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Original Article

A comparison of various minimally invasive

techniques for the removal of dental fluorosis stains in
Aarushi Gupta, Renuka Dhingra, Payal Chaudhuri, Anil Gupta
Department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Sciences, SGT University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India

ABSTRACT Address for correspondence:

Dr. Aarushi Gupta,
Context: Dental fluorosis is caused by successive B 389, Nirman Vihar, Vikas Marg, New Delhi ‑ 110 092, India.
exposure to high concentrations of fluoride E‑mail:
during tooth development leading to enamel with
lower mineral content and increased porosity.
Aims: The aim of the study was to evaluate and Access this article online
compare the effectiveness of minimally invasive Quick response code Website:
techniques for the removal of dental fluorosis
stains in children in  vivo. Design: Ninety children DOI:
in the age group of 10–17  years were selected.
Materials and Methods: The study sample was
equally and randomly divided into three groups;
Group  1: In‑office bleaching with 35% hydrogen ******

peroxide  (HP) activated by light‑emitting

diode  (LED) bleaching unit  (35% HP), Group  2:
Enamel microabrasion  (EM) followed by in‑office
bleaching with 44% carbamide peroxide gel  (EM),
Dental fluorosis, also known as mottled enamel, is a
Group  3: In‑office bleaching with 5% sodium
developmental disturbance of dental enamel, caused
hypochlorite  (5% NaOCl). Statistical analysis
by successive exposure to high concentrations of
was done using one‑way ANOVA test. Results:
fluoride during tooth development. It is a form of
Bleaching with 35% HP activated by LED bleaching
enamel hypoplasia leading to enamel with lower
unit and EM followed by bleaching with 44%
mineral content and increased porosity.[1]
carbamide peroxide were equally effective for the
removal of dental fluorosis stains in children in vivo.
However, bleaching with 5% NaOCl could not Nearly 12 million out of the 85 million tons of fluoride
completely remove moderate to severe stains. It was deposits on the Earth’s crust are found in India resulting
effective in removing only mild stains. Bleaching in as many as twenty states being affected by endemic
and microabrasion procedures caused slight fluorosis.[2] The highest rates of endemicity have been
decrease in tooth sensitivity readings by electric reported from Andhra  Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka,
pulp vitality tester which continued to increase and Tamil Nadu. This is a major public health problem
over time. However, none of the patients reported
sensitivity in their teeth at any point of time. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Patients were highly satisfied with the treatment Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which
outcome postoperatively but reported slight relapse allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially,
of color in the three groups. Conclusions: Bleaching as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under
the identical terms.
and microabrasion techniques can consider as an
interesting alternatives to conventional operative For reprints contact:
treatment options.
How to cite this article: Gupta A, Dhingra R, Chaudhuri P,
KEYWORDS: Bleaching, color change, dental Gupta A. A comparison of various minimally invasive techniques
fluorosis, enamel microabrasion, patient satisfaction, for the removal of dental fluorosis stains in children. J Indian Soc
tooth sensitivity Pedod Prev Dent 2017;35:260-8.

260 © 2017 Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow
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Gupta, et al.: Treatment of dental fluorosis stains

as almost 85% of rural population in India depends on • Group  1: In‑office bleaching with 35% hydrogen
groundwater for their domestic needs.[2] peroxide (HP) (Pola Office® bleaching kit) activated
by light‑emitting diode  (LED) bleaching unit
Fluorosis is a result of extended exposure to fluoride (35% HP)
resulting in deficient formation and maturation due to • Group  2: Enamel microabrasion  (EM)  (PREMA®
metabolic alterations in the ameloblasts during the period Enamel Microabrasion System) followed by
of teeth formation. It is characterized by the presence of in‑office bleaching with 44% carbamide peroxide
bilateral, diffuse, thin, and horizontal white striations and gel (EM)
stained plaque areas. In the most severe cases, the enamel • Group  3: In‑office bleaching with 5% sodium
may become discolored and/or pitted. Histologically, hypochlorite (5% NaOCl).
the tissue presents hypomineralized subsurface
areas confined to few micrometers from the external Informed written consent was taken from the parents
mineralized surface, which increases its porosity.[3] of the participants. They were informed of the
benefits and possible risks involved in the treatment.
Various methods of therapy have been advocated for After that, vitality test was done using electric pulp
the treatment of fluorosis‑stained teeth which range vitality tester. A  baseline color evaluation was done
from invasive ceramic veneer bonding restorations to by taking digital photograph of the permanent
abrasive chemical treatments. However, the problem maxillary anterior teeth. L*, a*, and b* color values
with invasive treatments is that most patients are were determined from the digital photographs by
young adults and the use of procedures in the form which is a standard program for quantitative analysis
of prosthetic approach with veneers or crowns and management of color of digital images.
result in an excessive sacrifice of tooth material, thus
accelerating the destruction of the tooth at an early All participants received a complete oral prophylaxis
age. Furthermore, the restorative approach is time before starting of the bleaching process or EM. The soft
consuming and expensive.[4] tissues were protected with a polymeric barrier, and
topical anesthetic was applied on the gingival margins.
Nowadays, the combination of dental bleaching
techniques and microabrasion appears an excellent For participants in Group  1  (bleaching with 35% HP
conservative solution to reestablish health in activated by LED bleaching unit), 35% HP gel was
fluorosis‑affected teeth[5] and provide highly applied on the discolored teeth surfaces, light activation
satisfactory results along with low cost. of gel was done by LED bleaching unit for three cycles
of 15 min each with 10 min resting time. The bleaching
Considering the high prevalence of dental fluorosis agent was removed at the end of every 10  min and
in Gurgaon and neighboring areas, this study was reapplied again as before for the light activation. At the
conducted to investigate the treatment modalities for the end of the session in all cases, the teeth will be polished
removal of unaesthetic dental fluorosis stains in children. with fine polishing discs or prophylaxis paste.

Materials and Methods For participants in Group 2 (EM followed by bleaching

with 44% carbamide peroxide), the teeth were
The present study was conducted in the Department isolated, and petroleum jelly was applied around
of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Faculty the cervical portion of the teeth to prevent leakage
of Dental Sciences, SGT University, Gurgaon. The of the hydrochloric acid and damage to the gingiva.
study design was reviewed and approved by the Approximately 1  mm layer of a microabrasive slurry
ethical committee. Ninety children in the age group composed of 15% hydrochloric acid plus silicon
of 10–17  years were selected after informed written carbide was applied to the discolored labial surface
consent from parents. Inclusion criteria included of teeth with a dispensing tip. Rotary application
participants should have at least two permanent was done by a slow speed handpiece with a specially
maxillary anterior teeth, should be healthy or free designed mandrel tip. This continued up to 60 s at a
from any systemic disease, and have score 4 according time. The applications were repeated till the stain got
to tooth surface index of fluorosis. Participants were removed (up to 3 min). Between each application, the
excluded if they had caries or periodontal disease on slurry was rinsed and dried from the tooth surfaces.
anterior teeth, abscess, draining sinus, cellulitis or other The teeth were washed abundantly with water for
conditions requiring emergency dental treatment, 20 s which was drained off by suction tip. Forty‑four
nonvital teeth, wearing of orthodontic appliances, percent carbamide peroxide was prepared on the spot
hypersensitive exposed tooth crevices or cracks, and if as it is an unstable compound. For this, carbamide
there was any past history of bleaching therapy. peroxide powder with 98% purity was mixed with
carboxymethylcellulose gel with glycerin as thickening
The study sample  (ninety children) was equally and agent and catalyst in the ratio of 1:1 by weight. The
randomly divided into the three equal groups for the teeth were covered with 0.2 ml layer of bleaching agent
treatment of dental fluorosis. for 20  min. The bleaching procedure continued for a

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Gupta, et al.: Treatment of dental fluorosis stains

maximum of 60 min (3 × 20 min sessions). The gel was satisfaction. The above‑mentioned techniques were
replaced in each clinical session and was light activated compared for effectiveness of removal of fluorosis
by two 40 s applications spaced by 10 min intervals. stains, effect on teeth sensitivity, number of visits of
the patient, and patient satisfaction.
For participants in Group  3  (bleaching with 5%
NaOCl), the discolored enamel surface was etched for The data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis
15 s with 37% phosphoric acid and rinsed. The NaOCl and compilation of the results was done. The statistical
was applied to the discolored surface of all teeth using analysis was performed with which is a widely used
a cotton applicator, repeating the application as the program by health and educational researchers for
solution gets evaporated. After 10  min, teeth were statistical analysis and data management developed in
re‑etched for 60 s, rinsed, and bleached. The procedure 1968.
was done for a maximum of 20 min in one appointment.
Cases in which satisfactory results were not obtained,
the respective procedure was repeated in further After evaluation of patients having score 4 according
appointments as necessary. The total number of visits to tooth surface index of fluorosis, ninety patients were
was noted for each patient. selected to participate in the study ranging in age from
10 to 17  years with mean  ±  SD age of 12.7  ±  1.9  years.
All the qualitative and quantitative values of the A  maximum number of patients in this study were in
parameters to be studied were recorded in individual 12–14 years of age; Group 1 ‑ 60% and Group 2 and 3 ‑ 50%.
patient pro forma.
L*, a*, and b* color parameters calculated by Adobe
To achieve standardized settings, the distance Photoshop 7 software were subjected to statistical
between the teeth to be evaluated and the lens, analysis using ANOVA test. Table 1 represents L*, a*, and
as well as camera angle, and lighting conditions b* parameters at baseline, immediate postoperative, after
were tried to be kept constant for all photographic 1 month, and after 3 months. No significant difference
assessments. Digital images were recorded using Sony was found for any of the color parameter (L*, a*, and b*)
Cyber‑Shot DSC‑WX50. The pre‑  and post‑treatment in Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3 at baseline (P > 0.05).
digital photographs were taken using similar setting
and evaluated using Adobe Photoshop 7 software. Color change
Whiteness of enamel lesions was expressed in L*, Figures 1‑3 represent color change in Groups 1, 2, and 3,
a*, and b* color space measurements. Color change respectively.
was calculated preoperatively and immediate
postoperative. Bleaching durability was assessed by Color differences were calculated using the following
comparing L*, a*, and b* values collected after 1 month equation: ∆E =  ([∆L*]2  +  [∆a*]2  +  [∆b*]2]1/2. Results
and 3  months to baseline data. ∆L* is the change in obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using
lightness  (the greater the  ∆  L*, the whiter the teeth), ANOVA test.
and ∆ a* and ∆ b* are chromaticity values (the amount
of redness and the amount of yellowness). Table  2 and Graph  1 show the color change  (ΔE)
immediate postoperative, after 1  month, and after
Color differences were calculated using the following 3 months in all the three groups.
equation: ∆E = ([∆L*]2 + [∆a*]2 + [∆b*]2) 1/2 (International
Commission on Illumination, Paris, 1978). A statistically significant difference was found in all
the three groups for immediate postoperative color
Pulp vitality test was done to check for sensitivity of
teeth at the end of the treatment and during follow‑up
visits. Patients were also asked whether they felt
sensitivity of teeth or not.

Patient satisfaction score was recorded using a visual

analog scale ranging from 1 to 5. a b

Patients were instructed to refrain from eating or

drinking foodstuff rich in color that can stain teeth
for first 48 h after bleaching procedure. An individual
prophylactic program for all the children was
implemented including motivation and training in oral c d
hygiene and a food regimen. Desensitizing paste was Figure 1: Group 1 ‑ Bleaching with Pola Office® bleaching kit activated by
advised. Patients were recalled after 1 and 3 months for light‑emitting diode bleaching unit (a) preoperative, (b) postoperative,
reevaluation of teeth color, teeth sensitivity, and their (c) follow‑up after 1 month, (d) follow‑up after 3 months

262 Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry | Volume 35 | Issue 3 | July-September 2017 |
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Gupta, et al.: Treatment of dental fluorosis stains

Table 1: Comparison of color parameters L*, a*, and b* at baseline, immediate postoperative, after 1 month,
and after 3 months in all the three groups
Parameter Mean±SD F P
Group 1 (35% HP) Group 2 (EM) Group 3 (5% NaOCl)
Baseline 47.2±8.4 48.5±13.6 49.4±7.1 0.365 0.69
Postoperative 56.8±4.8 59.2±12.5 54.2±7.6 2.4 0.09
After 1 month 55.6±6.4 57.4±12.3 53.5±8.3 1.3 0.27
After 3 months 53.9±4.2 56.2±12.1 53.1±7.6 1.07 0.35
Baseline 8.6±6.2 6.7±5.2 7.2±4.4 1.13 0.32
Postoperative 1.6±3.7 3.1±5.2 3.5±2.6 1.9 0.15
After 1 month 2.8±3.0 4.5±4.8 5.6±3.4 3.9 0.02
After 3 months 3.2±3.4 4.4±5.1 5.9±3.7 3.1 0.05
Baseline 17.4±6.6 16.8±10.1 15.1±10.0 0.52 0.59
Postoperative 8.7±4.9 10.6±7.6 5.5±6.3 4.9 0.009
After 1 month 9.6±4.9 11.3±9.4 7.3±6.5 2.4 0.092
After 3 months 9.9±4.8 11.1±9.8 7.6±6.3 1.75 0.18
SD=Standard deviation; EM=Enamel microabrasion; HP=Hydrogen peroxide; NaOCl=Sodium hypochlorite

Table 2: Color change (ΔE) immediate postoperative, after 1 month, and after 3 months in all the three groups
Color change (ΔE)‑calculated from baseline Mean±SD F P
Group 1 (35% HP) Group 2 (EM) Group 3 (5% NaOCl)
Postoperative 16.10±9.28 17.29±8.29 10.60±5.72 6.105 0.003
After 1 month 14.42±8.04 16.34±7.64 9.22±5.69 7.847 0.001
After 3 months 14.03±8.15 16.29±7.89 8.83±5.70 8.178 0.001
SD=Standard deviation; EM=Enamel microabrasion; HP=Hydrogen peroxide; NaOCl=Sodium hypochlorite

a b
a b

c d
Figure 2: Group 2 ‑ Microabrasion followed by bleaching with 44% c d
carbamide peroxide (a) preoperative, (b) postoperative, (c) follow‑up Figure 3: Group  3  ‑  Bleaching with 5% sodium hypochlorite
after 1 month, (d) follow‑up after 3 months (a) preoperative,  (b) postoperative,  (c) follow‑up after 1  month,
(d) follow‑up after 3 months
change (P = 0.003), color change at 1 month (P = 0.001), and
3 months (P = 0.001) calculated from baseline. Immediate and 3  months between Groups  1 and 2. Statistically
postoperative, mean color change was 17.29  ±  8.28 significant difference was found for color change
in Group  2, followed by 16.1  ±  9.28 in Group  1 and immediate postoperative, 1  month, and 3  months
10.6 ± 5.72 in Group 3. After 1 month, mean color change between Groups 1 and 3 (P < 0.05) and Group 2 and 3
was 16.34 ± 7.64 in Group 2, followed by 14.42 ± 8.04 in (P < 0.05).
Group 1 and 9.22 ± 5.69 in Group 3. After 3 months, mean
color change was 16.29  ±  7.89 in Group  2, followed by Paired t‑test was applied to analyze color change within
14.03 ± 8.15 in Group 1 and 8.83 ± 5.70 in Group 3. each group at different points of time. In Group  1,
statistically significant difference was seen in change
There was no statistically significant difference in in tooth color between immediate postoperative
color change immediate postoperative, 1  month, and after 1 month (P ≤ 0.001) or 3 months (P ≤ 0.001)

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but was not statistically significant between 1 Group 2 (0.64 ± 0.79) followed by Group 1 (0.34 ± 0.61)

and 3  months  (P  =  0.117). Similarly, in Group  2, and least in Group 3 (0.10 ± 0.19). After 3 months, the
statistically significant difference was seen in change changes in tooth sensitivity values were greatest in
in tooth color between immediate postoperative Group 2 (0.57 ± 0.76) followed by Group 1 (0.27 ± 0.53)
and after 1 month (P ≤ 0.001) or 3 months (P ≤ 0.001) and least in Group 3 (0.08 ± 0.18).
but was not statistically significant between 1
and 3  months  (P  =  0.747). However, in Group  3, Table  3 shows a comparison of changes in tooth
statistically significant difference was seen in change sensitivity values immediate postoperative, after
in tooth color between immediate postoperative 1  month, and 3  months among the three groups.
and after 1 month (P = 0.001) or 3 months (P ≤ 0.001) Immediate postoperative, the changes in tooth
and also statistically significant between 1 and sensitivity values were statistically significant between
3 months (P = 0.005). Thus, there was a slight relapse of Group  1 and Group  2  (P  =  0.025); Group  2 and
color in all the three groups after 1 month of treatment. Group  3  (P  =  0.002) but not statistically significant
between Group 1 and Group 3 (0.627). After 1 month,
Tooth sensitivity the changes in tooth sensitivity values were statistically
We computed the differences in tooth sensitivity significant between Group 2 and Group 3 (P = 0.002)
values obtained using electric pulp vitality tester but not statistically significant between Group  1 and
by subtracting the postoperative and follow‑up Group 3 (P = 0.24) and Group 1 and 2 (P = 0.135). After
measurements from baseline measurements. The 3 months, the changes in tooth sensitivity values were
values obtained were subjected to statistical analysis statistically significant between Group 1 and Group 2;
using ANOVA test. Group  2 and Group  3 but not statistically significant
between Group 1 and Group 3.
Table 3 and Graph 2 show changes in tooth sensitivity
values immediate postoperative, after 1  month, and Paired t‑test was applied to analyze changes in
tooth sensitivity within each group at different
after 3 months calculated from baseline.
points of time [Graph  2]. In Group  1, no statistically
significant difference was seen in changes in tooth
The changes in tooth sensitivity values were
sensitivity values immediate postoperative and after
statistically significant in all the three groups 1 month (P = 0.334) or 3 months (P = 0.786) and between
immediate postoperative, after 1  month, and after 1 and 3  months  (P  =  0.125). However, in Group  2,
3  months (P  <  0.05). Immediate postoperative, the statistically significant difference was seen in changes
changes in tooth sensitivity values were greatest in in tooth sensitivity values immediate postoperative
Group 2 (0.74 ± 0.85) followed by Group 1 (0.29 ± 0.73) and after 1 month (P = 0.065) or 3 months (P = 0.044)
and least in Group 3 (0.14 ± 0.21). After 1 month, the but was not statistically significant between 1 and
changes in tooth sensitivity values were greatest in 3 months (P = 0.302). In Group 3, statistically significant
difference was seen in changes in tooth sensitivity
17.29 0.80
16.00 16.10 16.34 16.29 0.74
14.42 0.70
14.00 14.03 0.64
12.00 0.57
10.00 10.60 0.50
9.22 8.83
8.00 0.40
6.00 0.30 0.29 0.27
4.00 0.20
2.00 0.10 0.10 0.08
0.00 0.00
Postoperative After 1 month After 3 months Postoperative After 1 month After 3 months

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Graph 1: Color change Graph 2: Tooth sensitivity changes

Table 3: Changes in tooth sensitivity values immediate postoperative, after 1 month, and after 3 months
calculated from baseline
Changes in tooth sensitivity values Mean±SD F P
Group 1 (35% HP) Group 2 (EM) Group 3 (5% NaOCl)
Postoperative 0.29±0.73 0.74±0.85 0.14±0.21 6.899 0.002
After 1 month 0.34±0.61 0.64±0.79 0.10±0.19 6.351 0.003
After 3 months 0.27±0.53 0.57±0.76 0.08±0.18 6.012 0.004
SD=Standard deviation; EM=Enamel microabrasion; HP=Hydrogen peroxide; NaOCl=Sodium hypochlorite

264 Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry | Volume 35 | Issue 3 | July-September 2017 |
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Gupta, et al.: Treatment of dental fluorosis stains

values postoperative and after 1 month (P = 0.005) or but was not statistically significant between 1
3 months (P = 0.001) but was not statistically significant and 3  months  (P  =  0.326). In Group  2, statistically
between 1 and 3 months (P = 0.103). significant difference was seen in patient satisfaction
score immediate postoperatively and after 1  month
However, none of the patients reported any sensitivity (P = 0.006) or 3 months (P ≤ 0.001) but was not statistically
in their teeth in immediate postoperative period, after significant between 1 and 3  months  (P  =  0.06). In
1 month, or after 3 months. Group  3, statistically significant difference was seen
in change in patient satisfaction score immediate
postoperatively and after 1  month  (P  =  0.006) or
Patient satisfaction score
3  months  (P  =  0.001) and also statistically significant
The patient’s satisfaction score was assessed on a
between 1 and 3 months (P = 0.161).
visual analog scale ranging from 1 to 5.

Table  4 and Graph  3 represent the mean patient Number of appointments

satisfaction scores immediate postoperative, after Treatment was repeated at subsequent appointments
1 month, and after 3 months. until the patients were satisfied with the treatment.

It was found that there was no statistically significant Four patients in Group  1 required two appointments
difference in the patient satisfaction scores between while one patient required three appointments. Three
all the three groups at the three points of time. patients in Group  2 required two appointments
whereas one patient required three appointments.
Twenty‑seven patients (90%) were satisfied with their
However, all patients in Group  3 were treated in a
appearance immediately after treatment in Group  1.
single appointment only.
However, out of these, seven patients reported
slight reappearance of color at the end of 3  months.
Twenty‑five patients  (83%) were satisfied with their Discussion
appearance immediately after treatment in Group  2.
However, out of these, eight patients reported Critical period of 21–30 months of age for females and
slight reappearance of color at the end of 3  months. 15–24  months of age for males has been identified at
Twenty‑two patients  (73%) were satisfied with their which teeth are at risk of fluorosis.[4] It is generally
appearance immediately after treatment in Group  3. accepted that the characteristic opacity of fluorotic
However, out of these, seven patients reported slight enamel results from incomplete apatite crystal growth.
reappearance of color at the end of 3 months. Matrix proteins, which are associated with the mineral
phase and permit a correct crystal growth, normally
Paired t‑test was applied to analyze patient satisfaction degrade and disappear during the enamel maturation
score within each group at different points of time. In phase. In fluorotic enamel, they are not eliminated,
Group 1, statistically significant difference was seen in resulting in their retention in the enamel tissue.
patient satisfaction score immediate postoperatively
and after 1 month (P = 0.001) or 3 months (P = 0.001) In this study, central incisors were selected as teeth
for fluorosis because the major determinant of the
prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis has been
6.00 shown to be the fluoride concentration in water ingested
5.00 by children during the mineralization of permanent
4.47 4.23 4.27 teeth. Dental fluorosis may develop only during the
4.00 4.00
3.73 period of primary and secondary mineralization of
3.00 teeth. Thus, the maxillary central incisors are most
2.00 susceptible from the age of 1–5½ years of age.[6]

0.00 The technique of bleaching or whitening teeth was

Postoperative 1 mth 3 mth first described in 1877. It was in the year 1916 that
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Dr. Walter Kane used hydrochloric acid to successfully
remove the fluorosis stains. Bleaching and EM are
Graph 3: Patient satisfaction score the minimally invasive available techniques for the

Table 4: Patient satisfaction score immediate postoperative, after 1 month, and after 3 months
Patient satisfaction score Mean±SD F P
Group 1 (35% HP) Group 2 (EM) Group 3 (5% NaOCl)
Postoperative 4.83±0.53 4.47±0.90 4.47±0.90 2.123 0.126
After 1 month 4.23±0.94 4.00±1.02 4.00±1.02 0.555 0.576
After 3 months 4.27±0.94 3.73±0.98 3.87±1.01 2.417 0.095
SD=Standard deviation; EM=Enamel microabrasion; HP=Hydrogen peroxide; NaOCl=Sodium hypochlorite

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Gupta, et al.: Treatment of dental fluorosis stains

treatment of dental fluorosis. In this study, bleaching and function as an abrasive agent. The microabraded
with 35% HP  (Pola Office bleaching kit) and EM surface reflects and refracts light from the surface in
followed by bleaching with 44% carbamide peroxide such a way that mild imperfections in the underlying
were equally effective for the removal of dental fluorosis enamel are camouflaged. The highly polished surface
stains in children in vivo. However, bleaching with 5% of the enamel following abrasion with hydrochloric
NaOCl could not completely remove moderate to severe acid‑pumice enhances the esthetic appearance.[16]
stains; it was effective in removing only mild stains. The amount of enamel removed by the procedure is
related to the duration of applications, the number
During dental bleaching, HP is capable of penetrating of applications, and the pressure applied to the
the tooth by osmosis and through porosities and tooth during microabrasion. After completion of
cracks, subsequently acting directly on pigmented microabrasion, bleaching with 44% carbamide
molecules.[7,8] After coming into contact with organic peroxide was done to harmonize tooth color as the
pigments impregnated in the dental tissues, it teeth often appear yellow after treatment. Carbamide
is capable of promoting cleavage in the simpler peroxide effectively lightens teeth, particularly those
hydrosoluble molecular structures, reducing and that have a natural yellowish shade or have darkened
making them lighter consequently promoting color with age.[17] In this study, 44% carbamide peroxide was
alteration of the tooth. Peroxide and light treatment prepared on the spot as it is an unstable compound. The
significantly lighten the color of teeth to a greater combination of dental bleaching and microabrasion
extent than does peroxide or light alone.[9] When light has proved to be successful.[18] Similar to the study of
activated, the use of high‑intensity light raised the Train et al.[19] and Loguercio et al.,[20] our study showed
temperature of HP and accelerated the rate of chemical that EM remarkably improved the appearance of
bleaching of teeth. The light source activates peroxide mildly fluorosed teeth, moderately improved the
to accelerate the chemical redox reaction of the appearance of moderately fluorosed teeth, but slightly
bleaching process; the formation of hydroxyl radicals improved the appearance of severely fluorosed teeth.
The need for further treatment was the highest in
from HP had been shown to increase. In addition, the
the severely affected teeth, whereas a considerably
light source energizes the tooth stain to aid the overall
higher amount did not require any further treatment
acceleration of the bleaching process.[10] In our study,
among teeth with mild fluorosis. This is because the
LED bleaching unit of Unicorn Denmart was used
mild fluorotic lesions as demonstrated by Thylstrup
having a wavelength of 450–480  nm and intensity of
and Fejerskov lie in the outer 80–100 μm of enamel.
8000‑10,000 W/cm2 having eight‑piece high LED.
If the stains are present in the outer layers of enamel,
they can be easily removed, leaving a smooth, glassy
However, strong controversy surrounds the success enamel. This type of treatment does not weaken the
of light sources. Some researchers believe that it is enamel surface, reduces colonization by Streptococcus
effective in the bleaching process, while others believe mutans and renders the surface more resistant to
only certain lights are effective and others reported no demineralization.[21]
effect.[11] Gurgan et al.[12] investigated the effect of three
different light systems (diode laser, 810 nm on 37% HP; It is prudent to carry out microabrasion and in‑office
plasma arc lamp, 400–490 nm on 35% HP; LED lamp bleaching under strict isolation as the acid and
on 38% HP) and found that the diode laser system gave 35% HP used in the procedures may damage the
the best tooth whitening and the least tooth sensitivity adjacent soft tissues including burns and bleaching.[22]
as measured with a spectrophotometer. Polydorou Application of petroleum jelly over the gingival tissue
et al.[13] reported that a halogen light is more effective before placement of gingival barrier provides added
than a laser light, whereas Hahn (2013) could not find protection from the acid. Furthermore, the use of
an improvement in tooth whitening as a result of protective eyewear during the procedure by the patient
LED or laser light treatments.[14] Hein et al.[15] reported and operator is mandatory.
no difference in the whitening effect of bleaching
gels  (25%–35% HP) with or without three different In our study, NaOCl was effective in removing only
lights. They concluded that the proprietary chemicals mild stains of fluorosis; moderate to severe stains were
added to the bleaching gels acted as catalysts in the lightened to quite an extent but could not be removed
whitening process and were solely responsible for completely. The effectiveness of NaOCl is attributed
activation, whereas the lights had no influence. to its ability to neutralize amino acids to form water
and salt (neutralization reaction). With the exit of the
In this study, Prema EM system was used which is a hydroxyl ions, there is a reduction of pH. Hypochlorous
chemicomechanical polishing compound containing acid, a substance present in NaOCl solution, releases
a mild solution of hydrochloric acid with silicon chlorine when in contact with organic tissue as a
carbide in a water‑soluble slurry. The viscosity solvent that combines with the protein amino group,
of the acidic solution is increased by mixing 18% forming chloramines (chloramination reaction). When
hydrochloric acid with quartz particles so that the NaOCl contacts hypomineralized and discolored
solution takes on a water‑soluble gel‑like form, in enamel, it degrades and removes the chromogenic
which the quartz and pumice particles are suspended organic material located on the enamel surface.

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Gupta, et al.: Treatment of dental fluorosis stains

In all bleaching protocols, the first critical step is the make it possible, however, to follow the evolution of
etching of the enamel surface which took 15 s with 37% color in each tooth in a convenient, simple way, thus
phosphoric acid. The use of phosphoric acid denudes making it a suitable indicator for this purpose.[30]
the microcavities containing the organic elements, Jarad et al.[31] compared observers’ ability using digital
facilitating the penetration of bleaching agents. Care imaging method as used in this study method with the
must be exercised during bleaching to reduce the risk conventional one and showed a statistically significant
of mucosal irritation, skin injury, eye splashes, clothing difference (P < 0.001) between the conventional method
damage, and hypersensitivity and allergic reactions.[23] and the computer method with a 43% and 61.1% correct
match, respectively. Thus, they concluded that digital
In all the techniques, we applied neutral sodium camera can be used as a means of color measurements
fluoride on completion of the process. This is to in the dental clinic.
prevent damage caused by increased frequency
of acid exposure which tends to alter the total Treatment was continued till the color change
demineralization/remineralization amounts, resulting was considered as satisfactory and acceptable to
in significantly greater amounts of mineral loss. The the patients. In our study, the point of tooth color
presence of fluoride acts as a remineralizing agent, by saturation was found at the end of the second or third
forming a calcium fluoride layer.[24] sessions for some patients. However, in all the three
groups, change in tooth color postoperatively and after
In our study, bleaching and microabrasion procedures 1 month or 3 months was statistically significant. This
caused a slight decrease in tooth sensitivity readings may be because teeth were dehydrated immediately
by electric pulp vitality tester which increased over after bleaching, especially when sources of light or
time. Thus, the decrease in tooth sensitivity readings heat were used. This caused an illusionary effect
could be transient which became normal afterward. of whitening of teeth, which tended to disappear
Furthermore, this can be due to the effect of dentin after rehydration as observed after 1 and 3  months
desensitizing paste prescribed to patients. However, follow‑up periods.[32] However, the fluorosis stain was
none of the patients reported sensitivity in their teeth much less noticeable compared to what it was before
at any point of time. Thus, tooth sensitivity due to treatment, and as their appearance of their teeth was
still acceptable to the patients even after 3  months
bleaching was not a problem in our study. Postbleaching
recall, so we did not plan to undergo another sitting of
sensitivity differs from dentin hypersensitivity
bleaching or microabrasion to remove the slight relapse
because it is related directly to the penetration of the
in color. This may also be due to subject bias as majority
subproducts of the bleaching gels in the dentin and
of patients (63%) were boys who were not concerned
pulp tissue, through the enamel, causing reversible
much about their appearance and color of teeth, and
pulpitis and consequent teeth thermal sensitivity but
most of the patients were of poor socioeconomic status
not causing permanent damage to the pulp. This kind selected during camps conducted in government
of sensitivity is transient, tends to occur early in time, schools of rural areas of Gurgaon.
and diminishes with treatment.
Thus, bleaching and microabrasion serve as painless,
Carrasco et al.  (2008),[25] in an in vitro study, found fast, and easy procedures for the professional to
low indexes of temperature increases considered perform. However, further research is required
compatible with pulp vitality maintenance when to answer questions regarding durability of these
applying a LED source or hybrid light to the gel procedures and sensitivity associated with bleaching.
(35% HP). Coutinho et  al.[26] evaluated the rise of
pulp chamber temperature induced by different light
sources in in‑office bleaching with HP 35%, and they Conclusions
concluded that the specific combination of color agent
and light color determines good dental bleaching with Esthetic appearance of teeth with mild fluorosis can be
a smaller temperature increase and consequently, less accomplished by minimally invasive treatment using
sensitivity. bleaching and microabrasion. In case of moderate
fluorosis, a combination of these modalities can be
Shade tabs are commonly used for assessing dental used. These techniques presented favorable results
color changes in dental procedures.[27] However, in this and patient satisfaction. Furthermore, no special
study, CIE‑L*, a*, b* colorimetry has been used which maintenance precautions are required; thus these
is established to be a more objective method in recent may be considered as an interesting alternative to
conventional operative treatment options.
decades.[28,29] Color change  (ΔE) assessment made it
possible to establish color differences before and after
treatment. Under clinical conditions, the differences Financial support and sponsorship
must be 3.7 or above to be detectable by the human Nil.
eye. However, equal values of ΔE can correspond to
different degrees of color perception, so ΔE is not a Conflicts of interest
valid indicator for comparing different teeth. ΔE does There are no conflicts of interest.

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