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Minchan Sunwoo

CLC 12
Capstone timeline

Date: November. 5th 2019

Number of hours: 1.5hrs

Materials used: Laptop, Phone (have access to internet)
Work accomplished: Created website

Success and learning: Learning more about decorating the website and learning how to
upload files such as assignments.

Challenges: Coming up with a capstone idea and choosing a strand.

Next steps: Editing and surfing the web or ideas for capstone.

Date: December. 14th 2019

Number of hours: 2 hrs

Materials used: Laptop, Computers, and books
Work accomplished: Found an idea and strand for the capstone project,
Research/Experiment strand, and finished website template.

Success and learning: I found out that vehicle emissions are affecting the planet badly
so therefore I decided to do research and find a solution for the problem.

Challenges: Since this topic was talked about many times and there are alternative
ways of powering vehicles it was challenging to find a new solution since it wouldn’t be
a project if I used something that was already invented.

Next steps: Research the types of fuel that are being used on vehicles today.

Date: January. 14th 2020

Number of hours: 1 hrs
Materials used: Phone
Work accomplished: n/a

Success and learning: I needed to find a mentor that will be helpful in making my
capstone project, I needed to find one quickly because I couldn’t find a mentor during
the winter break when I was supposed to.

Challenges: Finding the mentor was difficult since I could not find the exact person and I
had no relations to these kinds of people. However luckily, my career teacher allowed
me to have one of the school teachers to be my mentor.

Next steps: Continuing on with the capstone project and learning more about how the
fuel generates energy for the vehicle.

Date: February. 14th 2020

Number of hours: 3hrs

Materials used: Phone, Laptop, Computer at home
Work accomplished: Research, and lesson from my mentor.

Success and learning: I learned so many new things about the car's history of alternate
fuel source, and how the fuel gets converted into energy.

Challenges: Still coming up with the new alternative fuel source.

Next steps: I will finish my research by early first weeks of March, then I will start on my
presentation and my good copy!

Date: March. 4th 2020

Number of hours: 2.5 hrs

Materials used: Computer
Work accomplished: My short slide show presentation for the interview.
Success and learning: Learning how to present my capstone presentation with my
interviewers later, I practiced with my career 12 classmates.

Challenges: How I will present to make people understand easier since not many
people know about the mechanics of the car.

Next steps: Write out my final good copy

Date: April. 3rd 2020

Number of hours: 4 hrs

Materials used: Computer
Work accomplished: My final good copy of my capstone

Success and learning: I thought I finished my capstone a week before but revisiting it
made me think that adding more information from the research can make the project
more detailed and look more effort was added into it.

Challenges: Citing and checking if the information I got from the websites were accurate
and formatting the research into my good copy was difficult.

Next steps: Get checked by the teacher then be prepared for the interview!

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