Proposal To Visit Spot Cafe

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Business communication

Submitted By:
Um e Laila

March 15, 2020

TO: Director Dr Shahid Amjad
FROM: Ume Laila
DATE: April 15th 2020
SUBJECT: Sports Café Food & Operations
Sir, as I was asked to observe the Sports café and report to you that how things are going on there. So for this
purpose I visited the café on Friday 10th of April at around 2pm, as at this hour of the day the crowd is usually at
its maximum due to Friday prayer break thing and I thought it would be the perfect time to evaluate the Café
proficiency. I asked the guy at the counter to give me a club sandwich and a cup of tea which took almost 10
minutes as there was only a single person serving there.
Meanwhile waiting for my order I noticed that the counter has spilled things all over it like sugar, used tea bags,
biscuit wrappers etc. Well, I took my order and to my surprise I noticed there was no slot for me to sit as a lot of
students were just sitting there without placing any order. So I stood on one corner with a sandwich in one hand
and tea cup in the other, continuously moving my gaze in search of a spot during which I caught a sight of some
students smoking cigarettes and vaping. Fortunately I found an empty chair which I took and sat at one of the
corners while observing the ambience which seemed much like that of a fish market rather than an elite
university café as the ear-splitting voices of the students were just intolerable.
The sandwich was perfect but the tea was not that up to the mark. After a while I saw some students leaving so I
went to the table they left and sat there. The table was had all spilled food and drinks on it and it quite seemed
like a self-service thing to wipe your own table as no one was going to come and clean it off. Also I noticed a
Lizard creeping on the wall which was too disgusting.
 Students were smoking in an indoor café.
 Students were yelling out at each other and using abusive language.
1. Food was perfect but tea being the most sold beverage, its quality should be improved.
2. There is limited food menu as only the sandwiches and burgers are there, so there should be more
variety of food items.
3. More people should be hired for the serving thing so students won’t be needed to wait for long.
4. Students should be made to line up in a que at the counter rather than just gathering around the counter.
5. Sitting capacity should be increased.
6. Improve the hygienic standards like spraying the insecticides and hiring cleaners who clean the floor and
tables repeatedly.
7. There should be NO SMOKING regulations and fine to be charged up on the doer.
If these recommendations are followed sport café can be improved into a better place for students to spend their
leisure time in.

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