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A d v i ce . Id e a s .

I n sp i ra t i on

Anita’s Garden
Volume 2, Issue 44 22 May 2020

Useful Links Editorial

Blog Welcome to the forty fourth issue of
my newsletter Anita’s Garden for I do make mistakes! It happens occa-
Newsletter back issues 2020. sionally and I apologise for them.
Facebook I hope you have all had a good week. In the “Potting around Anita’s garden”
column of page 2 of last week’s news-
Instagram Contactless plant nursery letter, I incorrectly stated that
Twitter Franchi’s brassicas (the cauliflower
We are now at level 2, but as this is
Macerata, the broccoli Romanesco,
Linkedin all unchartered territory I am keeping
Calabrese and Broccoletti and the cab-
the service contactless for the time
bage San Michele) were hybrids. I
Pinterest being. This means you must order
made an error. These are all heirloom
and collect outside our home in Papa-
varieties. I just wanted to put this
toetoe, Manukau in Auckland.
right and am sorry for any confusion
Contact me Punnets are $3.50 each or 3 for $10. this has caused.
Punnets contain at least 6 seedlings
 Feedback Infact none of the seeds in Italian
I have the following in stock. Seeds Pronto’s range (and Franchi
 Newsletter input seeds for that matter) are hybrids
(tips, recipes, gar-  Silverbeet/spinach (I’m sorry I which is what makes them so special.
den photos etc) can’t say with certainty which Any seed saved will come true to type,
it is as the writing on the plant but if you are growing the zucchinis
 To be added to my labels faded and I can’t tell and pumpkins and want to save seeds,
mailing list them apart) you might want to stick to growing just
one of these as they have been known
 Lettuce (cut and come again) to cross-pollinate.
 Mixed brassicas (they are a mix I haven’t written about seed saving
of cabbage, broccoli and cauli- much in previous newsletters but it
Inside this issue: flower. I can’t sell these indi- might make a good topic to cover over
vidually as the writing on all of the coming months, even if the timing
these labels faded and I can’t doesn’t exactly coincide with seed sav-
tell the plants apart) ing activity in the garden. It’s always
Po t t e r i n g ar o u n d 2 difficult as there are so many different
Anita’s Garden The steps for ordering are as follows:
veggies to cover as we move through
 Place order the seasons. If you want to make sure
the information in my newsletters is at
Top 5 gardening tasks 2
for the week  Receive confirmation your fingertips, I suggest you do what
one of my readers told me she does and
 Make payment via internet save the PDFs in a folder on your com-
banking puter. The only way to receive a PDF
More on growing endive 2
version of my newsletters is to sub-
 Receive a message when plants scribe, which you can do by emailing
are available for collection me at and
How to grow chicory 3 If you wish to place an order, please writing “subscribe” in the subject field.
contact me via my Facebook page or Have a great weekend.
email me at anitakun- Anita Kundu

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Here is a selection of photos from
our garden for you to enjoy

This part of our garden is looking During lockdown, I gave this gar-
very lush despite the lack of rain. den a makeover. I pulled out what
We have been harvesting the most It contains several varieties of was previously in it (swan plants,
wonderful red cabbages this sea- spinach (I am growing the varie- dahlias, lilies and spring bulbs)
son. There are still many more in ties Merlo Nero and Matador from and for now have planted some
the garden which are coming Franchi Seeds, which is distribut- brassicas, including Cauliflower
along nicely. We usually have ed by Italian Seeds Pronto in NZ), Macerata and Broccoli Romanesco
them raw and make a salad with Black Tuscan Kale from Franchi from Franchi Seeds, distributed by
some fresh parsley and lemons Seeds, leeks and fennel. We use Italian Seeds Pronto in NZ. But I
from the garden. It’s really deli- the spinach and kale raw in our have plans to turn this into a gar-
cious and is a welcome change daily green smoothies, which we den for flowering annuals, starting
from having coleslaw with green simply cannot live without. We with sunflowers in spring, followed
cabbage all the time. use fennel to make slaw, which is by Iceland poppies next autumn.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

was very limited last season. I get
1. Plant spring bulbs spinach, silverbeet, cabbage, cauli-
mine from Zoodoo.
flower, broccoli, leeks, onions, let-
This is absolutely your last chance tuce, kale and broad beans. It’s
to plant spring bulbs. Bulbs Direct 4. Do a stocktake of your
gotten a bit cold to raise seedlings gardening supplies
have a great range of bulbs which from seed. Awapuni offers a fan-
are very reasonably priced. Their tastic selection of veggie seedlings Write a list of what you have so
service is very efficient and friend- and deliver direct to your door. you don’t double up.
3. Order pea straw 5. Plant garlic
2. Plant more veggies
If you like mulching your garden You can plant garlic now until Ju-
It’s not too late to pop in all your with pea straw, it might be a good ly.
favourite winter veggie seedlings - idea to order some now as stock

More on growing endive

Pronto in New Zealand. This Mes- boiled egg)
In page 3 of last week’s newsletter,
I mentioned that we enjoy endive clun in fact consists of 14 different
 Beetroot, feta and walnut
mixed with other salad greens so salad varieties, including endive,
that the taste (which is bitter) radicchio, chicory, romaine, 4 sea-  Pear, blue cheese and wal-
blends in better. sons and Verona lettuce. We enjoy nut
it as a base for salads. Here are
I wanted to go on to mention that some serving suggestions for Quat-  Chicken and avocado
an ideal way of growing and con- tro Stagioni as a salad base:
suming endive is the Mesclun mix  Thai beef
Quattro Stagioni from Franchi  Lamb and haloumi
seeds, distributed by Italian Seeds  Cottage cheese
 Salad Nicoise (tuna and a

How to grow chicory

As mentioned in last week’s edito- seed than rely on finding it in gar- 5. To keep your plants looking
rial, over the coming weeks, I will den centres, given that it is an un- healthy, you might want to
be taking you through a range of usual vegetable and may not be liquid feed them weekly
unusual veggies that you might readily stocked. It is not difficult with a water soluble plant
not have previously grown in the to grow from seed. If you can grow food or seaweed tonic if
garden. Please bear with me. I lettuce, you’ll have no trouble you’re gardening organical-
hope you learn something new and growing chicory. ly.
give some thought to trying some
Varieties 6. When temperatures in-
of them in the future. You never
crease in spring, you may
know, you could discover some- Italian Seeds Pronto has a bril- find your plants start going
thing you really like to eat! liant range of chicory. There is Da to seed. To save seeds from
Chicory is not a new veggie to me. Taglio Bionda a Foglie Larghe, your crop, simply allow one
A few years ago, the lovely Gillian Catalogna Pugliese, Catalogna plant to go to seed and col-
Hurley-Gordon who owns and op- Punterelle Brindisina and Varie- lect seeds once they’re dry.
erates Italian Seeds Pronto, the gata Esposizione Di Castefranco. Label and put them away
NZ retailer of Franchi Italian heir- The Mesclun variety Quattro Sta- for safe keeping until you
loom seeds, gave me a complimen- gioni, which I have discussed in are ready to sow them the
tary packet of Variegata Es- page 2 of this newsletter, also con- following season.
posizione Di Castefranco with my tains chicory and is a nice way of
having it if you prefer it mixed Serving suggestions (some ideas
seed order. I must admit that I
with other salad greens so it taken from Italian Seeds Pronto’s
was a little apprehensive about
doesn’t taste too bitter. Egmont website)
trying it, because I had never
grown it before. I needn't have Seeds’ Mesclun Mix also contains
chicory.  If you find your chicory too
worried. Chicory is very easy to bitter, soak it in salty water
grow and incredibly nutritious. It Tips for growing chicory for 30 minutes
contains Vitamins A, C, E and K.
It also contains Thiamin, Ribofla- 1. If you’re short on garden  Try having chicory gently
vin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate space, consider growing boiled in salted water
and Pantothenic Acid. Along with chicory in containers. You served on top of broad
radicchio and endive, chicory can simply bean pu r ee,
makes an interesting addition to harvest what sprinkled with
salads. you need, “Chicory is very easy to br ead cu bes
leaving the grow and incredibly
How to grow chicory fried in olive oil
rest of the nutritious”
and garlic
I recommend sowing chicory in plant to con-
late summer (for planting in au- tinue to grow.  For the chicory Catalogna
tumn) and spring. Simply sprinkle Punterelle Brin disina
2. When choosing a seed rais-
some seeds in a punnet filled with which is grown for its
ing mix for raising seed-
seed raising mix and cover lightly. lings, look for one that is
stems and buds, slice the
Make sure you keep them moist to fine in texture and doesn’t inner-core thinly and im-
aid germination, as seeds tend to contain stones and pieces of merse in cold water until
dry out quickly in warm weather. bark they curl up. Drizzle with
When your seedlings are large lemon anchovy dressing
enough to be pricked out, trans- 3. For autumn plantings, don’t
plant them into punnets or seed leave sowing seeds too  Gratin
raising trays so they can grow a bit late—February and March
bigger. From here, you have two is perfect. It gives your  Tart
options—either you can plant your plants enough time to devel-  Risotto
chicory in the ground or grow it in op before they are trans-
containers. If you opt for the lat- planted into the garden or  Salads
ter, your chicory can be kept baby containers before cooler
leaf, sort of like Mesclun. This temperatures set in.  Sauteed, roasted and cara-
makes it easy to harvest for sal- melised
ads. 4. Water seedlings well after
planting. Have a great weekend
It may be best to sow chicory from
Happy gardening!

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