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 In which of these two banks do you invest the $1 million? Please explain why.

I will prefer to invest in Bank B as it more sustainable in terms of environment analysis and also
the clients are relevant and suitable for our firm. Being CEO of the firm, it is my responsibility to
maximize the value of shareholders. We also have two COD with low risk and the one option
with high rate of return will bring out more of the monetary value for the company. Thus, I will
prefer to invest the amount of $ 1 million in bank A.

 Say you prefer to invest the money in Bank B, but you face the opposition of the
owners and General Manager who are unwilling to give up higher returns. How
would you approach this situation? What would you do?

If I prefer to invest the amount in Bank B, I will try to convince other people as going green is a
business trend and most of the shareholders like to see if the companies use to take the action in
the corporate sustainability. Through investing in Bank B, we will support the environmental
friendly business which will lead to attract more and more investors to the firm by increasing the
confidence of the shareholders and also by increasing the value of company.

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