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Call Back Lists

From time to time we will issue the agents Call back lists.

These lists will be either previous appointments set for clients in the past and can possibly be rescheduled for a new client.

The list may also contain previously set appointments that either did not meet with our clients requirements and now do, as their requirements changed.

It could also be that, we now have new clients that they will fit. The requirements.

These may also be previously set appointments that we were never able to contact and conform the appointments and were not submitted to a client.

This is the reason we ask that all deals must be submitted.

These calls are also comprised of leads that were previously spoken to for 4 minutes or longer and were not scheduled. Essentially providing a second bite of the apple.
Remember 85% of calls that last 4 minutes or longer will turn into sales.

If we issue you a call back list to dial, it is mandatory, that you do so. It is not a suggestion. We call these lists Gold Lists because they contain leads that should be low hanging fruit.
If I was in your shoes, I would much rather call the Gold Lists, than take calls from the dialer. Again they should be easier, as they previously have expressed interest.

Sometimes you will have your own scheduled call backs. In order to do your call backs or call back lists you will need to make the call manually dialing the number.

Using the following screen shot as a reference, I will show you how to do it.
Step 1 - Must be on pause. It will not let you manual dial if not on pause
Step 2 - Hit the manual Dial link - Lower middle left of the dialer.
Step 3 - Enter the phone number you wish to call
Step 4 - Hit dial

Call Logs

From Time to time you will want to see a previous phone number. In order to do so,

hit view call logs and it will list all the calls made that day for that specific agent.

Transfers - From time to time you will be receiving transfers.

There are 2 types

1) Transfers from opening agents, where they did the prequalify questions and determined that the customer is interested, cooperative and met the prequalification's

2) Second type of transfer , where the customer is calling in and as a result of an email they received.

Depending on the type, they will be color coordinated accordingly.

Red - Transfers from opening agents

Green - Transfers of calls, where the customer is calling in

We spending a fortune to be able to provide you transfers. Do not waste or squander them or our money.

If we find that a specific agent is doing so, we will not allow them to take them.

First image that you will see has a Yellow strip on top , that means that it’s a transfer from an opening center

Second image will have a Red strip at the top which means it's in inbound call from a customer .
Web form

In order to send the deals in you must fill out a web form. This web form gets up loaded into our CRM

We use the CRM to deliver the leads to the client and then track them from there.

To access the web form

hit the tab on the left hand side on the dialer

Web form - A few things to know
Agents need to fill it out immediately

Never assume that the information on the dialer is correct. It may be the name is incorrect or the address incorrect or both.

The only thing we know is the phone number is correct.

The phone number that is there, is the number we called them on. It is the primary number.

Phone Numbers - When you open the web form the correct primary number will populate.

Do not change it. - If you do, and it was a transfer, the opening agent will not get credit for it.

We have far too many submissions with the correct name and wrong phone number or vice versa.

The only way that happens is if:

 You, changed the phone number.
 Opened up the wrong web form
 entered the deal after the fact and transcribed the wrong or missing information

If the customer tells you the secondary phone number is the primary, explain it in the notes to call secondary number first. Do not change the primary number.

Secondary numbers and Emails - If the client cannot get a hold of the customer, it will not be billable and you will not get paid.

Before you go to the web form - make sure all the information is filled out correctly first. Including the secondary phone number and email

Never assume or use the info that is there. Use the info that they tell you. If it needs to be changed, change it in the dialer

It will auto fill out the web form - If the info is incorrect you will have to change it.

If you did not get the correct info correct the first time you must open another webform with the same phone number.
If you took another call all the info will be wrong including the phone number.

We built in a tool that will auto populate the correct county. In order to use it, the zip code must be correct
Counties - We receive too many submissions with the incorrect county.

The correct county is one of the determining factors as to which client receives the submission. If the county is wrong, then we sent the deal to the wrong client.
As a result we will not be paid for it and neither will you.

It is mandatory that you use the dialer to find the correct county and have the system populate it in the web form - DO NOT MANUALLY ENTER IT

If the county is incorrect on the web form:

 close out the web form and enter the correct zip code in the dialer
 open up a new web form.
 The system will auto populate the correct county based of the correct zip code.

Do not falsify Information - If you do - You will be immediately terminated

This is the original info as it came in. We changed the information so it's correct. The next screen shot will show how the info gets populated in the web form.

Notice the city state, zip code and county changed in the web form

Ok so at this point most of the information has already populated. However we still have a bit of work to do. We have to fill out the remaining fields.

So you can see all the fields are filled out, including the notes. You will notice there are a few drop down boxes for shade and roof type.

What is not yet filled out is the appointment date and time.

We do that by using the calendar and drop down box

Also we need to upload a screen shot of the house showing shade. Please get with your manager and they will show you how to do it, Each computer is different.

See screen shot below

To fill out the client, you must use the drop down box. Always send it to unknown client

To finish - Hit Submit The submission will then be sent to the QC managers.

Once a deal has been submitted, The QC Department will then review the submission, listen to the recording and view the satellite image of the home.
They will then call the customer and confirm the appointment and verify the information provided was accurate. Then send to the appropriate client

If mistakes are made they will point them out and share the recording for your review
They should not be looked at as the enemy - they are trying to help you and improve your skills as well as your cash flow. Many times, they end up reselling the deal for you

QC Checklist
The following is what they are looking for;
___ Did they go through the Recording compliance part ___ Type of home - Is it a SFR and not a TH, MH or condo
___ Average monthly electric bill, If you took a 12 month average?
___ Who is your utility company?
___ shade covers - 25%, 50% 75& or 100% - ____ If more than 25&% did they ask : -“ If we can show you it makes financial sense, would you be willowing to cut the trees down, that shade your roof if required?”
Ok and just to keep the options open, is there room on your property that is UN shaded? The reason, I'm asking is, that sometimes we can put the solar panels on the ground instead of the roof.
Would that be something you would consider?
___ Type of roof composite shingle, wood shingle, tile, clay tile or metal
___roof relatively flat or pitched
Did they go through the following correctly next 3 paragraphs
___ The government tax rebates are predicated on your taxable income, I want to make sure you are eligible and not waste your time, ball park figure, what is your combined taxable household income
including any investments or real estate holdings Does that include your spouse's income?
___have any credit issues, had any bankruptcies, foreclosures or late payments on anything, in the last couple of years?
___ Did they give choice of option A or B). - When would be the best time for one of our agents to meet with you? Would ( Next Day) or (Following Day) be better for you? (Not more than 5 days out)
Would Morning or Afternoon be better for you? (If Morning) Would 8am or 10 AM be better for you? (If Afternoon) Would 12PM or 2PM Work?
___ Will your Husband/wife be able to attend as well? (If not - set appointment when they will both be there) - Husband/Wife will not attend - I'm sorry, unfortunately, in order to set the appointment
both you and your wife are required to be there together. If we can't find time where you will both be there, they will not set the appointment. So with that said, what is the best time that both you and
your wife will have time together to meet with our agent?
___Ok, so let’s check your contact information. What is your first and last name? Can you spell that phonetically (A, as in Alpha; B, as in Bravo; C, as in Charlie, etc.)? If married? And what is your spouse’s?
What is the address of the home? (When all information is complete) read it back to them. If they sound elderly -Must say the following - Please don't mind me asking, but are you over the age of 70? The reason
I'm asking is because we do not want to take advantage of the elderly. If Yes - Do you make your own financial decisions or do you have someone who helps you make those or do you have a power of attorney.
If Yes - They must be with them on the appointment
___We would like to call you back and remind you of the appointment, Keep in mind our agent may be coming from a great distance to meet with you, so we do not want to waste your time or the agents.
What is an alternate phone number please?
If they do not want to provide a second phone number - With all due respect MR/MS _____________, If they cannot get a hold of you, then they cannot confirm the appointment
and will not come out to meet you. Surely, there is another phone number, maybe your husband/Wife's. What is another number?
___We would like to send you a reminder email for the appointment. What is your email please?
___Did they say someone will be calling you back shortly and confirm the appointment and let you know who will be meeting with you, so you know who to expect. Would that be ok?
___Was the customer really interested
___ Did they enter the notes correctly
___ Did they go through the necessary rebuttals to get the correct info (2nd phone, email etc)

Confirmation script that the QC Managers are using

Hi this is ______________ with ________________ Am I speaking with __________. I understand you spoke to one of my agents and scheduled a solar consultation. Is that correct?
Great, Now I just need to verify and confirm the information I have is that ok?
Great I have your address as _______ and you live in a single family home that you own and your wife's/husband's name is ____________. Is that correct?
If not listed Are you married? What is your spouse's name?
Ok Your electric company is ________ and what would you say your average electric bill is if you took a 12 month average?
Ok I have your roof type as _________ and you have approximately _______% shade on your roof. Correct?
If over 25% - Who's trees are they/ Are they on your property, your neighbors or are they owned by the city? If on their property?
If we can show you it makes financial sense, would you be willowing to cut the trees down, that shade your roof, if required?
Ok and just to keep the options open, What size lot to you have? Is there room on your property that is un shaded. the reason ,
I'm asking is, that sometimes we can put the solar panels on the ground instead of the roof. Would that be something you would consider?
Now I know the agent asked you already but I have to ask you none the less, have you had any credit issues, bankruptcies, foreclosures or late payments in the last couple of years?
ok, and what would you say your combined taxable household income is? Does that include your spouse's income? If less than 50K? Does that include any investment or real estate holdings?
If they sound elderly -Must say the following - Please don't mind me asking, but are you over the age of 70? The reason I'm asking is because we do not want to take advantage of the elderly.
If Yes - Do you make your own financial decisions or do you have someone who helps you make those or do you have a power of attorney. If Yes - They must be with them on the appointment
Ok great. I see that they set the tentative appointment for __________ at _________o clock. Is that still a good time for both you and your spouse (if Married) to meet with our solar advisor?
If not what is a better time and date?
Just to confirm We will be coming out to meet with you on _____________ (appointment day and time). Awesome. Thank you so much for the opportunity Have a great day.

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