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Marhl Comput. Mafelling, Vol. I I, pp. I1441 150, 1988 0895.7177188 $3.00 + 0.

Printed m Great Bntain Pergamon Press plc


Ashraf A. Z&d, Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering Department

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202

Abstract. In this work we demonstrate that the state space equations

formulation for a planar mechanism with compliant joints can be directly
obtained from the adjacency condition of a graphical model of the aecha-
nism. The graphical model used used is a canonical form of the bond
graph model, namely the gyrobondgraph. The procedure presented here can
be easily automated to produce the state space formulation in symbolic

We demonstrate the procedure by obtaining the bond graph model of a four

bar mechanism. The model is then transformed to the canonical gyrobond-
graph form. From the adjacency condition of the gyrobondgraph a set of
first order differential equations that describes the state space repre-
sentation are directly obtained.

The procedure is applied to the more complex five bar mechanism with
compliant joints. It is demonstrated that the increase in the complexi-
ty of the mechanism does not affect the simplicity of the procedure.

INTRODUCTION of mechanisms, the programs KNPORT and CAlG'

cannot automatically derive the dynamic equa-
Using classical techniques to derive the tions due to constraints described by Rosenberg
dynamic equations of planar mechanisms with in [l]. The dynamic equations in general can be
compliant elements can be a tedious and error derived algorithmically as described by Rosen-
prone task. The resulting dynamic equations in berg in [l]. Here we describe a particular case
general a*e complex, coupled and useful mainly of Rosenberg's procedure that we use to derive
for digital integration. Rere we present a the nonlinear equation of plsnar mechanisms.
systematic procedure that can be used to produce
the dynamic equations of planar mechanisms that Because of the particular structure of the bond
have realistic joints effects (81. The dynamic graphs that models mechanisms with compliant
equations are obtained in state space form. The joints, we show that the dynamic equations can
procedure described here is based on the bond be directly obtained in closed state space form
graph description [4] and was first introduced from the adjacencies of the cormnon velocities
by Kornopp and Margolis in (51. In their paper and comon forces points (cf II). The advantage
Karopp and Margolis, described a bond graph of this method is that in the particular case of
representation of planar mechanism with flexible planar mechanism the dynamic equations are given
joints. They used fictitious compliances at the in an analytic nonlinear state space form. This
joints to overcome the problem of the derivative form can be used in the design and analysis of
causality. A bond graph with derivative causa- the mechanism controls.
lity implies the existance of an algebraic loop:
the system dynamics are described by a set of To motivate what follovs consider the example of
first order differential equations together with the four bar mechanisms shown in figure 1.a.
a set of algebraic equations. Several bond The links have moments of inertia6 J J2 and J
graph based computer programs for example EN'PORT and the link that is undergoing p I!'anar aotio a
191, CAMP [lo], and TUTSIM [Ill can be used to has mass m2. The bond graph model is shown in
simulate the time response of the mechanism. If figure 1.b. The transformers element8 TF are
the bond graph describes a nonlinear system and modulated transformers. The nonlinear coeffi-
contains derivative causality, a characteristic cients of the modulated transformer are obtained

Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Mathematical Modelling 1145

by taking the time derivativesof the inertial

Cartesian positions of connection points as
functionof inertialangulardisplacements.For
example, the transformermodulus for TF16 and
TF19 are obtainedas follows:

(1) From the geometric description of the

link coordinates

= 21 cos ql and q91 = 1,

si* q1
(2) Taking time deriative:
q61 = -2, sin ql.* 4, and qgl =
f, cos 91 q*
The modulatedtransformersare then: TF16 = !21
sin ql and TF91 = 11 cos ql.

In figure 1.d is the simplifiedform of the gy-

robondgraph,namely the point graph. Although
the state matrix can be algorithmicallyobtained
from the bond graph as describedby Rosenbergin
[l] we will use the adjacencyof the point graph
to derive the state laatrix.From figure 1 it is
clear that the point graph is a compactform of
the bond graph. The point graph is a linear
graph that contains all the informationneces-
sary for the state space formulationof the sys-
tem's dynamicequations. In the bond graph each
velocity is representedby a l-junctionand each
relative velocity is representedby a O-junc-
tion. In the point graph each point corresponds
to a l- or a O-junctionthat is adjacentto a
storage element acting in its integrationform. The coefficients g..(x) are identical to the
Then each point in the point graph will corre- transformercoefficiYnt8TF..(x). If no trans-
spond to a state. The state vector for the former exists in the bondiJgraph,for example
four bar mechanismis then: between point 5 and 6 or between 5 and 4, then
the coefficientsG.. = 1. Note if no power bond
x = IP, P2 P3 q4 P5 n, q7 pg qgl exists between tw'd points i and j then the
correspondingA..(x) entry in the nonlinear
where: state matrix is &Lo.

Pa P2 and p are the angular momentum of From this example it is clear that the nonlinear
tie crank, coapler and rocker respectively, state space matrix A(x) = [a..(x)] can be di-
and pg are the linear momentum of the rectly obtained from the bondi!&aphor the more
c upler in theafdand y directionrespectively; compact point graph by simply deciding the
~~~ts~:e ;ir q+ are relative displace- weights on the lines (or transformermodulus)
the exi tence of spring type coup- connectingpoint i to j:
lings between the links.
aij(x) = Bij(x)
The canonicalform of the bondgraphdepictedin
figure 1.b is of the simple full type &scribed Next we present the general form of nonlinear
in section II. For simple full graphs the state space representation for mechanisms.
dynamic equations can be directly obtained in
the nonlinear state space form as follows: II. Bond Graphs and Point Graphs Representation
of Planar Recbanisns
x = A(x).[‘I.]-*.x where,
For completenesswe first briefly present the
bond graph terminologyand describe its conver-
sion to a canonicalform, namely the gyrobond-
graph and its reduction to tbe point graph
form. We then present a general form for the
nonlinear state space representationof mecha-

11.1 Bond Graphs and Gyrobondgraphs

The bond graphs are graphicalmodels of dynamic

systems. For a completedescriptionof the bond
graph language and methods the reader is re-
1146 Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Mathematical Modelling

ferred to references [4] and [z]. Bond graph Classification:

employs a standard set of nine idealized ele-
ments to represent the energy storage and flow We classify gyrobondgraphsdepending on their
in the system. These elements are represented topology to simple, simple partial and siarple
by the followingsymbols: full. The purpose of this classificationwill
be apparent when we derive the general stste
ses Sf-' Idealizedsources of effort and flow, space formulationfor each.
R : Idealizeresistance; A simple full graph (SFG) is a gyrobondgraph,or
c, 1: Idealizedpotentialand kinetic energy a subgraph of a simple partial or sQople graph,
storage,respectively; in which each l-junction is adjacent to an I
0, 1: Power-conserving junction eleawants,elementand also possiblybut not necessarilyan
cormon effort and cormeOnflow, respec- R element.
tively; and
TP, GY: Energy-domaintransformation elements, A simple partial graph (SPG) is a gyrobondgraph,
transformerand gyrator,respectively. or a subgraph of a simple graph, in which each
l-junctionis adjacent to at least one I or one
In the bond graph, the lines connecting the R element. The set of l-junctionsadjacent to
above elementsare called the bonds. Associated only an R element will be called the P-points.
with each bond are two scalar variables: the The set of l-junctionsthat are adjacentto an I
effort and the flow. Their product is the elementwill be donated the F points.
power. The end of a bond that has positive
power is indicatedby a half arrow. A simple graph (SG) is a gyrobondgraphin which
any l-junctioncan a P point, an F point or is
In the standardbond graph, a convenientcorre- not adjacentto any element.
spondence exists between the physical system
being modeled and the elements of the bond The state matrix for a system described by a
graph. In the gyrobondgraphthis convenienceis siarple partial graph is given by [13]:
exchanged for a more uniform graph vith fewer
modeling elements. The gyrobondgraph,intro- A(x) = [(~(X)-%(X))+8Fp(X)(Sp(X)-%(x))-1
duced by Rosenberg in 131, is based on a primi-
tive set of five elwents. s~wlI~I(x,.l-l (1)
They are: For the specialcase of linear systeiss
the equa-
tion for the state matrix is then:
(Se' I, R, 1, GY)
A = [(SF-RF)+SPP(Sp-RP)-lS~][.I.]-1
The set includes one input (S ), one storage
type (I), disipation(R), one j&&ion type (I), SubscriptF denotesthe sets of l-junctionswith
and one transducer(GY). an adjacent I element; and subscriptP denotes
the remainingset. The matrices Ssr;Feagtb
The el-ts of a gyrobondgraph fulfill the are partitionsof the Junction st
followingadjacencyconditions: s = (sij):

a)each I is adjacent to a l-junction.

b)each R is adjacent to a l-junctionat s= (2)
each R port, -sx S
c) each S is adjacent to a l-junction, P
d) each & is strictly adjacent to two 8.. = B .. if the power is fro8 the ith to
distinctl-junctions, 1J tu jtb l-junctionand thru a gyrator
4 each l-junctionis adjacentto no more of modulus g. and
than one I, one R and one Se and to no lj'
other l-junction. 8.. = -B . if the power is from tirejtb to
13 thiJith l-junctionand thru a gyrator
A transformationprocedure to obtain the gyro- of modulus gij, and
bondgraph form the bond graph is as follows:
S. =O if otherwise.
a) replace each S C and O-junctionby lj
an equivalent 6' I, and l-junction, Note that,
respectively;W&I each adjacent to a
gyratorwith modulus equal one; if both l-junctionsi and j are adjacent an I
b) replace Tl? by two GY elements in element,then sij E SF;
cascade,one of them with modulus one;
and if both I-junctionsi end j are adjacentto an R
c) preservethe power orientationthrough-elementandtonoIelement,thens ES;
out the transformation. ij p
if the l-junctioni is adjacentto an I element
In this paper we shall restrict the C, I and R and the l-junctionj is not adjacent to an I
elementsto be oneports, althougha local eigen- element and adjscent to on R element then s
value problem could be solved to transform ij s
multiport C, I and R elements to equivalent %P*
Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Mathematical Modelling 1147

RF is a diagonal matrix with its ii entry equal namely, the point graph. The structure and the
to the parameter of the resistance adjacent to weights of the line in the point graph preserve
the i-th F-type l-junction; all the information of the original bond graph.
To obtain a point graph from the gyrobondgraph
R is a diagonal matrix with its ii entry equal we proceed as follows:
t8 the parameter of the resistance adjacent to
the i-th P-type l-junction; a) Replace the ith l-junction by a point.
Associated with a point a parameter cii
[‘1.1-l is a diagonal matrix with its ii entry that is #qua1 to the normalized resi-
equal to the inverse of the parameter of the stance R. ag follows:
inertia I adjacent to the i-th F-type l-junction. cr.1 R.
b) Replach eac& gyrator together with its
Clearly, ['1.1-l exists by definition, since adjacent bonds by a single line. The
xero inertia parameters r direction of the line should be inden-
-Yso;$r; se;l;rp&ff;;;
the graph. Also (S -RP) tical to the original power orienta-
no zero elements on Phe diagonal. tion through the gyrator. The weight
S.. on the line is equa;C to the norma-
II.2 The Normalized Gyrobondgraph and the Point 1PJed gyrator modulus r..:
Graph 'J
Sij = rij
For the class of gyrobondgraphs defined above, a
normalization procedure will produce a new gyro- II.3 State Space Formulation of Mechanisms
bondgraph identical in topology to the original Dynamic Equations
one, but with all inertia parameters equal to
one 161, 171. The eigenvalue spectra of both If all derivative causalities are eliminated as
gyrobondgraphs are identical. Normalization described by Margolis and Karnopp [17], the
takes the bond graph one step more towards a state space formulation can be obtained by s di-
more uniform and compact graphical representa- rect application of Rosenberg's method [I]. If
tion of the system. The normalization is ob- the resulting bond graph model is of the simple
tained by using a nonsingular tranformation of full type (SFG) then the non-linear state matrix
the state variables: can be obtained directly from equation 1 as:

ii = [‘I.]%. A(x) = [SF(x)-RF][‘I.j-l (3)

To normalize a gyrobondgraph proceed as follows: Equation (3) is obtained from equation (1) by
;;;;:;E, S%, .!$, Rp to zero, since from the
a) Replace gyrator modulus r.. by SF these matrices are identically
Ll 0.

The elements of the A(x) matrix are identical to

A J the weights on the lines connecting the F-type
points in the point graph

however, if the ith junction is not adjacent to To demonstrate the procedure for the formulatiou
an I element, then of the state space equations for planar mecha-
nisms we next consider the example of the five
bar mechanism. The motivation for the procedure
is then discussed.

The five bar mechanism:

b) Change the value of the parameter on the The five bar mechanism is comon in various
resistance Ri adjacent to industrial applications, for example robotics.
Figure 2.a is a sketch of a five bar mechanism.
an F-type l-junction The two links undergoing planar motion have
masses m The link moments of inertia
R. are J 3 “!id :&
1' 2' 3
1 If the joints compliances are included as shown
in figure 2.b, then the bond graph model can be
resistances adjacent to P-type l-junction remain drawn as shown in figure 2.~. Although the
unchanged. dynamic equations can be algorithmically genera-
ted from the bond graph, we will proceed by
In this paper we will show that planar mecha- drawing the simplified gyrobondgraph. Then we
nisms with compliant joints can be modeled by will use the equation given in Appendix A to
SPG gyrobondgraphs. The dynamic equations of a generate the nonlinear state matrix. The point
mechanism modeled by an SPG can be obtained by a graph is shown in figure 2.d. It is of the
direct application of equation (1) to the bond- simple full type and the equation:
graph model of the mechanism.
A = IS, - Rf]['I.]-I
A simplification of the normalized gyrobondgraph
will produce a weighted, directed linear graph, can be directly applied.
1148 Proc. 6th Int. Conjl on Mathematicul Modelling

Estimating the eigenvalues:

If we assume that we can linearize the

system about some operational point then we
can obtain estimates of the eigenvalues at
where k.. is a diagonal lpatrix that contains the that operational point. Since the four bar
system %iffnesses and - is a diagonal matrix linkage has a simple full graph then bounds
E described in [6] and [7] can be used.
that contains the inertia6 parameter. If we
wish to include the damping forces effects, R For the simple full graph the number of
elements can be added to the respective veloci- points is N = 9. The point graph has
ties. If damping forces are generated due to a cycles, then from the method described in
relative velocity, for example as shown in [71:
figure 4.a, then an SPC graph will result as
shown in figure 4.b. b -< (max Dij) cot 6

To obtain the nonlinear state matrix for a SPG where b is the largest imaginary part of
we first find the adjacency matrix S in equation the system's eigenvalues. Since no damping
(2). In general the matrix Sp is zero since exists on any of the l-junctions then the
resistance networks will not exist in mecbanism- system will be marginally stable. If we
type systems. The nonlinear state equation is consider adding linear damping, for example
then given by: due to structural damping, then the R-ele-
ments will be added at points: 6, 9, 4 and
A(x) = I~~~X~-~~+S~~~X~~~s~*~x~l~~I.l-l 7. Because we considered damping and
compliances only at joints, the velocities
The formulation of the dynamic equations in a at points 5, 2 and 3 will not have damping.
closed form state space form offers unlimited The absence of Resistance elements adjacent
possibilities for the analysis and design of the to velocities at points 5, 2 and 3 leads us
system. Here we present two possible applica- to conclude that the lower bound on the
tions, namely, the decomposition and the eigen real parts of the eigenvalues will lay on
system estimates. the Imaginary axis. However, the veloci-
ties at points 5, 2, and 3 can be assisted
Decomposition: with structural damping. Adding Resistance
elements that represent structural damping
To study the stability of the system it may will locate the upper bound on the eigen-
be necessary to decompose the set of first values away from the Imaginary axis which
order differential equations: guarantees the exponential stability of the
* system.
x = A(x)x
to a linear and a nonlinear part as fol-
lows: In this paper we demonstrated a systematic
procedure for obtaining a state space formula-
x = Alx + A2(x)x tion in closed form for planar mechanism. The
procedure can be easily extended to the nonpla-
The decomposition can be achieved easily by nar mechanisms. The procedure is based on a
reenumerating the nodes such that the nodes single equation that can be easily progrmed
with linear connection are enumerated using any computer algebra system. The closed
separately from those with nonlinear con- form solution can be used to study the proper-
nections as shown in figure I.e. ties of the mechanism in terms of stability and
steady state eigen spectra properties.
From the adjacencies of the graph in figure
1.e the nonlinear state matrix is then
directly obtained as:
Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Mathematical Modelling 1149

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1150 Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Mathematical Modelling

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