Piq 2

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3. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill?

How have you developed and 

demonstrated that talent over time? 

- Anxiety has impacted my life in a negative way for as long as I could remember. 

As a child, until my junior year of highschool, I had sleep paralysis almost every 

night. Most people love to rest and relieve stress after a long day of either work 

or school go to sleep, it’s basically the highlight of our day, except for me. I 

would be stuck and begin to cry as I never thought this feeling of never being 

accepted by others would ever end. School life became more and more 

depressing when I realized I was all alone eating my lunch in the bathroom 

stalls daily. However, the summer of junior year going to senior year of 

highschool, something inside myself began to change. There was my confident, 

inner self, that was ready to see the light. I began to do activities others 

would’ve never got me doing, such as internships and pageantry. In those two 

things I learned how to keep my head up high and confidently speak in front of 

others without shedding a tear. At my internship I was forced to actively engage 

during meetings with my fellow colleagues therefore making me unable to be 

shy and dormant. As for experience in pageantry, I was made to walk in 7 inch 

heels and reveal to the judges and myself that I am not afraid, and that I am able 

to own the stage. This has even improved my academic skills as I am no longer 

afraid to reach out for help when I know I’m troubled, or even giving 

professional presentations without having a stutter and potentially crying. This 

would support me big time during senior defense, where we are demanded to 
show to our teachers why should be able to graduate highschool, as it would set 

me back from walking the stage without persuading my audience that I should 


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