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Ejercicios de recuperación Inglés

Nombres y apellidos:………………………………………………………………………..

1.- completa los espacios en blanco con Some o Any, según corresponda

1. Is there ____ fish in the box?

2. I have ____ money in the bank
3. There isn't ____ homework in this class
4. Is there ____ sugar in your house?
5. There aren't ____ oranges in my garden
6. No, there isn't ____ wine in my glass.
7. Is there____ soup left?
8. I have ____ questions this morning

2.- Complete los espacios en blanco las siguientes oraciones con la forma
adecuada de there is o there are.

9.- ______-__ some sugar in the kitchen

10. No, ________ any bananas on the table
11 ________ any restaurants there?
12. ______-__five Malls in this country.
13 _________a garaje in your house?
14. No, ________ any milk in the shop
15 __________ some pencils on the floor

Lic. Ernesto Vargas Vera

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