Las Arqueas Necesitan Un Oric

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TIMI 1530 No.

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Do Archaea Need an and viruses, it was expected that archaeal
chromosomal origins would be readily
in vivo identification of an archaeal origin of
replication was reported [3]. Studies in the
Origin of Replication? identified using a search for similarity to thermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus abyssi
known origins. This was not the case, using labeled DNA and pulsed-field gel elec-
Lori M. Kelman1 and
however, even after the complete trophoresis found that the region identified
Zvi Kelman2,* genome sequences of several archaeal by the skew analysis replicates early,
species were determined. The inability suggesting the presence of an origin of rep-
Chromosomal DNA replication to identify origins of replication in archaea lication. This study suggested that chromo-
starts at a specific region called an led to questions regarding the mecha- somal DNA replication in archaea initiates at
origin of replication. Until recently, nism of DNA replication in general and a single origin and propagates bidirectionally
all [38_TD$IF]organisms were thought to the initiation process in particular. It was until terminating at a region opposite the
require origins to replicate their also not clear whether archaea would origin [4]. A year later a study reported the
chromosomes. It was recently dis- have a single origin, as in bacteria, multi- identification of the archaeal origin of repli-
covered that some [39_TD$IF]archaeal species ple origins, as in eukarya, or no origins at cation in P. abyssi using two-dimensional
do not utilize origins of replication all, with chromosomal DNA replication gel electrophoreses [5].
under laboratory growth conditions. initiated using a different origin-indepen-
dent mechanism. While the archaeal chromosome is circu-
lar, as in bacteria (Table 1), the archaeal
Origin of Replication The Identification of an Archaeal DNA replication machinery is more similar
Chromosomal DNA replication underlies Origin of Replication to that of eukarya. This is based on the
evolution and enables the propagation of The completion of the genome sequen- biochemical properties and structural
living organisms by ensuring the faithful ces of several bacterial species provided analysis of individual proteins and com-
duplication and transfer of genetic infor- the first clue leading to the identification of plexes [6]. However, the observation that
mation to daughter cells. The process is an archaeal origin of replication. Analysis archaea initiate chromosomal DNA syn-
conserved in all life forms, and starts at a showed that, in some bacterial species, thesis from a single origin suggested that,
specific sequence known as an origin of there are strand-specific biases in nucle- for the initiation process, archaea are
replication. otide, oligomer, and codon frequencies more similar to bacteria.
along the chromosome. It was found that
Although origins of replication differ in there is an abrupt change in these biases Archaea with Multiple Origins
number and length in prokarya, eukarya, at replication origins and DNA termination Several years after the in vivo identification
viruses, and cellular organelles, all share sites. Computational algorithms that of a single origin of replication in P. abyssi,
similar characteristics. Origins are rich in A could detect these changes, referred to two studies reported the presence of mul-
and T residues and contain an AT-rich as skew analysis, enabled the identifica- tiple origins in Sulfolobus species [7]. One
stretch; most also contain repetitive tion of putative single replication origins in study took advantage of the observation
nucleotide sequence motifs, although several, but not all, archaeal species, and that most archaeal origins identified by
the sequence, length, and distribution of were reported in 1999 [2]. The identified skew analysis are located upstream of
the motifs vary. Another common feature origins are rather large, and many are genes encoding the Cdc6 protein. The
is the presence of inverted repeats of located in close proximity to the genes regions upstream of the three cdc6 genes
various sizes. Besides these common encoding the archaeal homolog of the in the Sulfolobus solfataricus genome
features there are classes of origins that eukaryotic initiator protein Cdc6 (in were evaluated for origin activity using
contain unique features such as GA- archaea also called Orc1 or Cdc6/Orc) two-dimensional gel electrophoresis [8].
tracts on one strand and CT-tracts on and other replication enzymes. This is Origin of replication activity was observed
the other, GC-rich regions, or binding similar to the situation in bacteria where in the regions upstream of two of the three
sites for transcription factors [1]. genes encoding replication proteins (e.g., cdc6 genes. It was also determined that
DnaA and DnaN) are close to the replica- bidirectional DNA synthesis initiated from
Archaeal Origin of Replication – tion origin. those two origins [8].
The Early Days of the Field
Because a large number of defined ori- These initial in silico studies were At the same time, another study used a
gins were identified in bacteria, eukarya, expanded, and a year later a report on the combination of marker frequency analysis

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TIMI 1530 No. of Pages 3

Table 1. Summary of Origins of Replication in the Three Domains

Bacteria Archaea Eukarya

Chromosome Circular Circular Linear

Number of origins 1 1 or multiple Multiple

Can the origin be deleted? Yes Yes Yes

Is a dormant origin then activated?a Yes Sometimes Yes

Is the native origin used under laboratory growth conditions? Yes Not alwaysb Yes

In many organisms, when the major origin of replication is deleted, secondary, dormant origins are activated. In some archaeal species, DNA replication in origin-
deleted strains initiates along the chromosome and not at a specific site(s).
At least in one archaeal species, the origin of replication is not utilized under laboratory growth conditions.

and whole-genome microarrays to iden- In bacteria and eukarya, when the major locations along the chromosome, as
tify origins of replication in the genomes of origin of replication is deleted, second- was the case in H. volcanii [12].
S. solfataricus and Sulfolobus acidocal- ary, dormant, origins are activated. This
darius. This study identified three origins was not the case, however, in H. volcanii, Cdc6 is the initiator protein in archaea and
of replication in these genomes, including and no secondary origin activation could binds to the origin of replication [5]. Similar
one not near a [40_TD$IF]cdc6 gene. The data also be observed. The cells deleted for origins to the ability to delete the origin, the gene
suggested that all three origins initiate initiate replication at dispersed sites encoding Cdc6 could be readily deleted
bidirectional DNA synthesis with similar along the chromosome. The results sug- from the T. kodakarensis genome [12],
rates of replication fork movement [9]. gested that an alternative mechanism supporting the observation that origin
These initial studies were later expanded exists in H. volcanii to initiate chromo- activation is not required. Thus, the dele-
to show that the genomes of other somal replication. When the origins were tion experiments with H. volcanii and T.
archaeal species also contain multiple ori- deleted it was found that cell viability is kodakarensis show that, in some archaeal
gins of replication. Table 1 summarizes dependent upon the presence of a species, the origin(s) of replication is
the information about replication origins in recombination protein, RadA. It was dispensable.
bacteria, archaea, and eukarya. therefore proposed that DNA replication
is mediated via a recombination-depen- An even more surprising observation
Origins [41_TD$IF]Are Not Needed for Cell dent DNA replication initiation [10]. How- was made when a control experiment
Viability ever, this is not the case in all archaeal was performed with T. kodakarensis
The studies described above clearly species. Although Haloferax mediterra- cells. In the laboratory, under normal
showed the presence of origin(s) of repli- nei is related to H. volcanii, when the growth conditions, even when the gene
cation in archaea. They also illustrate the origin is deleted in H. mediterranei a dor- encoding Cdc6 is intact and the putative
mosaic nature of the archaeal domain, mant origin is activated [11]. origin is present, the cells did not utilize
as some species contain a single origin, the origin, and initiation occurred at
as in bacteria, while other genomes have Is the ability to delete the origins of many sites along the chromosome [12].
multiple origins, as in eukarya. It was replication unique to H. volcanii? Subse-
therefore assumed that, as is the case quent study with the thermophilic [42_TD$IF]Concluding Remarks
in bacteria and eukarya, the origin of rep- archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis It has been the dogma that chromosomal
lication plays an essential role in the initi- showed that the putative origin of repli- DNA replication begins at an origin of
ation of chromosomal replication and cation can be readily deleted from the replication, but this has now been called
therefore is essential for cell viability. genome without effect on cell growth. into question. The study of archaea and
However, studies with the halophilic Based upon the observation in H. volca- their interesting variations on DNA repli-
archaeon Haloferax volcanii suggested nii, it is likely that the T. kodakarensis cation will help us to understand evolution
that this is not the case and, at least in origin-depleted cells depended upon and may lead to other unexpected
this organism, the deletion of all known the recombination machinery to initiate applications.
origins of replication does not result in DNA replication. It was also found that 1
Program in Biotechnology, Montgomery College, 20200
growth defects [10]. replication initiated at dispersed Observation Drive, Germantown, MD 20876, USA

2 Trends in Microbiology, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy

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Trends in Microbiology, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy 3

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