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I'", hvmis M. I """'" fo ff.. OZtVkssweral 'fA'"5 "9" .nd had So,,'" f.",i/y dw~ which CAUSui ,,'" fo ,,,o~ fo ff..
sf.k of W",hi"[jfon. I wa5 worki"[j .s • lic.ensul c.ounse.!orfor If.. s/.k of W",hin:ion .nd w.S in lhe. Sr..riff's
heparf""",1 Seu.rdo.nd Rex.u£ near Iii Co.nadi.nborder I had bun ifMJ/~ in rex.u£ for • ,~ of y<N"s. 0'1<l?MJli'l'j
whil< I had b<<npr.yi'l'j for so"", lim<. I fe.!l 11,.1 I should lum If.. shorfwav<radio on. Tr..r< wa5 • kachin3 ba5icalTy
.bouf <~ryfhin3 lhal I "had,i'd b<<npr.yin3 .bout Tf.. hair s/ood up on "'Y arms. I had conl.ckd If.. individu.1 on If..
radio .nd Ih.n • numb<rof Ihi,W kepi CO",ir,:]10 ,,'" abouf :JOi"[jb.cJ. 10 lhe. O""rks, lik< I would .'1010 • cah .nd In.r<
would b<• co",,,,ercial 10 visil {he. b<aufiful OZtVks. E~hir'3 I wa5ffHi"[j r<vol~ around If.. Ozarks b<i,'3 • pl.u in
If.. wildunes; lhal God would bri,'3 His pwpl< in If.. 1",1 d.ys for. pl.u of r<fuff .nd Ih.n I r<ui~ • I<Hu in If..
nltlil from SOhlfOflf. in fk OzarKs.
Tr.. Lord kepi d•• 1i''3 wi/I, ,,'" abouf :JOi''3bock 10 If.. Ozarks. For ins/one<, I would op<nIf.. 6ibl< and Ir..r< would b<
Ihi'':JSabouf lhe wildun<SS .nd If.. rd'ff .nd Ihis fype- of Ihi,'3' I would ffl .rficJ., in If.. "",il or ofr..r mdio
prClf."'S, Tf.. OZtVkswould co,,'" up in CO'Mrsalions wi/I, pwpl< wh.n I had nof I?MJl ",en/ionul anyfhi''3 abouf if Onu
I w'" in • public pI.u .nd • vWicJ<had "" adMiS<Jo>"",1aboul If.. Ozarks. .Diffuw Ihi,':JSlik< lhal wu< happ<ni"[j.
I betrn 10 ha~ s/r(]l'B i">pr<ssi(]l)S lhal I should:JOb.cJ. 10 If.. Ozarks SO I put '''y ho"", (]I!lhi. "Ylrhl .nd 3"~away whO.l
I couldtif carry 10 fr iMds .nd r..adul 10 Arkansas.
I I~ il waS pe-wliar lhal as I pr.yed, God indieakd 10 ,,'" lhal I had Ihr« w<<ks10ffl :JOi"[j.6y If.. <nd of If..
Ihird w<U I wa5 alr<adyr..r< and hadl",ldul in • sifuali(]l] whu< I wa5 ""uluI, Som< ",inis/ry pwpl< had b<<npr.yi''3
lhal SOm«)ll<would com<.Ion.'l 10 heJp I;""" out Wh<n I show<d up In.r<, If..y hadJusl .qofkn IhrOU(]h pr.yi"[j which wa5
pWlO"""""llo ,,'" b<caus< I !WI '10 id•• I?MJlwr..r< I wa5:JOi''3<xc.e.pflhal I Wi<i.<d 1h.1 God wa5.'Iivi"8 ,,'" dir<e/ion.
I had s/rO"[j/y fe.!l lhal lhe. O""rks would b< • pl.u of rduff duri"[j lhe. Ii"", of whal If.. l3ibl<calls If.. 3r •• 1]l]. Thi. Sians of If.. Ii"", which ar<3iv<n in M.Hh.w Zq ""d Luh ZI ""d ofM indicak lhal If.. Ii"'" w< ar<
livi''.'! in ar<If.. end d.ys - dis/r<SS of nalions, dc. Tr.. 6ibl< says 11,.1lhos< who ar< His ar<,'Pidul by His r!# ha,ld.
:r had '10 Id•• wr..r< I wa5:JO"'3wh.n II<H Wash'''[jl(]l). I wasJusl mov"'3 (]I)f.dh aI(]Il<.Wh.n I :JOI10 ik bordu
of MiSSOUriI was pr.yi"B for mor< sp<eific dir<e/i(]llS(]I]wr..r< I waS 10:JO. I lookul .1 If.. ""'f' and :JOI• ~ s/r(]l'3
i"pr<SSion lhal I would b< livi''3 b<1W<MHarrison .nd Jaspu, Arku.nsaswhich is in If.. ",iddl< of nowr..r< which is
pe-rf<efly fi'l< with m< b<caus< I li~ up in If.. mount.i,lS in Washi"8lon. I s/.yed in Nwsho, wr..r< "'Y d"'fl'lu li~.
Sf.. had ",ovul So I pr.yed lhal God would mak< il passiM< for uS 10 con/.d wc.h ofr..r SO(]l!.Thai """"nin3' I d<eidul 10
I•• ~ .ffer b<i"[j in Nwsho for four d.ys. I wound up IlI'-ar Harrison lhal niant I aof '''Y SUit.r auf and s/wkd pr.isi,'3
God. Tf.. ""xl """"ni"8 I wok<up .nd pr.yed .3"in lhal God would.'Iiv<m< • ",imc/< for Iii d.y ~ I 'l<uIuI 10 know
<xadly wr..r< I wa5:JOi"B' II wa5 • liHI< bil shaky - we. ha,,,- 10 ha~ If.. .bilify 10 lis!en 10 lhal s/ill s"",11voiu spokM
of in If.. 6ibl<. I he.adul loward Jasper Wh.n I iJOIIr..r< lhal "",rnil'3' as I wa5con,ill d,,:,:,)• hill info If.. lown, I saw
in • vision. whik lruck full of Asi.n soIdius with SU'lS. II wa5 • Wick fI",h and I lhou[jht, whal in lhe. world broo,qhf
Ihis about? I had br<akfasl ""d Ih.n r..adul on out souIh of Jasper The.r<was • piau 1n.1 I wanlul 10 visit lhal I 'f.uI
r•• d aboul in If.. Corn<''3 N<w>I<Huand IJusl wardul 10 Ialk 10 If.. pwpl< for • hw ",inu!<S ""d b<on "1 w.y.
I wow'" up s/.yi"[j In.r< for. whil< .,'" heJpi''3 llim out Mar<r<C<nf/yI fou,ld • pl.u 10 rMI n<arby.

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