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The Answers of the Last Homework

After you watch the video, Korean Grammar 004 on Youtube channel, ‘SayKorea’, write
Korean sentences as follows.

Q: Translate the following sentences in Korean.

1. When I am tired, I listen to the music.

tired: 피곤하다 / listen to: 듣다 / music: 음악

A: 제가 피곤할 때 저는 음악을 듣습니다.

2. When the dog saw me, it ran away.

the dog: 그 개 / saw: 보았다 / ran away: 도망갔다

A: 그 개가 저를 보았을 때 도망갔습니다.

3. When they were in Paris, they visited the Louvre.

were: 있었다 / Paris: 파리 / visited: 방문했다 / Louvre: 루브르 박물관

A: 그들이 파리에 있었을 때 루브르 박물관을 방문했습니다.

4. When the sun had set, we returned home.

the sun: 해, 태양 / had set: 졌다 / returned: 되돌아왔다 / home: 집으로

A: 해가 졌을 때 우리는 집으로 돌아왔습니다.

5. When you have a job interview, listen very carefully to the interviewer.

job interview: 취업면접 / have a job interview: 취업면접을 보다 / very: 매우 / carefully: 주의

깊게 / interviewer: 면접관

A: 당신이 취업면접을 할 때 면접관의 말을 매우 주의 깊게 들으세요.

Today’s Homework
After you watch the video, Korean Grammar 005 on Youtube channel, ‘SayKorea’, write
Korean sentences as follows.

Q: Translate the following sentences in Korean.

1. Because I am your friend, you must be honest to me.

friend: 친구 / must: ~해야 된다 / honest: 정직하다 / to me: 나에게

2. Because he is a rich man, he can afford to help poor people.

a rich man: 부자 / can afford to: ~수 있다 / help: 돕다 / poor people: 가난한 사람들

* can afford to help: 도울 수 있다(the stem, 돕 of 돕다 is changed into 도우, and modifier

consonant, ㄹ is placed under 우 in order to modify the letter, 수 – This is one of the

variation of irregular verbs)

3. Because I have no time, I can’t go to the concert with you.

have no time: 시간이 없다 / go: 가다 / concert: 콘서트 / with you: 당신과

4. Because there is too much fog, flights are subject to delay.

fog: 안개 / flight: 항공기 / be subject to: ~될 수 있다 / delay: 연착되다

5. Because her mouth was full, she could only nod.

mouth: 입 / mouth is full: 입안에 음식(food)이 가득 들어있다 / nod: 고개를 끄덕이다

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