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I'm Rona. S. I wc..<-d10 Arlw>sro from Zi~. Africa. An ""BanlZ.lion from If.. Un,ful S/.ks conf""luI ""Iposfor di"8
if ""Icfurch Co.Jldor(}""''" 50""'- ",-.hl1(jS for II-..m Myposfor lurned II-..Jch <Ur 10"'-. fit. Soid.'TI-..lord sha,.uJ "'- lhal yoJrt- (JOi"8
10 Ix. m.;ol•.•.d w,fh II-..m: H. h/f Ih.1 I WDS(JOi"810(JOOlo<.r10 II-.. Un,f.d S/.h:; and work w,fh If..m: Af Ih.1 h,... I w,,:;worb"8
full li"'- for ""I churcf, and ""'t po:;lor Soid,'1'•.•.foktn yo.; ,,:;hiah ,,:;I can fok. Y'" in ",-nforl"8 yo.;. Tn. lord he.:;laid "'- 1M fit. 's
(JO'''810hand Y'" Qlo<.rfor Ir.ini"8 In minisf'Y YoJr<(JO'''810 Ix. worb"8 w,fh If..m.nd (JO'''810 II-..Unihd Sf.ks: I WDShorr/fiul
Ix.cDUSl'-I didnf wonf 10 I•••.•.ho",-. W. hodJusl IhrOUf!'N 'forS of wor In Z/~. TI-.. mornl"8 wr..n I WDSdut 10",-d II-..
lod/i.Sfrom Amtrica, Gx/ ad "'-up r•• lly<or/yw,fh. Irw.d. lad on ""I fDC<ond pr."..J ond pr."..J ond pr."..J. Iffook ",-,Jx;uf f""
hours 10brt.o.kIhrOUf!'/;uf I didnf hJow wh.1 ,f WDSdx.d. I WDSSOopposui 10 I"VI"8' I WDSSOburdtnul for ""I own nafion 1M IJusl
wonhd 10sf.y II-..r. ond I'Y ond put Ihll1(jSfcfl.fl-..r "{fin ond do whahlo<.rI Co.Jld Anyw.y, wr..n I ",-I lhas<p.opl. lohr 1M morni"8'
If..y Soid 10 "'-, 'Gx/ w.nfs yo.;worb"8 w,fh us. W. knew God wonfs Y'" 10co"'- bock 10 If.. sf.ks w,fh us: Af lhal 1,,,,- I w,,:;.bl.
10Soy,'Y05, I knew ,f's God's wdl: I r•• lized lhal God hod .cfwlly broktn ""I will In lhal Irw.d, I w,,:;Ir.v.di"fj for mysolf I wtnf
IhrcAfl'. l""fJ'hy f,,:;1and Iwo monfhs Mtr I HI ho",-.nd c.",- Qlo<.r10 If.. Un,ful S/.ks 10 ArkonSos 10 work w,fh Ikm. fit. hod
prwlws/ybrOUf!'I .11of II-..m10 ArkonSos for. p;rpos'-. W.Ix./i ••.•. II-..r. is (JO'''fj10 Ix. an incrulibl. wlpouri"8 of II-.. Holy Spiril
In In. Ozork mwnf.i115, If is(JOi"fj10 Ix.. pl.u of rdu(J".
I co"'- htr. in IrrDl.nd Ihtn in Iqg'l I wtnf bock 10 Afric •• nd w,,:;owoyfor 13 'fOrS. I h.d If.. oppor/undy 10 I'orn l()1rrltrm
(j,rlsfian work. Y"'(J"I dr~ Ihr"'f!' Ik husks bockwords Tf..rt.s no <Scapi"8whal ph In.' In. fortlff'nollan. If's much
<oS/trfor an w""8"llsf 10(JOin and do whal n. nouls 10 do ond I•••.•.. SO In lorr;ftrm mlssianory sorviu ycJr. boH/i"8 d IhrOUf!'for
'forS r./1-..r lhonJusi (JOi"8in and comi"8 wi "{fin.
I noulul 10 Ix. "posui 10 d, woys of Ihinb"8 ond 10 I•••.•. If.. mlnd'Y for 50""'- li"'-Ix.caus< I hJow God wonhd 10work
so"'- Ihi"[jS info "'- and So"'- Nul1(jSwi of "'- and '''PoSt "'- 10. mort corpor.h w.y of Ihinb"fj ond worb"8 such,,:; II-..n IS in Ik
husin<S5world. Th.1 cha"8"d ""I Ihinki"fj. lof,,:; f.r":; woys of doi"8 Ihines ond w.yS of 0'8""izi"8 Ihlnes.
Tf..lord spok. 10"'- '"'"'Y cl•• r/y lhol d w,,:;li"'- for"'- 10 co"'- bock 10 Arlw>sro.nd Ih.1 If..n is. purpos'- for ""I 1x.1"fjhtr •.
So I c."'- bock ,Jx;uf Iwo .nd. h.lf 'fors .(JO' II w,,:;hard for "'- 10 I•••.•. ho"'- b<causoI hod ""I own hO"'- .nd I w,,:;soHluI,nfo
''''Y'hi''8' &f from II-..1,,,,- I HI Arkons,,:;I hod 10"8'''8 10 co"'- bock .von Ihwah d WDShord 10(J"I mysolFunsoHlui "{fin-
I WDS""1",,lIy?fd. niuly soHlui In ""Isolf"h Iif05fyl.
TI-..n or' SOmany worri"8 Spirifs in Zi~ Ix.lwttn Ik rD4.<S.Pr'rJudlu ris<s up .11II-..Ii,.... For"'- ptrsonally, I didnf h••.•.
muchprchl<n-{jw,fh coIand pwpl. ond I fwnd lhal Gx/ hod ""fuolly(}ivon"'- f.loOr wllh II-..m. God hod (},von "'- incrWibk. f.loOr w,fh
In.m In ""/Job. I work.d for. mvor di.mond comp.ny .nd I did .yJ,ibdions .nd conf'ruus in Ik Corpor.h Co""""nic.lions
J:Jtporlmtnf Tf.. di.mond mintS or< co-owned by Ik(JOlo<.rn"'-nf Tk nolions In Africa wtr. d••.•.loptd Ix.cDUSl'- of Ik d,.mond mintS.
Thtr. w",ld Ix. nofhl"fj Ikn if d wtr<nf for lhas<diomonds.Tn. husin<S5provid05Jebs.nd fundl"8 for If.. nolion.
As for":; ptrsonol "pul.hons of ""Ilx.i"8 htr. in Arkonso:;,I .m plckl"8 up anU "{fin ""I d<Sflny 1x.caUS<I knew ""I d<Sfiny is
invo/vtd w,fh Ik Ozorks ond whaf God wonfs 10do kn"8 10do wllh Ik tnd-fi"'- hor....s/,.nd-fi"'- r.viv.l, wdh God's wlpouri"8
of H,s Spird .nd I knew Ih.1 I'm. pori of Ih.1 .nd .nyfhin(} <iso H. w.nfs 10 dowdh "'-. I 1x.1,.•.•.lhal God has. d<Sfiny .nd.
p;rpoS<for.11 of USond d WDSI",d ",I from Ik found.han oflk.orfh. I Ihink d is our Inkrdonu fromlk lordJusI,,:;much,,:;
wt imr,f Ihll1(jSfrom "" portnfs and I Ihink God "-?fir" lhal wt Storch wi and find ",r and boHI. "" woyIhrOUf!'10
rui ••.•. d .nd Ih.1 wt Qlo<.rco""''''''Y'hi''8 Ih.1 wt noul 10 o•.•.rCO"'- 10 nui •.•.lhal W. pr<ss IhrOUf!'wdh pr.y<r .nd
fdi"8 and moki"8 Ik ri# choius .nd dwsions in Ik !of.ldy of God's p;rpoS<S for us.nd cO"'- info Ik fulln<S5of His
d<Sfinyfor us. I Ih,nk fit. nof only r'?fins Ih.1 of us, /;uf If wt dot+!do ,f,If<r. IS(JOi"810 Ix. sO"'-lhi"8 mlSSi"fj in God's purpoS<S
for If.. whol. <orlh b<caus<of our mlssi"8 wi Sowt noul 10pr<ss In ond find ",r d05liny.nd God's p;rpos'- for us. Who kncws how
mony li....,.nd.von nafions lhal will.ffuf
If WDSbrOUf!'Iup in. spu,.1 ",-dl"8 lhal Arkonso:;would Ix. kncwn for pwpl. CQmI"8for d<iilo<.ronu,for Solvolion,for nVlv.1 ond
Iho! Ik whal. world w",ld CO"'- 10hJow Ih.1 Arko/15,,:;w,,:;Ik umr of God's .cfivlfy upon Ik fDC<of Ik win.

fljod's besl is /A?;fiel prwisien in limes 9/greal/ac~7 infimille, liJnfV one Ijft
;ee;fiel prwisien 9/jrocl: in Ilaliena/ crisis, ;ee;fiel prwisien 9/Mfil!/; ill greal 'rcwill SOi1l1 be pas!
dar~lte .•.•, lerlx:I/~rwi.iell 9//ighl alld wisdem; in (IiMsler, /A?;fic! prwl:.iell 9/
@nfV whalS donejOr
prelcelien. flhe .LeTe! a!cm!ls ,/esiresle girJe/x;fiel care Ie '75is CXl'n. flhe
apprcJprialien 9/lhis prwi5ien Wit! be de/xlldenl ell Faith, !ha!J'lIlh ••d /lTl:X<'B 6'hrisf WI/lias!
lxxaJlBe '?fa re!a!i:JI18hip"'llh the .Lbrd

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