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Aroroy National High School

Ambolong, Aroroy, Masbate



An Undergraduate Thesis

Of Grade 12 Andromeda

In Practical Research II


James Andrew F. Fernandez

Reimarie T. Parel

Mark I. Ramirez

SY 2017-2018
Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region V

Division of Masbate

Aroroy National High School



Upon recommendation of the Research Committee, this research entitled

INCOME BY TAKING THE PASSENGERS”, prepared and submitted by James Andrew
F. Fernandez, Reimarie T. Parel and Mark I. Ramirez is hereby approved as the major
requirement in Practical Research II.

Research Teacher


Department Head, English








CHAPTER 1. Introduction 1

Rationale 1

Statement of the Problem 4

Scope and Delimitation 5

Significance of the Study 5

Notes 7

CHAPTER 2. Review of Related Literature Review 8

Definition of Terms 16

Notes 17

CHAPTER 3. Research and Methodology 19

Research Method 19

Sources of Data 19

Research Instrument 20
Data Gathering Procedure 20

Statistical Statement 20

Notes 22

CHAPTER 4. Results and Discussion 23

Notes 35

CHAPTER 5. Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations 36

Summary 36

Conclusion 39

Recommendation 40

Notes 41


Questionnaire 42

Curriculum Vitae 44

Bibliography 50




James Andrew F. Fernandez

Reimarie T. Parel

Mark I. Ramirez

The objectives of this study aimed to answer the following questions created by the


1. How much does tricycle driver earn within a day if the passenger are students

and regular passengers?

2. How much does tricycle driver earn within a day if the passengers are; only

students? Only regular passengers?

3. What are the factors that can affect a tricycle driver to increase or decrease their

daily income?

4. What is the percentage of a tricycle driver that agrees the current regulations

which implemented by the LGU?

5. What is the percentage of a tricycle driver which are; Public Tricycle Driver and

Public Tricycle Driver but in the same time, a service for a group of passengers?

6. What are the techniques of tricycle driver in Aroroy to proliferate their daily

The researcher used descriptive method for this study. There are thirty (30)

tricycle drivers served as respondents. The researchers collected all the information
from the sources of data and analyzed, classified and tabulated it. Descriptive survey

was used to get all information about tricycle driver to describe the current condition in a

situation. This study used various statistical tools for accurate calculation and

interpretation of the data. This involved the process of tabulating and counting all the

answers of respondents in the questionnaire. Statistical ranking was also used to

determine the positional importance of the magnitude of variable to find out the

sequences of the responses through their acquired frequency.

Based from the study conducted by the researchers, they found the following


The time consumed by tricycle drivers in Aroroy was nine (9) hours to ten (10)

hours, and seven (7) hours to eight (8) hours which ranked first, and second with a

frequency of thirteen (13) or 43.33% and ten (10) or 33.33% consecutively. There were

eleven (11) hours to twelve (12) hours, five (5) hours to six (6) hours consumed by four

(4) or 13.33% and two (2) or 6.67% tricycle drivers per day and there was one (1) hour

to four (4) hours consumed by one (1) or 3.33% tricycle driver with a rank of 3, 4 and 5

consecutively. Subsequently, most of the respondents consumed seven (7) hours to ten

(10) hours a day by taking the passengers to a specific route and there are four (4)

tricycle drivers who are working overtime and there is only one (1) tricycle driver who do

not because he only consumed one (1) hour to four (4) hours.

There were twenty-two (22) or 73.33% tricycles who have a capacity of four (4) to

(5) which ranked first. There were five (5) or 16.67% and three (3) or 10% tricycles who
have a capacity of eight (8) to nine (9) and six (6) to seven (7) which ranked second and

third. Consequently, most of the tricycle who have a capacity of four (4) to five (5) during

traveling because base from tricycle driver’s sentiments when the researchers

interviewed them, they are not allowed to have passengers more than five (5) unless

the other passenger is only a child or they can sit comfortably. For the reason that it was

a rule from their organization. The other owners of the tricycle which have a capacity of

six (6) to nine (9) were not able to follow the rule because they barely need money and

during traveling, the passengers will lessen for the reason that they have a different

destination. So, they are okay with the system of having a capacity of six (6) to nine (9)

unless their tricycle are not yet damaged. The tricycles have different capacity because

of its design. Some of the tricycles are wide and the passengers can ride on a side or

back outside of a tricycle and some of the tricycle are small and tight which can only

occupy by five (5) to six (6) persons.

All tricycle drivers (100%) preferred both students and regular passengers and

there was no trikers preferred only student and only regular passengers. “Equality” was

ranked as first with a frequency of fourteen (14) or 46.67% because based from the

trikers, they must not be a selective since the passenger may hurt and they can

possible complaint to the office of the tricycle that one of their member was

discriminating them as a passenger. So, once there are passengers will come at the

terminal, they will say that they may sit inside the tricycle. The second rank with a

frequency of ten (10) or 33.33% was “The income will increase” for the reason that the

combination of fare of the students and regular passengers are greater than the regular

passengers and student’s fare. “Consideration” and “Priority” were ranked as third and
forth with a frequency of three (3) or 10% and two (2) or 6.67%. They consider every

passenger that may or may not ride from their tricycle if a passenger wants or do not.

They also prioritize all kind of passengers if it is a student, regular passenger, a worker,

or a child. The last ranked or fifth ranked with a frequency of one (1) or 3.33% was

“Tricycle will occupy by six (6) to nine (9) persons” since the tricycle is full and also the

income of trikers will increase.

The first, second, third and fourth rank in terms of additional fare of the

passengers if they have a lot of packages with a frequency of nine (9) or 29.03%, seven

(7) or 22.58%, six (6) or 19.35% and five (5) or 16.13% were “depends on packages”,

ten pesos to fifteen pesos (Php 10 to Php 15), “Free/None” and sixteen pesos to twenty

pesos (Php 16 to Php 20) consecutively. Sometimes, the passengers are those who will

settle the fare of their packages not the tricycle drivers. If the passengers have a

number of package, the fare will only ten pesos to fifteen pesos (Php 10 to Php 15).

Some of the tricycle drivers, when they have a passenger with a packages, they are not

allowed to add some amount of money to pay by the passengers for them because at

least they have passengers. If the passengers have a goods like fifty (50) kilos of rice,

the additional amount of money should be paid is the fare of one person. If that person

is a regular passenger or not, the fare for fifty (50) kilos of rice is thirty pesos Php 30.

Sometimes, it also depends on the distance traveled because if the passenger’s route is

distant, the fare of the passenger will be doubled for the reason that he has a cargo of

fifty (50) kilos of rice which its weight is an equal to the person’s weight.

The amount of money added to the regular passenger’s fare if they want to wait

the trikers from them to buy something important like medicines, foods and others. The
first rank due to the frequency of eighteen (18) or 60% was Free/None or there is no

charge when the tricycle driver is waiting from his passengers. Sometimes, it depends

on the passengers if they want to add some amount of money in their basic fare. The

second and third rank is six pesos to ten pesos (Php 6 to Php 10) and sixteen pesos to

twenty pesos (Php 16 to Php 20) due to the frequency of five (5) or 16.67% and one (1)

or 3.33% are the amount of money added in the basic rate of a passengers if they want

to wait the trikers from them.

The first rank was the number of tricycle drivers who are agree due to the

frequency of twenty-four (24) or 80% because they want that all tricycle drivers will get

the same number of passengers so that they have an equal amount of income. For that

reason, they avoid mess or argument in their co-tricycle drivers. There is no longer

rivalry at the terminal. The second rank was the number of tricycle drivers who re not

agree in the new regulations due to the frequency of six (6) or 20% because they do not

want to wait at the terminal and it has an additional tax if they are queued at the


The first, second, third and fourth rank in terms of the amount of money paid by 3

years old to 9 years old child were five pesos (Php 5), ten pesos (Php 10), twenty pesos

(Php 20) and Free/None due to the frequency of fourteen (14) or 35%, eleven (11) or

27.5%, nine (9) or 22.5% and six (6) or 15%. Most of the children with the age of three

(3) to nine (9) years old have a basic fare of five pesos to ten pesos (Php 5 to Php 10)

based from the tricycle drivers’ views. Sometimes, if the child is going to a distant place,

the fare will be twenty pesos (Php 20). But, there are some tricycle drivers which they

didn’t want to pay the child a fare to them.

The first rank in terms of daily income of the tricycle driver was three hundred

one pesos (Php 301) to four hundred pesos (Php 400) due to the frequency of eighteen

(18) or 60%. The second rank was four hundred one pesos (Php 401) to five hundred

pesos (Php 500) due to the frequency of seven (7) or 23.33%. The last or fourth rank

was one hundred pesos (Phpix100) to two hundred pesos (Php 200) due to the

frequency of one (1) or 3.33%.

The first rank in terms of the factors affecting the income of tricycle driver to

increase was the occasion due to the frequency of twenty-six (26) or 39.40%. One of

the factors to increase the tricycle driver’s income, when there is an occasion at Aroroy

such as fiesta, graduation, 4P’s and etc. For the reason that there are so many

passengers along the road. The second rank was school days due to the frequency of

fourteen (14) or 21.21%. Another factor to increase their income, if there are a classes.

There are numerous students who are waiting for tricycles at the side of the road every

morning and every afternoon. The fifth and sixth rank were special and weekends due

to the frequency of four (4) or 6.06% and two (2) or 3.03%. “Special” is a term used by

the tricycle drivers in order to increase their daily income. Special is a kind of private

travel wherein there are only one or two passengers with a lot of packages and they

want to travel immediately and the passengers will be deciding how much they will pay

in tricycle driver. Mostly, the fare is high or tripled. During weekends, there are few

passengers so they used a technique called special to increase their income.

The first, second and third rank in terms of the factors affecting the income of

tricycle driver to increase were rainy days, holidays, and weekends with a frequency of

twelve (12) or 29.27%, eleven (11) or 26.83% and nine (9) or 21.95% consecutively.
These factors are the reasons why the daily income of the tricycle drivers’ decreases.

During rainy days, most of the passengers wants to ride in a large vehicle like multicubs

or bus because they didn’t want to be drenched in tricycle. During holidays and

weekends, there are only few passengers because there are no classes and some of

the employees has no works during weekends. The last or sixth rank is colorums due to

the frequency of one (1) 2.44%. “Those tricycle drivers who are disobeying and violating

the fare rate called as colorums”. 1 Those tricycle drivers who are colorums is one of the

factors in decreasing the daily income of trikers who are not part in KATODA because

they have rivalry in getting passengers.

The first and second rank in terms of the techniques of a tricycle driver by taking

the passengers are using verbal language to encourage the passengers and both

service and public tricycle driver due to the frequency of fifteen (15) or 29.41% and

twelve (12) 23.52%. The last rank is to become colorums and just follow the regulations

due to the frequency of one (1) or 1.96%.

Based from the findings of the study, the researchers created the following


The daily income of the tricycle drivers within a day if the passenger are students

and regular passengers is three hundred one pesos to four hundred pesos (P301 –


Tricycle drivers earn within a day if the passenger are only students and regular

passengers is three hundred one pesos to four hundred pesos (P301 – P400). The
answer is the same because the tricycle drivers are not eligible when it comes to the


The factors that can affect a tricycle driver to increase is during occasion like 4P’s,

graduation, fiesta and etc. while the factors that can affect a tricycle driver decrease

their daily income are during rainy days and holidays.

The percentage of a tricycle driver that agrees to the current regulations which
implemented by the LGU is 80% out of 100%.

The percentage of a tricycle driver which are Public Tricycle Driver is 76.48% and

Public Tricycle Driver but in the same time, a service for a group of passengers is


The techniques of tricycle driver in Aroroy to proliferate their daily income are using

different verbal language to encourage the passengers, overloading the tricycles and

become a service tricycle driver for a group of passengers but also a public tricycle

Table 1. Time Consumed by Tricycle Driver a Day 23

Table 2. Capacity of a Tricycle 24

Table 3. Preference of a Tricycle Driver in Getting a Passenger

and Their Reasons 25

Table 4. Additional Fare of the Passengers if They Have a Lot

of Packages 26

Table 5. Additional Fare of the Passengers if They Want to Wait

the Trikers from Them to Buy Something Important 28

Table 6. Number of Tricycle Drivers That Agrees and Disagrees

in the New Regulations and Their Reasons 29

Table 7. Amount of Money Paid by a Child (3 to 9 Years Old) 29

Table 8. Daily Income of the Tricycle Driver in Aroroy 30

Table 9.1 Factors Affecting Their Income to Increase 31

Table 9.2. Factors Affecting Their Income to Decrease 32

Table 10. Techniques of a Tricycle Driver to Proliferate their Daily

Income by Taking the Passengers 33



Theoretical Model 13

Conceptual Model 15
This research study was completely finished because of the people who helped

and inspired us in making our study to become successful and meaningful. The road of

achievement within this proposal was paved with the supports, efforts and assistance of

the following people.

We would first like to give our fullest gratitude to our Almighty God for giving us

strengths and high intellect to finish this research.

We would also like to extend our sincere gratitude to our parents who support us

not only in financial needs but also in giving us inspiration and motivation in every

project we made to complete it effectively.

A special extension of our gratitude goes to Ms. Nona G. Martinez, our Practical

Research II teacher for her long patience in teaching and guiding us on how to make a
research study efficiently. Her efforts are unforgettable and her teaching styles are


We also want to give an exceptional gratitude to the tricycle drivers who served as

our respondents in our study. They have a big heart to spend a little time to us in

collecting information from them.

Lastly, we thank our classmates who help us and we thank ourselves because we

help each other in order to come up with this study as a requirement in Practical

Research II.


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