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Were TJ. & Lyn Hunk" We InO!A'-d here from KansasCdy. MiSSouri.In I/'e NfiOs God ~, 10 speak.

10 USohauf
iJavi"t}a vacalion/rdreal place for families liJal did/If know God. We knew lhe purpose would be 10 brif'8 families
closer 10(fd/'er and I/'e C!Jislianalmosp/,ere of I/'e ronc,/' would bri"fj I/'em 10 lhe Lord. God laid us liJal He would
bri"fj Iii. families 10 us and bless it We prepared for len years. We slarled looki"t} in lhe Ozarks for properfy 10
eslahlis/' I/'is [f£S1 ro.ncl" We found l/'iS place in IqqZ. II was nol lisled wd/' a realfor. We fJoue!JId from an
indlVidw/. Wnen we Sow d we Felf d waS lhe rifl11place. I!Jo.d a viSion of a ploa back in I/'e fiG's and when I Sow
lhe Creek and lhe Irees and lhe biB bluff liJal we iJave on I/' is properly d waS lhe lhe vision I We moved in
here in November of IqqZ in a Irailer and slarfed buidl if'8 c.ahins and a buildi"t} for a Cohv,-.erCialkdckt, and dini"t}
area. We can aCCohvrodak as many as 30 people in lhe dini"t} fOCildy. We /,ave family reunions and clJurc!Jrdreafs.
Whenever we slarled adverliSi"fj our place as lhe Losl Spur Guesl 'Ranc/,.Some of our Grislian friends asked w/,y
we wervif adverfisir'f} as a C!Jrisfian [f£S1 ranc!J. God wanfs 10 send people wlJo !Jo.dwandered away from I/'eir
C!Jrislianroofs. II nos been """'Zi"t}liOw God /,.s 5en1 family affer family for VOIAlionand lhe experience peace and
realize lheir need 10 refurn 10 lhe Lord. God used one of lhe simplesl l/,if'B5. If waS So Simple I cou/dt'rfbelieve d
could be used as an effeelive wdness. We a 101of limes iJave 10 slop before meals and wad for people 10 ,!>uiddown
and coIleel lheir c!Jildren. dc. We say ffoce al all our meals am<!God /'as used liJal h>ore I/'an once 10 wdness 10
[jU'-sfs. We iJave /'ad C!Jrislian musicians Comew/,ic/, /'ave alSo been a wilness 10 our [jU'-Sfs Our eonversalions alSo
iJave been effeelive in wdnessi"t}. CoII'ff-""(fd kids frOm Auslria came and one boy in /',S early ZO's waS slandi"fj
oufside one morni"t} looki"[} al Iii beaufifuJ SCVJery. .r said "Good morni"[J.TlJomas.• He said. "T/'is is oJl So beaufifUJ.
I wonder wlJo God is: A 101of l/'i"t)S like I/'al iJave IJappened/'ere. God /,.s used 1!Josekinds of opporfundies. We
eal oJl our meals I"{f-lher wd/' our [jUesfs and duri"t} l/,oSe limes I/,e people wan! 10 know ohouf our families and
Grislian Uf'bri"t}i"t}. They would see our c!Jildren and ffandc!Jildren inleracfi"t} and would make Commenfs liJal I/'ey
admire OUrfamily and lhey would ~in 10 feel Iike family and would lell USI/'al. So Some of OUradverlisi"[} look on
lhe sayi"[} "Yo<1ll Feel like family belore lhe sun [jOe5 dowf! w/'ic!J is on one of our broc!Jures.
We believe
spoken over us.I/'is is oJSoa place of ref'f!" in limes of Irouble akad. T/'iS /,.s been confirmed by prophe/ic words

Before movi"t} /'ere we wondered w/,al kind of receplion we'.d8'-1 auf /,ere wd/' nei~bors. God [J"ve me I/'ree
really wonderful women liJal live here in lhe ne(qhborlJood and wlJoare really slrO"tJ C/,rislians. Theyve been worki '8
for me and if's reo.!ly been a blessif'8 10 find strO"tJ C!Jrislians w/,o iJave received USSo well. f
We /'ave been in business for 13 year now. Wive /'ad families from oJlover Europe (Swdzerland. Auslria. Germany.
ErrJland)and oJl over lhe Uniled Siaies. A 101of lhe people keep if] Conlacl wd/' US. Wive!Jo.d a 101of repeal
bUSinessand feel reo.! blessed.
qll /,.s been !Jard on us. T/'is laSl lwo years our business iJas slowed down because of it We ask for prayer liJal God
would increase our buSiness.
f We are 17 miles norflJeasl of Harrison on lhe Crooked Creek off of Hi~y 7 norll"
There are Si[jf1Spoinli '8 I/'e way buf d's besf 10 call for informalion. We /'ave a websife, LosfsfJUt'Com.Our p/'one
rwnber is fi70 7~3-77fi7.

11J/ease share YOllr testimony of how YOll I
I ended "TJ in .Arkansas! I
Ewe one another; a6 ./) have
: Writeto: :

I The I loved lJou, that lJe a~o love

: Corner Gathering :
I Newsletter I one another. l?lJ thtJ 6hatt
I P.o. Box 334 • Alpena, ARK 72611 I
I All Christian testimonies are welcome and may
I att men know that lJe are mlJ
I be published anonymously. I
I Editor: JulieTurner :
I dtJctp!e6, if! lJe have love one to
I Please fccl free to copy and share I
IL this frcc newsletter. _ _ .J another. )}o~n 13,34-35

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