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Andrés David Gómez

Colegio Franciscano del Virrey Solís

The decoloniality in Far from the City

To begin with, decoloniality is understood as a new form of cultural and identity reinvention,

from this argument, new forms or mechanisms are created to transmit those messages, one of

them is music. Several artists and musical groups, such as "Muerdo" or "Calle 13" have used this

medium to express all their thoughts and beliefs with the sole purpose of reaffirming their

identity or that of a group in question. On this occasion, it is pertinent to bring up the group

"Bite" and his song entitled "Far from the city" to perform the respective interpretation and

description of the decoloniality evidenced in this.

The music video begins with a Mr. indigenous lighting a campfire, subsequent to this, you can

listen to a lady expressing the desire to fight for freedom, democracy and justice, in addition to

this, she emphasizes that she does not want them to again put shame on indigenous dignity, all

these are words that give the introduction to a new movement, a new defense mechanism to

reaffirm the beliefs, traditions and identities of the group in question. On the other hand, when

the soloist begins his song, in the first stanzas, he makes a small description of the origin of him

with phrases such as “I come from the hot air that moves the cane field”, “I bring the smell of my

people of lemon and orange blossom"; However, this is not only a description, it is also a cultural

manifesto to convey to the world the unique identity of Latin America in a general context.

The central axis of the cinematographic scenes is the indigenous culture since it can be shown

how they perform the whole process of identity of a child by imposing symbols on the body of

the child with paint. Subsequently, the child undertakes a trip and walks on several paths, this

can be understood as the form of indigenous communication and revelation to the world. In

the company of this scene is the musicalización, where shows and l pain of these people with

phrases like "I'm a road of stones, dirt roads" "My grandmother did not go to school but learned

to fight, it was a war girl, that's why she knows more than those intellectuals who speak in the
capital on the left and progress. ” These phrases clearly show all the damage that society in

general has caused to the indigenous population through violent acts such as war and ethnic


It is important to mention that this song demonstrates all the traditions, beliefs, cultures and other

characteristics of the indigenous population, in this one they mention unique characteristics of

these peoples, in the same way, the title of the song reaffirms this “Far from the City”, because

the world is made up of many people , also of many cultures and all deserve to be respected and

valued in the same way. Finally, it is pertinent to note that the decoloniality can be evidenced in

the musical track, through the cinematographic scenes, where they illustrate the costumes,

traditions and other singularities, in addition to this, the lyrics of the song, describe the entire

indigenous people reaffirming Identity, on the other hand, is possible to conclude that music is

an effective means of reinventing the identity of peoples and Latin America in general since

1,420,981 people have watched the video.

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