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Mid –Chapter Checkpoint

Vocabulary Vocabulary

Choose the best term from the box to complete the sentence.
1. A____________ is numbers that names part of a whole or part of a group. (p.329)

2. The _____________ tells how many equal parts are in the whole or in the group. (p.333)

Concepts and Skills

Write the number of equal parts. Then write the name for the parts (3.NF.1)

____ equal equal
____ parts
parts parts

Write the number of equal parts un the whole. Then write fraction that names the
shaded parts. (3.N.1)

____ equal parts ____ equal parts ____ equal parts

_________________ _________________ _________________

Write the fraction that names the point. (3.Nf.2a, 3. NF.2b)

9.point A _____ 10. point B 11. point C_____

12. Jessica ordered a pizza. What fraction of the pizza has mushrooms? (3.NF.1)

13. which fraction names the shaded part? (3.NF.1)

14. Six friends share 3 oatmeal squares equally. How much of an oatmeal square does each friend get? ?

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