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Describe various measures that President Roosevelt undertook in his first term to help relieve human

misery in America. Were they successful?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States of America from 1933
until he passed away in 1945. Roosevelt took office during the time of the Great Depression that started
in the early 1930s. Roosevelt made it his priority to resolve the economic crisis that the United States
was facing and promised the New Deal.

President Roosevelt sought out to save capitalism in 1933 by transforming it from within. Few
leaders have taken office in more dire circumstances. Yet within days of becoming president, he took
dramatic steps that forever changed the scope and role of the federal government while keeping the
nation from fragmenting. He believed that America’s democratic form of government had responsibility
to help people who were in distress. With the help of the congress, he sought out enacting dozens of
measures to relieve human suffering and promote economic recovery. His program for economic
recovery was the New Deal was more of a trial-and-error action rather than a comprehensive scheme.
None of the many initiatives worked perfectly, and some miserably failed. Despite all the that their
combined effect restored hope and energy to a nation eager for dynamic leadership.

The following were some of Roosevelts measures to counter the crisis. He restored the
confidence of the citizens in his government by abolishing prohibition, responding to every letter and
telephone from the people. He ordered the closing and reopening of every bank in the country to check
their financial stability and introduced a new rule and regulations to control the stock exchange market
to prevent another crash. He ran budgets that were below the tax revenues to stabilize the economy. He
introduced the Farm Loan Act which protected the business owners form the banks. He introduced
agencies to help curb the different crisis like employment and provided subsidized services to the

Roosevelt did a good job of helping the people in need. He was not perfect and some of his
plans failed but he did the best he could for his country to try and rebuild what was lost. He came into a
bad situation. He failed and succeeded in many things, but he managed to bring up the morale of the

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