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Descrption (MTU2@ Series are the remote contol transmitters with CMOS Tech. nology which are designed for general purpose of infrared appiica- ‘von, The devices consist an 8-4 MCU with MACROSOFT-URC core ‘They can support up to maximum 64 function Keys and 83 diferent type of system wave-forms; thus, MT28xxx can provide a maximum {otal of 5312 commands Features -COMOS Technology With Low Power Consumption -3 Volt Operation Voltage. Build in MACROSOFT-URC core Support up to maximum 8X8 Key matrix -support up to 63 diferent system waveforms Provide maximum total of 5312 diflerént commands Cover more than 3000 dierent codes for TV\VCR.VCB. (CBL.AUX, System adcitionally codes for LO.CD.HiFi et. -Quick Power Search forthe IR system code list. “Manual code select ‘Application ‘Unwersal Remote Controle for TV. VCR, VCB, CBL, AUX, Syetem, LD. COMIFi ete Preiemnary ‘ppheaton Manual 1. MANUAL SETTING 1 Look up the three-digit code for your brand and type of equip- ‘ment inthe Code Tables on the following pages. 2 Press the SET and Device Keywhuch you want to contro at the same time,then the indicator ights wall tum on. 3 Press the three digt code for your equipement Each time LED blink one time 4 Press Device Key The actity indicator should flash then tr off to nchcate thatthe code 1s accepted Note if no Key on your remote is pressed for 10 seconds, the programming processwitstop automatically and you wit have to star over 2.QUICK POWER SCAN(AUTO FIND)SETTING 1 Tum on equipment you want the remote to contro, and point the remote toward it 2 Press the SET Key and Device Kay which you want to con trol at the same time.then the indicator lights wil tum on 3 Press the Set Key agamn.the indicator ight will ash 4 press the POWERonce at a time(setup counter upjuntil the equipment tums OFF. ‘5 Perss the SET key to change the scan direction. 6. equipment is tur off then press Device Key(ary).then Indicator should lash and tur off toindicate that the code 's accepted Note i no Key on your remote is pressed for 30 seconds. the programming processwil stop automatically and you wil have to star over | the code is not match with your equioment then repeat step >6 4 POWER SCAN CONCEPTS 1 During the power scan mode. you press and hok! POWER the power code date is ransmutied continuously 2 During the power scan mode, Ifyou press and release SET. 3.Duning the Power scan mode_lf you press and release De vice Keythe current code date is selected Current Scanning Position CODE LIST POWER and release 302->303->304-> SET and release Change direction POWER and release 301->300->299 SET and release Change direction Power and release 299->300 Device Key and release Code Selected ‘5S How to test the selected cade? 1 Press SET and Digit 1.Led wil be Nashing The ashing time is. stand for the 1st dight ofthe selected code E 9 Code=547 Led wall be flashing 5 umes, 2 Press SET and Digit 2 LED willbe flashing The flashing time 1s stand for the 2nd dit of the selected code E 9 Code=547,Led wal be fasting 4 trnes, 3 Press SET and Digit 3,LED will be flashing, Theflashing time is sland for the 3rd digi of the selected code E g Code=547 Led wil bbe Nashing 7 tes Protmnary #_[srnve Content [Remark a [Ser Set up Key unction Key_| [2 [tvs Setup Key [Function Key_| 3. [twa ‘Set up Key [Function Key 4 [vert [SetupKey | Function Key 5 [vor?, [Setup Key [Function Key 6 [cet Setup Key [Function Key 7._|SAT ‘Setup ey | Funchon Key [aux Setup Key | Funchon Key 9 [Tviav-E) | TWMce0 iv 10. Da MUTE nl Power Common 2 [t (Channel 1 ‘Common 8 [2 [Channel 2 ‘Common « [ ‘Channel 3 ‘Common 15 [4 ‘Channel 4 Common 6. [5 (Channel ‘Common i [6 ‘Channel 6 ‘Common 187 ‘Channel 7 ‘Common 3 [6 (Channel 8 ‘Common [9 Channel ‘Common a_forio ‘Channel 0 or 10 Common Bm [eit Channel 113__[ Common [ane Channel 212 | Common 2 | CHP 2. [Pray Sa 2_[wemomeny Common m_[PROG+ __[ChannelUp | Common 7 [PROG ‘Channel Down | Common mw. |Voue Volume Up Commer a ‘Volume Down | Connon z, Su 1001 TWCR TELETEXT = Setp! TWER TELETEXT % Backward! Tuer Terex Es Forwara! Wed TELETEXT %. Play ThiVOR TELETEXT ED Pause TVNcR TELETEXT m Record -TVCR TELETEXT | at Stop Tyee TELETEXT “ Return TNCR TELETEXT a VCR TELETEXT z 3_[ FIGREEN) 4 [ewettom [neue « [0° [conan Ue 710" seciban #@ |o #0 errors otten @ oso pre omer 9. [0 #0 co meneame 5 ]@.0 —— nov code 1 Aman 2 674 678 2 Aasclne 1 146 3 Accuscan 1 105, 4 Admiral 2 932 136 S Awe 1205 6 Akai 3005 140 045 7 Alba 1g 8 Alleron 1 562 9 Amstad 2 906 204 10 Anam 2.405 $79 11 AOC 24s. 579 12 Archer 1 579 13 ASA 7097 009 013 032 14 Audiosonic 1 144 45 Audiovox 2. 105 $79 16 Ausing 1 908 17 Autovox 9 904 007 012 014 097 134 18 AWA = 5033 140 141 169 19 Baird 1443 20 BEKO 1 202 21 BelSHowel2 405 582 22 Blaupunkt 6 910 017 018 020 23 Bradiors 1 105 24 Buonvega 4 997 136 145 146 25 Broksonc 2 103 579 26 Buns 1439 27 BSR 4 ote 019.021 219 28 BusUK) 1 922 29 Cableme 3 242 213 217 30 Candie 2 04s 575 31 Capehan 2 “e72 573 32 Caner 1576 33 Centon 1 §73 34 Century 3 128 129 136 35 CGE 7 019 023 024 128 36.CGM 1 0 37. Chaparral 1494 38 Ciizen 4045 208 573 575 39 Clarvox 3091 147 148 40. Concerto 1 575 41 Contec 2249 103 42 Coronado 1 576 43, Cra 1405 44 Crosley 6 026 025 045 128 45 Crown 2-574 105 46 CTCClatone | 999, 47 GuisMathes 2045 208 a Oo | ie 49 Oaewoo 3 109 187 204 50 Dayton 2 573 204 51 Decea(UK) 5 002 004 026 028 82 Owl 4374 53 OuaTec 4 004 011 019 079 54 Dumont 2 136 572 55 Ele 2 cot 182 56 Elcettonom! 575, 57 Eile 1099 58 Elman 2 019 029 59 Emerson 8 129 136 $74 573 3 091 136 142 015 075 076 198 053 208 133 150 151 196 576 031 105 582 204 61 63 65 67 70 n rR 73 14 mB 76 n 78 79 8 2 85 87 8a, a 1 92 93 97 98 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 Envision 1 Europhon 6 Fenner 3 Fidelity(UK) 1 Fiimnet 2 Fintux 12 Fisher 6 Fament Presi 6 France Telecom 1 Fugitsu 1 Funai |S Futuretech 1 Gac " Ge 1 Geloso 8 Gibralter Goldstar 12 Goodmans 1 Gorenje 2 Granada(UK) 9 Grundig 10 Grunpy 2 Hallmark Hanseatic 6 Hantarex Harvard 1 Hemmermann 1 Hina 5S Hitachi) 18 Hyper 5 ima 1 Imperial 7 Iofinity 4 Inno Hit 7 Interfunk 10 Wado 6 ITTNokia 16 Janco 2 JBL 1 ave 4 Kaisui Kamp 2 Karcher 3 Kendo 1 Kennedy 3 Kenwood 1 KMC 1 Korting) 3 103 045 000 033 003 180 007 034 025, 228 582 016 105 039 573 132 04s, 003 S74 109 181 047 003 053, 105 573 025 105 056 033 155 003 105 019 576 004 019 173 207 214 008 009 091 142 035 136 008 025 141 219 004 019 040 041 019 025 004 042 576 575 154 004 027 018 020 055 091 826 027 036 043 057 (039 040 061 062 199 574 004 033 023 024 008 031 027 039 071136 038 042 032 039 069 070 1588 216 109 159 105 144 156 075 076 136 138 028 013 150 148 036 108 025 032 077 04g 043 058 041 063 575 134 128 042 044 059 040 070 160 030 025 199 151 037 582 026 033 134 045 049 0st 059 043 173 133 059 051 134 073 129 026 029 221 140 031 033 038 131 153 218 044 046 050. 052 150 151 129 156 067 068 226 048 067 143149 ” 108 109 10 Mm 12 13 14 115 16 nT 18 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 128 27 128 129, 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145, 146. 147 149 152 153 155 156 157 158 159 «wv 4 Lenco 6 Leno = 1 Loewe Opta 6 Logk 1 uma 2 tuxman 1 Luxor 12 ut 1 ‘Maghadyne 9 ‘Magnaton 5 Magnavox 5 Majestic 1 Marantz 4 Mats 6 Maximal 1 Megatron 1 Melectronic 1 Memorex 2 Metz 8 MGA 4 Midiand 1 Minerva 5 Masubishi 12 Mvar 6 rc 3 Mutisystem 1 Muttitech 5 Murphy(UK) 1 NEI 1 NEC 5 Neckermann 7 Nikko 1 Nobliko 5 Nordmene 5 Oceanic(F) 3 Onceas Ona 1 Onon 12 Ones 3 (Ono Versand 5. Paet 2 Penny 2 Phico 11 Philips 13 Phonola 1 Pitot ‘ Proneer 4 Polestar 1 Portiand 3 574 105 204 033 038 164 004 051 078 137 028 032 575 org 005 044 046 082 083 084 576 (000 019 025 132 000 74 576 026 004 087 579 221 573 018 164 872 204 010 043 163 000 572 140, 093 040 147 165 004 04s, 003 6s, 005 004 105 006 105 184 025 003 177 001 102 576 o19 11 003, 173 156 192 572 136 003 576 027 006 575 034 $73 018 051 245, 003 575 151 572 095 039 016 167 185 027 003 104 s73 023 sr 026 174 027 574 008 573 576 028 4a 089 $72 04s, 153 872 043 029 028 168 186 043 org 170 024 574 or 200 065, os, 169 143 029 029 582 4s 109 $73 091 S75 050 097 169 051 036 208 025 ‘77 on 228 20 191 030 4s 052 135 045 092 105 4s 079 129 166 039 576 133 207 130 163, 136 223 099 431 132 162 181 103 101 150

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