirements of high-velocity hoods. (Courtesy of J.M.
Voith GmbH.) Yankee and MG Drying
Yankee and MG dryers are large, 3 to 6.1 m (10 to
influenced by various geometric parameters (e.g., ar- 20 ft) in diameter, steam-heated cylinders that are used
rangements of nozzles and exhaust ports, fractional on tissue and toweling grades and on machine-glazed
open areas, nozzle shape and dimensions, nozzle- papers, respectively. The surface of a Yankee or MG
surface spacing, and others). For the calculation of cylinder has to be very smooth in order to have a
the heat-transfer coefficients under various turbulent shiny finish on MG papers and a uniform crepe for
impinging jet configurations, the reader may refer to tissue products. The application of high-velocity, high-
available reviews [28,29]. In a recent review of im- temperature air impingement on conventional Yankee
pingement drying, Polat has given a procedure for cylinders doubles their drying capacity. Therefore, it is
optimum design of such hoods [30]. There is also a a common practice to use air impingement on Yankee
simple and useful procedure for the design of convect- dryers for modern tissue machines.
ive dryers (impingement, through-, and floater dryers) Typical tissue and MG paper machines with high-
for best efficiency and productivity [31]. velocity impingement hoods are shown in Figure 35.14.

Impingement dryer

Supply fan for supporting deck

Supporting deck
of floater boxes

FIGURE 35.13 A multizone impingement dryer for coated board. (Courtesy of Flakt Ind. AB.)

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.



FIGURE 35.14 (a) Tissue machine with a creping dryer; (b) Yankee dryer in machine for MG papers. (Courtesy of J.M.
Voith GmbH.) Through-Drying in through-drying; and (5) better, increased product-

Through-drying is a process of drying permeable webs ivity coupled with high thermal performance of
by the percolation of hot air through its mass. As the through-dryers [32].
heat- and mass-transfer areas are increased owing to Although through-drying has become a very ef-
the intimate contact of flowing air with the fiber sur- fective method of drying permeable grades in recent
face, much higher drying rates than those achieved by years, there is no generally applicable approach for
conventional methods can be obtained for sufficiently the prediction of the heat- and mass-transfer rates. It
permeable products (including nonwovens). is known that there is a minimum pressure difference
The use of the through-drying technique for por- (threshold pressure, which can be related to the sur-
ous grades (e.g., tissue, toweling, filter, blotting, and face tension forces) below which no flow occurs [33].
nonwovens) has increased owing to (1) the produc- Once this pressure is reached, the through-drying
tion of soft, high-bulk products; (2) the extremely process commences. Some authors suggest that the
high forming speeds achieved by today’s twin-wire air exiting the sheet is at the saturation temperature,
formers, outstripping the capacity of the largest Yan- which is valid for sufficiently thick sheets or at low
kee dryers; (3) manufacturing advantages of single- through-airflow rates [27,34,35]. Otherwise, it over-
ply products; (4) little or no press dewatering needed predicts the actual drying rates. Recent works on the
transport phenomena analysis [36], on modeling [37],

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

and reviews [38] of both science and technology of and widths up to 7.6 m (25 ft) operate at speeds up to
through-drying of paper have brought more under- 30 m/s and at air temperatures 370 to 4308C (700 to
standing of this relatively new technique, but the pre- 8008F) with high air-recirculation ratios (e.g., 80%).
sent knowledge of the basic transport processes is still Recently published experimental data [42,43]
far from complete. and calculations [44] suggest that strategically placed
As it is still a relatively new technology, there is no through-dryers may even be used for higher basis
well-established through-drying system design pro- weight, lower air permeability grades to improve dry-
cedure. The existing applications can be classified ing rates. This process basically consists of a cylinder
into two basic configurations: rotary through-dryers dryer section followed by a through-dryer. Use of
and flat-bed dryers. The rotary type has an open through-air drying at lower sheet moistures not only
(perforated) roll to allow the passage of air and a improves the drying rates but also reduces the fan
hood arrangement to provide the pressure differential power requirement due to increased sheet permeability.
required. Two methods of forcing air through the web
have been used for cylinder-type through-dryers. The Airborne Drying
first method is to use a pressurized roll and apply the Use of air floater dryers is recommended especially
hot air through the roll and the web and out to a for the drying of paper products for which unre-
chamber. In the second case, the roll is under vacuum strained drying is desired.
and the hot drying air is supplied from a pressure In air floater dryers, the web floats freely while
hood that covers the drum. The air is then pulled drying by the introduction of a contact-free guide
through the web and roll by vacuum. There is no plane. In practice, the guide plane is designed as a
need to use dryer felt for the second method, as the blowing deck, where air is supplied through blow
sheet is held tightly by vacuum. However, for the boxes with specially designed perforations. Various
pressurized-roll case a very open fabric is necessary dryer designs are shown in Figure 35.15. The one-
to hold the sheet onto the cylinder. sided dryer design is particularly useful for paper
In flatbed design, there are a fabric support and and board coated on one side. The blow boxes for
conveying structure and top and bottom air cham- perpendicular impingement are positioned facing
bers. The supply air can be applied through either the coated side and for slanting impingement to the
chamber depending upon the design and process con- untreated side. The uncoated side of the web can be
ditions. This flatbed arrangement is particularly sui- treated with either warm or cold air, depending upon
ted to highly permeable products in which the the process conditions. In the two-sided dryer, hori-
pressure differential requirements are relatively low zontal and vertical air impingement alternate on both
and do not create significant mechanical problems sides of the web. This design affords a higher drying
between the support members [39]. capacity and is suitable for booster drying of different
Through-drying is used in tissue drying because of kinds of paper and board, including drying of sack
its very high permeability, and very high drying rates Kraft paper, liner, and board. The printing dryer is a
(which exceed those on Yankee cylinders with high- special version of the one-sided dryer. The lower blow
velocity hoods) are achieved even at fairly low temper- boxes use cold air; the upper ones use hot air. The
atures. It is not recommended for newsprint, especially noncontact dryer uses both vertical and angular air
at the wet end, where the permeability is relatively low impingement in the same blow boxes and is suitable
[27]. However, a recent application of a high-vacuum for drying two-sided coated webs, impregnated web
through-drying unit in a roofing-felt (which has low materials, and so on.
permeability) mill is claimed to have resulted in a 40% The drying decks are stacked on top of each other,
production increase plus a 20% reduction in energy and the web is guided through the dryer in a multiple-
use per ton when compared with the previously used pass fashion as shown in Figure 35.16. Each turning
natural-gas-fired steam cylinders [40]. roll is driven individually, and the speed is controlled
The high through-airflow rates for permeable to conform to the machine-direction shrinkage of
sheets make possible high drying rates, at the same the web.
time virtually eliminating ‘‘one-sidedness’’ and CM The internal ducting of a floater dryer is shown in
variations in the product. The thermal efficiencies of Figure 35.17. The drying air is fed through horizontal
through-dryers were increased up to 80% with the use ducts to the flow boxes and blown onto the sheet
of several drying stages and air recycling or cascade through the perforations in the boxes, then dis-
systems. Another potential advantage is the possibil- charged through slots between the blow boxes. The
ity of operating through-dryers at low temperatures air is recirculated inside the dryer by a series of fans
by using low-grade waste energy [41]. Honeycomb along both sides of the dryer; only a small portion of
vacuum cylinders of diameters up to 6.71 m (22 ft) the recycled air is withdrawn and replaced by fresh

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

H ~2mm


One-sided dryer

Two-sided dryer

Printing dryer

Noncontact dryer


FIGURE 35.15 Air floater dryers: (a) blow-box arrangement; (b) various blow-box designs. (Courtesy of Flakt Ind. AB.)

air. The air velocity range normally used is 25 to 50 A typical application of a floater dryer on a sack
m/s. The air can be heated either by direct firing or by paper unit is shown in Figure 35.19. As natural
steam coils. shrinkage occurs principally between 50 and 85%
The application of floater dryers allows the sheet dryness, the floater dryer is positioned between the
to be dried virtually tension-free in the CM direction predryer and the after-dryer in order to produce high-
with only slight tension in the machine direction. It is stretch paper. The after-dryer is used to remove the
well known that drying under zero or moderate ten- cockles and to give a smooth surface to the paper. If
sion in the shrinkage range gives higher stretch and desired, a smoother surface can be obtained by calen-
tensile energy absorption (see Figure 35.18) to the dering the paper.
product whereas the modulus of elasticity and stiff- Air floater (or airfoil) dryers have become well
ness decreases. established for drying coated papers and sack paper,

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Flakt FC drying decks Principles of Radiant Heating
The transfer of heat by radiation is expressed by

qr ¼ sA1 F12 (T14  T24 ) (35:12)

F1–2 in this equation is called the overall interchange

factor and is a function of both the geometric param-
eters, such as view factors, and the emissivities of the
Turning rolls Blow boxes radiating and receiving surfaces. As the temperature
driving force is the difference between the fourth
FIGURE 35.16 Stacked drying decks. (Courtesy of Flakt power of the absolute temperatures of the radiating
Ind. AB.) and receiving surfaces, very high heat-transfer rates
can be obtained by radiant dryers, given higher emis-
sivities and optimal design of the system for better
for example, and operating at speeds greater than 10 view factors.
m/s (2000 fpm). The frequency and wavelength bands of com-
The advantages claimed, other than those already mercially available radiant dryers are shown in
mentioned, are high drying rates, uniformity of Table 35.4. This table gives broad ranges for the
moisture profile across width, and favorable energy dryers; but in practice almost all IR dryers are in
efficiency [45]. near-infrared range (1 to 10 mm), and the specific
frequencies for RF and microwave dryers are allo- Radiant Drying cated by international agreement, such as 13.56,
27.12, and 40.68 MHz for RF and 433.92, 896, 915,
Radiant drying has not been used in the papermaking and 2450 MHz in the microwave region.
industry very extensively. Relatively recent applica-
tions of infrared dryers have been limited to special Infrared Dryers
applications, such as drying of coatings, in which Infrared dryers consist simply of a bank of infrared
contact-free drying is a valuable asset. However, the heaters combined side by side or end to end. These
applications of high-frequency dielectric heating, i.e., heaters are arranged to provide high-density heating
RF and microwave dryers, are still at the preliminary of the sheet by the geometry of the oven and the
stage. The main drawback of radiant dryers is their optically designed reflectors. There are basically two
relatively high operating costs. types of infrared heaters: electric infrared and gas

FIGURE 35.17 Internal ducting of a floater dryer. (Courtesy of Flakt Ind. AB.)

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

TABLE 35.4
Frequency and Wavelength Ranges of
Radioactive Dryers

t drie

Dryer Type Wavelength Frequency

Range Range (MHz)

= Higher TEA

(tensile energy Overall Typicala Overall Typicala

Infrared 1–1000 mm 1–10 mm 107
Microwave 1–100 cm 10–70 cm 400–5000 900–2450
Radio frequency 1–100 m 7–22 m 1–100 10–40
Commonly used ranges in dryer designs.
% Stretch

FIGURE 35.18 Stretch of paper depending on drying con-

ditions. (Courtesy of Flakt Ind. AB.) important. The various types of oven design are
shown in Figure 35.22.
Gas infrared burners for industrial processing are
infrared. The electrical infrared heater is primarily a usually in two general styles: surface (Schwank)
metal filament in a sealed enclosure. The spectral burners and impingement burners. A surface burner
energy distribution of various infrared heat sources (Figure 35.23) is a gas generator consisting of a per-
is shown in Figure 35.20. In addition to high radiant forated special ceramic tile, set in a rugged cast iron
efficiency, the higher source temperature generates or ceramic housing, with a special alloy screen grid
shorter wavelength radiation. The shorter wave- that protects the tile and also serves as a reradiator
lengths are more penetrating and more sensitive to and air deflector. These burners have an operating
color differential absorption. There will be a greater temperature range from 760 to 8908C (1400 to
difference between black-and-white products in a 16508F) when the proper mixture and volume of gas
high temperature–source oven. However, the greater and air are supplied. The fuel mixture is ignited on the
radiant efficiency in the high-temperature ovens com- surface of the ceramic tile. Higher temperatures
pensates for this drawback, as shown in Figure 35.21. (~15508C) can be achieved by using refractory IR
The characteristics of commercially used electric in- burners.
frared heat sources are summarized in Table 35.5,
which shows that in some applications convection
is a very important factor for heat transfer. There-
fore, the overall oven design that allows better circu-
lation of air, of which the primary function is to
carry out the evaporated moisture, becomes very
Relative energy

Flakt dryer A
Predryer After-dryer 60

40 B
100 % Possible free shrinkage 20
1 3 5 7 9
~80% Wavelength (μm)

0 FIGURE 35.20 Spectral energy distribution of infrared heat

50 60 70 80 90 100 sources (A, quartz lamp coiled tungsten, 22008C; B, quartz
% Dryness tube coiled nickel chrome alloy, 19808C; C, metal sheath
heater surface, 7608C; D, Schwank gas infrared burner,
FIGURE 35.19 The position of a floater dryer in a sack 9008C; E, electric panel heater, 4308C). (Courtesy of Fostoria
paper dryer unit. (Courtesy of Flakt Ind. AB.) Ind. Inc.)

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

100 in recent years, and the new or novel concepts not
used extensively in the papermaking industry yet, will
60 A be summarized. Some of these methods are still at a
% Watts and color temperature (⬚F)

laboratory stage but show the potential for a real

40 B
breakthrough in the paper-drying technology.

20 Innovations in Conventional Drying

10 of Paper
C Cylinder-end insulation: The heat loss from a single
6 D cylinder (1.5 m in diameter) over a period of a year is
E found to be equivalent to 86 t of steam. Further cal-
F culation shows that 90% of the heat loss can be saved
by the application of an insulator with an overall
heat-transfer coefficient of 0.7 W/m2 K to the cylinder
G ends. However, a practical insulator should be fire,
10 20 40 60 80 100 oil, water, and chemical resistant, with the character-
% Voltage istics such as easy to install, cost-effective, have a long
life, and should also provide access to manholes in
FIGURE 35.21 Voltage characteristics of infrared sources order to solve this problem.
(A, tungsten color temperature; B, nickel chrome color tem-
perature; C, 22008C tungsten wattage; D, quartz tungsten Ribbed Dryers, Spoiler Bars
radiation output; E, G-30 glass tungsten radiation output;
Augmentation of heat transfer through the conden-
F, nickel chromium wattage; G, nickel chromium radiation
sate layer becomes more important with increasing
output). (Courtesy of Fostoria Ind. Inc.)
machine speed. In order to obtain higher heat transfer
between the condensing steam and the wet web, the
thickness of the condensate layer should be reduced
by more efficient condensate-removal techniques or
A newly developed, ceramic, fiber matrix, gas- by the use of fins so that heat can be conducted
fired infrared generator [46] is claimed to have a around the condensate. This has led to such concepts
high gas-infrared conversion efficiency (50 to 70%) as ribbed dryers, spoiler bars, and grooved dryers.
and high power density (30 to 100 kW/m2 depending The ribbed dryer has a series of ribs or fins
on temperature); it can be turned off from 8508C to machined on the inside cylinder wall. The condensate
touch in seconds; it can be rapidly modulated to meet forms in grooves and is removed by a series of small
heat load or machine speed variation; and it has no syphon pipes. The application of this type of dryer is
naked flame. The ceramic fiber pad of this generator limited (only on Yankee cylinders) due to the com-
is robust, and the supporting chamber and frame are plexity of the condensate-removal system.
air cooled. There is an oscillatory motion in the rimming
The advantages of IR dryers can be summarized condensate layer and, if some restrictions (e.g., bars)
as: (1) low capital cost, (2) compactness, (3) contact- are spaced at the resonant frequency of the conden-
free drying, (4) instantaneous startup and shutdown sate, a higher intensity of turbulence can be achieved.
of electric infrared, and (5) better product quality This is the idea behind the dryers with spoiler bars.
because of the possibility for zoning the electric heat- There are two ways to attach the bars inside the
ers across the width of the web and modulating the cylinder: (1) magnetic bars that utilize 460- to 920-
heat in each zone separately. However, application of mm bar magnets laid end to end and (2) spring-
the IR dryers is still limited to the drying of coatings, loaded hoop rings that use circumferential rings at-
primarily owing to the relatively high operating costs, tached to the longitudinal bars.
i.e., the cost of electrical energy or gas. There are also It has been reported [47] that the overall heat-
safety problems related to IR dryers, especially with transfer coefficient can be increased up to 40 to 50%
gas burners, because of the very high operating tem- by ribbed dryers or spoiler bars at machine speeds of
peratures. 1400 m/min, as compared with plain shell dryers. Recent Developments in Paper Drying Profilers

Profiling steam boxes and infrared and magnetic pro-
In this section, the more significant developments filers are some of the devices utilized in paper ma-
made to increase the efficiency of multicylinder dryers chines.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

TABLE 35.5
Characteristics of Commercially Used Infrared Heat Sources

Characteristics Tungsten Nickel Chrome Alloy Low-Temperature

Filament Wire Spiral Winding Panel Heater, Buried
Nickel Chrome Alloy, Metallic Salt
Glass Bulb T3 Quartz Lamp Quartz Tube Metal Sheath

Source temperature (8C)

Normal maximum 2200 2200 870 650 315–430
Usual range 1650–2200 1650–2200 760–980 540–760 205–590
Brightness Bright white heat Cherry red Dull red Nonvisible light
Usual size G-30 lamp 3/8-in. diameter tube 3/8- or 5/8-in. Various flat panels
diameter tube
Wavelength at energy
peak (mm)
Normal maximum 1.15 1.15 2.6 3.1 ~4–5
Usual range 1.15–1.5 1.15–1.5 2.6–2.8 2.8–3.6 3.2–6
Relative energy
distribution (%)
Normal maximum
Radiation 80 86 55 50a 40–30a
Convection and
conduction 20 14 45 50a 60–70a
Usual range
Radiation 65–80 72–86 55–45 53–45a 50–20a
Convection and
conduction 35–20 28–14 45–55 47–55a 50–80a
Degree of heat Depth of penetration varies with the characteristics of the product; as a general rule, energy of shorter wavelengths penetrates deeper than energy of longer wavelengths
Relative response
to heating up Seconds Seconds Minutes Minutes Scores of minutes
Cool down Seconds Seconds Seconds Minutes Scores of minutes
Color sensitivity Bodies of different colors can be heated at more nearly the same rate by IR with long wavelengths than they can be short-wavelength IR
Mechanical shock Poor Good Good Excellent Varies with panel
Thermal shock Poor Excellent Excellent Excellent Design could be quite good
Relative energy distribution will vary with the amount of convective cooling, which can vary with the position of heater and volume of air moving by, among other factors.

Source: Courtesy of Fostoria Ind. Inc.

ture profile. The eddy current heating produced can
be 100 times higher than the input power to the
inductor in the 150-mm width band. Commercial
tests show that these profilers control the moisture
within þ0.3% and increase the machine speed up to 5
to 10% [48].
(a) Papridryer
The Papridryer consists of two principle components:
a high-velocity hood and a vacuum cylinder. High
velocity (60 to 100 m/s), hot (250 to 4508C) air jets
impinge against the web supported on the vacuum
roll, resulting in higher drying rates at the surface of
(b) the web. The vapor formed within the sheet is re-
moved by suction. The application of suction pro-
vides not only through-drying but also enhanced
impingement heat-transfer rates. Laboratory [49]
and mill [50] trials of the Papridryer show very high
drying rates (almost 10 times the average rate of
modern conventional dryer section for newsprint)
without significant change in quality. The preliminary
design calculations showed that only six Papridryers,
FIGURE 35.22 Infrared designs: (a) oven with pressurized each having 1.5- to 2-m suction roll, could provide all
sections to introduce heated air; (b) oven with pressurized sec- the necessary drying for a 15-m/s newsprint machine
tions for cooling and ventilation; (c) different design of an with a dryer train consisting of about 60 steam-heated
oven with pressurized sections for cooling and ventilation.
cylinders. A better CM moisture profile can be ob-
(Courtesy of Fostoria Ind. Inc.)
tained by varying the jet velocities. Fast response to
control action and better energy efficiency are among
Profiling steam boxes, which selectively heat the the other advantages of the Papridryer. Recent ex-
web, are placed just prior to the pressure-roll nip. The perimental studies published on the effect of surface
increased temperature of the web improves water motion on slot jet impingement heat transfer [51] and
removal, thus providing a means for moisture profile the effect of high-temperature difference (up to
control. However, the width of profile control is typ- 3008C) on impingement heat transfer [52] will make
ically 310 to 460 mm and the range of the moisture it possible to improve the Papridryer design.
control is limited between 2 and 3% [48]. The need for higher drying rates and controlled
The infrared profiler uses segmented infrared paper properties has revived the Papridryer, i.e., com-
heaters that are individually controlled in 150-mm bined impingement and through-air drying, idea in
zones in the CM direction. the last decade. Recent experimental studies [53,54]
The magnetic profiler uses independently exited reaffirmed the drying benefits, but still there is no
electromagnets installed across the width of a dryer commercial application.
cylinder. As the cylinder, which is a conductor, passes
through the magnetic flux lines, eddy currents (which High-Intensity Impingement Drying
produce heat) are induced in the shell. This heat High-intensity drying is a concept using high-velocity
provides very precise and discrete control of the mois- impingement drying in combination with cylinder
drying. It is similar to Yankee dryers on tissue ma-
chines, i.e., impingement hoods on a steam-heated
A cylinder. Very smooth paper surface is achieved due
to the contact with the drying cylinder. Two dryers
B can be used for printing papers to ensure that both
C sides are treated in the same way [55].
D The impingement-drying concept developed by
Valmet comprises a combination of conventional cy-
FIGURE 35.23 Surface-type gas infrared burner (A, premix linder dryers and high-intensity drying units. Each
gas and air; B, chamber; C, perforated ceramic tile; D, high-intensity drying unit has a large diameter roll
special alloy screen grid). (Courtesy of Fostoria Ind. Inc.) and two retractable air-impingement hoods. Three

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

of such units can be installed in a dryer section for the variations of wet pressing or a combination of
printing- and writing-paper grades. It is claimed that pressing and drying. Press, impulse, and Condebelt
the specific energy consumption per ton of paper is drying techniques have made significant progress in
almost exactly the same as the corresponding conven- recent years. Each of these processes uses mechanical,
tional dryer case [56,57]. It is expected that this type thermal, and interactive effects in a unique way; be-
of dryer will play a significant role in developing cause of that they are sometimes called thermomecha-
compact, high-speed machines of the future [57,58]. nical web consolidation processes [61]. All these
techniques claim very high dewatering or drying Radio Frequency and Microwave Drying rates that are applicable even to sheets made from
Another alternative in maintaining higher drying rates high-yield pulps and offer opportunity for greater
is the application of high-frequency dielectric heating, energy efficiency. Detailed, comparative reviews can
covering both RF and microwave ranges. As shown in be found elsewhere [61–64].
Table 35.4, microwaves have higher frequencies and
shorter wavelengths whereas the RF radiations have
lower frequencies and longer wavelengths. Press Drying
An industrial microwave heating system consists The FPL (Forest Product Laboratory, U.S. Depart-
of a dc power supply, a microwave generator (mag- ment of Agriculture) press-drying process combines
netrons are available in 915- and 2450-MHz bands mechanical and thermal means of water removal for
and klystrons at the higher-frequency bands) and an drying stiff pulp fibers (e.g., for linerboard production
applicator. A microwave heater has only one elec- under compressive force that improves interfiber
trode. On the other hand, an RF device requires two bonding). Press drying utilizes less energy because
electrodes. The power can only be drawn from an RF the sheet has lower moisture entering the drying sec-
generator when there is material present in the appli- tion. Wet web is sandwiched between two felts and
cator; therefore, the material is an essential electrical pressed between two hot surfaces.
component of the circuit and affects the electrical Laboratory tests have shown that it is possible to
characteristics [59]. achieve average drying rates about 10-fold at 1778C
In the early designs of the RF dryers, flat-plate and 20-fold at 2888C compared with conventional
electrodes are used and the product is placed between drying of linerboard [65]. The estimated dryer size
these electrodes. More recent designs use rod elec- needed for paper-machine speeds ranging from 0.25
trodes either in a staggered through-field arrangement to 10 m/s (50 to 2000 fpm) based on the tests per-
in which the sheet is between the electrodes or in a formed at FPL can be found in the literature [66].
stray-field arrangement in which the electrodes are on The techniques developed for press drying and the
the same side of the sheet. These configurations have effects of press drying, particularly changes in drying
been applied successfully to paper drying. variables such as initial moisture content, tempera-
As the heat is absorbed only by water and as the ture, pressure, and time, on sheet properties have
power-conversion efficiency is low, this mechanism is recently been summarized by Mitchell [67].
suitable only for profile correction and for the drying Back and Anderson [68] have found that at a
of laminated sheets. surface temperature of 1508C, both the tensile index
A recently proposed system combines RF heating and the modulus of elasticity remain at high levels in
with hot-air impingement. RF energy is applied to the the range of 39 to 70% initial solids content, but
sheet through the air-impingement nozzles. Initial tests decreases sharply at higher solids content. They used
have shown that the same drying rate can be achieved press-dried paper made from 60%-yield softwood
up to one tenth of the time as that of the conventional Kraft pulp.
dryer, for some products, by using only 10 to 20% of the Both the studies of Back and Anderson [68] on the
energy required in the form of RF energy. strength properties of press-dried sheets at the surface
Jones [60] states that as the machine width in- temperature of 150 to 3008C and Yang et al. [69] on
creases to become a significant proportion of a quar- the effect of density on modulus of elasticity of 1078C,
ter of a wavelength (i.e., 5 m at 13 to 56 Hz), the field 1498C, and 2328C showed no appreciable effect of
uniformity becomes increasingly difficult to achieve. change in temperature. Setterholm and Benson [70]
As paper machines are typically wider, an account showed that increased pressure increases the consoli-
must be taken of standing waves. dation of the sheet, which is accompanied by in-
creased strength properties such as breaking length Innovative Press-Drying Techniques and elastic modulus.
In the last 20 y, the main research effort in paper Some of the reported advantages of the press
drying has been concentrated on what we may call dryers are listed below [71]:

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

. Effective utilization of high-yield fibers process. Therefore, by using this mechanism, vacuum
. Better use of hardwood fibers is maintained in the dryer. The static laboratory tests
. Improvement in the characteristics of paper resulted in very high drying rates, exceeding 145 kg/
products made from refiner and thermomecha- m2 h at a metal temperature of 1708C. Convac-dried
nical pulps paper and board products show higher stiffness and
. Improvements in paper-containing waste paper tensile strength, and the web surface in contact with
that leads to a promising future for paper recyc- the hot metal becomes smooth.
ling In the pilot-scale application of this process, the
. Reduction in the amount of refining required to paper web is supported by a fine metal wire and a
obtain the given web characteristics thick plastic wire and is fed between two metal bands
. Improved dimensional stability and smooth- (Condebelt process). The top or bottom band is
surface production heated by steam and the other band is cooled by
. Increase in the output of dryer-capacity-limited water. Two proposed Condebelt arrangements are
machines shown in Figure 35.25. Pilot-scale testing of this
process at Valmet–Tampella Research Center gave
Press drying offers a very promising method for promising results [73,74]. Drying rates close to
paper and paperboard drying. However, the method 500 kg/m2 h are reported for low-grade paper in
is still in the development stage and many problems these tests [73]. The advantages are claimed to be
(i.e., the venting of water vapor and the need of much higher drying rates, improvement in sheet
extended nip residence time) remain to be solved. properties (e.g., smoothness, enhanced strength pro-
Pilot-scale testing, at PAPRICAN, PIRA, and so perties, and no shrinkage), and the possibility of
on, of this process is still underway. reduced space requirements.
There are two commercial installations of Conde- Condebelt (or Convac) Dryer belt dryers on board machines. According to recent
The Convac process is an entirely novel concept in reports [75,76], the minor operational issues have
paper drying. In this process, the wet sheet is pressed been resolved with modified design and expected im-
on a steam-heated metal surface with a permeable felt provements in product properties are realized.
or mat and an impermeable metal sheet that is water-
cooled [72] (Figure 35.24). Before drying starts, air is Impulse (High-Intensity) Drying
removed from the web and felt by vacuum. Once High-intensity contact drying denotes the drying
drying begins, water vapor evaporates from the web, under sufficiently intensive heating conditions such
passes through the felt and condenses on the cold that, following a brief warm-up period, the moist
metal sheet, and this continues throughout the drying paper web operates at internal temperatures in excess

Steam, T = 120 to 1808C (248 to 3568F)

P = 2 to 10 bar (abs) (2 to 10 ata)

Steam chest
No air in the void spaces
between the two steel platens

Seal Steel platen

Fine-mesh plastic wire
Edge seal Coarse plastic wire
Steel platen

Cooling-water chest

T = 20 to 908C (68 to 1948F)

Cooling water, P = heating steam pressure

FIGURE 35.24 Basic scheme of a Condebelt device. (Courtesy of Valmet–Tampella.)

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Possible subzone partitions
Steel band
Air-removal unit

Wet web in Steam Dry web out

Steel band
Sliding seals

Coarse wire

Fine wire

Steam or hot gas

Hot steel band preheater
Hot gas

Air-removal unit Steel band

Booster heater
Wet web in Dry web out

Steam Optional steel band precooler Water or air

Steel band

In Band supports
Out Suction
Suction Cooling water
Coarse wire

(b) Fine wire

FIGURE 35.25 Condebelt dryer arrangements: (a) high z-pressure arrangement; (b) low z-pressure arrangement with pre-
and booster-heated steel band. (Courtesy of Valmet–Tampella.)

of the ambient boiling point [77]. Dryer surface tem- The main problems associated with this technique
perature might be elevated to 2008C or higher and are delamination of the sheet, brightness and opacity
sheet contact pressure in the range of 7 to 35 kPa or losses, sidedness, and sticking of the sheet to the
higher. These can be compared with the typical dryer surfaces. There is a great investment in experimental
surface temperatures, which range from 125 to 1758C and theoretical development work in order to gain a
and contact pressures that are less than 2 kPa. Drying better understanding of the mechanisms involved in
rates may be 10 to 20 times those obtained in conven- this highly promising process. Various theoretical
tional drying [77]. views and debate published in the last 5 y show that
Poirier and Sparkes [78] have successfully run a a widely accepted mechanism has not been pro-
two-roll impulse drying unit at PAPRICAN pilot posed yet [61–64,79–83]. Drying rates and process
paper machine at speeds up to 800 m/min. Solids conditions for typical impulse drying process as com-
contents of 60% have been achieved with newsprint pared with press and Condebelt drying are shown in
using this single-nip arrangement. Table 35.6.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

TABLE 35.6 Drying in the Presence
Comparison of Press, Condebelt, and Impulse Drying of an Electrostatic Field
Recently, Rounsley [88] reported a 5 to 18% increase
Press Condebelt Impulse in the drying rates of paper and coatings in the pres-
Drying Drying Drying
ence of a nonuniform, static, electric field. This tech-
Temperature (8C) 100–250 120–180 150–500 nique has been tested for both felted and unfelted
Pressure (MPa) 0.1–0.4 0.02–0.5 1–5 drum drying as well as air impingement and radiant
Residence time (ms) 200–300 250–10,000 15–100 drying. If commercially successful, this concept has
Drying rate (kg/m2 h) 25–120 100–400 500–8,000 the advantage of fast response and may be used for
Energy usage moisture profile control.
(kJ/kg H2O) 2,500–3,500 2,200–3,000 550–1,400 In summary, it may be noted that most of the
Source: From Paulapuro, H., Developments in Wet Pressing, PIRA paper drying carried out industrially is accomplished
Information Services, Leatherhead, Surrey, U.K., 1993. by conventional multicylinder dryers. With the ad-
vent of more energy-efficient and economic dryers
based on novel concepts, however, it is likely that
new drying technology will find industrial acceptance Superheated Steam Drying within a decade.
Loo and Mujumdar [84] made a transient analysis to
evaluate the technical feasibility of using superheated 35.3 DRYING OF PULP
steam as a drying medium replacing hot air. The main
attraction of the steam CIT (combined impingement If pulp is produced for use in an integrated paper-
and through-drying) process they propose is the pos- making machine, there is no need for drying. How-
sibility of extremely high thermal efficiencies attain- ever, for market pulp, drying up to 10% moisture
able through reuse of the exhaust steam by reheating, (90% fiber, 10% water) is necessary.
compression, or use in other process-heating applica- The pulp web was dried exclusively by contact
tions. Subsequently, Cui and Mujumdar proposed an with steam-heated cans until the mid-1950s. However,
alternate configuration for steam drying of paper and air drying (air floater dryers) of pulp is predominant
developed a simple mathematical model to estimate today (e.g., 70% of the U.S. paper industry). Al-
the drying rate and energy consumption [85]. They though the application of flash drying in the industry
showed that although the drying rates for tissue prod- is relatively new, it has found an appreciable market
ucts could be increased up to 25 to 30% compared (e.g., 15% of the U.S. paper industry). As the steam-
with those of a Yankee dryer, the net heat consump- dryer system was introduced to the industry only
tion was extremely low. Their model was verified in a recently, it is not yet an established drying technique
static drying test apparatus operated in the constant- for pulp.
rate period [86].
The effects of steam drying on paper quality need 35.3.1 CONVENTIONAL PULP DRYING
to be examined closely. However, as steam drying of
pulp has been used successfully, it is not very likely In the conventional method, the pulp web is produced
that it will have adverse effects on sheet properties. on either a fourdrinier wire or a revolving cylinder in
Preliminary studies indicate that steam drying may a vat in which the level is kept constant by continuous
actually enhance the strength properties of paper. pulp supply. A modern fourdrinier system has a
In a recent review of this process, Mujumdar [87] closed head box working at constant level, wet suc-
reported the drying rates of 100 to 200 kg/m2 h and tion boxes to allow the drainage on the wire, and hot
compared the limitations and advantages of both air water or steam boxes for preheating the web. Pressing
and steam drying. He concluded that the process is accomplished either with feltless press rolls or dou-
appears to be a viable concept due to its higher energy blefelted press rolls. After the press rolls, the dryer
efficiency, enhancement of certain quality indices for section begins. Cylinder dryers or air floater dryers
at least some types of pulps, elimination of fire haz- can be used in this section. The described modern
ard, and reduced space requirements. The technical fourdrinier system achieves high dryness ahead of
issues to be resolved are startup and shutdown, con- the drying section, which affects the economy of the
densation of steam on web, air infiltration (sealing at system and allows higher capacities and machine
high speed), materials of construction due to corro- speeds up to 100 t/d and 200 m/min, for example.
sion and erosion, steam cleaning, recirculation, com- This unit may have a machine width up to 6.5 m.
pression, heating, and sheet-quality aspects. The revolving cylinder system is less expensive, but

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

it has lower capacity and presents some problems There are also single, rotating horizontal units avail-
related to the quality of the sheet [89]. able for pulp drying.
Although the conventional steam-heated cylinder Flash dryers for pulp are in operation with cap-
dryers are still predominant in the paper industry, acities of up to 500 BDMT/d (bone-dry metric tons).
their share in pulp drying has diminished rapidly One such plant dries pulp from approximately 60 to
after the application of air floater dryers. The dryers 12% water in a two-stage dryer. The lower moisture
are 1.2- to 1.5-m diameter case iron cylinders and the bound is critical, as overheating below it can cause
steam systems and air systems are similar to the paper thermal cross-linking that makes reconstitution of the
dryer system described earlier. original fiber difficult. Pulp temperature is maintained
The air floater dryers are also similar to those below 708C in both stages, with air inlet temperatures
described in the paper-drying section. Hot air is im- of 400 and 1708C, respectively. Exhaust for the sec-
pinged to the web from blow boxes above and below, ond stage is mixed with inlet air to the first stage.
and the web floats supported by the airflow. The low Surface moisture is removed in the first stage (about
sheet tension ensures a greater ability to tolerate dis- 30% moisture), and the more delicate second-stage
turbances or sheet defects, and the quality of pulp is drying is carried out at a lower temperature. Dried
less affected. Pulp dryers also consist of stacked dry- pulp is cooled before baling. The first-stage air heater
ing decks, as shown in Figure 35.16. Pulp dryers are may burn oil or natural gas; the second-stage dryer
larger than paper dryers as pulp is air dried from the uses steam-heated air.
press section to the cutter. Although there are still some questions about the
high gas temperatures involved in flash dryers and the
35.3.2 FLASH DRYING absence of wide market acceptance of the products,
flash drying is very promising because of its very low
Flash drying is a process in which wet pulp is intro- operating and capital costs compared with conven-
duced into a stream of hot gases and its moisture is tional pulp dryers [89].
Dewatering of wet pulp is accomplished by vari- 35.3.3 STEAM DRYING
ous types of presses. After dewatering, moist pulp is
introduced into a hot gas stream. The pulp–hot gas The steam drying of pulp is a very recent application
mixture passes through a number of flash-drying and not yet widely accepted. Pilot-plant and full-scale
towers (number depends on the design of the system, tests have shown very attractive results.
but usually two double-towered systems with a cyc- The principle of the steam dryer is outlined in the
lone separator between them are used as shown in flow diagram shown in Figure 35.27. Wet pulp is fed
Figure 35.26) and the dried pulp particles and the into the dryer by means of a plug feeder, then disin-
moist gases are separated in cyclone separators. tegrated and fluffed in a steam atmosphere and blown
through the drying stages by means of fans. Each
stage is a shell and tube heat exchanger, with steam
of a higher temperature condensing outside the pulp-
transport pipes. The dried pulp and carrier steam are
then separated in a cyclone, and the pulp is fed out of
the pressurized system by a specially designed dis-
charge screw and blown with air to a cooling cyclone.
A The generated steam from the pulp moisture is with-
B drawn to keep the pressure constant and the rest is
reused as carrier steam.
H The first commercial installation of a steam dryer
C G in Sweden for a chemithermomechanical pulp
(CTMP) line with a capacity of 150 t/day showed a
30% reduction in overall drying costs per ton of mar-
ket pulp compared with an equivalent-size flash dryer
B [90].
Lower power consumption, very short drying
FIGURE 35.26 A flash-dryer unit for pulp (A, moist pulp; times, easy control, no risk for fire in steam atmos-
B, air; C, oil; D, moist air; E, dried pulp; F, circulation fans; phere, and minor or no effect on pulp quality are
G, air heater; H, steam-heated heat exchangers). among the advantages claimed by the manufacturer.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.





FIGURE 35.27 Flow diagram of a steam dryer for pulp (A, wet pulp; B, heating steam at 6 to 15 bar; C, dried pulp; D,
generated steam at 2 to 5 bar; E, condensate; F, plug feeder; G, fluffer; H, discharge screw; I, circulation fans; J, cooling-air
fan). (Courtesy of MoDo-Chemetics.)

35.4 CONCLUSION P pressure

Pr Prandtl number
This chapter summarized the current technology for q heat flux
drying of paper and pulp. Recent developments and Qe condensate flow rate
trends are also indicated. The reader is referred to the Qs blow-through steam rate
literature cited and other relevant sections or chapters R gas constant
of this handbook for further details and additional Re Reynolds number
information. Sm speed of the machine, m/s
Sc Schmidt number
Sh average Sherwood number
t time
The authors wish to thank Purnima Mujumdar for T temperature
her patient typing of this manuscript, without which u sheet velocity
this work could not have been completed within the w weight of water removed per unit area per
required time frame. unit time, or drying rate
x coordinate axes
X sheet thickness
NOMENCLATURE Xp nozzle-plate width ratio
A cross-sectional area
B basis weight of the sheet out of the dryer Greek Symbols
section as dried (wet basis), g/m2 a thermal diffusivity
c concentration b mass-transfer coefficient
C1, C2 constants s Stefan–Boltzmann constant, 5.67  108
D diameter of the dryer cans W/m2 K4
Dp nozzle-plate diameter ratio l latent heat of vaporization
D diffusivity
f open area Subscripts
F1–2 overall interchange factor
h heat-transfer coefficient a air
H dimensionless jet-plate spacing cyl cylinder
k thermal conductivity cs cylinder to sheet
L length across which DT is measured f felt
M kilograms of water evaporated per kilogram o overall
of paper dried (wet basis) r radiant
N number of dryer cans in contact with the s steam
sheet sa sheet to air
Nu average Nusselt number sf sheet to felt

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

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