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Were ])avid and ])awn C. We moved fo ArkanSas from Geor3ia abouf a year and a half a30. We
firsf e"me on vae"fion and felf we had mef fhe Lord here. Af fhaf fi"", we didnf really wanf fo 30
back fo Geor3 . If's like if Jusf didnf feel ri3hf fo uS fo 30 back fo Geor3ia. I [])avidJ waS 100kin3
af a real esfafe "1lI3azine on fhe way back ho"",. Wifhin fwo weeks of fhaf we ended up wifh properfy
in ArkanSaS and fhen wifh", a monfh and a half we moved here. I leff a 300d payi"(}Job fo co"",
here. When we fold friends and family we were 3Oi''3 fo ">0'''' here fhey fhou3hf we were Crazy and
asked whaf we would do here. I fold fhem I waS puHin3 my faifh in God and leHi"(} Him lead us.
One person asked, 'Whaf is God 3Oi"(} fo do, puf a ba3 of 3rocuies on your fable 7" This acfua//y did
happen af one po in! We have nof 30ne hu"(}ry and when fhe bills need fo be paid God has provided
fhe way fo pay fhe",- He provided fhe money and fhe people fo fix fhe roof in fhe home we were
livi"(} in and a wood sfove for heat There have been se''''ral fi",es I have fhou3hf abouf ,,>ovi"(} back
fo "llIke 30 ">oney buf .r donf really wanf fo do fha! .r sfru3:}le and af fi"",s when "'y faifh is weak
if doesnf fake ",,"ch for God fo sef me back in line. We donf have a lof of exfra "lOney buf we [}'-f
whaf we need. When fhe fi"", comes fhaf fhi"(}s are 3Oin3 fo [}'-f really hard Un Amerie"J, weve
already known so"", hard fimes SO if wonf affed uS as ",,"ch.
])awn Af fi"",s when fhin3s [}'-f hard we have been fempfed fo 30 back for fhe money, buf we keep
OUr faifh in fhe Lord. We firsf bou3hf some properfy on fop of a "KJUnfain and, lived fhere for
al">osf a year. Winfer on fhe mounfain waS hard wifh fhe hi3h winds and difficu/f 3 "(} off fhe
y eHi
mounfain in bad weafher. We sold fhaf properfy and ">o,,,,d down in a valley. We love if here.

rA'tt fwm wit and do [l0od
" flme'rica. rh[
'£) ea.
:.L.Jue-k it. fJ~
pacE. and pwr.5U.E.
Julie Turner's weekly worldwide shottwave radio program E.!JE.~of thE. -Co'td a'tE. upon thE.
can be heard on
'ti[lhtE.ou~and hi~ a'tE. opn unto
WNRS 5.085- Sundays from 8:00 108:30 p.m. central time
WINS 13.570-Saturdays from 1:30102:00 p.m. =olIiID< t~i't c't!J. fJ~ facE. of ~ -Co'td i~
agai~t ~m that do wit to aut off
* ** t~ 'tE.mE.m~ of t~m f'tOm ~
This is a good time to stop commanding God to
bless America and consider what we can do to
E.a'tth. fJ~ 'ti[lhtE.ou~ c't!J and t~
bless Him - America, hies.' God! -Cc!JcRD ~a' and d.e.tiUE.'
out of aft thE.l't houblu.

~~ I'm
34:14-1 9

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