Comparison of Airlift and Stirred Reactors For Fermentation With Aspergillus Niger

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VOI. 68, NO. 2, 112-116. 1989

Comparison of Airlift and Stirred Reactors for Fermentation

with Aspergillus niger
Universitiit Dortmund, Lehrstuhl Technische Chemie B, Postfach 500500, D-4600 Dortmund 50, FRG, 1 and
Regional Research Laboratory, Canal Road, Jammu Tawi 180001, India 2
Received 14 November 1988/Accepted 20 May 1989

The design and fabrication of a simple laboratory airlift fermentor are described. This reactor excels in
reliability and low power requirement. Its efficiency has been proved for the production of gluconic acid by
Aspergillus niger. As in the case of bubble columns, the desired morphology of A. niger, i.e pellet growth, is
obtained in the laboratory airlift fermentor as well as in a pilot scale airlift fermentor of 260 1 working volume.
Thus, pellet formation occurred under rather low stress conditions as compared to stirred tanks where high
agitation conditions are expected to be required to achieve similar results.

Gas-liquid reactors should achieve efficient mixing of with a density o f 2800 kg m 3 even at a solid content of
reactor contents and intensive contact o f the two phases. 309/oo (w/w) in airlift reactors (8). This shows that airlift
Usually the gas is dispersed into the liquid phase. In the fermentors are well suited for cultures containing solid
classical type of gas-liquid reactor, the stirred tank, this is components or aggregating cells.
accomplished by an agitator, but the bubble column with It was the aim o f this work to investigate whether
its various modifications does not need a mechanical Aspergillus niger can be cultivated sucessfully in airlift
device for dispersing the gas phase. Here contacting of gas fermentors for the production of gluconic acid and
and liquid is done by feeding the gas stream through whether this type of bioreactor shows advantages for this
distributing devices, such as perforated plates or nozzles. process c o m p a r e d to stirred fermentors. Since A. niger is
In airlift reactors as a special type of bubble columns, a usually growing as mycelium, it was o f special interest to
circulating flow of liquid is p r o d u c e d by aerating only the find out whether this microorganism would show different
riser section separated from the rest o f the reactor growth forms in the airlift fermentor c o m p a r e d to the stir-
(downcomer) by a vertical wall. The simplest construction red tank, preferably pellets instead o f mycelia.
for such an airlift reactor is the internal loop (Fig. 1). It Growth and product f o r m a t i o n in bubble and airlift col-
is a column-like vessel inside which a draft tube has been umn reactors have already been investigated with different
fixed. microorganisms (see Table 1). Especially in fungal fermen-
The aerated liquid in the riser is at least partially degass- tations, where the economy of the process is dependant on
ed at the top o f the reactor. Due to the difference in gas the form of growth (9, 10), i.e. mycelial or pellet growth,
hold-up between gas-liquid dispersion in the riser and these unstirred reactors have been used successfully. For
more or less gas-free liquid in the downcomer, hydrostatic penicillin fermentations with Penicillium chrysogenum
pressure in these two regions is different which induces a K6nig et al. (9) as well as G b e w o n y o and W a n g (10)
circulating flow of liquid in the reactor loop. To achieve reported an increase in kLa by a factor o f about 4, if the
efficient mixing and mass and heat transfer, airlift reactors culture grew in small pellets instead of as a pulpy
should be tall with a large ratio of height to diameter mycelium. These authors observed that pellet growth
(about 10) (1, 2). The ratio of the diameters of riser to that could be achieved in bubble column fermentors by using a
o f the outer shell is generally between 0.6 to 0.9 (3). preculture grown under defined conditions (9) or by im-
Due to its rather simple design, the airlift reactor has mobilization o f the organism (10).
found interest in biotechnological processes as a fermentor
(1). On an industrial scale it is used for the production o f
single cell protein and of ethanol, and in the aerobic treat-
ment o f waste water. It has also been tested on a pilot scale Construction o f the laboratory airlift fermentor A
for the p r o d u c t i o n of organic acids, for b i o t r a n s f o r m a - rather simple design of an airlift fermentor for l a b o r a t o r y
tions, and for the cultivation o f plant and animal cells (4- use was given by Kiese et al. (11). This fermentor is made
7). from glass and has been used successfully for fermenta-
Since airlift fermentors do not require a mechanical stir- tions with various cultures (11-14, 17). Based on this
rer, the risk o f c o n t a m i n a t i o n and energy d e m a n d are con- design, a stainless steel airlift fermentor was developed for
siderably reduced. Airlift fermentors require only about fermentations at elevated pressure which can be used for
one third o f the energy needed for stirred tank reactors. batch and continuous cultivations (13).
The turbulence o f two-phase flow in airlift fermentors not The l a b o r a t o r y airlift fermentor described here has been
only produces favourable conditions for mass transfer, it designed as an airlift reactor with a concentric draught
can also be used for suspending solid particles. Recently it tube for a working volume of 4 . 0 / w i t h essential dimen-
has been shown that it is possible to suspend solid particles sions similar to those given by Kiese et al. (11).
It consists of three parts, i.e. the conical b o t t o m holding
* Corresponding author. the gas sparger, a cylindrical part containing the draught

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0 3 0
0 0 jacketed glass
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FIG. 1. Airlift fermentor with inner loop.
3~ "~. spGrger bottom
with perforated plate
tube, and the top part with the degassing zone (see Fig. 2). \1/
F o r measuring p H , temperature, and dissolved oxygen and
for removal o f exhaust gas and addition o f nutrients and
neutralization agents, several ports are provided in the FIG. 2. Construction of laboratory airlift fermentor (dimensions
fermentor top. The b o t t o m of the fermentor holds a port see Table 2).
for sampling. A l t h o u g h the top and b o t t o m parts are made
o f stainless steel (AISI 304), the cylindrical part o f the tween the steel parts. In the design of Kiese et al. (11) this
fermentor is a glass tube with a glass jacket. By circulating enlargement of diameter in the top part has been ac-
water through this jacket the temperature o f the fermen- complished by way o f a conical dilation. In the airlift
tors contents can be controlled. The fermentor can be fermentor used in our investigation the degassing zone was
steam-sterilized in an autoclave. welded from two tubes of different diameter (250 and
Dimensions of the fermentor are given in Table 2. The 100mm) for the sake of simplicity of fabrication. This
conical b o t t o m o f the fermentor with the sampling port may lead to stagnant regions in this part of the fermentor.
welded to it consists o f two parts between which the gas Visual observation of mixing in the airlift fermentor showed
sparger plate is tightened by an O-ring and two teflon ring- that possible effects o f stagnant regions on mixing in the
gaskets. The diameter and configuration o f the perfora- airlift fermentor can be neglected. Of course, when
tions on the sparger plate (AISI 304) have been calculated suitable machinery and materials are available, conical dila-
according to Ruff et al. (15) to achieve homogeneous tion o f the degassing zone, as depicted in Fig. 2, is to be
dispersion o f the gas phase. The design o f sparger b o t t o m preferred.
(60 ° cone) has also proved suitable for suspending solid Microorganism A s p e r g i l l u s niger RRL 12-16/1-2
particles (8, 12, 21). The distance between the draught tube strain selected at the Regional Research L a b o r a t o r y , Jam-
and reactor wall is s,Jfficient for installing p H - and oxygen- mu, India.
probes via the ports in the reactor top. The diameter of the Inoculum P r o d u c t i o n medium was inoculated with
top part is enlarged to reduce the liquid velocity, thus pro- 2%0 (v/v) of preculture grown for 24 h in shake flasks for
moting degassing of the liquid before it enters the fermentation in 4-l airlift and 1 0 - / s t i r r e d tank reactors.
downcomer. The cylindrical part is tightened by two F o r the 2604 fermentor the preculture was grown in two 5-l
silicon ring-gaskets and pressed by bolts and nuts in be- airlift glass fermentors.

TABLE 1. Fermentation systems tested in airlift (AL) or bubble column (BC) fermentor
Microorganism Process Reference Fermentor
C. utilis continuous (11) AL
P. fluorescens continuous; increased pressure (13) AL
T. ferrooxidans batch; leaching of sulfides from flotation residue (14) AL
T. ferrooxidans batch; removal of H2S from exhaust gases AL
Mixed culture of Thiobacilli and Leptospirillurn-like bacteria continuous; leaching of sulfides from flotation residue (12) AL
S. fragilis. C. blankii continuous fermentation of whey (17) AL
A. niger batch [ 18) BC
P. chrysogenum batch (9) BC
P. chrysogenum batch; immobilized on Celite beads (10) BC
114 TR)kGERET AL. J. FERMt:Nr. BIOEN(;.,

TABLE 2. Dimensions of the airlift fermentors coefficient kLa and circulation time tc were calculated for
Laboratory scale the air/water system at an air flow rate of V~=3 l/min. For
the kta the dynamic method was used, taking into account
Reactor: volume 4l the delay of the oxygen probe. The circulation time was
total length ca. 500 mm estimated with the aid of suspended polyethylene particles.
Cylindrical part:
length 250 mm For kca a value of 0.6 min 1 was obtained and for the cir-
inner diameter 94 mm culation time about 4 s. This kca-value agreed well with the
diameter of draught tube 52 mm value measured by Takafiashi and Yoshida (18). For com-
length of draught tube 350 mm parison of their resulting kLa with the kLa-value obtained
Bottom part with sparger: in our study, one must relate the gas flow rate of 3 I/min to
60° conical bottom
diameter of sparger plate 40 mm the total cross-sectional area of the airlift fermentor. With
19 circular holes (diameter 0.8 mm) our superficial gas velocity of 0.7 cm/s a kta-value of
in 8 mm triangular pitch about 0.9 rain ~is calculated for the system air/water with
Top part: 250 mm Fig. 3 from (18). Taking into consideration that the higher
diameter of degassing zone 80 mm liquid velocity in airlift fermentors compared to bubble col-
height of degassing zone umns results in a reduced gas hold-up (1, 19) and thus in a
Pilot scale (23) reduced interfacial area, our value for kLa is indeed in the
Reactor: volume 260 l expected range. In fermentation media, kLa will be further
liquid height 9.25 m reduced due to medium components such as proteins or an-
diameter of riser 150 mm tifoam agents. For our fermentations with A. niger a
diameter of downcomer (external loop) 50 mm decrease in volumetric mass transfer coefficient by about
Sparger plate: 75% can be expected (18). For the laboratory airlift
sintered metal with 5 pm mean pore size
Top part : fermentor of Kiese el al. (11) the same circulation time was
volume of degassing zone 80 / observed at the gas flow rate used in our study. These
authors (11) showed that even at rather low gas flo~ rates
of ~ = 0 . 5 l / m i n an airlift fermentor of this design and
Medium Fermentations in 4-I airlift and 10-1 stirred size can be considered as ideally mixed. Consequently, any
fermentor: 40 g/l of glucose. H:O, I g/l of NHaNO~, 1 g/l influence of distributed parameters can be neglected in the
of KH2PO~, 0.25 g/1 of MgSO4.7H:O, and 13 g/l of CaCO3 laboratory airlift fermentor used in this study.
in deionized water. The pH was adjusted to 6.5 with Gluconie acid production with A. niger The
NaOH. F e r m e n t a t i o n in 260-• airlift fermentor: 100 g/I of gluconic acid fermentations were done simultaneously
glucose. H20, 1 g/l of KH2PO4, 20 g/l of corn steep liquor, in the stirred tank and in the laboratory airlift fermentor.
and 0.25 g/l of MgSO4.7H20 in deionized water. The pH The preculture for both reactors consisted only of loose
was adjusted to 6.5 and controlled during fermentation mycelia. After about 6 h the microorganisms in the airlift
with 8 N NaRCO3 solution. fermentor turned into fine pellets but in the stirred fermen-
Fermentors Fermentations were done at 30°C both tor they continued to grow as loose mycelia. This con-
in a stirred tank fermentor ( 1 0 / o p e r a t i n g volume; New tradicts the study of Gomez el al. (20) who obtained good
Brunswick, USA) and in the laboratory airlift fermentor pellet formation of A. niger rather at high turbulence ex-
(4 l operating volume). The suitability of the airlift fermen- posing the culture in a stirred tank fermentor to a higher
tor design for fungal fermentations was also tested in an ex- stirrer speed. To confirm pellet formation of A. niger on
ternal loop airlift fermentor of 260 / working volume (see pilot scale, a fermentation was done in the 260-/external
Table 2). The air flow rate and stirrer speed in the stirred loop airlift fermentor. The production medium was changed
fermentor were 5 l / m i n and 6 0 0 r p m , respectively. Air from defined to complex medium because pellet formation
throughput in the 4-I and 260-I airlift fermentor were was expected to be influenced negatively by higher
4 l/rain and 35 l/rain, respectively. Superficial liquid velocity growth yields in the complex medium. In Table 3 data of a
was adjusted to WsL-8.4 cm/s by a ball valve situated in typical fermentation run in all fermentors are given. From
the downcomer of the fermentor. The fermentor was these data it is evident that for the fermentations in both
equipped with 9 oxygen sensors for the measurement of laboratory scale fermentors no significant difference occur-
the dissolved oxygen profile of the loop. A n inductive flow red in production of gluconic acid (ca) and consumption
meter for the measurement of liquid velocity was used in of glucose (cs). Dry cell weight (X) was also comparable
the downcomer. but slightly increased in the 260-• airlift fermentor. 111 the
Analysis Glucose was analyzed as reducing sugar by two laboratory scale fermentors a conversion of glucose to
the ferricyanide method (16). Gluconic acid in the gluconic acid of 85-900/oo (w/w) was achieved, with 10~( of
laboratory scale fermentors was measured by both the substrate remaining unused. In 260-1 airlift fermentor,
titrimetry and paper chromatography (24) after filtering the product yield was increased to about 98°~) (w/~x). In-
and decationization of the culture broth. For the pilot terestingly, the dissolved oxygen concentration was
scale airlift fermentor, acid was calculated from the distinctly higher in the airlift fermentor than in the stirred
a m o u n t of added Na2CO3 solution and subsequently con- fermentor at the end of the fermentation. This may be ex-
firmed by H P L C (Biorad column H P X 87H ~ at 30°C us- plained by the fact that, due to the small pellets in the
ing 0.4 mM H 2 S O 4 as the eluent). Dry cells were weighed airlift fermentor, mass transfer was better than in the stir-
after dissolving CaCO 3 (where present) with hydrochloric red fermentor, in which broth viscosity was rather high. In
acid, filtering, and drying. the airlift fermentor a water-like viscosity of the broth
prevailed but in the stirred reactor the mycelium grew as a
pulpy mass which is known to behave as a non-Newtonian
liquid. Viscosities were not measured.
Testing of fermentor operation The mass transfer As far as cultivation of A. niger in the 260-/ airlift

TABLE 3. Typical results of batch fermentations

a) Airlift fermentor
4-1 volume
t cs c.,, X DO
Morphology of microorganisms
(h) (g//) (g/l) (g/l) ( 9~)
0 39.0 -- -- 100
8 28.0 9.5 0.7 80
14 I 1.0 27.0 1.4 26 small pellets (1-2 ram)
20 4.0 34.5 2.3 30
21.5 4.0 34.8 2.3 17
t cs CA X DO ~'
Morphology of microorganisms
(h) (g/t) (g/O (g//) ( T0)
0 82.6 0 1.8 110
11 50.4 23.9 l. 1 27
13.5 28.3 42.7 2.8 13
16 23.4 52.9 2.8 13 small pellets (1-2 mm)
17 19.5 65.1 3.2 13
18 9.3 73.3 3.7 7
19.5 3.8 81.1 3.5 7

b) Stirred tank fermentor

t cs CA X DO
Morphology of microorganisms
(h) (g/t) (g/t) (g//) (%)
0 39.0 -- -- n.d.
8 27.5 10.0 1.1 n.d.
14 10.0 24.0 1.5 n.d. loose mycelium
20 5.0 32.8 2.1 5
21.5 3.0 33.0 2.1 5
a In downcomer.
n.d. not determined.

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