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MILLMASTER ™ 1- © KIMA Process Control 2020

The company

Satisfied customers all around the globe

Our international clients from more than 50 countries worldwide value our
cutting-edge, reliable technologies.

In the industrial field, KIMA products so far have improved

more than 1 500 installations worldwide.

And more…

MILLMASTER ™ 2- © KIMA Process Control 2020

Main Products

SmartFill TM
Fill level measurement for ball mills

MillMaster Fuzzy-Expert-System for optimization of grinding circuits

KilnCooler IR-controlled water cooling of kiln shell

V-Sens Sensor for Vibration Velocity Measurement

GasTemp Acoustic gas temperature measurement

TSensor Contactless measurement of torque and rotational speed at shafts

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“the autopilot” for ball mills +
vertical roller mills

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Core competence of KIMA is innovative control of non-linear processes

Process optimization based on a

TM Separator

TM Cooler
Modular Design – on ‚SmartControl‘

TM Kiln
TM Mill
Technology Module (TM)
A smart compilation of mathematical and logical functions


building high performance control structures

SmartControl (Advanced Process Control) …

A powerful and flexible high-end control system offering
basic building blocks (such as digital filters, predictors, SmartControl
closed loop controllers, logical functions)

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Simple integration in plant’s DCS systems

Operators can
• start/stop the mill
• change between
cement types
• activate/deactivate
the ‚Auto Pilot‘

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Integration with OPC • The MILLMASTER system will be

delivered complied installed on an IBM
server hardware.

• It can be integrated into every

automation system – it is simply plugged
in via a standard OPC interface.

• With your previous control system on

standby you can switch to it at any time.

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MILLMASTER – Hardware or Virtual Server

Both solutions will be delivered • MILLMASTER Server (max. 4 licenses)

fully installed with: • SmartControl Software (APC)
• Control Strategy (e.g. MillMaster)

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Installation Steps after order placement (draft)

(1) kick-off meeting (online / 2-4 weeks after order placement) >> now <<

presentation off commissioning schedule, discussing possible options

(2) preparatory work (online via VPN / 4-6 weeks depending on customer) before commissioning meeting

SmartFill preparation, PLC changes, VPN, OPC, etc.

(3) commissioning meeting (online 1-2 weeks before commissioning) after preparatory work

presentation of commissioning process, answer questions, etc.

(4) pre-test (online via VPN / duration approx. 1 hour) after commissioning meeting

switch on MillMaster check if changes of process variables are possible

(5) commissioning (on site or online/ 2-3 days) after passing pre-test

commissioning and calibration of SmartFill, testing MillMaster, training

(6) optimization (online via VPN / 2-4 weeks depending on number off cement types) weeks after commissioning
adjusting the controller, optimizing the set points

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How to connect MILLMASTER?

MILLMASTER can be integrated into every

automation system
It is simply plugged in via a standard OPC interface.

With a new small menu in the SCADA, operators

choose cement recipes and can switch MillMaster
on and off at any time, which means:


By direct access or via office network process

engineers can set parameters of control strategy,
define new recipes and have full access to all
parameters and the database for evaluation of
data, this means:



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Smart Control = Advanced Process Control

▪ amend the PLC functionality
▪ Add functionality to PLC at a higher-level

▪ easy to learn (no programming skills required)

▪ Designed for Process Engineers
▪ Easy handling, by graphical manipulation

▪ pre-defined functions
▪ Structures are simply created via ‘drag
and drop’
▪ Large catalogue of functions helps
▪ on the essentials

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Optimised Digital Filters

● better smoothing
● less time delay
Time [s]

Predictive Filter and AI

● helps to estimate the future
● gives the possibility to react in

Fuzzy Logic Control

● work with non linear processes
● multi-term controller
● (observe more than only the control value)

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SmartControl using AI
Predictive Filters and Soft Sensors

delay time
Laboratory analysis
t0 t
Process and Control 1
Variables Process
• Rejects results
• Main drive power
• Fineness /
• Bucket elevator current
• Mill outlet temperature
• Strength
• Differential pressure Neuron
• Feeder 1
• Feeder 2 Output

Innovative Sensors Input

• Fill-level sensors Initial Neural Net
• Torque sensor

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SmartControl using AI
Predictive Filters and Soft Sensors

delay time
Laboratory analysis

Process and Control

Variables Process
• Rejects results
• Main drive power
• Fineness /
• Bucket elevator current
• Mill outlet temperature
• Strength
• Differential pressure
• Feeder 1
• Feeder 2 cluster

Innovative Sensors
• Fill-level sensors
Initial Neural Net
• Torque sensor

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Traditional Methods for Mill Control

● Fresh feed constant

 not reacting on change of grindablity, no reaction on disturbances

● Fresh feed + reject constant

 not reacting on change of grindablity, low reaction on disturbances

● Main Drive Power

 not reacting on change of grindablity, not precise, ambiguous information

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What makes the ball mill control difficult?

Phase shift or time delay

▪ Long time delay

T1 + T2 + T3 + …
▪ any change of input may take a
long time until a reaction of

The process is non linear

the delay time of the mill is


not constant

▪ it changes depending on the

filling level

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Optimization Strategy

The production capacity of mill depends on grindability of material.

Due to a fill level (SMARTFILL) based control loop MILLMASTER provides:

● indirect measuring of grindability

● prediction maximum capacity of mill

● optimising the mill operation base on grindability

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Fill level based control loop

…without …with

filling level filling level

● slow start up time (more than 3h) ● fast start up time (approx. 30min)
● unstable process ● stable process
● levels vary heavily ● fast reaction on interrupts

 high wear of balls and liners  less wear of ball and liners
 inhomogeneous quality  homogeneous quality
 increased production

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Measuring directly on the Mill

Measuring directly where it occurs: on the mill’s

shell this avoids interferences and influences
from other sound emitters

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Fill-level measurement using SmartFill

Due to measuring the sound directly where it occurs (on the
mill shell), all these disadvantages can be avoided. The
solution is SmartFill—a fail-safe, high-precision fill level
measurement system for ball mills.

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empty optimum full

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Examine your mill

The fact that you measure 1st & 2nd chamber independently gives you the possibility to:

● discover problems like blockage or holes

in the diaphragm

● monitor wearing of balls in 1st and 2nd 1. 2.

chamber separately

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Examine your mill

Measurement of the exit temperature of chamber #1 gives you the possibility to:

● Adjust the optimum level in chamber #1;

more material = temperature decrease
less material = temperature increase °C/°F
● Perfect material/gas temperature
entering chamber #2
target range: 95 115°C

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The OMU on the rotating mill

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ITALCEMENTI, Plant Rezzato, Italy

• 5 SMARTFILL’s in use in 1 building

• No interference from one mill to


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combines all relevant
parameters in one
multi-variable system and
enables a much more precise
control than other systems.

Additional features:
full automatic…
✓ Mill start sequence
✓ Mill shut down sequence
✓ Change of cement type
✓ Emergency recovery

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Feed Control
The controller changes the fresh feed depending on the
deviations between the inputs and the set points.

The system uses different fill level or load information

depending on the type of process.

The new output is calculated by a powerful multi-term

controller. It is only limited by the limits of the
● max. of transport capacity
● max. of bucket elevator power…

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Separator Control
The Technology Module Separator takes care of a
homogeneous product quality.
Therefore the separator speed is adjusted every time
a new fineness value is available (laboratory or

It is based on priciple:

Steadiness by small steps

Homogeneity by Steadiness

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Separator Control
The Operator adjust the separator speed when
the quality is out of range.

➢ low quality

MillMaster changes the speed every time a

new quality value is available.
This will lead to a more homogeneous product
quality and

➢ improved product fineness

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Function / Control matrix

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on MillMaster

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Operators can start/stop the mill, change between This specific integration into the SCADA and all here shown screenshots
cement types and activate/deactivate the ‚Auto Pilot‘ are examples only and absolute individual from plant to plant

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● less wear out

 fast return of investment

● homogeneous product quality

 improved product fineness

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MillMaster Performance & SmartFill Advantage

MillMaster at LUKAVAC, Bosnia Herzegowina

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MillMaster Performance

Comparison of Production Data from 4 cement mills

July 2007 with July 2008 before* and after using MillMaster

Additional Additional Reduced spec. energy Reduced CoV Automatic

production production consumption R45 Operation

1 +10.7 t/h +8 % -15.8 kWh/t -3 % 99 %

2 +7.6 t/h +12 % -6.4 kWh/t -0.1 % 100 %

3 +6.6 t/h +5 % -8.4 kWh/t -1 % 96 %

4 +16.6 t/h +16 % -4.2 kWh/t 90 %

Lafarge Plant Davenport, USA (today Continental Cement Davenport)

*PID control with reject or reject + fresh constant

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MillMaster Performance & SmartFill Advantage

Davenport plant of Continental Cement (former Lafarge North America)

„The Davenport Lafarge Plant is very satisfied with the SmartFill and MillMaster systems.
We were able to optimize our grinding process in terms of:
• Better information to make process decisions
✓ There was a plan to add additional block-off plates in the diaphragm, because it was believed that C1 was
under-loaded and C2 was full. The day we commissioned the SmartFill device, we found that C1 was full and
that C2 was only 60% loaded. We later took out all of the existing blanks in the diaphragm to allow better flow
into C2 and have the level up around 85-95% now.
✓ It is now easier to see the effects of process changes because the mill loading is kept constant.
✓ We were able to reduce grinding aid usage while increasing production
• More stable operation resulting in more consistent lab results
• Less Wear on liners and balls. We have mostly eliminated the loose liner bolts that we were
dealing with routinely. This is probably attributed to less direct impact on the liners, because of stable
mill loading.
• Reduced Kw per ton of cement
• Increased production
• The SmartFill system has had no required maintenance except initial setup and calibration.
• The commissioning and the ongoing optimization of the MillMaster system was taken care of by
KIMA engineers over VPN connection, freeing up manpower previously devoted to LUCIE optimization.“
Engineer Jonathon Sprague,
Process Manager

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MillMaster Performance & SmartFill Advantage

Six MillMaster at CRH -Karsdorf plant OPTERRA (former Lafarge Germany)

KIMA Echtzeitsysteme was awarded in 2015 to equip all ball mills of the new owner CRH
in the German plants. While a few concerns about the small –even well established-
supplier KIMA Echtzeitsysteme was there, at the same time it was known that this KIMA
before equipped some 30 plants of Holcim in eastern Europe with SmartControl as
MillMaster and KilnMaster installations.

Consequently SmartFill was considered for all six ball mills in Karsdorf and all Mills was
equipped with the advanced control system MillMaster.

The six cement mills, four of them centre discharge mills has get an individual software
package and parametrization to reach the challenging optimization guarantees.

Results on all six mills:

• between 5 and 8% of production increase

• Which is adequate to 4 to 6% of specific energy consumption reduction.
• Total acceptance by the plant operators
Tim Froehlich,
Performance Engineer

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MillMaster Performance & SmartFill Advantage

MillMaster at Adelaide Brighton, Birkenhead plant, Australia

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MillMaster VRM Performance Advantage

MillMaster at EQIOM Ciments , Dunkerque, France

Pierre Vonstein, Operations Manager for North and Normandy Grinding Stations:
“MILLMASTER system is used daily and gives us the opportunity to concentrate
on performance optimization while the mill is running.
It also protects the equipment in case of important change in mill behaviour
faster than an operator.

It would be hard today to run without this expert system on a long period.”

The Loesche type LM 46.2+2 S, produces in Dunkerque mainly slag cement

while MILLMASTER system is controlling every weekend (Friday afternoon to
Monday morning)
fully autonomous when the plant is operated completely unmanned.

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Goals of Optimization – VRM‘s

▪ gearbox protection

▪ stable operation

▪ increase throughput

▪ minimise downtime

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MillMaster VRM

Process values for control

Mill Vibration
• vibration sensors vertical and horizontal

Differential Pressure
• pressure drop of mill

Main Drive Power

• power of main drive

Main Drive Temperature

• temperature of main drive

T-Sensor Torque Signal

• torque measurement of drive shaft T-Sensor
Roller Pressure
• pressure of rollers

Photo by Gebr. Pfeiffer

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Torque and speed sensor,
contact less
free of maintenance

Photos by FLENDER

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T-Sensor (Torque)

Photo by FLENDER

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T-Sensor (Torque)

Change of magnetic domains can be measured

by means of sophisticated amplifiers

No measurement
stripes necessary!

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T-Sensor (Torque)

Torque Measurement on a VRM gear box (table)

Turns [tunrs/min]
Torque [kNm]

Main drive

Aux. drive Torque

Turns / min

Time / min

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MILLMASTER VRM: Online Monitoring & Advance Control

• Online analysis of the generated torque

alarms – EVENT BASED
Vibration /
Acceleration • The torque alarms trigger actions in the
PLC to protect the mill and to reduce the
load on the gearbox:
• Reduce feed rate*
• Reduce hydraulic pressure*
• Combination of feed and hydraulic
pressure reduction
• The fundamental interlocks and control
Plant DCS System loops will not be modified
• Objectives:
• Protect gearbox
• Reduce the number of mill trips

• Increase throughput whenever possible

* To be defined for each project/ mill

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combines all relevant
parameters in one
multi-variable system and
enables a much more precise
control than other systems.

Additional features:
full automatic…
✓ Mill start sequence
✓ Mill shut down sequence
✓ Change of cement type
✓ Emergency recovery

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