Environmental Management Notes. Chapter 1: Basics of Environment

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Environmental Management Notes.


The dictionary meaning of the term environment is ‘surroundings’ - the region surrounding or
circumstances in which anything exists, everything external to the organisms. Environment
therefore, refers to the sum of total conditions that surround man at a given point in space and
The term environment was introduced in Ecology by biologist Jacob Van Uerkul (1864-1944) to
denote these aspects of the world surroundings, with reference to organisms. The field of
environment involves an understanding of the scientific principles, economic influences and
political actions attending these aspects.

The environmental can be divided into physical biological and cultural environment. On the
basis of the structure the environment may be divided into fundamental types –
 The Abiotic or Physical environment consisting of air, water and soil/sediment.
 The Biotic or Biological environment consisting of flora, fauna and micro-organism

al Environment is further subdivided into three broad categories:

A Lithosphere (sphere of rock /soil/sediment)
B Hydrosphere (sphere of water)
C Atmosphere (sphere of gas)

The biotic components of the environment consist of plant(flora), animal(fauna), including man
as an important component and micro-organism. Thus, the biological/biotic environment can be
further subdivided into:
A Flora / Plant Environment
B Fauna /Animal Environment
C Microbial Environment


A. Biotic Components:
The Abiotic components comprise the inorganic substances (carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen,
sulphur, phosphorus, etc), and come mainly from the lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere.

Lithosphere :
The oceanic and the continental crust and the rigid upper portion of the mantle of the earth
constitute the lithosphere. The economically useful elements (minerals ,metals, rock, fossil
fuels), essential for man are basically from the lithosphere. The lithosphere occupies 30% of the
total Earth’s surface. Land formations like the mountains plateau and plain supply habitat for
plants and animals. The type of the economy depends upon the topography of the area. Plains
are suitable for agriculture and industrial activity.

Atmosphere :
The multi-layered gaseous envelope surrounding the planet earth is atmosphere. The
atmosphere is a significant component of the natural environment. All the necessary gasses
(oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon-dioxide, and water vapour), sources for the sustenance of
all the life forms in the biosphere are components of atmosphere. The atmosphere filters the
incoming ultra-violet (UV) radiation and protects the earth’s surface from abnormal features
such as cancer / mutation in organisms.

This is the sphere of water consisting of surface, ground and ocean water. Seventy-one % of
the Earth’s surface is in water. Glaciers and ice caps cover additional areas. Water plays an
immense role in the sustainable environment balance of the earth. Water is essential for the
industry, transportation, power generation, food production and processing, and the
manufacturing sectors of the modern world. Morever, 70% of the body of the organism is
constituted by water. The balance of water is maintained through circulation of water in the
biosphere is maintained through circulation of water among the atmosphere, lithosphere and
hydrosphere by characteristic path ways. The circulation along the characteristic pathways is
known as the hydrological cycle.
A. Biotic Component
Biotic or living components of the environment consist of flora (plant), fauna (animal), and
micro-organisms. The biotic components are the drivers of the energy flow and the material
cycles in the biosphere. On the basis of the relationship among nutrients, the biota can be
divided into two groups – Autotrophic or self-nourishing components (e.g. all green plants)
and heterotrophic components (e.g. all animals).

Autotrophic components:
Green plants, algae and photosynthetic bacteria constitute the biotic Autotrophic component
of the ecosystems are able to fix light energy and manufacture food from simple inorganic
substances like water and carbon dioxide by photosynthesis. This group of organisms is
also known as producers.

Heterotrophic Components:
Fungi, non-photosynthetic bacteria and other organisms and animals are the components of
heterotrophic. Consumers are organism like herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores in the
order of occurrence in the food chain. Herbivores feed on plants, carnivores feed on animal
and omnivores feed on both plants and animals. Herbivores are also called as primary
consumers and carnivores and omnivores are known as secondary and tertiary consumers,
respectively. Decomposers are also known as sapotrophs and consist mainly bacteria and
fungi. They break down complex compounds of the dead organisms, absorb some of the
decomposed or breakdown products and release inorganic nutrients into the environment,
thus making them available again to the autotrophs.


The biotic component is the functional kingdom of nature, because it is based on the type of
nutrition and is the energy source of all biota of the biosphere. The biotic components are
arranged following a systematic pattern where all organisms are connected step-wise to
each other in the ecosystem according to their food habits. The ‘steps’ or ‘levels’ of the
ecosystem are known as trophic levels. All trophic levels are closely interrelated with each
other from the view point of food transfer and supplements to the biosphere, which is further
connected with the economic environment of humans. Relationship among the different
levels can be better understood by analysis of the functional aspects (material cycle and
energy flow) of the ecosystem.


The carbon cycle is one of the important cycles at the global levels. Carbon moves in the
biosphere through various pathways. Human activities are making a significant impact on
the global carbon cycle. The burning of fossil fuel, agro-industrial activity, deforestation etc.
are increasing in the concentration in the atmosphere steadily. Flows between the
atmosphere and the oceans were balanced until the onset of the industrial age.
The atmospheric CO2 enters the plants at the time of photosynthesis. This is a process by
which plants prepare their own food in the presence of sunlight. The carbon from CO2 is
retained inside the plant and the oxygen is released into the environment. Animals eat
plants and so the stored carbon enters their bodies. This carbon is then released back into
the atmosphere by respiration.
Sometimes trees, plants and animals get buried in the earths crust, and then due to
immense pressure and heat this organic matter after thousands of years gets turned into
fossil fuels. These fossil fuels are taken out of the ground by man and are burned, again
releasing carbon back into the atmosphere.


Nitrogen is the most abundant element in the atmosphere. It is a vital element for all the
living systems. It is the primary nutrient for all green plants, but it must be modified before it
can be utilized by most living systems.

Four processes participate in the cycling of nitrogen through biosphere

 Nitrogen Fixation
 Ammonification
 Nitrification
 Denitrification

First step in the N Cycle ---is the conversion of nitrogen gas (N2) into NH3 or organic
nitrogen. Three processes are responsible for the most of the nitrogen fixation in the
 Atmospheric fixation by lighting
 Industrial fixation by humans
 Biological fixation by certain microbes, alone or in a symbiotic relationship with plants.

This is the biochemical process whereby nitrogen is released from nitrogen containing
organic compounds. Soil bacteria decompose organic nitrogen forms in soil to the
ammonium form. This process is referred to as ammonification.

Nitrification is the conversion of NH4 to NO3. This aerobic reaction is carried out by
Autotrophic bacteria.

This involves conversion ofNO3 to N2 gas in the presence of low oxygen levels.


Water is essential to life. Without it the biosphere that exists on the surface of the earth
would not be possible. Nicknamed the “water” planet, earth is covered by one of our most
precious resources. However almost 93% is locked in the ocean, toxic to humans and many
plants and animals. The hydrologic cycle takes place in the hydrosphere, the region
containing all the water in the atmosphere and on the surface of the earth. The cycle is the
movement of the water through this hydrosphere. The components of the hydro cycle are:
 Condensation
 Infiltration
 Run – off
 Evaporation
 Precipitation
* This cycle should be explained in detail

Ecosystems are classified as
1. Natural ecosystem
2. Artificial (man-engineered) ecosystem

It operates by themselves under natural condition without any major interference by man.
On the basis of habitat, natural ecosystem are further divided as terrestrial, as forest
grassland, desert, etc.and aquatic. Aquatic ecosystem are further distinguished as
Freshwater that may be lotic (running water as a spring, stream, river) or lentic (standing
water as a lake, pond, pool, puddle, ditch, swamp etc.) and marine, such deep as bodies as
an ocean and shallow ones as a sea, estuary etc.


This is maintained by man, by addition of energy and planned manipulation. For example
croplands like wheat, rice fields etc. where man tries to control the biotic community as well
as the physical-chemical environment, are artificial ecosystem.


Natural Man – made

Terrestrial Aquatic

Marine Freshwater

Lotic Lentic

Ecological balance is the state of dynamic equilibrium within a community of organism. The
ecological balance of an area can be evaluated assessing the consumptions of energy and
raw material, generation of emission, waste and the cost.
There are areas of eco-imbalance all over the world and this need to be addressed in a
manner that mitigates the imbalances.


1) Lack of cooperation, more competition

There is lack of co-operation among the major nation, to help in resolution of current
environmental problems. The problems are not addressed in a realistic way. Some of these
nations, moreover, are the most offenders. Instead of co-operation, competition in the
present practice. As a result, eco balance has been deteriorated drastically.

2) Uncontrolled exploitation and utilization of resources

Uncontrolled exploitation of non-renewable resources and over- utilization of resources for
economic growth without considering ecological viability is another important reason for eco-

3) Environmental pollution
Inefficient or backdated technologies are creating havoc with the pollutants leading to
pollution loads in the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. therefore,
normal functioning of the atmosphere is disrupted significantly, and causing global
environmental problems like the green house effect, ozone holes, acid rains, global
warming, climate change etc.

4) Inappropriate management of waste

Wastes generated from industrial as well as agricultural activities are not managed properly.
A huge amount of solid and hazardous waste are discarded or disposed to the environment
without considering the health of the ecosystem. Major creeks have been used for dumping
of the waste therefore causing imbalance in the oceanic environment.

5) Population explosion
Population growth is the mother of all environment degradation. Over-populated areas are
generally have the problem of deforestation, destruction of biodiversity, lack of resources,
regeneration, etc. consequently, changes in the landscape. Ecological states and
environmental pollution takes place and at any cost ethics for business come into play.
Therefore, the ecological balance is again disrupted.


The urgent need to protect the environment ,in order to maintain the quality of life, has now
been identified globally. Environmental protection starts by creating awareness among
people that it becomes a part of their style . the important features of the subject are:
a) It is very important for each individual for self-fulfillment and social development. It
helps in the maintenance of life and health, in self- preservation, and in the
preservation of the human race.
b) It helps to understand different food chains and the ecological balance in nature.
c) It helps to understand and appreciates how the environment is used for making a
living and for promoting a material culture
d) It helps in appreciating and enjoying nature and society.
e) It is concerned with the changing the environment in a systematic manner for the
immediate as well as future welfare of mankind.
f) It directs attention toward problems of population explosion, exhaustion of natural
resources and pollution of the environment, and throws light on the methods of

The objectives of environmental education are to help social groups and individual to
a) Awareness : acquire an awareness of the environment as a whole and it is allied
problems and sensitivity
b) Knowledge :gain a variety of experiences and acquire a basic understanding of the
environment and its associated problems .
c) Attitude : acquire a set of values and feeling of concern for the environment and the
motivation for active participation in the environmental improvement and protection.
d) Skill : acquire skill to identify and solve the environmental problems.
e) Evaluation ability: develop the ability to evaluate environmental measures and
education programme in terms of ecological, economic, social, and aesthetic factors.
f) Participation: to provide an opportunity to be actively involved at all levels of working
towards the solution of environmental problems.


Chapter 2


“Conservation is the ‘wise management’ of the biosphere (lithosphere, hydrosphere,
atmosphere) for the benefit of all life, including human beings, in such a way that the natural
ecosystems are maintained as well as utilized in a planned manner. This would yield
sustainable benefit to the present generation and also maintain its potential to meet the needs
and aspirations of the future generations.”

“Resource means a source of supply or support generally held in reserve.”

The natural resources are the various life supporting components of the biosphere, which can
be drawn and utilized by the organisms from their environment. These resources include
energy, air, water, land (soil), minerals, microorganisms, plants, animals, forests, forest
products, fuels, etc.

Threat of the ecological crisis.

In every ecosystem, the biotic and abiotic components are closely interrelated and through their
interactions, they naturally manage to maintain the ecological balance. Similarly, various
organisms present in any given ecosystem live as components of their natural environment and
abide by the laws of nature. In addition, for this reason, the natural, undisturbed ecosystems are
able to maintain the equilibrium of nature.

On the other hand, man has created his own ecosystem. Since man is the only animal who has
understood the nature, he has always interfered and changed it as per as his needs and desire.
In the process, he has destroyed the natural ecosystems. Indiscriminate and non-judicious
exploitation of nature and natural resources in an unplanned manner by man has disturbed the
nature’s balance. This is creating a condition of ecological crisis all over the world. If this is not
stopped with immediate effect, the present ecological crisis will lead to the point of no return
resulting in total disintegration of the nature. The consequences will be disastrous and
devastating not only for man but for the entire life on earth.

Need for conservation.

Thus, it is obvious that if we want to save the human race as well as the enormous diversity of
life on earth, we must at once adapt and implement some distinct measures for conservation of
nature and natural resources. This is to insure planned, judicious and controlled use of life-
sustaining natural systems.

Our late Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi while launching the World Conservation Strategy in
India on 6 March 1980 emphasized our ancient tradition of care, conservation and worship of
trees and animals. In her, own words “the interest in conservation is not sentimental one but the
rediscovery of a truth well-known to our sages. The Indian tradition teaches us that all forms of
life, human, animal and plants are so closely linked that disturbance in one gives rise to
imbalance in the others.”

Aims of conservation.
1. To maintain essential ecological processes and life support systems.
2. To preserve biological diversity, and
3. To insure a continuous yield of useful plants, animals and materials by establishing a
balanced cycle of harvest and renewal.

Conservation is aimed at helping social and economic development.


More commonly, natural resources are classified as

1. Inexhaustible i.e. wind, tidal energy, precipitation, etc. and

2. Exhaustible e.g. ground water, minerals, fuels, food, forests, etc.

Table showing renewable and non-renewable natural resources

Inexhaustible Wind, tidal energy, precipitation,

Biotic- (i) Crops, forests, other
Natural Exhaustible Renewable vegetations
Resources (ii) Wild and domestic animals.
(iii) Microorganisms.
Abiotic – Water, soil, etc.
Metals – iron, zinc, copper, etc.
Non- Fossil fuels – coal, oil deposits, etc.
Renewable Minerals and their salts –
phosphates, nitrates, carbonates, etc.

The exhaustible resources are further classified into two categories.

a. Renewable resources.
The resources that can be regenerated artificially or naturally (such as from the biomass of
living organisms) are called renewable resources. E.g. crops, forests and other vegetations, wild
and domestic animals, microorganisms, water, land (soil), etc.

b. Non – Renewable resources.

Non – renewable resources are those natural resources which cannot be regenerated or
replaced after use or which lack the ability for recycling. Resources with a very long recycling
time are also considered non – renewable e.g. fossil fuels (like coal, oil, natural gas) metals,
minerals and ores, rocks, etc.
The nature and importance of some of the natural resources is considered here.

A. Land (soil).
It is a renewable natural resource. Soil is the complex mixture of physical, chemical and
biological components. It is an important abiotic factor of ecosystem as it provides water,
nutrients and anchorage to plants (producers). The presence and nature of vegetation in any
area largely depend on the quality of soil and the various edaphic factors.

Degradation of soil.
Misuse or improper use of soil results in degradation of soil. Such soil becomes unsuitable for
plant growth.
Degradation of soil causes loss of vegetation and this, in turn, adversely affects climate and the
environment. Hence, conservation and proper management of soil is very important and

B. Water.
Water is a vitally important renewable natural resource. All organisms need water for survival.
Rivers, lakes, ponds, and ground water are the reservoirs of fresh water while oceans are the
huge reservoirs of marine water. Rainwater is the natural source for the renewal/replenishment
of the water in these reservoirs.
Draught and floods are the two main natural factors responsible for the loss of natural water
resources directly or indirectly. In addition, non-judicious use and undue wastage by man also
contribute towards the loss of available water. In addition, pollution of water renders it unsuitable
for consumption as well as for existence of aquatic flora and fauna.
Reduction in soil water or non-availability of water directly affects vegetation growth and disturbs
the environment as a whole.
Water can be conserved by holding the rainwater in catchments areas by constructing dams
and then regulating the water supply through canals. Similarly, growing vegetation cover helps
to retain soil water.

C. Forests.
Forests are the vast renewable natural resources. Forests are of immense biological and
ecological significance. For example;
(i) They are the source of forest products like fuel, timber, lumber, food, medicinal plants,
fodder, etc.
(ii) They provide ideal habitat for wild life.
(iii) They provide vegetation cover to the soil and thus check surface evaporation, increase
water-retaining capacity of soil and prevent floods and soil erosion by soil binding.
(iv) They help in recycling of moisture in the nature and regulate rainfall.
Indiscriminate deforestation reduces rainfall, groundwater level and makes the land barren. This
alters the climate of the region. In addition, it disturbs and destroys the wild life.

Hence, conservation of forest is essential. There should be proper balance between harvest of
forest and its resources on the one hand and the afforestation on the other.

D. Wildlife.
In a broader sense, the term wildlife covers any or all organisms which are non-cultivated (e.g.
wild plants) and non-domesticated (e.g. wild animals). It also includes microorganisms and all
other lesser-known human beings.
One important and essential characteristic feature of the wildlife is that they are very well
adapted to their natural environmental conditions. Hence, they grow and survive in their natural
habitat without the care of human beings.
Existence of wildlife at all levels of the food chains in any ecosystem is essential for maintaining
the ecological balance of that ecosystem. In addition, it must be saved and preserved to
maintain the diversity of life. However, wildlife is often threatened with elimination from the
region or extinction from the earth.
Thus, to save the wildlife and preserve the diversity of life on earth, it is essential to take definite
steps towards conservation of wildlife.

E. Food.
Terrestrial agriculture is the main source of food for human beings. However, the total land in
the world under cultivation is not enough to provide adequate supply of food for the ever-
increasing human population. Hence, this creates a condition of food crisis resulting in
starvation, malnutrition, etc.
To deal with this crisis, modern agricultural practices are used. This involves industrialization of
agriculture and to supplement the agricultural products, the aquaculture (fish farming) and
mariculture (aquaculture in oceans) are proving to be of immense value. In fact, oceans have
an unlimited potential as source of protein-rich food and raw material, if judiciously used.

F. Minerals.
These are one of the non-renewable natural resources. Organisms need various minerals for
normal metabolism and healthy growth. Besides this, huge quantities of minerals are constantly
being used in industries and for technological and cultural purposes.
The two main sources of minerals are:
(i) The earth’s crust and the parent rocks for terrestrial minerals and
(ii) The oceans for the marine minerals.

The minerals largely used are of two types :-

(a) Metallic minerals (e.g. iron, copper, silver, gold, aluminum, lead, zinc, etc.) and
(b) Non-metallic minerals (e.g. coal, sand, petroleum products, salts, sulphur, phosphorus,

G. Fuels and the energy crisis.

Energy is the capacity to do work. It is needed by all organisms for maintenance of life.
Similarly, energy is needed constantly and on very large scale for domestic, industrial and
technological purposes. In fact, the progress of human civilization and the economic growth of
every country largely depend on the resource and supply of energy.
The more commonly used conventional source of energy is the various kinds of fossil fuels.
These include petroleum, natural gas (e.g. methane), coal, and synfuels (i.e. naturally
occurring organic products which can be converted into synthetic petroleum) such as oil shale,
tar sands, etc.
These account for nearly 90% of the world’s production of commercial energy, the remaining
10% coming from the hydroelectric and nuclear power resources. This will be clear from the
following figures.

Oil - 39.5% Hydroelectric – 6.7%

Coal - 30.3% Nuclear power – 3.9%
Natural gas - 19.6%
However, all the fossil fuels are the exhaustible non-renewable natural resources and shall be
finished eventually. The realization of this fact is creating the fear of unavoidable energy crisis
all over the world. Hence, much before the crisis is reached, it is imperative to
(i) Adapt urgent measures to conserve and regulate the existing stock of non-renewable
energy resources and
(ii) To find some suitable inexhaustible and/or renewable alternative energy resources.

In this regard, the following non-conventional renewable sources of energy hold considerable
potential and promise, if investigated and exploited properly. These are
Solar energy
(i) Wind energy
(ii) Tidal (ocean) energy
(iii) Geothermal energy, etc.

In addition, there are number of biomass-based renewable energy systems. These include
energy sources such as
(i) Fire wood
(ii) Petro plants (i.e. potential plant species, which can be the source of liquid hydrocarbons to
be used as a substitute for liquid fuels.
(iii) Biogas
(iv) Electric energy, etc.


Environment is “the sum total of all conditions and influences that affect the development of life
of organisms,” while ecology is “the overall study of the interactions and interrelationships of
organisms and their environment.”
All natural ecosystems are capable of self-maintenance and are very delicately balanced. The
over use, misuse, and abuse of natural resources by the modern man during the last couple of
centuries have grossly disturbed the balance of most natural ecosystems of the world.
Therefore, for the first time in his cultural history, man is faced with the most serious ecological
problem i.e. the ecological crisis.


The condition of ecological crisis is reached because of the degradation of the ecosystems. This
is the outcome of the over exploitation of natural resources by man. This was inevitable in view
of the population explosion, technological advancement, industrialization, profit oriented
capitalism, unplanned urbanization, modern agricultural practices, deforestation, etc. the
cumulative effect of all these activities of man, especially during 19th and 20th centuries, is the
induction of undesirable changes in the environment (soil, water, air) making it less suitable for
organisms. This is called environmental pollution, which ultimately is responsible for the
present ecological crisis.

Some of the human activities responsible for changing environment and consequent ecological
crisis are discussed here.

Man and Farming.

Agriculture involves intervention and modification of natural ecosystems. The demand of various
agricultural products has been constantly increasing because of the ever-increasing human
population. Therefore, man has been trying to extract more and more from the available land.
This involved heavy use of synthetic chemical fertilizers, manipulation of soil conditions by
tillage, control of soil moisture by irrigation and drainage, etc. On the one hand, this helped to
increase the agricultural production while; on the other hand, these chemicals have caused
considerable degradation of the environment over the years. For example;

1. Deforestation over the years for clearing the land for agriculture has destroyed flora and
fauna of large number of ecosystems all over the world.
2. Intense cultivation without proper soil management leads to soil erosion, depletion of soil
nutrients and desertification.
3. Irrigation without proper drainage leads to water logging, salination and degradation of the
quality of soil.
4. Indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and crop protectants, especially of the non-
biodegradable types, results in their accumulation in harmful concentrations in soil, water, etc.
They also accumulate in bodies of organisms causing various health problems.
Industries provide all the essential as well as luxurious modern amenities. Their role in
improving life styles and standards of human societies cannot be denied. Industries have
become indispensable component of the modern age. However, industries have adversely
affected and changed the environment e.g.
1. Land for setting up industries is acquired either by deforestation or by converting agricultural
2. Industries consume huge quantities of raw materials and energy. This results in over
exploitation of natural resources and disturbs natural cycles and balance of nature.
3. The various poisonous gases, smoke, etc. released from industries pollute soil and water.
Thus, industries are growth of industries is the main cause of unplanned urbanization leading to
unequal distribution of human population. In addition, greater the population, greater is the
pollution of the given environment.

Thus, while industries have become an essential component of modern life, they are also the
main factor of degradation of environment and ecosystems. Hence, industries may be described
as the “necessary evils” of the modern age.

Technological growth.
Technology is closely linked with or is inseparable from science. The two are complementary to
each other. The scientific knowledge is used to develop a technology and then the technology
used for the advancement of science and benefit of mankind.

The advancement in biotechnology during the past few decades has immensely helped in the
field of cell and molecular biology, genetic engineering, medicines, medical application, etc. This
has resulted in increasing longevity of life and reducing in death rate. Consequently, the global
human population continued to increase at alarming rate resulting in the present population
explosion. This is especially true for our own country. With the population growth, all kinds of
ecological problems also came up leading towards the ecological crisis.

“Pollution refers to any undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological characteristic
of our environment (air, water, soil) that may or will adversely affect human or other species and
life-supporting systems of our biosphere directly or indirectly.”

A substance or factor whose presence can damage the usefulness of a resource is called the

Large quantities of various gaseous, liquid and solid waste generated by industry and other
human activities act as pollutants. These are grouped into two main categories:
1. Biodegradable pollutants e.g. human and animal wastes, agro based residues and
fertilizers, etc. However, these can be harmful if their input exceeds the decomposing capacity
of the ecosystem.
2. Non-biodegradable pollutants e.g. heavy metals, D.D.T, pesticides, etc. These enter the
food chains and they may be magnified to dangerous levels in higher tropic organisms.

The various categories of common pollutants may be listed as follows.

1. Deposited matter (e.g. soot, smoke, tan, dust, grit)
2. Gases (e.g. SO2 , CO, CO2, NO, H2 S, ammonia, fluorine, chlorine, etc.)
3. Chemical compounds (e.g. aldehydes, arsines, hydrogen, fluorides, phosphogens,
detergents, etc.)
4. Metals (e.g. Pb, Fe, Zn, Hg, etc.)
5. Ecological poisons (e.g. various biocides)
6. Sewage
7. Radioactive substances
8. Noise
9. Heat.

The pollution caused by these pollutants may be classified as air pollution, water pollution and
soil pollution.


The ecological imbalance is created due to the environmental pollution. This adversely affects
soil, water, air as well as climatic conditions like temperature, rainfall, etc.
Effect on Land.
Land pollution is the by-product of rapid and unplanned industrial progress and over population.
The land is polluted with the dumping of solid wastes generated in the household and industrial
units. The common soil pollutants are
 Domestic wastes (e.g. kitchen garbage, household rubbish, bottles, tin cans, plastic
materials, rags, waste paper, sewage, etc.)
 Industrial wastes (e.g. slag, fly-ash, lime sludge, metal scarps, plastics, chemical effluents,
 Pollutants washed down from the atmosphere
 Pesticides and other biocides
 Synthetic fertilizers
 Agricultural chemicals.

Consequences of land pollution.

1. Loss of soil fertility due to the effect of acids, alkalies, insecticides, fungicides, etc.
2. The essential soil organisms may be killed.
3. Soil becomes toxic for plant growth.
4. Quality of agricultural soil is affected.

Effect on water.
A vitally important factor like water is also polluted because of various human activities. The
main sources of water pollution are
2. Domestic sewage
3. Industrial effluents
4. Chemicals (e.g. fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, etc; the surface runoffs from agricultural
5. Mineral oils, etc.

The water pollutants may be classified as follows.

a) Biological – Pathogens like viruses, bacteria, protozoa, worms, etc.
b) Chemical – (i) Inorganic – e.g. nitrates, phosphates, chlorides and fluorides. (ii) Organic –
e.g. pesticides, dyes, chlorocompounds, phenols, paints, plastics, etc.
(iii) Heavy metals – e.g. soluble heavy metal ions like Hg, Pb, cadmium, Cu, Zn, and their
organometallic compounds.
c) Physical – Heat from industries.

Consequences of water pollution.

1. Decrease in the percentage of dissolved oxygen thereby affecting aquatic plants and
animals. In addition, decomposition of organic waste in such water is done by anaerobic
bacteria. This releases methane and other foul smelling gases.
2. Consumption of water containing various aquatic pathogens causes diseases in plants,
animals and humans.
3. The nitrates and phosphates in polluted water cause algal blooms. These disrupt the
balance of aquatic eco system.
4. Water polluted with domestic sewage can spread diseases like cholera, typhoid, dysentery,
diarrhea and number of other water borne diseases.

Effect on air.
The industries, automobiles, forest fires and domestic combustion are the major sources of air
The air pollutants discharged from industries and power houses include gases like SO2, CO,
CO2, H2S, NO, NO2, etc. and traces of ethylene, acetylene and propylene. Smoke, smog, PAN
(peroxy acetyl nitrate) is also the air pollutants from industries.
The air pollutants released from automobile exhausts include carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide
and hydrocarbons. The PCB’s are released into atmosphere when synthetic rubber tyres rub
against road.

Consequences of air pollution.

1. Inhaling SO2 causes various respiratory disorders; oxides of nitrogen can cause internal
bleeding, pneumonia, cancer, etc. Carbon monoxide is a highly poisonous and lethal gas.
Similarly, ozone and PAN also cause dry throat, cough, etc.
2. Fumes of toxic metals are extremely harmful. Lead damages brain of young children and in
adults; it affects blood, liver, kidney and nervous system. Mercury vapours can cause skin and
neurological problems. Dust of coal, asbestos, etc. causes respiratory problems.
3. Gases like SO2, NO2, O3, PAN, etc. cause injury and damage to various economically
important plants resulting in great economic loss. In general, air pollutants cause necrosis,
premature leaf and fruit fall, affect various metabolic processes, etc. in different plants.
4. Mosses and lichens are highly sensitive to air pollution by SO2. These plants are killed even
with slightest SO2 pollution of air. Hence, these act as bioindicators of air pollution.

Effect on atmospheric temperature.

Air pollution has adverse effects not only on plants and animals but also on the ecosystem as a
whole. One of the most significant effects of air pollution is seen on the rise in global
temperature. Higher concentration of CO2 in atmosphere prevents the loss of heat by radiation.
The CO2 layer acts like glass panels of the green house. It allows the sunrays to filter through
but prevents the heat from radiating out into space. The radiation thus trapped causes rise in
temperature. This phenomenon is described as the Green House Effect.
CO2 concentration in the atmosphere has increased in the recent past and it is estimated to
increase further in near future. If this happens, the global temperature will also rise.

Consequence of increased temperature.

1. Rise in global temperature will cause polar ice caps to melt. As a result, there will be rise in
sea level and the low lying coastal areas will be submerged.
2. This will also affect the drinking water.
3. The rise in temperature would affect regional climate and cause shift in climatic zones.
4. There will be appreciable decrease in the rainfall.
5. It will also cause death of forests and other vegetations.
6. With the loss of vegetation cover, the soil is exposed. This results in soil erosion, greater
heating and evaporation from soil, etc.

Effect on diversity of organisms.

Origin of new species and extinction of some of the existing species is a part of the natural
process of organic evolution. However, human activities are causing extinction at an unnatural
or greater rate. Destruction or alteration of natural habitats, pollution of environment,
degradation of ecosystem, hunting and poaching, over exploitation of economically important
plant and animal species, etc pose great threat to the organisms, both plants and animals. The
organisms of such ecosystem should adjust with the changed environment, migrate to some
other region or else die. Thus, the original composition of the ecosystem is changed and the
number of organisms is reduced.

As a consequence of above mentioned and some other factors, over the last few centuries
many animal and plant species have become extinct and many more are facing the danger of
extinction (endangered species). Once a species becomes extinct, it is permanently lost from
the world and cannot be retrieved e.g., Cheetah from India and Dodo bird from Mauritius has
become extinct.
Whatever has happened in the past, now it is our responsibility to prevent the numerous
endangered species from becoming extinct. Man alone can do this and help to preserve the
diversity of life on earth.

Effect on food chains and webs.

The reduction in number of species at any food level in the ecosystem, due to migration,
excessive killing or extinction, disturbs the food chains and food webs in that ecosystem. For
example; over grazing or deforestation reduces/eliminates the vegetation (primary producers).
As a result, the number of herbivores decreases (migration or death), this in turn, affects the
carnivores in that region.

Sometimes, the pollution of water by compounds of nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, etc favours
growth of certain algae and causes there over population. This is described as algal bloom.
This sudden increase in the population of a particular species in water affects the aquatic
ecosystem directly as well as indirectly.

Over population of pest organisms.

With tremendous increase in the agricultural crops all over the world, most favourable conditions
are created for the pest organisms. Consequently, there is great increase in pest populations.
To check these and protect the crop, heavy use of pesticides is in practice. The non-
biodegradable chemicals in such pesticides pollute soil and water, and cause many serious
health problems through bioaccumulation.

Normally, plants and animals have the ability to get rid of some poisons out of their systems.
However, certain toxic chemicals like pesticides, insecticides, methyl mercury, heavy metals
such as mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, etc. tend to accumulate and remain fro longer
periods in the body of organisms. This is called bioaccumulation. Once bioaccumulated at any
level of the food chain, their concentration goes on progressively increasing as they pass from
organism to organism along the food chain. This is called biomagnifications. Thus, these
chemicals tend to accumulate in quantities far higher than their concentration in the surrounding
medium. The toxic methyl mercury present in pollute water can accumulate in fishes in
concentration 1000 times greater than its concentration in the water. Consumption of such fish
caused ‘Minamata disease’ in Japan in 1952. Similarly, bioaccumulation of cadmium in liver,
kidneys and pancreas caused a human disease called ‘Itai-Itai’ in Japan. It is a bone disease
and leads to cancer of liver and lungs.
The bioaccumulation of poisonous substances is found to be very high in India. This is
especially true of pesticide chemicals. This is due to the consumption of crop and vegetables
treated with insecticides, contaminated water and drinks, etc.
The fallouts of nuclear fission and various radioactive substances also enter and
accumulate in organisms. These are passed on human through the food chains. This is harmful
and causes various health hazards e.g. genetic misbalance, tumors, Leukemia, etc.

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