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Hi everyone, my name is yamileth and today I want to tell you about my weekly routine

although I consider that is not interesting meaning the most of the time I am at home.
because I’ve not been able to find a job related to my studying area I really can say that
it has been difficult due to my little work experience so for this reason now I decided to
do other things where  I can also   keep learning new things.
So let`s start. for the first day on my Monday, I usually wake up early, at about 5:40
A.M and I go to the bathroom, wash my face firstly with my Foam Cleanser because of
effectively balances, tones and closes pores, making them less visible  and  I
occasionally put on soft clay when I have more time. After I put on my face a
moisturizer too ideal for me treating acne problems .lastly I brush my teeth. I sometimes
take a quick shower when I want to feel better since where I live   becomes too hot, high
temperatures between thirty –six and thirty –seven degrees during the day and other
reason being that I live in a tiny house and so this helps the heat is concentrated mostly
inside in each room, next, I get dressed I usually  wear  a shorts and a simple  shirt, 
when I am going to stay at home, brush my hair, more or least among at 7:00 AM I have
my breakfast that I usually eat arepa, egg omelet and a cup of coffee black  with a little
sugar  after that I like to organize my time. I have  a schedule and I do my best to stick
to it  regarding with my academic activities  and other  purposes important for me, after
that I start doing the cleaning, I help to my mom in her job where my  family and me
currently living . firstly  I  sweep  a big  multiple room , along with my sister  mop the
floor which we normally  spending 2 hours, after I wash the bathrooms afterwards I
sweep the hallways when I finished all the cleaning, at 9:00 AM I turn on the laptop
and check the virtual campus in the same way I check my pending activities and
course news since I often forget what I need to do also I review my e-mail ,then spend
one hour relaxing before I cook lunch ,during this time I check my whats app if there’s
unread notification messages

After at 11:00 A.m I make the lunch I like to eat green salad, mashed potatoes, cream
pumpkin and Grilled Chicken Breast when I finished to eat, I like to have a nap for a
while, at 4:00 or 4:00 PM I take up again my university activities form my computer,
and Whenever possible, I try to squeeze in 20 to 30 minutes of exercise in the afternoon
because I like exercising helps me calm down when I am stressed.

Until about 6.30 I have a light dinner after I wash up, sweep the floor, and tidy up a bit.
Then I go on Facebook, or watch TV until about 8:00 Pm when my brother comes
home. We catch up on our day, and at about 11 o’clock I go to bed.

On Tuesday I get up late about 7:00 Am ,I after I repeat again my skin care routine ,at
9:00 Am I have to go to the supermarket that are found near the house when I come
home organize the food in the refrigerator ,more or least at 5:00 PM I walking my pet
at the park .
On Wednesday I repeated my morning routine and the only different that I do during the
day is: go to the bank at 10 AM I pick out the right outfit before I leave, I put on my
make-up, and after that At around 12:OO pm I back home .
Next I eat my lunch and take a nap, next at 5:00 Pm I study for a few hours then I watch
TV finally at 12:00 PM I go to the bed .On Thursday I get up 8:00 Am just make my
breakfast and during all day I take care my little niece after at 7: OO pm I eat the dinner,
after that I go to bed early.

On Friday I get up at 8:30 pm and I prepare my breakfast quickly and after at 10:00 AM
I get dressed and I am going to the library ,at 11:30 AM catch the bus back home and
spend a couple of hours relaxing before I cook lunch when I finish to prepare the food
eventually I serve all dishes then I take a shower and I sleep in on when I am tired

Hi everyone, my name is yamileth and today I want to tell you about my weekly routine
although I consider that is not interesting meaning most of the time I am at home.
because I’ve not been able to find a job related to my studying area I really can say that
it has been difficult due to my little work experience so for this reason now I decided to
do other things where I can also keep learning new things.
So let`s start. for the first day on my Monday, I usually wake up early, at about 5:40
A.M and I go to the bathroom, wash my face firstly with my Foam Cleanser because of
effectively balances, tones and closes pores, making them less visible and I occasionally
put on soft clay when I have more time. After I put on my face a moisturizer too ideal
for me treating acne problems .lastly I brush my teeth. I sometimes take a quick shower
when I want to feel better since where I live becomes too hot, high temperatures
between thirty –six and thirty –seven degrees during the day and other reason being that
I live in a tiny house and so this helps the heat is concentrated mostly inside in each
room, next, I get dressed I usually wear shorts and a simple shirt, when I am going to
stay at home, brush my hair, more or least among at 7:00 AM I have my breakfast that I
usually eat arepa, egg omelet and a cup of coffee black with a little sugar after that I like
to organize my time. I have a schedule and I do my best to stick to it regarding with my
academic activities and other purposes important for me, after that I start doing the
cleaning, I help to my mom in her job where my family and me currently living. Firstly
I sweep big multiple rooms, along with my sister mop the floor which we normally
spending 2 hours, after I wash the bathrooms afterward I sweep the hallways when I
finished all the cleaning, at 9:00, AM I turn on the laptop and check the virtual campus
in the same way I check my pending activities and course news since I often forget what
I need to do also I review my e-mail, then spend one hour relaxing before I cook lunch,
during this time I check my whats app if there are unread notification messages
After at 11:00 A.m I make the lunch I like to eat green salad, mashed potatoes, cream
pumpkin, and Grilled Chicken Breast when I finished eating, I like to have a nap for a
while, at 4:00 or 4:00 PM I take up again my university activities form my computer,
and Whenever possible, I try to squeeze in 20 to 30 minutes of exercise in the afternoon
because I like exercising helps me calm down when I am stressed.

Until about 6.30 I have a light dinner after I wash up, sweep the floor, and tidy up a bit.
Then I go on Facebook or watch TV until about 8:00 Pm when my brother comes home.
We catch up on our day, and at about 11 o’clock I go to bed.

On Tuesday I get up late about 7:00 AM, I, after I repeat my skincare routine, at 9:00,
Am I have to go to the supermarket that is found near the house when I come home to
organize the food in the refrigerator, more or least at 5:00 PM I walking my pet at the

On Wednesday I repeated my morning routine and the only difference that I do during
the day is: go to the bank at 10 AM I pick out the right outfit before I leave, I put on my
make-up, and after that At around 12:OO pm I back home. Next, I eat my lunch and
take a nap, next at 5:00 Pm I study for a few hours then I watch TV finally at midnight I
go to bed. On Thursday I get up 8:00 Am just make my breakfast and during all day I
take care, my little niece, after at 7: OO pm I eat dinner, after that, I go to bed early.

On Friday I get up at 8:30 pm and I prepare my breakfast quickly and after at 10:00 AM
I get dressed and I am going to the library, at 11:30 AM catch the bus back home and
spend a couple of hours relaxing before I cook lunch when I finish preparing the food
eventually I serve all dishes then I take a shower and I sleep in on when I am tired.

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