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By Paul Constant

Illustration by Tony Millionaire


I n Seattle, there's a neighborhood called George-

town that the mysterious forces of Real Estate and
Art have conspired fo label the Next Big Thing,
though right now it's still humble, a mix of single-
family houses and abandoned factories slowly being showed that the brothers have created about a third of
repurposed into galleries and condos. There's pretty the store's stock. Fantagraphics's publisher, Gary
much one block of commercial interest—a cozy cof- Groth, who has a reputation for being the angriest
fee shop, a coming-soon sign for a button-making man in comics with his hyperiiterate, splenetic rants
store, and a record store (literally, it sells vinyl) that about the sad state of puhlishins, seemed downridit
shares space with a bookstore called Fantagraphics star-struck as he conducted an interview with the
Books, owned by the graphic novel publisher of the brothers. As they reminisced, it became clear that
same name. Every single title that Fantagraphics has there were many times, due to lack of funds, when
in print is on sale at the store. Works by Robert rhe partnership nearly came to an abrupt end.
Crumb and Chris Ware stand alongside archived For thirty years, Groth has published some of die
comics collections like Krazy Kat and Popeye. The best graphic novels in the world, and for ;ilmost all that
thirty-year-old publisher uses the space lo celebrate time, the publisher has been struggling co keep aHoat.
the work of its artists, and it devoted a weekend In 2004, just afi:er a serious bankruptcy scare, Grorh
recently to the twenty-fifth anniversary of a comic worked with Charles Schulz's estate to acquire the rights
book by brothers Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez. to publish collections of every single Charlie Brown car-
On February 11, fans packed Fantagraphicss new toon in order for the next twelve years. The Complete
store for a panel discussion with the Hernandez Peanuts not only lovingly archives Schuizs wildly popu-
brorhers. People in their sixties who had never aban- lar work, it has ensured that Fantagraphics wont have
doned the counterculture joined with teenagers in to worry about money for at least another decade.
their awkward Coth-pop styles. In a comic book cul- One of the most obvious examples of the new finan-
ture rarity, there were at least as many women as men, cial freedom that Fantagraphics has is the storetront,
and the ethnic mix was diverse, especially for Seattle. which opened in December of 2006. The Hernandez
A quick glance around the shelves of the bookstore brothers were among the first artists who were reward-
ed tor their loyalty to the publisher. Right ;ifi:er the
Paul Constant is a columnist and critic-at-Iarge Jbr The Peanuts deal, Fantagraphics published complete collec-
Stranger, an alternative weekly in Seattle. tions of Jaime's Locas and Gilben's Pabmar, the culmi-

The Progressive • 31
nation of twenty-three years of serial background in one story are the pro- uring the discussion, the
stories. The books are sumptuous and tagonists ot the next. They face every- Hernandez brothers fre-
huge—Palonuir is 522 pages and Locas day problems: One man is simultane- quently make rock and roll
is 704. They are, quite possibly, the ously terrified of doctors and wracked references; they talk about how they
best graphic novels ever created. with concern that hes rotting to death "teed oft the audience" when a siory
Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez don't from some unknown illness. Another is released and that their "punk rock
seem like the kinds ot people whose woman keeps felling into bed with the ethos" wouldn't allow them to com-
characters arc punk rock icons; they're wrong men. promise their work for any ot the
middle-aged blue-collar-looking men In an especially charming story, an "mainstream comics publishers"
with short hair, dressed in jeans and American phtuographer comes to when they were getting popular.
glasses. Gilbert is the older ot the two, town, and everyone goes a little bit Their artwork has appeared on
and he's protective of Jaime. The crazy over him, before becoming disil- countless records and rock show
brothers each write and draw their lusioned by his hig talk about captur- posters. For a decade, it wa.s almost
own comics and sell than packaged ing Palomar's poverty. Luba confronts impossible to walk into a got)d night-
together in an ongoing twice-yearly the photographer: "You want . . . a club and not see a half dozen people
comic book titled Love & Rockets. picture of my family all sloppy and with bootleg Love & Rockets patches
Gilbert's comics are mostly about a ragged—to put in a book for che sewn on their jackets or taped to their
Latin American town called Palomar, whole world to see? What the hell do guitar cases.
and Jaime's are primarily about two you think we are? A treak show?" The When asked how their Latin
friends, Maggie and Hopey, who work photographer tries to defuse the situa- American heritage affects their work.
dead-end jobs and really, really want tion: "No! You do not understand; I Gilbert invokes the films of Kuro-
to play rock and roll. want to show the beauty of your town sawa and Fellini: "To me, the more
Botli brothers present compelling . . . your lives." Then Luba goes nuts: Italian, the more German, the more
and strong female characters who "Beauty?! YouVe going to make hun- Japanese a story is, the more universal
behave like actual people, even when dreds ot dollars by making us look bad it becomes." Jaime points out that lie
the stories arc thick with magical real- and youre talking about beauty?!" was lauded for depicting Hispanic
ism. Their art is gorgeous—Jaime's got And then she stomps on his foot and gang violence and its aftermath in
the cleaner line, but Gilbert's more spits out those beautiful comic book Love & Rockets with his "Death ot
impressionistic style is perhaps better at swears: "@*#*@!!@." indeed. Speedy" storyline, but that he didn'i
conveying tone and developing themes. Locas is entirely different, pop-cul- want to be an issue-focused author:
Even though the brothers' stories are ttiral and American. At the beginning "Someone said I should write more
unconnected, it's hard to imagine one of Love cr Rockets, Jaime was drawing about the politics ot East L.A., but
without the other; its as though the the things that he was interested in: I'm not fi-om East L.A., I'm from
two graphic novels are spiritually dinosaurs and aliens and wrestling.
linked. The brothers are aware of this. He quickly fell in love with his char- The brothers do create works for
Gilbert said that if Jaime is "on a roll acters, though, and wrote them into other publishers, hut Fantagraphics,
with a serious or heavy story," he'll " situations to see what they would do. and Love & Rockets, is where they're
otT' and tell a lighter or more experi- "After a while, the rocket ships went the happiest. A few months ago,
mental story, and vice versa. The stories away," he says. "There was no room. Jaime completed a .serialized comic
are contoured with each other; created I write what I know, so they can't go strip for The New York Times Maga-
side by side, they fit together as cleanly chasing crooks. They just have to talk zine, which is undoubtedly the
as a stone that has been split in two. to each other." This, of course, is an largest audience either of the broth-
Palomar is the kind of fiction, big- understatement: Maggie and Hopey ers has ever had. Talking about the
hearted and wise, that brings ro mind have the kind of frieiidshiji—com- experience, though. Jaime seems
names like Steinbeck and Galeano. plex, ditficult, adoring—that most relieved to be going back to the part-
The narrative centers on a woman authors have to explain to their read- nership with his brother. With a shy
named Luba, who moves to Palomar ers. It's a treat that's unparalleled in smile, he says that the story will soon
and quickly weaves herselt into the modern fiction. And part of the plea- be run in its entirety in Love & Rock-
Fabric of the community. Unlike many sure is that it's been running tor a ets, where Jaime wouldn't be con-
comics, time p;isses in Palomar-—chil- quarter century. Through fights and strained by the page and content
dren grow up over the course ot the boyfriends and hookups, through restrictions that mass media fame
book, and start to come into their Hopey's irresponsibility and Maggie's requires: "I'm adding tour more
own. As the reader dives fiarther into weight fluctuations, the relationship pages and putting all the cusses back
the stories, the whole town becomes has grown as quickly and as power- in." Nobody laughs harder ai that
revealed. Characters who stand in the fully as their creator's skills. than Gilbert. •

32 • April 2007 CAPITULO 4

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