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Chatline—Issue 8

Aug-Sep 2009

Editorial: Some of the more perspicacious or observant amongst you may have
noticed that there was no June/July issue of your favourite? Newsletter. Mostly this was due
to lack of something to put in it, (you all got to get motivated out there if you want to see your
colony / pack / troop / unit / group in the news and submit the input), combined with the
heavy schedule of your B.Ed.
However, events have been happening, and slowly reports of District Camp and other
activities have commenced to trickle in, and, hopefully, there will be more before I finish this
newsletter and put it to bed (after I have finished twisting a few more arms and doing the
‘nag’ thing.
So, before you all disappear again on summer camps, holidays, and kindred activities, let’s
recall some of the great time we had on District Camp out at Sandiway….see next page

I am writing this just a few days after District Camp. The final attendance over the weekend
was eleven hundred. This was made up of nine hundred campers and staff for the full weekend
and two hundred Beavers and Leaders / adults who attended on the Saturday. I have had many
Other Notable Forthcoming kind comments which showed how much our members enjoyed the experience. I pass on these
Events thanks to all of you who contributed in any way to the event. We now have next year’s
County Fun Day JUL 11 ‘Chamboree’ to look forward to so, as soon as you return to Scouting after the summer break
Challenge Venture 12
start encouraging as many of your Group or Unit as possible to book the dates. It will run from
Troop SC 16 31st July to 7th August 2010 at the Cheshire Show Ground, Tabley. Cubs are camping for the
EC 21 first weekend and Beavers will visit on the Sunday. Scouts and Explorers camp for the week.
Summer Camps Various Watch out for more details.

Fellowship AUG 10
How is your Group or Unit doing with the County Challenge? Remember as long as you do
Gilwell Reunion SEP 4-6 each challenge it does not matter in what order they are completed. I would like to think that
Beaver SC 9 our District does well in this.
Pack SC 10
Troop SC 10
Fellowship 14 Most of you will be aware that our District Chairman, Graham Phillips, has been appointed as
EC 15 the new County Commissioner after Eddie Johnson’s retirement from the post. We thank
GSL’s /DT 16 Eddie for his leadership over the years and wish Graham good luck with his new challenge.
Explorer SC 21
Graham will be missed at District but I am sure we will benefit from his County role.
Lady D
Cub Activity Day 26
DHQ Mgmt 29 May I wish you all a good summer break and if you are taking part in a camp or expedition
during July or August, good camping. Let’s look forward to an exciting new Scouting year
B’foot map check 6
from September onwards.
District Team
Dist Camp Site mtg 8
Fellowship 12 Tony
S Swimming Gala 17
EC 20
Blakfoot Hike 23-25


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Chatline—Ed 8 Page 2

The Fantastic, Fun District Camp

So—where’s YOUR picture? Didn’t send it in for

publication! Then you missed an opportunity to
go down in posterity.
Chatline - Ed 8 Page 3

WATERFORD, Ireland on business trips and the

15th took the opportunity to
NEWS FLASH: Seems like the 15th invite him to our 2010
Warrington (St. Joseph’s) Scouts had Chamboree. Personally I
a great time with the Waterford-de-la think we should invite the
Salle Scouts at their 75th Anniver- whole Waterford Scout
sary, which occasion included a very Pipe Band as well.
colourful parade In addition to a Wouldn’t they look great?
reception at Waterford Town Hall, (Lovely that they included
they met the new Irish Chief Scout, David Anwyl and his pipes
Mike Shinnick. It appears he comes in their band for the
over to Runcorn several times a year occasion)

EXPLORERS—(the ones who survived GILWELL 24)

Gilwell 24 is a dynamic, excitement packed twenty-four hours of non-stop activity, events and challenges. Our
intrepid team of Explorers travelled to Gilwell and immersed themselves in the goings-on. Since their return I
have received the following pictures showing what appears to be one of their challenges, but no accompanying
write-up (they were probably too tired after their exertions and lack of sleep.

Seems like they had a shelter of

sorts to take short breaks when
exhaustion started taking toll -
and, an unusual event on
Gilwell 24, was the induction
of our new Chief Scout, Bear
Grylls, by Peter Duncan, the

EXPLORERS—have also taken part in CHALLENGE VENTURE

Teams of four were allocated a timetable and a vehicle with driver and had to follow a treasure trail taking
them to a number of bases at each of which they had to complete a task. These varied from crafts to sport to
scout skills, etc. In addition to the tasks at the bases they were expected to complete quizzes or other puzzles
while en route. Fortunately it was a nice day, the rain held off and it seemed like a good time was had by all.
The day finished at Grappenhall Campsite with the winning teams being announced at a Barbeque. See next
page for pictures of the journey made by one of the competing teams.
Chatline - Ed 78 Page 4

WOOLSTON (Park) LYMM (17th)




Chatline - Ed 78 Page 5

Last minute ideas for activities in summer camp:

Having fun at camp!

Wild? animals
Chatline - Ed 8 Page 6

The Path of Life Prayer:

Thank you, Lord, for guiding us along a rough and sometimes very dangerous path. Al-
though we grumble a little about being tired, help us try to think and to know that people
less fortunate than ourselves cannot have such a good day. The path of life is very like a
mountain path - rough, windy and full of hazards. Please guide us along this path as you
did today. Give is a safe journey down the mountain tomorrow and look after us every day.
We also ask, dear Lord, for you to watch over our friends and families. Amen.
Here’s a nice little prayer for the end of an evening in camp after a day spent hiking in the hills.


Tsunami ESU have been busy! On 17th July we met at the 21st Headquarters and went out on a
night hike round Appleton and Stretton. Returning at 11.30 p.m. hot dogs and hot chocolates were
eaten and drunk, as tradition dictates. After very little sleep, which Explorers often seem able to sur-
vive on, we all breakfasted and were ready to start work.
Steve Cummings had asked us to cut a hedge, cut the grass and clear an area beside the Scout hut.
It seemed an awful lot of work for three hours but twelve Explorers set to work with a will. Using
loppers, shears and clippers, the hedge was cut, mowers were got out for the grass, and gloves, spades
and black bags for clearing the rubbish.
By 11.30 we were able to reward the workers with drinks, doughnuts and cookies.
What superstars!

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