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Dreams and Visions

I dreamed that pcr=ution broke out on Christians in America. There was martyrdom and we had to nee for our lives. Someone took me and brought
me to a place where other Christians were hiding It seemed to be underground. They rejoiced when they saw me come in and then "e all began to rejoice
- Fn'C Will Raptisl Pn:aclK.'r; em/ltd us.
"The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble, and they that know thy name will put
their trust in thee, for thou, Lord has not forsaken them that seek thee." Psalm 9:9-10
I had a vision of Chinese troops in America recently. It surpiscd me. I wasn't thinking aoout anything like that when I saw the vision. The Lord spoke
to me and said, "The church in America is aoout to come under strong persecution Be ready and stay in the Word."
If we don't stay in the \\brd and stay on our knees in prayer we're not going to be able to withstand tllConslaught of the enemy. We're going to
have to be rreJXlfCd.Christians in America have been wooed to sleep by the enemy and we're going to have to wake up.
The vision was of Chinese troops going into people's homes. They were killing the residents but they didn't come into my home because my home
is covered "ith the Blood of Jesus! The troops were in unifonn - what I call a sage green, not like our anny. TIley were a vel)' UlCanlooking bunch of
guys. They were cutting throats, shooting, and raping the WOUlCU.It was a three or four minute vision We'd better get reatly. I'm really coneemed aoout
our churches today. It seems like we bring people in, pat them on the back and send them back out
- WU:, Arkamas
"The Lord lakes pleasure in them thalfear Him, in those that hope in His mercy." Psalm 145:11
In the spring of 1999, I was returning home one Wednesday morning from my usual walk \\oth a mend She had gone to her home, and as [
started do"n the long hill toward my house, I had full view of the area of SW IXnver called Bear Valley. Suddenly, I noticed a missile coming over the
front range mountains, dropping into the valley area, and cruising easterly. It undulated with the ground surface, rising and falling as it moved over
the linle hill/valley areas. It \\as aoout 60 to 100 feet long, had a pointed front, small fms on the back, and \\as silver in color. As it went in front ofme.
I could hear only a slight \\trining sound from it It maintained a height of aoout 100 feet aoove the ground as it traveled along.
My first thought was that I needed to get home immediately, but then realized it would do no good and the Lord would have to keep me where I "as.
I watched as it continued to travel east, thinking it ,vas headed to the "Tech Center" in SE IXnvcr. A mend later explained it was probably headed to"ard
the radar bubbles in Aurora \\here all of the U.S. smart weapons are coordinated from. I aIso knew others of these same missiles '>ere coming through the
mountains, headed for the city. It finally new past an outcropping of the valley and [ could no longer sec it
As I continued my \\:tlk home, I realized it \\as a '\ision," not an actual happening at that moment A couple of thoughts came to me: I) NoOOdy
was a,vare of the sudden danger that ,vas happening. 2) It was such a calm, peaceful, 100clyday, that \\as soon to be in total chaos. Life ,vas going on
as nonnai. I feel that \\hen it happens, it \\ill be a toUllsurpise with huge de\astation and juctgmcnt Only the Lord kno\\~ "hen
-lllG, Cololtw

"Behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and
His glory shall be seen upon thee." Isaiah 60:4
I had a vel)' unusual dream I "as helping 1\'0 Christian mends load canle in a trailer. They have a big fann do\\ n ,mr a mountain rim The sky was
real daJk, bluish black In the right band comer of this dark sky \\as a section of rnisty gray light, not a gIo\\ing light In that space \\as some Chinese miring
\\ith S)TI1ools.I have asked the Lord for the intetp'Clation of this dream It seemed to ha,'C something to do \\ith \\1lf or some kind of trouble coming on
the land and there \\as a symool in the gray misty area of the sky.
- F n.'c Will Baptist Preacher, Ozark MOUIl/rollS

"But whoso hearkeneth unto Me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil." Proverbs 1:33
I had a recurrent dream aoout ten years ago. In the dream, it \\as aoout eight o'clock in the moming and [ \\as \\alking to my shop. I looked up at
the sky. It \\as full of "hat looked like full moons in the clear blue sky. It \\as pretty yet SC3'Yand it seemed so real. The sky \\as covered with moons. [
\\ondered if it \\as the end of the \\orld and I knew it bad something to do \\ith the Lord All of a strldcn [ \\as back in my hed and it ,vas night - pitch
black Some velYrnght numbers were rolling in front of my face like neon lights, starting out slowly and then moving faster and faster like a tape in front
ofmy eyes \\Me [,vas laying fiat on my baek in the bed I then started hearing terrible sereams, unlike 1had ever heard before. [jumpcdout ofhed in my
dream and I ran and opeoed my door. I knew the screams "ere coming from outside. [saw flICballsabout the sizes of gollOOllsand baseballs that \\ere
fulling from the sky. The flICballshit the ground, oounccd and rolled kind of like hail docs and butncd up eVC'Ything. Then I \\oke up. [had the same
dream evC'Ynight for aoout a week. [wasn't saved at that time. After I got saved, the Lord brought tltis dream back to my remembrance. As clear as a
bell the Lord told me the meaning of it. The full moons in the sky meant passing time. [have sinee moved out of that area and after len years, in Fetrurry,
I had this dream again. It \\as different but \\as the same type of dream and Iklll'w that it \\as from the Lord This time, instead of being in the daylight,
it "as in the evening and there ,vas a quaner moon I looked over my shoulder into the northern sky and saw several fIrey things go across the sky
follo\\Ongone aner another until they began to look like they nO\>Cdtogether. It reminded me of \\alching mercury noW. I saw the stuff separate and then
disappear and then now again and separate. All of a sudden, it changed Instead of going across the sky it ,vas like one big fIreball and was coming closer
and closer to the ground, headed right for me. Right before that, I \\as yelling at my daughter and ",fe to come outside and sec tltis thing. Just as they
\\ere coming out the door, the thing in the sky changed Four '>lld.looking horses (their eyes were \\ild) canlC nnming toward me and then split up 1\\0
and 1\\'0just before they got to me and the flICball \\'CUtover our heads. [OlCn woke up and instantly knew that tltis \\as like \\hat OlCLord had sho,m
me before, only in this case time had gone down a lot I believe we have \'CI)'little time left - for "hat, [don't know exactly. I've been asking the Lord
aoout this and \\hal I should do. It \\1ISvC'YSC3'Y,people were screaming and [ knew it \\1ISaooutjudgment The more I sec America sink [in sin], the
more I'm sure that God is telling me that sometlting is flxing to happen that's going to bring a lot of people to their knees. There is something major getting
ready to happen. In Ezekiel 24 the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel in the ninth year and the tenth month and the ninth day of that month IXstruction
\\1IScoming upon God's people for their sins and they \\'Crebeing warned The Lord showed me this \\hen I prayed and opened up my Bible to that place.
America is vet}' CO!TIlptand I feel that judgment is coming. God has ahwys used heathen nations to judge His people. -Stew, ARK

"He that dwelleth in the secret plaee oflhe most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm91:1

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