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Name of the play: Weapons and women


 Coffy
 Sheba
 Pam
 Jackie

Character’s description
Coffy: she is a woman who does not look for more problems than she
already has
Sheba: she is a very direct and determined woman.
Pam: She is a woman who seeks solutions to her problems so as not
to affect others.
Jackie: She is a woman who does not look for problems

Description of the genre of the work

The genre of the play entitled "Weapons and Women" is tragic, since
the play tells a story in which a story is told of four girls who belonged
to two different camps Pam and Jackie belonged to one, Coffy and
Sheba to other.
The story tells that they have had problems for a long time and the
superiors of their sides died because of the problems they previously
had, the four girls argue for a long time and after a while of great
tension they lose their sanity and they shoot each other.
The cultural differences with Mexico
The way we greet: Mexicans greet other people in different ways such
as: signs, greeting with a kiss and a hand.
But without change the Latinos only greet in a very respectful way that
is only hand-held, and if in a given case it is a known person they give
him a little hug.
Noise: Mexicans make a lot of noise for most of the activities we do;
On the other hand, Latinos are not noisy and are very peaceful.
Punctuality: the vast majority of Mexicans are very late in their
important meetings, Latinos take this aspect very important and are
very punctual in everything.
Pedestrians: Usually in Mexico, there are very few people who respect
pedestrians, since people are not careful, however Latinos highly
respect that. garbage: in Mexico it is very common for people to throw
garbage when they finish consuming a food, Latinos are very clean
and for them it is not a good habit to throw garbage.
The shoes: Mexicans do not take off their shoes when they get home
from anywhere, as it is not something common in us, we do not have
the same mentality.
The messages: Mexicans send voice messages because we think it is
easier for the other person to understand what he means, apart from
avoiding writing a lot and Latinos like to send text messages more.
The cultural differences of the characters
Their cultural differences would be greeting, noise, the disco, throwing
away toilet paper, shoes and messages, since they belonged to a very
different generation and as history tells us they were rebels.
Cultural differences

The greeting is very different between Mexicans and Latinos, because

Latinos have more education and respect than Mexicans.
The noise or silence between Latinos and Mexicans is highly variable,
since Mexicans make noise for anything and Latinos are very peaceful.
The disco has been modernized from generation to generation, Mexico
has different ways of having fun and entertaining than Latinos.
On pedestrians, people in Mexico are very unconscious and do not pay
attention when crossing the street, instead Latinos are very careful.
Garbage, in Mexico there is a lot of contamination because people are
unconscious and throw it on the street, Latinos are very hygienic and
Affection, Latinos are not very affectionate, on the other hand,
Mexicans are very affectionate and show a lot of affection to the people
they love.
Punctuality is very important for Latinos and in Mexico it is not taken
very seriously.
As for the toilet paper, Mexicans are very dirty and do not throw the
toilet paper in the trash can, that for Latinos is very important and
Latinos when they get home take off their shoes at the door and
Mexicans do not have that habit very well.
Text messages are widely used by Latinos. Mexicans tend to send
voice messages so as not to write much and so that the other person
understands the message well.

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