Self Evaluation

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Directions: Utilize this worksheet to help evaluate yourself and your project. Be as complete
and descriptive as possible. This self-evaluation should give the scoring team a clear picture of
what you accomplished in your project.

Name – Mya Smith Project Start Date – Second Semester, 2020

Title of Project – Food Waste to Full Meal Project Completion Date – March 6th, 2020

1. In 40 words or more describe who your project benefited and how. In other words, what was the
impact of your project?
a. My project benefitted the homeless population of Hampton Roads. I was able to make a
homecooked meal for them out of food from people’s pantries that would have been
wasted otherwise. I was also able to give them the rest of this food right before
everything shut down with the pandemic. Some people would say that it was perfect
timing. I was able to show my community that the food they are wasting can be put to
better use that sitting in the pantry.

2. In at least 40 words explain how the project challenged you. How was this a stretch for you?
a. This project was challenging for me because I had to communicate with professionals in
multiple aspect of my project. I had to talk with my church in order for them to host the
food drive, Dallas Stamper at PIN ministry so I could serve the meal, talk to my entire
church on stage to spread the word, and people at Harris Teeter for them to donate some
necessities. This was also a stretch because I didn’t know what I was going to receive
from the food drive, so I had to be creative with the food I receive in order to make an
edible meal. Cooking has never been a big talent of mine, so this project allowed me the
opportunity to stretch those skills.

3. List and then describe 5-8 fundamental ideas/concepts/skills of your project, which you
learned/enhanced during your project.
a. Public Speaking: Having to talk in front of my church about my project and what it
means to the community.
b. Communicating with professionals: I had to talk to professionals within my church and at
PIN ministry in order to partner with them to make this happen.
c. Cooking: I had to actually make the meal and spaghetti may seem simple, but it was
something I’ve never done before.
d. Packing and organization: I had to sort and organize all the food that was donated in
order to see what I had to plan out my meal.
e. Communicating with peers: I had to get some volunteers in order to help me serve the
food to the homeless as it was a multiple step line. Thanks to my friends, Zach and
Laney, we were able to accomplish everything.
4. List and describe 4-8 problems/obstacles/issues you encountered in your project, and briefly
describe how you solved each.
a. Some grocery stores didn’t want to donate to my project, but I just kept asking around
and I was able to finally get Harris Teeter to donate.
b. There weren’t any appliances at PIN ministry, so I had to cook all the food at home and
then transfer it to the venue. This led to noodles to slightly overcooked as that was the
only was too transport them, but they ended up alright.
c. I couldn’t get many pictures due to the fact that I didn’t want to disrespect the homeless
people’s privacy. It was difficult to get pictures with no faces but thankfully I got a few.
We just tried to get pictures of just the food or of the people volunteering.
d. Not as many homeless people showed up that were expected, but this was alright because
they were able to get seconds and save the rest for a different day.

5. List materials used.

a. Donated food
b. Crockpots
c. Volunteers
d. Harris Teeter ground beef

6. List all people who helped you on the project and briefly describe the help given.
a. Pastor James Davis: He allowed me to host my food drive at his church, which gave me
access to a lot of food that I could use in the meal and donate.
b. Dallas Stamper: He is the owner of PIN Ministry, which is where I was able to serve the
meal to the homeless and donate the rest of the food for them to pass out accordingly.
c. Dave Scott: He is the person who got me ready for my interview on stage at my church in
order to spread the word about my project and what food waste is.
d. Mrs. Grimes: She was my consultant and she helped keep me on track and hold me
accountable for getting my project done.
e. Zach Coltrain and Laney Gill: They both volunteered at my project to help serve food.
They made my role much easier as I was able to delegate some of the tasks to them.

7. How does your completed project compare to the picture you had in mind when you started the
project? Explain the reason behind any changes from your proposal.
a. Originally, I planned to get the wasted food from local restaurants but when I saw how
much food came from the food drive that couldn’t be used separately, I wanted to use that
as it was no good for the homeless. So, I used what I could from the food drive and then
got the rest donated from the grocery store.

8. If given the opportunity, explain what you would have done differently now that you speak from
a. If I was given the opportunity to redo this project, I would have cooked the noodles
differently. I would have undercooked the noodles so that when they are sitting in the
crockpot for longer, they wouldn’t become soft.

9. Beyond the project itself, what did you learn about yourself?
a. I learned that I am good at time management and public speaking, but I am still not the
best cook. I learned that I was able to communicate well with others and get my point
across even though I don’t have much experience.
10. What grade would you give yourself on the project? Justify the evaluation of your grade in at
least 25 words.
a. 95/100. I have earned this grade because everything went to plan, and I had a major
impact on my environment. However, I didn’t incorporate as many businesses as I had
originally planned. Although there weren’t as many people involved, I was still able to
donate plenty of meals for them to have that night and to take on the road with them.



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