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Página Principal ► VILLAVICENCIO ► VILLAV ► 9175 ► Third Term ► pref_6_Listening 3.

Comenzado el miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017, 21:03

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017, 21:06
Tiempo empleado 3 minutos 6 segundos
Caliベ�cación 100,00 de 100,00

Pregunta 1

Correcta You're going to listen to a conversation about friendship. Pay attention to details and
Puntúa 100,00
sobre 100,00
then answer the questions.

1. Does Mike want to take the survey?   no, he doesn't

2. How much time does Mike have before going out?   a minute

3. Laura and Mike are   friends

4. How many questions did the survey have?   5

5. Why did Laura called Mike a liar?   because he always forgets his friend's birthday

6. Has Mike ever called a friend at three o'clock in the morning just to chat?   Yes, he has

7. According to the record, is Mike a good person to trust?   Not mentioned

8. Did Laura recieve an answer for question number 5?   No, she didn´t

9. They   didn't finish the survey.

10. Overall, Mike felt   annoyed about the survey.


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