Grammar Worksheet 1: Frequency Adverbs The Simple Present Tense: Spelling Rules

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ID 617963

Grammar Worksheet 1 NR: 9329

Frequency adverbs; The simple present tense: spelling rules

1. Write the frequency adverbs in the correct position to complete each statement.
1. We  often go - swimming on the weekend. (often)
2. She is Never late for her dance class. (never)
3. Dan always does his homework on Sundays. (always)
4. They are y happy to help. (usually)
5. I s go to bed after midnight. (sometimes)
6. You always say that! (always)
tired at the end of the week.
7. I am Otfe n (often)
8. You are never on time for soccer practice. (never)

2. Look at the chart. Write statements about Mark and Sara, according to the chart.
Mark Sara
go to the park often sometimes
study on Sunday always never
exercise never often
be on time usually always
have parties sometimes never

1. Mark / go to the park. 5. Mark / be on time.

 Mark often goes to the park.

2. Sara / study on Sunday. 6. Sara / go the park.

3.Sara / exercise. 7. Mark / study on Sunday.

4.Sara / have parties. 8. Sara / be on time.

3. Describe your daily routines. Use frequency adverbs and the ideas in Exercise 2.
1.  I often go to the park.
Teen2Teen Two  Unit 6: Grammar Worksheet 1 Photocopiable © Oxford University
Press 2014

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