Correlation of UCS and Schmidt Hammer

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Correlation of UCS Rating with Schmidt Hammer Surface Hardness for Rock
Mass Classification

Article  in  Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering · July 2016

DOI: 10.1007/s00603-016-1044-7


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3 authors:

Wang Hu Hang Lin

Central South University Central South University


Ping Cao
University of Science and Technology of China


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Rock Mech Rock Eng
DOI 10.1007/s00603-016-1044-7


Correlation of UCS Rating with Schmidt Hammer Surface

Hardness for Rock Mass Classification
Hu Wang1 • Hang Lin1,2 • Ping Cao1

Received: 8 December 2015 / Accepted: 27 June 2016

Ó Springer-Verlag Wien 2016

Keywords Rock mass classification  Surface hardness  (Barton 2002; Palmstrom and Stille 2007). It can also be
Schmidt hammer  Rebound value  Uniaxial compressive used to develop design- and construction-related properties
strength (Justo et al. 2010; Marinos et al. 2005; Palmström and
Singh 2001). Additionally, the uniaxial compressive
strength (UCS) is usually tested during rock mass classi-
1 Introduction fication (Aydan et al. 2014; Bieniawski 1989; China 1995;
Palmström 1995). To assess rock mass quality, the average
The physical and mechanical properties of a rock mass UCS is obtained because the dispersion of UCS results in
need to be accurately determined when rocks are utilized as laboratory testing is usually large. The average UCS indi-
minerals or structural component. To distinguish the cates the strength of intact rocks in an area to some extent,
material properties of rock mass, engineers typically per- and, in this process, adequate sampling and testing should
form physical and mechanical experiments (e.g., laboratory be performed. This is, however, often time-consuming and
and in situ tests) and geological observations (e.g., dis- costly, and furthermore it is complicated by often being
continuities, ground water). We can predict rock mass unable to collect representative standard samples of some
behavior, only the combination of these properties. Thus, in rock types. As a consequence, a rock mass cannot be
rock engineering, standard methods exist for rock mass immediately classified following field investigations.
classification, such as rock mass rating (RMR), Q-system In contrast, surface hardness is a mechanical parameter
and rock mass index (RMi) (Barton et al. 1974; Bieniawski obtained from Schmidt hammer testing—a nondestructive
1989; Palmström 1995). The standard index can fully and rapid testing method. Studies (Aydin and Basu 2005;
designate the properties of a rock mass in a complex Dinçer et al. 2004; Heather et al. 2011; Kahraman 2001; Li
environment and provide a reliable basis for rational use of et al. 2000; Singh and Elkington 1983; Shalabi et al. 2007;
rocks and selection of appropriate mechanical parameters Sheorey et al. 1984; Xu and Mahtab 1990; Yagiz 2009;
Yaşar and Erdoğan 2004; Yılmaz and Sendır 2002) have
revealed that the Schmidt hammer rebound (Hr) value is
& Hang Lin well correlated with UCS. This correlation is essential for geotechnical design and stability analysis for rapid and
Hu Wang convenient rock mass classification. These studies mainly focused on using statistical methods to improve empirical
Ping Cao correlations for specific rocks. However, because the operational principle of Schmidt hammer and the ran-
1 domness of rocks, it is not possible to accurately obtain
School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South
University, Changsha 410083, Hunan, China UCS from the rebound value. As such, it is necessary to
2 introduce the concept of Hr in rock mass classification.
State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base for Gas Geology and
Gas Control, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, Depending on the summary of the correlations between Hr
China value and UCS from previous findings, this study investigated

H. Wang et al.

the prediction of UCS from L- and N-type rebound values and UCS, which is also influenced by geometric size and
also provides a new correlation between L-type rebound shape, is not an essential property of rocks. The effect of size
values and UCS for all rocks. Additionally, the correlation is needs to be considered because UCS is obtained through
further utilized to introduce Hr values in determining UCS standard laboratory specimen tests and surface hardness is
ratings for RMR and basic quality (BQ) of rock mass. This determined through laboratory or in situ Schmidt hammer
avoids dispersion and reduces both time and costs of tests. As such, it is best to attempt to establish accurate
mechanical experiments. The results of this study show that relationships between UCS and laboratory or in situ deter-
this method can be used as a convenient tool in practice for mined Hr. In the theoretical analysis of Li et al. (2000),
engineers to estimate rock mass quality. geometric size and internal structure are not involved. The
International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) (Aydin
2009) suggested that cores for L- and N-types should have at
2 Correlation between Hr values and UCS least NX size (C54.7 mm) and T2 size (C84 mm), respec-
tively, and block specimens should be at least 100 mm thick
Since the early 1960s, Hr has been used to estimate the at the point of impact. By contrast, the American Society for
UCS of rocks. Hr is used in accordance with the opera- Testing and Materials (ASTM 2005) recommends an edge
tional principle proposed by Basu and Aydin (2004), and Li length of at least 15 cm. Demirdag et al. (2009) suggested
et al. (2000) presented the quantitative relationship that the ‘edge dimension of the cubic block should be at least
between the amount of rebound of a piston and rock 11 cm to determine a consistent hardness value.’
hardness based on stress wave theory and conservation of Empirical correlations established to indirectly deter-
energy. This provides the theoretical basis from which to mine UCS for rocks, which is rapidly measured but only
apply rebound values. Surface hardness is also commonly suitable for given rock types, and previous studies have
used in metallic materials, as described in previous studies. mainly focused on improving empirical correlations based
To determine UCS indirectly, researchers proposed on statistics. However, given the operational principle of
empirical correlations between Hr and UCS, as shown in Schmidt hammer and randomness of rocks, it is not pos-
Table 1. Hr is directly related to UCS: UCS increases as Hr sible to obtain UCS accurately just from the rebound value.
increases. The correlation coefficients of empirical equa- Therefore, by employing data from previous studies (Aydin
tions are sound, as determined by linear or nonlinear fitting. and Basu 2005; Buyuksagis and Goktan 2007; Çobanoğlu
For example, Aydin and Basu (2005) used the nonlinear and Çelik 2008; Dinçer et al. 2004; Kahraman et al. 2002;
equation UCS = 1.45e(0.07Hr) and obtained a correlation Karakus and Tutmez 2006; Katz et al. 2000; Kayabali and
coefficient of 0.92. However, the most evident attribute of Selcuk 2010; Yagiz 2009), a new correlation was estab-
empirical correlations is that the fitting relationship varies lished (Figs. 1, 2) to estimate UCS values, especially in
in different rock types. Furthermore, the same type of unspecified rock types.
rocks, such as coal, exhibits variation. Sheorey et al. It was found from analysis of this data that the N-type
(1984), Ghose (1986), and Kahraman (2001) established value is not suitable for UCS estimation for all rock types
the following fitting equations: UCS = 0.4RN - 3.6, (Fig. 2), because of the high degree of scatter of sample
UCS = 0.88RN - 12.11 and UCS = 0.00045*(RN*q), points, and consequent lack of well-fitting regression. The
respectively. For coal, these equations have relative coef- N-type have upper limit values where UCS = 3.03RN-30.3
ficients of 0.94, 0.87 and 0.96, respectively. In some (the line in Fig. 2), and so the use of N-type is only valid if
empirical correlations, rock density (q) is considered, but the rebound value is larger than 10. The large variation
regression coefficients have yet to be improved obviously could account for the high impact energy (2.207 Nm) of
and Aydin and Basu (2005) also indicated the use of N-type Schmidt hammers and the significant influence of
additional variables (e.g., density, porosity, ultrasonic microstructures on the N-type rebound value. Conse-
velocity) should be avoided when their roles are not quently, the N-type value will generate a more accurate
complementary and significant. Further studies should be prediction for a given type rock with the same grain size,
conducted to evaluate the use of q to improve correlation which accords with the findings of Aydin and Basu (2005).
between Hr and UCS. Previous studies (Buyuksagis and By contrast, the L-type hammer, with a lower impact energy
Goktan 2007; Demirdag et al. 2009; Heather et al. 2011; of 0.735 Nm, is subject to negligible influence by
Kahraman et al. 2002; Yaşar and Erdoğan 2004) demon- microstructures. Additionally, Li et al. (2000) and Heather
strated that many factors, such as Schmidt hammer types et al. (2011) showed that the Schmidt impact hammer is not
(e.g., classic N-type and L-type), sample sizes, weathering, appropriate for very soft plastic rocks and extremely hard
rock type and softness, can affect rebound values. There- rocks; thus, there are no rebound values for very soft rocks. The
fore, the relationships summarized in Table 1 are suit- exponential best fit of Model 3 (UCS = 4.52927e0.05609RL)
able only for the specific rocks. and Model 1 (UCS = 4.52927*1.0577RL) coincide, with a

Correlation of UCS Rating with Schmidt Hammer Surface Hardness for Rock Mass Classification

Table 1 Correlations between Hr and UCS

No. Researchers Fitting formula R Rock type Remarks

1. Singh and UCS = 2RL 0.86 Sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, seatearth

2. Sheorey UCS = 0.4RN - 3.6 0.94 Coal
et al.
3. Haramy and UCS = 0.994RN - 0.383 0.7 Coal
4. Ghose UCS = 0.88RN - 12.11 0.87 Coal
5. O’Rourke UCS = 4.85RL - 76.18 0.77 Sandstone, siltstone, limestone and anhydrite
6. Xu and UCS = e(aRL?B) – Mica-schist, prasinite, serpentinite, gabbro, mudstone a and b
Mahtab depending
(1990) on rock
7. Sachpazis UCS = 4.29RL - 67.52 0.96 Carbonate rocks (marble, limestone, dolomite)
8. Aggistalis UCS = 1.31RN - 2.52 0.55 Gabbro and basalt
et al.
9. Kahraman UCS = 0.00045*(RN*q)2.46 0.96 Coal
10. Tuğrul and UCS = 8.36*RL - 416.00 0.87 Granite
11. Katz et al. UCS = 2.21*e(0.07*RN) 0.96 Maresha chalk, Cordoba-Cream limestone, Berea sandstone,
(2000) Indiana limestone, Carrara marble, Gevanim syenite and Mt
Scott Granite
12. Kahraman UCS = 6.97*e(0.01*RN*q) 0.78 Carbonates
13. Yılmaz and UCS = e(0.818?0.059RN) 0.91 Gypsum
14. Dinçer et al. UCS = 2.75RN - 36.83 0.95 Andesites, basalts and tuffs
15. Yaşar and UCS = 0.000004RL4.29 0.89 Carbonate, sandstone, basalt
16. Aydin and UCS = 1.45e(0.07RL) 0.92 Granite
17. Shalabi et al. UCS = 3.20Hr - 46.59 0.76 Shale, anhydrite, dolomite
18. Yagiz (2009) UCS = 0.0098Hr2.584 0.92 Travertine, limestone, Schist and Dolomitic limestone
19. Kayabali and UCS = 9.97exp(0.02RLq) – Gypsum, tuff, ignimbrite, andesite, sandstone, limestone,
Selcuk marble
20. This study UCS = 4.52927exp(0.05609RL) 0.774 Rock type without specific expression
UCS uniaxial compressive strength (MPa), q density of rock (g/cm3), RL and RN rebound values for L and N hammers, Hr not specified Schmidt
hammer type in original paper, R regression coefficient

H. Wang et al.

Fig. 1 Comparison of different Model 1

Equation y = a*b^x
fitting models for L-type 300 0.77394
Adj. R-Square Model 1
rebound value and UCS Value Standard Error
UCS a 4.52927 0.65202 Model 2
UCS b 1.0577 0.00266
Model 3
Model 2
Equation y = a*x^b Linear fit
Adj. R-Square 0.76856
Value Standard Error
a 8.91721E-4 5.3294E-4
200 b 2.91165 0.1486
Model 3

Adj. R-Square 0.77394
Value Standard Error
150 UCS a 4.52927 0.65202
UCS b 0.05609 0.00251
Model Linear fit
Equation y = a + b*x
Adj. R-Square 0.65506
Value Standard Error
Intercept -63.24367 7.04405
Slope 2.97174 0.16466


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
L-type value

regression coefficient of 0.77394 (Fig. 1). The residual anal- parameters in various rock types, the correlation between
ysis of different models is shown in Fig. 3. For Model 2 surface hardness and UCS for efficient estimation of UCS
(UCS = a*RLb) (Fig. 3b), it is evident that when the L-type by proxy of Hr is established here.
value is \32.5, the residual of UCS is a positive value while for
a linear fit (Fig. 3d) the residual of UCS is parabolic. 3.1 Hr in Rock Mass Rating
However, Model 1 (UCS = a*bRL) coincides with Model
3 (UCS = a*exp(b*RL)), and residual randomly scattered Using the correlations between Hr and UCS shown in
on both sides of x-axis except greater residual for large Table 1 and the exponential relationship proposed in this
L-type value. The ISRM (Aydin 2009) suggests that expo- study, the range of Hr can be calculated. For example,
nential fitting and power fitting can be used as generalized UCS = 2RL is obtained for sandstone, siltstone, mud-
expressions for UCS and rebound value correlation. For this stone and seatearth (Singh and Elkington 1983). Applying
reason, Model 3 is chosen as best correlated to the results. the reverse operation with a UCS range of 50–100 MPa, a
Nevertheless, for Models 1, 2 and 3, when RL [ 47.5 and range of 25–50 is obtained for Hr. Therefore, a rating of 7
with increased UCS, the residual increases. It is evident that is obtained from an Hr range of 25–50. The results are
some samples correspond to UCS values [100 MPa for summarized in Table 2. Combining geological observa-
RL [ 47.5, and data scatter increases. The ISRM (Aydin tion with the Hr values obtained, RMR values can be
2009) proposes that L-type hammers give better results when rapidly determined without the need for sampling and
testing is weak, porous and weathered rocks, thus caution testing.
should be exercised when testing hard rocks and other test In some cases a partial reverse operation is performed
procedures, such as suggested by ISRM, could lead to (Table 2) because some parts of the relationships described
deviations. The sections that follow provide further analysis in Table 1 are more complex and density is required. And
of the empirical correlation formulated above. it should note that Hr values [100 and \0 are not realistic
because Hr ranges only from 0 to 100 (Table 2).
From previous studies, it can be concluded that rock
3 Using the Hr Value to Determine UCS Rating type affects Hr, and the correlations described in Table 1
in Rock Mass Classification are based on specific rock types. Thus, and on the basis of
the results presented, the listed corresponding ranges
On the basis of the statistical analysis presented in Sect. 2 (Table 2) are only suitable for the given rock types and
of this paper, a definite relationship between surface conditions. However, the listed corresponding ranges, cal-
hardness and UCS is observed. While previous studies culated from this study, are suitable for rocks without
have proposed different relationships between these two specific expression (discussed further in Sect. 3.3).

Correlation of UCS Rating with Schmidt Hammer Surface Hardness for Rock Mass Classification

Fig. 2 Comparison of different 300

Equation y=a*exp(b*x)
fitting models for N-type Adj. R-Square 0.69759
rebound value and UCS Value Standard Error
UCS a 5.45707 0.7708
UCS b 0.04527 0.00218
Equation y = a + b*x
Pearson's r 0.76416
Adj. R-Square 0.58186
Value Standard Error
200 UCS Intercept -45.24105 6.32662
UCS Slope 2.19606 0.13107 Upper limit values

Linear fit
150 Exponetial fit



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
N-type value

3.2 Hr in the Chinese Rock Mass Classification consequence, Hr can differentiate the degree of solidity of
Standard GB 50218-94 rock clearly. Singh and Elkington (1983) investigated
sandstone, siltstone, mudstone and seatearth and found that
The basic quality (BQ) (China 1995) of rock mass was Hr [ 30 corresponds to hard rock, while Aydin and Basu
established on the basis of the Chinese standard of engineering (2005) examined granite and observed that Hr is [53.2
classification of rock masses. In this classification, the deter- corresponds to hard rock. This study proposes that
mining factors of rock mass quality are the degrees of solidity Hr [ 46.1 corresponds to hard rock. These findings verify
and intactness. The engineering classification of rock masses that rock type plays a critical role in Hr determination, and
is determined on the basis of BQ and modified according to it cannot be ignored in practical application.
underground water, main joint set orientation and initial stress
conditions. In terms of the BQ, UCS is related to the qualita- 3.3 Analysis of UCS Replaced with Hr
tive boundaries of solidity, as shown in Table 3. Combining
the correlations of Hr and UCS described in Table 1 and this The exchange relations of Hr and UCS have been estab-
study, the range of Hr corresponding to the range of UCS is lished in rock mass classification, but a simple and reliable
obtained (Table 4). Therefore, an indirect way to discriminate method should be developed for practical applications.
the degree of solidity is achieved. Considering that Hr is affected by rock type and errors are
The range of Hr is consistent with the measured range of produced through the reverse operation of the fitting rela-
Schmidt hammer results; however, the range of Hr in tionships, the exchange relations calculated from the cor-
Table 4 is different from the measured range in Table 2. In relations were analyzed. This was done on the basis of
RMR, UCS ranges from 1 to 250 MPa, whereas in the BQ single rock types with high degrees-of-fit in comparison
of rock mass, UCS ranges from 5 to 60 MPa, which may with results of this study.
explain the variance between data in Tables 2 and 4. The Six comparison groups from Table 1 were selected;
degree of solidity is qualitatively determined on the basis these are described in previous studies (Aydin and Basu
of a difficult hammering degree, spring back phenomena 2005; Dinçer et al. 2004; Ghose 1986; Singh and Elkington
and water absorption. For example, a rock is qualitatively 1983; Tuğrul and Zarif 1999; Yılmaz and Sendır 2002). As
considered ‘hard’ if hammering sounds clear and melodi- shown in Figs. 4, 5 and 6, UCS was assigned to the hori-
ous, exhibits spring back, does not shatter easily and does zontal axis and Hr to the vertical axis, where Hr is 0 when a
not absorb water after soaking. This qualitative differential negative value is obtained.
method is thus strongly associated with the influences of RMR is initially considered (Figs. 4, 5) and, as a whole,
actual rock type and degree of weathering. As a it is possible to distinguish the UCS rating by the Hr value

H. Wang et al.

a b
Model 1 Model 2

100 100
Residual of UCS

Residual of UCS
50 50

0 0

-50 -50

-100 -100
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
L-type value L-type value

c d
200 200
Model 3 Linear fit

150 150

100 100
Residual of UCS

Residual of UCS

50 50

0 0

-50 -50

-100 -100
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
L-type value L-type value

Fig. 3 Residual analysis of UCS for different models of L-type

Table 2 Application of Hr in RMR

UCS (MPa) [250 100–250 50–100 25–50 5–25 1–5 \1
Rating 15 12 7 4 2 1 0

Range of Schmidt hammer Singh and Elkington (1983) [125 50–125 25–50 12.5–25 2.5–12.5 0.5–2.5 \0.5
rebound values Sheorey et al. (1984) [634 259–634 134–259 71.5–134 21.5–71.5 11.5–21.5 \11.5
Haramy and Demarco (1985) [251.9 101.0–251.9 50.7–101.0 25.5–50.7 5.4–25.5 1.4–5.4 \1.4
Ghose (1986) [308.1 137.6–308.1 70.6–137.6 42.2–70.6 19.4–42.2 14.9–19.4 \14.9
Sachpazis (1990) [74.0 39.0–74.0 27.4–39.0 21.6–27.4 16.9–21.6 16.0–16.9 \16.0
uğrul and Zarif (T1999) [79.7 61.7–79.7 55.7–61.7 52.8–55.7 50.4–52.8 49.9–50.4 \49.9
Yılmaz and Sendır (2002) [79.7 64.2–79.7 52.4–64.2 40.7–52.4 13.4–40.7 \13.4 –
Dinçer et al. (2004) [104.3 49.8–104.3 31.6–49.8 22.5–31.6 15.2–22.5 13.8–15.2 \13.8
Aydin and Basu (2005) [73.6 60–73.6 50–60 40–50 17.1–40 \17.1 –
Shalabi et al. (2007) [92.7 45.8–92.7 30.2–45.8 22.4–30.2 16.1–22.4 14.9–16.1 \14.9
Yagiz (2009) [82.4 57.8–82.4 44.2–57.8 33.8–44.2 18.1–33.8 9.7–18.1 \9.7
This study [71.5 55.2–71.5 42.8–55.2 30.5–42.8 1.8–30.5 \1.8 –

Correlation of UCS Rating with Schmidt Hammer Surface Hardness for Rock Mass Classification

Table 3 Relationship between UCS and qualitative boundaries of solidity (China 1995)
UCS (MPa) [60 60–30 30–15 15–5 \5

The degrees of solidity Hard rock Fairly hard rock Fairly soft rock Soft rock Extremely soft rock

Table 4 Application of Hr in rock mass basic quality(BQ)

UCS (MPa) [60 60–30 30–15 1–5 \5
The degrees of solidity Hard rock Fairly hard rock Fairly soft rock Soft rock Extremely soft rock

Range of Schmidt hammer Singh and Elkington (1983) [30 30–15 15–7.5 7.5–2.5 \2.5
rebound values Sheorey et al. (1984) [159 159–84 84–46.5 46.5–21.5 \21.5
Haramy and Demarco (1985) [60.7 60.7–30.6 30.6–15.5 15.5–5.4 \5.4
Ghose (1986) [81.9 81.9–47.9 47.9–30.8 30.8–19.4 \19.4
Sachpazis (1990) [29.7 29.7–22.7 22.7–19.2 19.2–16.9 \16.9
Tuğrul and Zarif (1999) [56.9 56.9–53.3 53.3–51.6 51.6–50.4 \50.4
Yılmaz and Sendır (2002) [55.5 55.5–43.8 43.8–32.0 32.0–13.4 \13.4
Dinçer et al. (2004) [35.2 35.2–24.3 24.3–18.8 18.8–15.2 \15.2
Aydin and Basu (2005) [53.2 53.2–43.3 43.3–33.4 33.4–17.7 \17.7
Shalabi et al. (2007) [33.3 33.3–23.9 23.9–19.2 19.2–16.1 \16.1
Yagiz (2009) [29.2 29.2–22.3 22.3–17.1 17.1–11.2 \11.2
This study [46.1 33.7–46.1 21.3–33.7 1.8–21.3 \1.8

Singh and Elkington (1983)
UCS (approx. 0–100 MPa), which is likely attributable to
Ghose (1986) control by the rock type. For example, Aydin and Basu
300 Tugrul and Zarif (1999)
Yilmaz and Sendir (2002) (2005) showed that the fitting of results of Ghose (1986)
Ismail Dincer (2004) were valid for the approximate range of 15–53 MPa. So the
Aydin and Basu (2005)
This study validity range of Hr for a given rock, as proposed by Aydin
200 and Basu (2005) and Yagiz (2009), cannot necessarily be

Validity range overlooked when employing this method.

150 for rebound value For the BQ of a rock mass, there are no data beyond the
range of the Schmidt hammer (Fig. 6), and there is good
discrimination with which to determine the UCS rating.
50 The curve (Tuğrul and Zarif 1999) in Fig. 6 shows a vague
discrimination that cannot be easily used in practical
0 applications, however. It is essential to take the validity
0 50 100 150 200 250 range into consideration, as the above analysis shows.
UCS (Mpa) The curves in Figs. 4, 5 and 6 indicate that Hr cannot be
used to distinguish very soft rocks, because when UCS is
Fig. 4 Comparison curves of different correlations between Hr and
UCS in RMR close to 0 Mpa, there is no rebound value. Similarly, for
extreme hard rock, the rebound value is beyond the mea-
sure range. Previous studies (Aydin and Basu 2005; Hea-
range, but the point interval of the curves (obtained from ther et al. 2011) also revealed that Hr is not suitable for soft
the work of Tuğrul and Zarif (1999)), is very close. In the or very hard rocks; Li et al. (2000) provided a theoretical
actual measurement, the average Hr is frequently used, and explanation of this. This lack of suitability for such rocks is
thus the extreme rebound value has a significant influence not investigated further in this paper.
on predicting the UCS rating. Considering Hr values of The curves for all rocks in Fig. 5 are proposed by this
0–100, it is evident that some data are beyond this range study. For a rating value of 7 (UCS range 50–100 MPa),
(Fig. 4). This range is magnified in Fig. 5 in which the there is correspondence to an RL range of 42.8–55.2, and
curves (Ghose 1986) correspond to the narrow range of Aydin and Basu (2005) proposed a corresponding range of

H. Wang et al.

100 investigated in this paper. Hr can be obtained in the field or

in a laboratory, which is convenient, rapid and nonde-
80 structive. However, the existing correlation between Hr
and UCS is suitable only for a single rock, and previous
studies have mainly focused on statistical methods of
improving empirical correlations for given rock types.

Also, given the operational principle of Schmidt hammer

40 Singh and Elkington (1983) testing and the randomness of rocks, it is not possible to
Ghose (1986)
Tugrul and Zarif (1999) obtain an accurate UCS value from the rebound value.
Yilmaz and Sendir (2002) However, the results of this study demonstrate an
Ismail Dincer (2004)
Aydin and Basu (2005) empirical correlation between values obtained with the
This study
L-type hammer and UCS values for all rocks where
UCS = 4.52927e0.05609RL. There is an upper limit value
0 50 100 150 200 250 line where UCS = 3.03RN - 30.3 for the N-type hammer
UCS (Mpa) correlation with UCS, indicating a valid correlation only if
the N-type rebound value is [10.
Fig. 5 Comparison curves of different correlations between Hr and
UCS in RMR(when Hr ranges from 0 to 100) The introduction of RL to determine UCS ratings in
RMR and BQ classification was investigated using data
from this and previous studies. A correlation suitable for all
Singh and Elkington (1983) rocks is proposed, but errors may be generated in predict-
Ghose (1986)
80 Tugrul and Zarif(1999) ing UCS. Consequently, it is recommended that such is
Yilmaz and Sendir (2002) only used for estimating UCS rating in rocks without
Ismail Dincer (2004)
Aydin and Basu(2005) specific expressions and be revised in practical
60 This study
50 Overall, this study shows the value of Hr as a proxy for

UCS in rock mass classification such that ranges of Hr can
be calculated through reverse operation and, from fitting
relationships, the UCS rating can be determined. From this,
20 the RMR and BQ values can be determined. Thus, this
method is economic, time-saving, rapid and convenient for
rock mass classification, and avoids the need for sampling,
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
laboratory testing and large dispersions of data.
UCS (Mpa)
Acknowledgments This paper gets its funding from Project
Fig. 6 Comparison curves of different correlations between Hr and (51304240, 51474249) supported by National Natural Science
UCS in BQ Foundation of China; Project (No.2016CX019) supported by Inno-
vation Driven Plan of Central South University. Project
(WS2013A01) funded by the Open Projects of Supported by the State
50–60. This disparity may be related to a number of factors, Key Laboratory Cultivation Base for Gas Geology and Gas Control
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