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Were Phil! ip and Sharon Buss.
Phillip' I'm from Chica[f'. Illinois. I wenl 10 1>allasin IQ30 durin[} Ihe recession fee/i"f} Ihal if hallas waS
where God wanfed me I'd find aJob ri[}M away. I waStil Ihere one day when I knew Ihal hallas waStil for me.
So I he.ded back 10 Chic"[f' and slopped in Arkansas on my way home. My mom and dad movod 10 Arkansas n
from Chica[f' in IQ75. I waS nol savod al Ihe Ii"", - I waS backslidden. I had been dragd 10 ChriSlia
meeli,,'f3 and avoided heari"f} anyfhi"f} prophefiC. ])uri"f} my visif my dad said Ihey needed a prinler al a place
called En[}lefal. I said. "Wh.1 are Ihey payin[}?" had lold me Ihey dotlf pay anylhi"f}. I wastil [f'in[} 10 work
for nolhin[}, I wenl back 10 Chica[f' and slill couldtlf find aJob and if wa\juSI one week before Chris/maS
Ihal my unemploymenl [f'1 cuf off - Ihree monlhs early. They normally [jUaranfee a year I knew I could fi[}M
for my rifl'ls buf all fhe wind waS ouf of my sail and I decided 10 moVO10 Arkansas. I waStil3'!i''[} 10 come
down for Chris/mas buf my aun! and uncle offered 10 help me [}'I 10 Ihe Ozarks. On Chris/mas Evo, I waS .1
Momand h.d's and Ihey wankd 10 visif E"f}lefal al 1030 al nir!'! They wanled me 10 come wifh Ihem. I had
been avoidi"f} prayer meefi','f3 buf decided 10 [f' Ihinki''[} Ihey would,il be [f'in[} for a prayer meeli,'[} Ih.1 lime
of ni[jh! We [f'1 1O[f-lher for some si"f}i'f} .nd Sharon waS Ihere sin[}i"f}. I waS .sked 10 play Ihe [jUifar and
Ihen we .11 chaHed 'for a while.
I ended up s/ayin[} in Arkansas for more Ihan a week and Ihen be~n fee/i''[} like Ihis is where I waS
supposed 10 be. I had a peace here whereaS in Chica[f' I had no peace. I wenl 10 Chica[f' .nd wropped my
whole life up in one monlh. The lease on ""/ oparlmenl waS up. People came and helped me load up and I came
back down here. While I waS up Ihere I sfarfed • ZI-day fast I realized on fhe foudh day of my fasf fhal I
wastlf savod. So I [f'f ri[}M wifh Ihe Lord in my livin[} room al Ihal lime. I Came down 10 Arkansas and affer
my ZI-d.y fasl I felf like I had fo faSl .nofher week buf I didtlf know why.
I aHended a meeli"f} .nd receivod fhe Holy Spirif ThaI's when I asked Sharon if she would like fo [}'f
e"3"[}'d. She aSked, "E"3"[}'d for whan" ,
Sharon, I wanfed fo make Ihe momen! lasl a liHle 10',,!er' I'd h.d a 'Fleece auf I knew if w.s God's lime for
Ihe ri[}M man 10 come .I0"f} soon. I waS wafchin[} anJ aski"f} Ihe Lord abouf differenl you''[}men. The fleece
waS Ihaf Ihe Lord would havo Ihe man fasf ZI days and Ihen an exira 7 dayS for me. So when Phillip showed up
sayi",! he fe!.1 he waS.supposef 10 faSl anofher week beside,~ Ihe ZI-day fasf Ihal he waS on, my anfenn. wenl up
and I said, Oh;';', Ih,s IS tI! All I could say 10 h,m waS, YouJusl do whafevor you feel fhe Lord wanls you fo
do."I Came 10 Arkans.S from Michi3""1. I waS born in India where my p.renls were missionaries. I became
filled wifh Ihe Holy Spirif when r waS /3. Mymofher died Ihe week affer Iha! Myfalher remarried a couple
of yearS affer fh.t II waS a difficulf fransifion and I wound up [f'i"f} 10 livo wifh my molher's parenls. They
were [f'0d Bo.plisl folk, real nice people. I waS comfor/.ble Iivi"f} Ihere and waS" lukewarmin!J nicely. My
[Yandparenls decided Ihal Ihey wankd 10 [f' look in Arizon. for. pl.ce fo livo, They were fired of fhe
Michi~n winfers .nd Ih.f sod of Ihi''[} so Ihey wenf for vac.fion and leff my sisfer .nd her husb.nd s/.yi"f}
wifh me. My sisfer h.d previously invifed me fo come .nd hear some women who had been strM[fJ'i"f}Bibles
behind Ihe Iron Th.1 sounded preHy inferesfi"f} so I wen! The followi"f} sprin[} when my [Y.ndpar-
enls were on v.c.fion, if w.s my l3Ih birlhday .nd my sisfer wanfed 10 me ouf fo lunch. She fook me 10
• ladies' luncheon and I heard Ihe voice of Ihe Lord in my he.d sayi''[},"I wanl you, I you IOO;{".nd I you ri[}M now." I w.s ready 10 [f' off 10 trMSicschool in Michi~n .nd h.d schol.rshipS. Mys.i/s were sef
buf God h.d said. "I w."f you ri[}M now."
There w.s • [Y0up from my sisfer'S church [JOin[}fo hO[JP.fch in ArkanSaS for a convo"fion af Ihe M.rble
Foils Convonlion Cenfer I wen! and somelime duri''[} fhe convon!ion I h.d • knowi"f} Ih.f I couldtil [f' on 10
colle[}', fh.1 I would be maki"f}. serious misfoke .nd would neVOrre.lly SerVOGod. If I wenl on 10 colle[}' I
would [}'I sidefr.cked. When I firsl heard .bouf Ihese women who strM[fJ/edBibles, .11 I could do waS sif
Ihere and cry. I knew Ihere w.s somefhin[} Ih.1 Ihey knew Ih.f had somelhi''[} 10 do wifh me .nd I w.s hopin[}
fhey would fell me wh.1 if waS, buf Ihey didtit I wenl home Iwo weeks before [Y.du.fion and wenl 10 fhe
counselors .1 school .nd said, "I'm nol [JOin[}10 colle[}', you Can [}ivo Ihese scholarshipS 10 somebody else."
Evorybody waS in .n uproar oVOrif
I re.lly w.nfed 10 come 10 Arkans.s Ihen buf if w.stil fime yef The nexl door Ih.1 opened w.s fo [JO 10
Spanish la {f"'3"- school in Te.x.s. I did,il know why I w.s Ihere buf I wenl ouf of obedience fo God because if
w.s Ihe firsl door Ih.f opened .nd I fell like I w.s supposed 10 do if Affer lan[jU"fJ'school w.s oVOr,I h.d
made my pl.ns fo [f' elsewhere buf I wen! fo • convonlion in Ark.ns.s .nd while Ihere, I waS lold, "YoUre
expecfed 10 come." Th.1 ouf of fhe moufhs of Ihree wifnesses. I'vo been in ArkansaS evor since.
I w.s w.ifin[} for" Mr 'Ri[jhl" 10 come al0'fJ .nd Phillip ri[}M fo my doorsfep.

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