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people in trying times ahead. I mentioned NW Arkansas at those exact words from a dream I had. In my dream,
that time and Mr. Gruver's reply was that he does not go I saw her standing in her office and looking out the
around telling what those areas are but that NW Arkansas window. I don't remember actually walking into her
is indeed one of those pockets. Further, he stated that not office; Ijust remember I was standing in front of her
everyone living in the refuge areas would receive God's desk and she turned around with a startled look on
protection, but that it would be like a "scalpel in the hand her face as if she was G'/~~=-:::--;----_
of a surgeon." (Obviously, we must be living righteously and have thinking what are you do- whc~~t yet unqet>t~nq the
a deep personal relationship with Jesus Christ - living for Him and ing here? Then I said to th~t G ~Itute. but I felt
glorifying Him with our lives while we occupy this earth. As surren- her the words, "I'm sorry 0 eq me hete.'
dered vessels, iI's more His business than ours what He chooses lO do I startled you. It's time to
with us.) leave your Hawaiian paradise and go."
There's another very interesting thing I'd like to share At the Corner Gathering meeting she kept saying,
pertaining to Henry Gruver and NW Arkansas. Henry had "No, that was not a dream, you were actually in my
accepted my invitation to speak at a "Corner office and you said to me, 'It's time to leave your Ha-
Gathering" here in Arkansas in May 'n waiian paradise and go to northwest Arkansas. 'It defi-
of 2005. After the meet- e.",'net'ne'\ ~,\<.an- nitely was not a dream and I obeyed those words." I
ing I noticed a woman "\( \ ",as \110'in'l~Otel~nOt. remember that when I awoke that morning I told [my
had gone up onto the ,e'l,e" a'p°l~sa~ a'pSOt~ele;;iot wife] Judith about the dream because it seemed so real.
stage to talk with Henry saS,\ "'I~unot t,ae.e ee. 'nere 0\
the very moment he had \ ",ou e 'na,e leot, \110ne~.n~_ Also, the meeting place where Henry Gruver spoke had
finished speaking. After t'n"f~n'l- no~s°'peen un~oe?e' recently been purchased by several individuals. The place
a long while she came f co\11(ort.\ 'e (oune. ~ ee,e'~ had been deserted for a number of years prior to that and
away from him with a (~rta'ple'pht~Oe.. v-J~i~n't'l"e was being r:novated at the time of the meeting.
stunned look on her face. I ",all:. "'\~'natt'neLO'~e,e ",all:.,n~ I spoke with one of the new owners who said, "I watched
would say by her facial ex-
pression that she was feeling
overwhelmed or bewildered
'l,ate(u ",'nen",e ~ t'nat \-Ie.
u? on ane.",e t~n oU' 1,,6
in ?'~inue to
the place for 14 years, ran vandals off and got ahold of
the owner. Twelve years later I saw that it was going
downhill yet I knew the place was exactly where God
about something. con would put us. Also two government agents in Hawaii said
In speaking with Henry later that night, that God told them to quit their jobs and move to northwest
Ifound outthat the woman had been talking with him Arkansas."
about having met him before in Hawaii. She was telling
him about how she ended up in Arkansas and explained Incidentally, I recently received a phone call from someone
that he was involved in her decision to move remembering else from Hawaii who feels led to move to NW Arkansas.
that he had told her to move to Arkansas.
The woman had recognized Mr. Gruver the moment he • • •
got out of his van when he arrived at the place of the meet-
ing as being that man who had convinced her to relocate to T he following is a night vision from Emma who is a
native of Arkansas.
The strangest thing about this matter is that Henry had In my vision, I saw a map of the United States, It
not been to Hawaii and did not remember ever meeting her. was as if the map was up on a wall and the State of
But the woman persisted saying, "No, no, you were stand- Arkansas fell off of the map kind of like a puzzle
ing in front of my desk in my office." She said that she had piece. People were looking for the state on the ground
been looking out the window of her office in Hawaii and to put it back on the wall, but they couldn't find it.
when she turned around, Henry was standing in front of her This vision has stuck with me over the years. I've
desk which startled her. She reminded him that he had said had visions of things in the past that were really bad,
something like, "It's time for you to leave your Hawaiian but this did not seem like a bad thing.
paradise and go to Northwest Arkansas."
In recounting the story, Henry told me: I asked Emma if she had ever heard of the prophecies
concern ing Arkansas or ifshe had heard of Corrie ten Boom.
"I feel th~t G q
gethet His 0 15 putting to- I've never Her reply was, "I don't read a lot of materia Is because only
~te' c people hete 'f) thIS
been to her office in the Bible is important. I try to stay with the Bible and live
<j ror Some t
pose th~f) gte~ et PUt- Hawaii, but upon right."
I'. m lust humbl we ~te ~w'yte 0 f..
be ~ lIttle
th~t IS."
eq th~t we qn
p~rt of wh~tevet
hearing her repeat
those words, some- • • •
thing clicked in my
mind. I remember H ere's another very interesting bit of information about
Arkansas relative to satellite systems:

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