33 Modals of Advice Activity 3

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Many of your friends and your classmates ask you for advice because
you are very practical and creative.
Step One: For each problem, write down as many possible solutions as you
can think of. Use COULD and MIGHT.
EXAMPLE: Your classmate doesn't have a job, and he can't pay this
month's tuition.
Step 1 Example: He could talk to Leslie.
He could study harder and try to get a scholarship.
He might borrow some money from his girlfriend, or he
might take a one-month vacation from class.
Step Two: After you have written down all the possibilities that you could
think of for each of your friend's problems, share your advice with
a few of your classmates. Decide who has the best solution to
each problem, and write it down using SHOULD.
Step 2 Example: He should talk to Leslie. (Best solution)

Now read the problems below and follow the first and second steps of
the instructions for each problem.

1. Problem: Your classmate wants to have a Valentine's Day party, but her
parents won't let her have the party at their house.
Step 1: _______________________________________________

Step 2: __________________________________________ (Best solution)

© 2014 Cuauhnáhuac Escuela C.I.C.L.C., S.C.

Cuernavaca, Morelos

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2. Problem: Your friend is an electrician. He needs to buy a truck for his

business, but he doesn't have enough money to buy a new truck.
Step 1: _______________________________________________

Step 2: __________________________________________ (Best solution)

3. Problem: Your classmate just opened his own taquería, but he is having
lots of problems with his new employees.
Step 1: _______________________________________________

Step 2: __________________________________________ (Best solution)

4. Problem: Your friend is a doctor, and now it's time for him to do his
social service. He has been assigned to a small hospital in northern
Mexico. He is very unhappy about the assignment.
Step 1: _______________________________________________

© 2014 Cuauhnáhuac Escuela C.I.C.L.C., S.C.

Cuernavaca, Morelos

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Step 2: __________________________________________ (Best solution)

5. Problem: Your classmate speaks English very well in class, but when
she tries to speak English in other situations, she gets very nervous and
can't speak.
Step 1: _______________________________________________

Step 2: __________________________________________ (Best solution)

6. Problem: Your friend has a new dog. Whenever she leaves her house,
the dog whines and barks until she comes home. The neighbors are
Step 1: _______________________________________________

Step 2: __________________________________________ (Best solution)

7. Problem: Your classmate is having some problems with her boss. First,
he doesn't pay her very much. He sometimes makes her work on
Saturday, but he doesn't pay her for her time. Finally, he gets angry if
she takes more than 30 minutes for lunch.
Step 1: _______________________________________________

© 2014 Cuauhnáhuac Escuela C.I.C.L.C., S.C.

Cuernavaca, Morelos

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Step 2: __________________________________________ (Best solution)

8. Problem: Your friend has an invitation to visit his uncle in the United
States. He has plenty of money saved. He has been to the U.S.
embassy, but he can't get a visa to visit his uncle.
Step 1: _______________________________________________

Step 2: __________________________________________ (Best solution)

© 2014 Cuauhnáhuac Escuela C.I.C.L.C., S.C.

Cuernavaca, Morelos

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