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years ago of our war against Japan.


MORAGA then lead the group in pledging

allegiance to the flag.

ROTARY ~Recognitions / Virtual Happy


NEWSLETTER It was announced that today is Barbara

Bruner’s birthday. Happy Birthday to
May 19, 2020 you, Barbara. We will hear all about
your celebration at our next meeting.
Herb Wehmeyer offered a High $5 for
his becoming a great grandfather!
Next: May 26, Noon Congratulations, Herb! And he is also
We are now conducting regular able to get out on the golf course again.
meetings on-line video or by phone! ~~Rotary Business~~

Program: Alex Cobo – Cobo Need Some Greeter Volunteers

Construction – Lumumba Library Please send a note or call Debbie Koo
if you can be a greeter during the next
Greeter: Roger Gregory several weeks. Roger Gregory, thanks
____________________________ for volunteering to be the greeter next
To participate next week: week.
Zoom connection information for May 26 will be
distributed early next week Rotarian of the Year
Upcoming Speakers: It is the time to think about nominating a
• May 26 –Alex Cobo fellow club member as this year’s
Cobo Construction – Lumumba Rotarian of the Year. Usually this is
Library done by simply writing a name on a slip
• June 2 – Frank May of paper that is collected by Cliff and
Moraga Rotary and Kiva counted in utmost secrecy. This year,
please submit an email to Cliff at
Our guests today included our speaker, by
Dr. Carl Guarneri as well as honorary Thursday, May 21 with your nomination.
members, Lillian Roodveldt and Pat
Tidmarsh. “Feed the Need” Fundraiser
As was announced over the past 2
Our greeter today was Brian South, weeks, our club partnered with the
who highlighted Winston Churchill’s Kiwanis “Feed the Need” fundraiser and
statement of support on this day 77 our Interact Club to support our local
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food banks, the Monument Crisis Center
and Meals On Wheels. Brian South
announced that a check for $2050 has
been delivered to Kiwanis. Their match
will make our total contribution $4100.
Thanks, Brian for coordinating our
response to this fundraiser.
Moraga Rescue One Foundation
Essay Contest
Our good friends at the Foundation
Killdeer chicks, on the University of British Columbia
asked if we would include a notification
campus in Vancouver – From Gary Irwin
of their Essay Contest. The winner will
receive $500 and you can find the
announcement and details at ~Guest Speaker~ Debbie Roessler introduced our
district/volunteer/rescue-one. (Deadline speaker, Dr Carl Guarneri, a Professor
to apply August 1st 2020 of History at St. Mary’s College. Carl
was born in New York and received his
Shelter, Inc. PhD from Johns Hopkins University in
See the flyer attached from Shelter, Inc. Baltimore, MD. He has taught at St.
asking for support during the Mary’s for 41 years.
Coronavirus pandemic.
Carl based his discussion on his latest
Nite at the Races Bargain Corner book, Lincoln’s Informer, Charles A.
The following items were either not bid Dana. Dana played many roles during
on or were unclaimed during the event. the Civil War but was an informer (or
We will offer these to club members if maybe a spy) who provided vital
interested. Either place your bid by information to both President Lincoln
email to Frank May and Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton
( or bid at the next during the time of the Civil War.
meeting. The items are:
• Beachbody on Demand Package
• Insurance Home Inventory and
• Professional Educational
• Formula 3 Fitness One Month
• $100 Certificate Harriet Plummer
Aquatic School

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Before the war, Dana worked for Horace
Greeley as an editor for the New York
Tribune. He spent time in Paris where
he worked with Karl Marx who also
became a contributor to the newspaper.

Dana worked on the reelection of

Lincoln in 1864 and supported him in
the passage of the 13th amendment.
He was present at the second
inauguration of Lincoln. He was not
physically present at Ford’s Theatre but
was involved in both the investigation
and capture of the assassins. He was
also involved in the capture and
imprisonment of Jefferson Davis.

Dr. Guarneri described the role of

Charles Dana in several of the major
Civil War campaigns and battles–
including Bull Run, Grant’s Vicksburg
Campaign, and the Battle of

Dana then worked in Washington

managing contracts, looking into
contract fraud and acting as a liaison to
Congress. He also played a role in
tracking Confederate secret operations
both in Canada and New York.

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If you want to read more about this 2. Email Carl Guarneri at
interesting character you can order with a
Professor Guarneri’s Book request.

Three ways to get signed, discount 3. Transmit $25 via Paypal to

copies of Lincoln’s Informer: and provide your
name and address.
1. Mail a check for $25, with your return
address, made out to: Thanks for inviting me!!
Carl Guarneri
380 Cavour St. Carl
Oakland, CA 94618

~Moraga Rotary Directors 2019/2022~

Co-Presidents Evie Michon & Debbie Koo
President Elect Brian South
Past President Ron Mucovich
Secretary Jennifer Brophy
Treasurer Rich Render
Club Administrator Debbie Roessler
Foundation Chairman John Erickson
Youth and Community Service Chairman Tony Schoemehl
Public Relations Chairman Gary Irwin
Fundraising Chairman Frank May
International Service Chairperson Dianne Wilson
Membership Chairman Brian South
Director at Large Mary Sue Erickson
Director at Large Linda May
Advisor to the Board John Erickson
Advisor to the Board Jim Campbell
Advisor to the Board Cliff Dochterman

District Governor 5160 Tina Akins

President, Rotary International Mark Maloney
May newsletter editor – Frank May

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Your gift will be doubled today!

Join us today
for #GivingTuesdayNow, an
emergency day of giving to help
prevent and end homelessness. Our
work is needed now more than ever
as thousands face homelessness due
to the economic impact of COVID-19.
Your gift towards our $10,000 goal
will help your neighbors. Already, we
have seen a nearly 300% increase in
calls to our eviction prevention

And today your gift will be doubled

The Gemmer and Quest Foundations have pledged to match every
dollar raised up to $110,000 donated by June 30, 2020.

Your gift will help families like Amy's:

Page 5 of 7
An unfortunate job change led to months
of owed back rent. With no way to raise
the money and facing eviction, Amy and
her husband had to tell their four children
that they had to leave their home of 12-
years immediately.

Weeks dragged into months as they

stayed with family and friends and
searched for help. Finally, they found
SHELTER, Inc. Matched with a case
manager, Amy, and her family moved into
our Mountain View Family Shelter. With a
safe place to stay, the couple was able to
work on budgeting strategies, pay down
eviction debt, receive counseling, and
both Amy and her husband used
SHELTER, Inc.’s employment services to obtain new jobs.

“Our family has been truly blessed to have SHELTER, Inc. in our lives,” she
said. “The time and dedication of everyone working with us to build a better,
more stable life for our family is amazing. SHELTER, Inc. continues to be a
huge support to our family. We are a stronger family unit with a bright future
ahead of us because of SHELTER, Inc.”

nors like you saved Amy's family. Join this social justice movement now and
help your neighbors attain self-sufficiency. A monthly donation of $10 or more
contributes to a steady and robust funding stream that allows SHELTER, Inc.
to deliver a lasting impact because of you. Please consider a gift today.
Your gift will help change lives.

Donate Now!

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