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Small World.

For the last decades, technology has been developing increasingly. Every year, new
devices are launched and, along with these, new ways of communication have arisen. If
you are a teenager, you must be well-familiarised with apps and, if it's not your case,
you have certainly heard of them. Whatever situation you are in, you'll certainly want to
keep reading this article.
Have you ever wondered how did people communicate before all the technological
revolution? Sometimes, people spent years without being in touch and, it wasn't the end
of the world. Why is it now? Well, it is undeniable that thanks to social networking,
times have changed. There are other rules to follow that society has unconsciously
established, mainly the youngsters. It seems that they have managed to create a world in
which adults can't participate. For instance, the way they speak and write has changed.
Also, what is considered polite or not. Nowadays, an ignored message is completely
rude, let's no mention a point at the end of a sentence. Doesn't that sound ridiculous?
How we communicate seems to have taken a direction that will hardly change in the
next years and this means a problematic for Argentina. As it is well-known, this country
has economic instability, which means that not everyone has the resources to have the
state-of-the-art devices. This could lead to episodes of discrimination or severely affect
people since some could be left aside for not being able to communicate. Also, the
language will be affected, as it happened in other parts of the world. Considering that a
huge percentage of the population is not literate, the fact that neologisms related to
technology could appear will have its consequences too.
Undeniably, technology has innumerable benefits for society. But what is mentioned
in the previous paragraphs should not be ignored. Being aware of these problematics
will be useful at the time of facing the challenges that might appear in the future.

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