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A man of God who lives in Oregon had the following

vision about an outline of a six-pointed star extending

over a map of the continental United States:
A n Austrian woman, Thea Erees, had a vision of a map
of the U.S. similar to the previously mentioned one. I
came across this information several years after the man in
Oregon told me of his vision. Ms. Erees and her family
"This was a clear, but very rapid moving vision, and fled miraculously from Austria during the Nazi invasion of
the next vision clearly showed the [star's] outward points that country. This is frem a little booklet en-
receding inward to the inset points of the star. , anS titled The Original Testimony and Vision for the
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VisIOn two h of at h er ChrlS,e ' to People of the United States and Canada as
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"The outward po lOtSrece e to t e "V'J en h \ ear 1 to roO
felt Ie" . help 'puc ,
Given to Thea Erees in 1979:
inset points, then the star became a rect- ",ho h:':ansas \ can t roe ",or\<.
r-r r ",hac'a",es o
angle. N"" <le I h here. • In the midst of the star area, not realIy physi-
Vision three "'o~ ",,1\ ac corop 's cally in the middle, but in the area of Arkan.
"The star became a rectangle with a Go sas, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma, where those four
separated line within. slates meet, there is a radius of about 100 miles thaI the
"Small square with burning amber dot in northwestern Lord calls His "heart." He said there He would dwell in
Arkansas. the midst of us.... He is calling a people together in the
"1 saw an eruption off the coast of Washington or Or- areas shown by the corners of this star and in the heart
egon (volcanic), then mountain peaks began to erupt in area of this star, to do a specific work ... IPage 44-45).
Washington, then they began to erupt in Oregon unto Cali-
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fornia, then great waves, and the sea came mlan ,=,,' ,,- .
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saw something like this map. Note the US became divided,
and many states completely gone, but a light like the sun
shone out of Arkansas."
- David H. Salem, Oregon
NW corner of Arkansas,
SW corner of Missouri,
SE corner of Kansas,
NE corner of Oklahoma

M yson, Jacob, attended public school in NW Arkan.
sas for a short period of time when I first moved to
the Ozarks in the late 1990s. Knowing nothing about Ar-
kansas having any significance at that time and only being
in the fourth grade, he came home from school one day
telling me that while he was sitting in his classroom, a huge
gust of wind blew through a window. The wind caused
most of a thick cardboard map of the
United States on the class- "Over th
room wall to tear away hqve bee~Phstr5 Yeqts th
frem the wall and land in btnqf)y Chrlste we hqve qt we
the bathroom. All that
remained of the map on
w:~f) likeWise ::,7'
who h';et
Arkqf)Sqs.' ecf to f)otih..e
the wall after the wind was
the entire northwest eorner of Arkan-
sas, part of southwestMissouri, a tiny portion of
southeast Kansas, and a small potion of northeast Okla-
homa. (See above statement from Thea Eroes's booklet concerning
these areas.)
The event was puzzling to him because of the wind's
ability to tear that thick carboard in that manner and he
came home talking about it. He's not one to relay what he
experiences every day so just his telling it made me feel this
could perhaps be something special.
At around that same time, plans were being made to
declare this region a United Nations Biosphere Reserve.

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