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(Continlledjrom cover)
One of many reasons I'm convineed that God's judgment and divorce (even in the church), teenage rebellion, explosion
of America is on the horizon is the fact that so many of drug abuse (highest in the world), promiscuity, pornography,
Christians who arc very serious about our Heavenly Father dumbing down of children, high taxation, gross immorality
arc having similar dreams and visions all across this nation and corruption at the highest levels of the U.S. government,
about foreign troops and disasters on American soil. I have etc. God is not going to bless America, He's going to judge
been collecting these dreams and visions to share with those America and in His mercy He's been warning us.
who arc interested in the subject. The World Trade Center destruction resulted in yet more
I've also been considering some historical events national pride rather than the desperately needed national
recorded in the book of Josephus. Josephus wrote that repentance. There were three main reasons why the city
during the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus's Roman army of Sodom was destroyed. Ezekiel 16 verse 49: "Behold
around A.D. 70, a false prophet was the occasion of pcople's this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom. pride, fullness
destruction because he had made a proclamation they would of bread, and abundance of idleness .... " Does that not
receive miraculous signs of their deliverance. also reflect present-day America?
At that same time there was a great number of false God has blessed this nation in the past. There was a
prophets who told the people that they should await time, not even all that long ago, when Americans were highly
deliverance from God. This was in hopes of getting the esteemed among other nations. Some remember a time
people to be buoyed up above fear and care by such hopes. when pcople didn't feel the need to lock their doors, school
Most people were persuaded by these deceivers and did kids were reprimanded for chewing gum and talking at
not give credit to the signs that were so evident and that inappropriate times, murder and rape crimes were very rare,
plainly foretold their future desolation. They were, as abortion was practically unheard of and divorce was more
Josephus put it, "without either eyes to sce or minds to like a dirty word rather than the household word that it is
consider" the denunciation that God made to them. At that today.
time there were signs that the "unskilled," as Josephus called Throughout recorded history, nations that were about
them, thought were good things. But the men of to receive God's judgment were warned in advance. WE
understanding knew that all the many signs were warnings are being warned!
of desolations that would come upon them. As we know, In reading the Scriptures, we can be assured that God
those desolations did indeed come upon them. The horrors is willing and able to be a refuge for those who seck His
of that war arc too gruesome to mention. face and put their trust in Him. Psalm 9:9-10 says, "The
There were Christians in Jerusalem who had Lord also will be a refUge for the oppressed. a rejilge in
supematural foreknowledge in the form of visions, dreams, times of trouble, and they that know thy name will put
etc., about the city's destruction. Those who heeded the their tmst in thee. for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them
warnings fled to the mountains prior to the city's destruction, that seek thee. "
thereby preserving their lives. We must put all of our trust in our Heavenly Father and
With all that in mind, why should Christians in America fear only Him who can destroy both body and soul. We
expect to be "raptured" out of here before going through must be strong in the Lord and get rid of that prideful attitude
any bad times of tribulation? What about all the scriptures that causes us to think that because we're American we'll
that prove otherwise? (If we've read the Bible enough, we know be raptured out of here before any turbulent times can hit
such scriptures are there.) What about Christians in places like us. We must do some introspection and see where we full
Africa, China, Indonesia, etc., who arc suffering severe short of God's best in our thoughts, words, and actions and
persecution and willingly giving their lives for Christ? They begin to rid ourselves of our hypocrisy. God knows we're
are undoubtedly stronger Christians than we Americans are. at different levels in our understanding and I believe He
Do we think we'll escape trouble because we're allows some slack for that just as we allow slack ,vith our
American? Here's what the Word of God has to say about younger children because they're young. It's possible to
this prideful attitude that has been prevalent around the hold on to hypocrisy and not even be aware of it. We need
country, especially since the World Trade Center towers to begin to ask God to help us see for ourselves where we
were destroyed: "Pride goeth before destmction, and a fall short, asking Him to create in us a elean heart and renew
haughty spirit before a fall." That's in Proverbs 16: 18. a right spirit ,vithin us.
Also, in Proverbs 18: 12 we're told, "Before destruction The times of trouble ahead ,WI no doubt be very serious.
the heart of man is haughty ... " God hates pride! And Anyone "ho thinks God would not allow such destruction should
here we are in this sin-infested society wallO\ving in our rc:ul the entire Bible, over and over, cover to cover. That is the
national pride commanding God to bless America! America' only way to rcal.Iyknow the Creator's heart.
- 45 million babies aborted, acceptance of homosexuality - Julie rumer

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