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1. He is sitting outdoor. 1. He is opening an umbrella.
2. There is a glass beside the paper. 2. There is the pile of the mud next to the
3. He is working at the counter. house.
4. The bus is turning around the corner. 3. The woman is boarding in the bus.
5. A bot is placed on the booth. 4. The woman is holding some documents.
6. A woman is having her ear examining. 5. People is relaxing on the rocks.
PART 3 6. There are plants in the room.
32. At the bakery. PART 3:
33. Bussiness address. 32. Buy s book.
34. Check a website. 33. On Sunday.
34. It is closed to the bookstore.
35. An office desk.
36. Organize some files. 35. Fitness center.
37. Sign a form. 36. A trainning session.
37. 220$.
38. They are working in the same
company. 38. A makup artist.
39. Raise some money for an organization. 39. To see work samples.
40. Begin a training session. 40. Set up an appoinment.

41. Visit some museums. 41. In the lobby room.

42. School teacher. 42. There is not enought time to do the
43. It has science wing. task.
43. The company got a new printer.
44. At the resstaurant.
45. He doesn’t have reservation. 44. Teminate a contract.
46. A menu. 45. Reschedule the time.
46. His phone member.
47. Creating a company budget.
48. Bussiness card. PART 5: CADCB-CACAD-BADAC-ACDBA
49. Send some documents. PART 7: BCCBA-DBACC-ADCDA-CADAD

50. A puslisher’s conference.

51. New marketing techniques.
52. Counsel with an editor.

53. He has been doing excellent work.

54. Tranfer to a different location.
55. She is willing to wait for his respond.

56. A machanic.
57. She is disapoited.
58. Give an status update.

59. Invesment in the company.

60. Won a contract.
61. Decide an amount of money.

PART 1: 1. She is holding a lid on her hand.
1. They are walking pass the building. 2. Some people are riding bicycle along the
2. She is talking on the phone. street.
3. Drawers are closed. 3. He is pouring liquid into a container.
4. A customer is examining some jewelry. 4. Seats have been arranged on the
5. Some buckets are mounted on the platform.
bicycle. 5. A boat is docked next to the house.
6. He is examining some papers. 6. A worker is wearing safety clothes.

32. At the security company. 32. Schedule a techinian visit.
33. A device isn’t working correctly. 33. Specific time.
34. Arrange an inspection. 34. Update a work order.

35. A train. 35. Local music group.

36. He doesn’t want to change his seat. 36. He was visting family.
37. Take some pictures. 37. Check a schedule.

38. Move a new office. 38. To get help with an internet problem.
39. Some boxes. 39. He must finish reparing for a client
40. To borrow a key. visit.
40. Send a notification.
41. No suitable meeting room are available.
42. Meet in another location. 41. Can’t accept invitaion.
43. Speak with a supervisor. 42. Time to finish some works.
43. Special graphic.
44. Company president.
45. Update phone themselves. 44. Painting company.
46. Industies will provide customer better 45. A colleage.
sevices. 46. Start date.

47. Painting on office bulding. 47. Television set.

48. Some works are behide schedule. 48. Picture quality.
49. Make a phone call. 49. Check the stockroom.

50. An advertising campain. 50. A restaurant.

51. Manufacturing cost is to hight. 51. Lost item.
52. Consult with a team. 52. Go to an office.

53. Invite a woman is join with him. 53. A delivery.

54. An advertising campain. 54. Bussiness run out of papers.
55. To hire addional worker. 55. That some supplies be moved.

56. Upcoming construction project. 56. Applician store.

57. There may be fewer customer. 57. Requester faster respond.
58. Updating some information online. 58. Contact s manager.

59. At the restaurant. 59. Solar heating company.

60. Size of an order. 60. Free consultaion.
61. Tasting session. 61. Send some informations.


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