Egg Drop

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Egg Drop

Every 8th-grade year my teacher does an egg drop project. For the egg drop, we
had to build something to prevent the egg cracking from falling off the roof. The
goal was for the design to be creative. We studied newton’s laws motion so we
could get an idea of how to prevent it from cracking. My idea was to do a 3D
triangle and add a box in the middle that the egg was in. for the creative part, I
added balloons on the corners so it has a soft land. Before adding the egg in the
box, I wrapped it with bubble wrap then put it in the box. At the end of the
project, we had our project be tested if they survived or not. Mine survived!
I tried doing my best on my design even though it doesn’t seem like it that
much. When science gets to a point of creativity, I started to get more motived so
I started putting some effort into the designing and building and I succeed in my
task. My egg was perfectly protected from the fall. What was difficult through the
process, I was struggling with how I want to build. It showed growth on my build
because at first, I was planning on doing just punch of balloons, it seemed too
boring and not so creative for me. I decided to keep thinking and looking till I
found the right one.
I was proud of my final product, which was on my design and survived. I
cloud say I did a good job on my egg drop. If I had the chance to change anything
about, I wouldn’t because it was just how I wanted it to come out. I liked how my
idea came out. I was pleased with the imaginations and creativity, I had to come
up with these ideas and using my time well.
I can apply this assignment to the responsible individual. When making this
egg drop thought critically and worked hard independently. I was able to organize
my time with this assignment and use my time wisely. The egg drop assignment
has taught me to be more independent and papered.

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