The Independent Cinema Festival For The Peace ICPE Maloka Museum Bogota

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Multinacional francesa

Contact Center
Cali. Colombia
The Independent Cinema Festival for the Peace ICPE Maloka Museum Bogota,

olombia 17 November 2018

Nicolás Díaz Forero

Crra80D #14A-73 Bogotá,


Dear Nicolas Diaz The Independent Cinema Festival for the Peace (ICPE) is pleased to offer you a
parttime in the role of Multimedia Project Management, starting on 17 of December until 31 of
January 2019 at Maloka Museum. Expected hours of work are 5 each day, only mondays,
wednesdays and fridays. In this position The Independent Cinema Festival for the Peace (ICPE) is
offering a salary of $500.000 per week. As employed of The Independent Cinema Festival for the
Peace (ICPE, you will be entitled for a health insurance and commissions during the time that you
are work with us.

If the above offer is acceptable to you, please sign and date this agreement on or before 1 Dec


Jean P. Rodriguez

Human Resources Manager I,

I, Nicolás Díaz Forero, accept the terms and conditions of this contract.

Signed: ___________________________

Dated: _____________________
Multinacional francesa
Contact Center
Cali. Colombia

Colombia 20 febrero 2019

Alba Yuly Rodríguez Ocampo
Cra 47 cl 4ª #46-78 Buenaventura

Dear Alba Yuly Rodriguez Multinational French contact center, department of E-Learning Factory, is
pleased to offer the opportunity to work in our company.

Its functions within the company would be: Multimedia editing, design of interactive activities for the
virtual platform, creation of characters, among others.

French multinational offers a monthly salary of $ 1,200,000, Schedule: L-V 8:00 - 5:00 pm EPS and ARL.

If the above offer is acceptable to you, please sign and date this agreement on or before 1 March


Maria Paula Romero

Human Resources Manager I,

I, Alba Yuly Rodríguez Ocampo, accept the terms and conditions of this contract.

Signed: ___________________________

Dated: _____________________

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