Can A Christian Have A Demon

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If you feel in
any way "out
of control,"
Believe it or not, this is an you may
easy question to answer if need
counseling. If
it is broken down properly
so, send an
and the terms are clearly email to
defined.  To "have" a contact@pa
demon is not necessarily msheppard.c
to be "possessed" by one om
or more.  In fact, it is
extremely difficult for a
demon to possess
ANYONE, be they Christian
or not.  Possession
involves the complete
takeover of all 3 aspects of 
a human being---spirit,
soul and body.  This is an
extremely difficult task
because demons were not
made for our three
dimensional world.  In
most cases, the deed  can
only be accomplished in
extremely small segments
of time---minutes, perhaps
seconds.  However, in just
a few seconds, the
takeover can be deadly. 
This is what happens when
people suddenly enter into
a rage and kill somebody. 
Once the rage built up to
the right degree, the
demon stepped in and
"viola."  The irreversible
deed is done.

I  have been possessed for

a few minutes in time
BEFORE I became a
Christian.  In 34
years, what I am about to
share with you  has never
happened again and with
only one attempt made in
the mid 80's, it was
unsuccessful.  It is
probably the most
frightening experience
anyone could have.  If you
have ever been in a trance
or have had an "out of
body" experience then you
might be able to

It happened in the 70's

when I was using a Ouija
board and then graduated
to automatic writing so as
to communicate to what I
believed to be the spirits of
dead human beings.  A
practice forbidden in the
bible, necromancy is
where  fallen angels and
demons obtain their
invitation to enter into the
one who ignorantly creates
conditions conducive to its

  I had been in a session

for several hours and then
I began to feel whoozy, like
I was going to faint or oad
something.  Then
suddenly, like the peeling your
of a banana, my spirit left
my body and stood in the
corner of the room, looking copy
back at me sitting in a
chair.  I felt my throat being of
tugged seconds before
the entity used my larynx
to speak to those who were on the
gathered.  In the corner of
the room, my spirit was Saints
jumping up and down
screaming, "let me back in, "
let me back in!!!"  I could
see, hear myself speak, but
I was not the one who was click
speaking.  I could reason,

think, feel emotions, but I
had no control over my
An experience that lasted FALLEN
perhaps seconds, maybe ANGEL KN
minutes--- seemed like OWN AS
hours.  I say that I was ST.
"possessed" for that GERMAIN.
period of time simply
The head of
because I could not control
this being
myself.  I was being materialized 
controlled by another at a seance I
force.  I have since held in 1975. 
discovered that because His head
this being was a fallen looked like
angel and not a demon, it smoke or a
could not stay in me for shaded cloud
very long.  This point alone with the
could make for yet another same outline
article.  as this head
So in this instance, a fallen To learn
angel was in control of my more about
spirit, my soul and my him, obtain
body for a few minutes on "the Fake
a few occasions in the Jesus: Fallen
70's.  Once this being Angels
Among us."
materialized, at least its click here
head did.  I did not know
who he was at the time. 
However, while doing the
research for "the Fake
Jesus," I found a picture of
an ascended master called
St. Germain.  The being
that I saw in 1975  looked
much like him.

Once I got saved in 1977,

this has never happened  
again.  That is because I
am a Christian and in my
spirit dwells the Holy
Ghost.  No demon can
enter the spirit of a
Christian.  Therefore, a
Christian can NEVER be

However, every human
being is a spirit, has a soul,
both of which live inside of
a human body.  A demon
can enter the soul and the
body of ANYONE,
regardless of whether they
are saved or not.  What I
am finding, more than any
other thing is that 95% of HERE ARE A
those whom I have worked FEW IMAGES
with are religious, JESUS.
churchgoing people who
believed that they were
saved and they were not.
The few bonafide
Christians that have been
demonized were able to
successfully resist the
enemy themselves after
two to 6 months of
counseling.  once the
client had submitted to
truth, I spoke to the
demons and they left
immediately without a
struggle.  I have continued
to mentor them and they
have remained demon free
for a year or more.  In my
own case, no demon has
ever been cast from me by
any human being.  The
reason?  Well, there was
no one prepared to do the
work so the Holy Ghost
worked on me without a



Here are a few present

day case summaries
from my Internet
caseload that the
pastors and church
leaders of these active
church members knew
absolutely nothing to
very little about. Some
of these cases are
presented in more
detail in my third book,
“Faces of the Religious

GIOSITY:A nominal
Christian in a Baptist
church for 20 years, this
client KNEW that she was
not saved. Then a  friend
brought Dorothy into a
Pentecostal prayer group
where they were tarrying
or "chanting" to receive
the Holy Ghost through
the manifestation of
speaking in tongues.  Once
Dorothy "uttered", she
was told that she was
saved or born again. 
Almost immediately,
Dorothy was "taken over"
by hearing voices and
abnormal body
movements. She was
diagnosed as suffering
from depersonalization

by a psychiatrist, but she
did not partake in
treatment and was not on
medication.   The voices
threatened to cause
Dorothy to gain 800
pounds.  In two months, a
thin woman, Doris had
already gained 50 pounds,
forced to eat food out of
garbage cans.  I picked
Dorothy up from the bus
station and while driving
to my office, she grabbed
my steering wheel while I
was on the highway,
driving at about 60 miles
an hour.  She looked at me
and said "I didn't do that. 
It was 'them.'  They just
told me that they are
going to give you quite a
time when you try to cast
them out."

watching Christian
television, Carol responded
to Christ through a Mormon
sponsored program, sent for
the Blue Book and repeated
a sinner's prayer to become
saved.  There was no
mention of repentance or
the Lord's resurrection,
other than to "make Jesus
rule over the throne of your
soul."  Almost immediately,
Carol began to hear voices
that she thought were from
the Lord.  While standing in
her kitchen, "something"
overtook her and caused her
to speak in a tongue.  She
received visions about the
man she would marry and

the church that she would
attend.  At the onset of
counseling, her body parts
were moving outside the use
of her own will and entities
would speak through her. 
Extremely faithful to her
church and to the Christ of
her understanding, this case
was particularly baffling
because I could perceive no
real fault of the client, a
fervent, loyal follower of the
Jesus of her understanding,
one who refrained from sin
and who continually sought
after righteousness.

Hispanic client raised both
Catholic and under the
influence of Santeria, there
was no realm of the occult
that Johnnie did not
experience, including a
belief in reincarnation and in
alien life on earth.  Johnnie
functioned well in society in
a professional career until
he had an accident that
caused severe pain.  Once
he went to a Santeria witch
for healing, a being stepped
into him that caused suicidal
ideation, thoughts of
violence to others and
insomnia.  A being stepped
on his back and caused
other body part
manifestations, ie. changes
in facial features, head
movements similar to those
that occurred in the movie
"The Exorcist."  Prior to
counseling, Johnnie began
to attend a Christian non-
denominational church
where he repeated a sinner's
prayer and was pronounced
"saved."  The torment
immediately worsened.  In
our first session, it was

revealed that Johnnie did
not understand resurrection,
believing that resurrection
was the same as
reincarnation.  The word
was rightly divided to him
and he obtained a glorious
salvation that included the
godly sorrow of repentance
and a confession to believe
that Jesus Christ came back
to life, once dead. Even so,
the torment continued.
young  female adult, raised
in a Christian cult, entered
into sin as a child with the
pastor's daughter.  The two
youngsters obtained
magazines and practiced
lesbian sex.  Technically a
virgin, Sarah continued to
experience spontaneous
orgasm.  Furthermore, she
continued to waver in her
faith, as to whether or not
she was really born again. 
After two years of
counseling, Sarah is now
assured of her salvation and
the spontanous orgasms
have ceased. She realizes
that her problems began in
church and that to return
after being set free would be
a dangerous thing to do.

THOUGHTS: Raised by
parent who practiced
Christian Science, upon
adulthood, Cynthia entered
into all aspects of the occult,
including Indian religion, the
use of crystals, and
necromancy.  A woman in
her 50's, Cynthia has been
treated for 3 decades for
OCD.  Around the same time

that she was diagnosed and
treated with OCD, she began
to frequent word of faith
churches, where she spoke
in tongues.  However, she
constantly hears voices that
compel her to curse Jesus. 
She also has spontaneous
orgasms.  When she
attempts to read the bible
out loud, she growls like an
animal and hisses like a
snake. She has been on anti-
psychotic medication for

church, Joyce began to
dabble in the occult.  Once
she took peyote, she began
to hallucinate, having been
hospitalized for mental
illness on more than one
occasion.  Joyce believes
that she is saved because
"her pastor told her that
since she repeated the
sinner's prayer, she is
saved."  She loves church
and religion, but finds it
difficult to enjoy life because
of constantly hearing voices
that either condemn her or
try to control her daily
activities. Joyce is very
churched, very
religious. She also speaks in
tongues. Since she refuses
to even temporarily stop
attending her word of faith
church, I could not help
her. I hear from her from
time to time, and her
condition remains the
same. She hears voices
constantly and she
continues with secular
mental health treatment.

SOUL TIES:  Raised in
church, Doris has been

depressed for 20 years. 
Never missing church when
the doors are opened for
many years, Doris realized
that something was wrong
with her Christian
experience and sought
counseling.   In the first
session, I suggested to her
that she was not saved.  I
really didn't think that she
had any demons but was I
not in for a surprise.  In
short, I quietly spoke to one
demon, one time, without
even a plan in place to do
so. I called it by
name.  Doris had a demonic
soul tie with someone that
she had committed adultery
with several years back,---
someone that she has not
seen for some time but
whom she talked to
frequently over the phone.  I
called the demon by the
name of the man., who I will
refer to now as "Thomas."   I
said quietly, spirit of
Thomas, in the name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I
break your hold over
"Doris" and I command you
to come out and come out
now.    First, there was a
calm silence.  I said to Doris,
how are you feeling.  She
answered, "Sad,, I feel
sad." Then she began to
manifest coughing and
spitting up for about an
Catholic in a family with
strong gyspy influences,
Barbara was a bitter,
unhappy person who
believed that life was
passing her by.  She also
had frequented several
psychics and readers over

the years, even after she had
joined a word of faith
church.  When asked why
she was seeking counseling
from me rather than from
her church, she said that her
church was not into
deliverance. Also, she didn’t
want the members to be
involved in her personal
business.  Barbara
contacted me after she had
a dream which showed that
she had 4 demons in her. 
After several months, it was
determined that she needed
to be delivered from unholy
soul ties as a result of the
domination, manipulation
and control manifested upon
her by several of her
relatives.  We took them one
at a time: her mother and
then her sister.  The soul tie
was broken with her mother
but not with her sister.  In
future counseling sessions,
it was discovered that the
client was unforgiving and
bitter where her sister was
concerned, complicated by
the fact that the client and
the sister had made a pact
with a gypsy witch, a pact
that placed Barbara under
the control of her older

DEMONS:  Raised Catholic,
an Hispanic woman
converted to word of faith
Christianity in her youth.  By
the time she was a young
adult, she was in ministry---
preaching, prophesying,
speaking in tongues, and
discerning spirits.  Even
though she continually

heard threatening voices
throughout the day,
she developed a strategy to
cope with the voices by
trying to ignore them.  She
had a dream that showed
that there were 3 snakes
emanating from her chest
area.  During her
deliverance session,  an
entity manifested that threw
her bible across the room
and spoke to me in a
guttural voice saying "Maria
is mine.  Her grandmother
gave her to me."  Her
grandmother has been a
believer and follower of
Santeria, a religious system
that combines Catholicism
with witchcraft.

VOICES:  Jane came to
Christ by listening to mega
preachers on TBN.  Shortly
thereafter, she began to hear
voices.  Demons also spoke
through Jane, against her
will.  She had been to
practically every "big name"
deliverance ministers to no
avail.  She became "a
student of deliverance."  As
we proceeded through pre-
deliverance, counseling
sessions uncovered that
Jane was unknowingly in
sin.  She was of the belief
that oral and anal sex was
not fornication.  Once
persuaded that she was in
sin, other issues began to
surface. It was clear to me
that Jane was not saved, but
she refused to accept my
assessment.  Quoting to me
from several books on
deliverance that she had
read, she fired me for not
agreeing with her and those
whom she respected, people

more well-known than
myself.  I could not help her
because she would not
allow me to.

ABUSE:  Sam had always
been a drug addict and a
practitioner of the occult. 
One day, he went to a word
of faith church service,
spoke in tongues, fell out
slain in the spirit and got up
delivered from a desire to
use drugs.  He began to give
Jesus the praise and went
about his neighborhood
preaching the good news of
the gospel of Jesus Christ. 
However, shortly thereafter,
an entity began to "take over
his brain."  He began to hear
voices, have delusions of
grandeur, then suicidal
thoughts, then homicidal

Julia came to Christ when
she was 18 years old,
walking up to the altar  and
receiving the right hand of
fellowship from the pastor. 
Shortly thereafter, she went
to a conference of a mega
preacher where 25,000
people were gathered.  She
fell out slain in the spirit and
got up speaking in tongues. 
She joined a Pentecostal
church when she returned
home from the conference.
A few weeks later, she found
himself suffering from
obsessive compulsive
disorder, where she is
compelled to wipe and clean
everything she touches. 
She has been hospitalized in
mental health hospitals
several times in her

life.   Now 80 years old, Julia
has suffered from OCD her
entire Christian life.  She
received about 4 sessions
when I had to recommend
that counseling stop.  She
refused to even consider
that perhaps she was not
saved and that the problem
began with "the mega
preacher" whom she
These cases and a myriad of
others are mere drops in the
bucket relative to the extent
of spiritual abuse running
rampant throughout  the
organized church and 
Christian television. I know
that there are millions of
professing Christians
around this nation that have
been caught up in 
deception, having heard a
different gospel about a
"different Jesus." The sin of
deception, whether
accidental, unintentional or
deliberate---the result is the
same. Professing Christians
are dying believing that they
are saved when they are not.
This is the worst sin of all
because it affects the rest of
a person's life in eternity. 
           If the deceived 
and the bound have not
heard it already, they will
hear the Lord say on the day
of reckoning, "I NEVER
knew you." And the fault will
be laid at the feet of the
ministers who complicate
the pure simplicity of the
gospel of Jesus Christ.   
Through what I am learning
as I practice my profession
as a counselor, obviously,
the church models of today
are not working. When
people can sit  in church

and hear sermon after
sermon for 50 years and
STILL not be
saved, organized church  is
not working. When people
can watch TV preachers and
come away from the TV
demon possessed, it is not
working. When captives can
go to their pastors seeking
relief and deliverance from
their bondage, only to hear
"stand on the word," ---an
out of context affirmation
that neither the pastor nor
the captive understands---it
is not working. 
        What I am finding is
that clients  like those
included in the sample DID
DID!!!!!  Besides not
understanding repentance in
a fullness,  I believe that
what  some professing
Christians miss is that a
resurrected body is the
same body that died,---- the
original body  that has been
made new or "renovated”---a
glorified body--- never
subject to death again. 
Lazarus was raised from the
dead in his "same" body but
his body was not glorified
because he would die
again. Accordingly, Lazarus
was not raised immortal.

Maria was the first of my

clients that manifested this
problem. For a year,  I did
not realize that Maria did not
understand this concept. 
When people say "Jesus
was raised from the dead,"
those who don't understand
are just repeating a
memorized phrase that they
have accepted.  But when

you go deeper, those who
have been made confused
by word of faith teaching will
say "Oh, Jesus had a
glorified body which means
he had a new body."  I ask
them  "Well what happened
to the old body?"  Some will
say "it was buried, it
decomposed, it floated away
with his spirit,  "I don't
know"or just "it disappeared
in some supernatural way,
like the work of a magician
who pulls a rabbit out of a
          The root of the
problem is that they  have
misunderstood the scripture
in Corinthians which says "it
is sown a natural body, it is
raised a spiritual body, and
there is a spiritual body." (I
Cor 15:44.)  What they don't
understand is that a natural
body is physical and a
spiritual body is material as
well.  A natural body is
subject to death.  A spiritual
body is not. A natural body
when dead will decompose
or be "corruptible."  A
spiritual body is raised
"incorruptible."  It will never
decay. That is the difference
between the two. 
So when I ask the
key question, "was Jesus
raised as a physical body or
was He raised as a spirit, the
response will be "He was
raised as a spirit."  In spite
of the fact that Jesus
showed his original yet
glorified body to Thomas
and said to him "a spirit
does not have flesh and
bone as I have", they STILL
miss it---a crucial error that
will determine where they
abide in eternity.

        I didn't write this..   Paul
did.( I Cor 15:17)  And if
Christ is not risen, your faith
is vain (futile) AND YOU ARE
be in your sins is to "not be
saved or born again."   So if
you don't understand what
resurrection means, then
how can you believe that
"Jesus was risen?"  So the
logical conclusion is that
anyone who does not
understand resurrection but
came to the Jesus of their
understanding IS NOT

As both a pastor and

a professional
Christian counselor, I really
thought that when people
repeated the biblical
expression "He is risen,"
that they understood what
that meant.  Thirty-three
years ago when I myself was
unsaved, I understood
resurrection because I had
no concept at all of what a
spirit was.  I was all flesh: a
two part being of mind and
body.  So since I didn't have
an understanding of what
the word "spirit" meant, I
was never confused  into
thinking that "to be raised"
meant to float away as a
spirit.  All I knew about
resurrection was what I had
seen in the movies or heard
at Easter.  I laughed at this. 
I said "Christians  must
think that people  are
stupid.  It is very clear to me
that when you are dead you
are DEAD and there is no
coming back to life."
          On the day that I got
born again in my living

room, faith to believe that
Jesus came back to life in
the same body that He died
in at the cross literally burst
through my mind and I was
in a state of shock.  After I
repented for being a sinner,
the resurrection flashed into
my mind immediately. Once
I went to church and became
a minister,   I didn't think
that what happened to me
was suppose to happen to
everyone that got saved,
even after I read "confess
the Lord Jesus with your
DEAD! (Romans 10:8)  The
Greek word for "heart" is
"cardia."  Cardia means "the
mind, the emotions, the
thoughts and the feelings." 
The spiritual heart is a part
of the human soul. 
Once I explain the
resurrection to some of my
clients who had
been confused, they
routinely have a religious
experience that resembles a
legitimate conversion.
Nevertheless, continuous
observation eventually
uncovered that the religious
devil is so entrenched in the
person, that salvation was
blocked.  This was the case
of Maria.  Practically
did was under the power of
a religious devil. A familiar
spirit and   a spirit of
divination empowered Maria
to preach, praise the Lord,
prophecy, speak in tongues,
discern spirits and see into
the spirit world---a demonic
mockery, counterfeited by
the religious entity that
resides in her.  Sometimes

Maria herself was like she
was "not there."  This is why
she had no recall of the
deliverance sessions. 
When you trace a
captive’s alleged conversion
to Christ  back to the
original source by skillfully
asking  questions during the
pre-deliverance stage, the
root of the problem is 
almost always uncovered. 
For example, when some of
my clients  came to
Christ, they  came for the
wrong reasons under
circumstances.   Religious
devils and demons
"specialize."  There are
some who want to do
religious things, just like the
Pharisees and the
Sadducees of Jesus day. 
Remember the words of the
Lord to them?"  He said
"You will tithe even
something as small as a
mint. Yet you are like
whitewashed tombs, clean
on the outside but filled with
dead men's bones.  You are
of your Father, the devil.
Vipers.  (Matthew 23:25-28)
A viper is a snake. By
metaphor, the snake
practices a counterfeit
religion. There are many
vipers in the present day
organized church. 
            Someone posed  the
following question to me  in
an email. If a person is
operating off of only what
they know and have been
taught, won't the Lord make
an exception? Wouldn't that
be another "specific"
example? In other words, if
someone sincerely repents,
loves the Lord, and accepts

Him as their savior, and they
die before they have been
wouldn't the Lord take that
into consideration? After all,
OF MEN, and we don't,

          This is the exact

situation that each and
every one of my
churchgoing clients have
found themselves in.  The
Lord has made an exception
in each of their cases. 
He has seen  to it that they
DO NOT DIE before they
have been  counseled. 
Teaching the word of God
and Christian mentoring are
a part of the counseling
process.   The Lord  has
taken each client's  plight
into consideration, by first
opening my  eyes and
instructing me on how to 
recognize the deception,
and how to counsel, teach
and disciple him or her. 
Some have fallen under the
category of II Cor 4:3,4: For
if our gospel be hid or
veiled, it is hid to those who
are lost, whose minds the
god of this world has
blinded, who do not believe,
lest the light of the gospel of
the glory of Christ, which is
the image of God, should
shine on them.”
If I look at this
problem from carnal eyes,
then I could get
discouraged. I can only
handle  20 clients at a time
and it takes from 3 months
to a year per client.  I just
don't question God about
what He is doing for these
kinds of captives.  I simply
DO MY PART which seems

so  small that it appears non
existent when you consider
how many professing
Christians may  have
already been deceived.  God
does His part.  For example,
every one of my clients have
had a dream that led them to
me or they were surfing the
web and unexpectedly found
 I don't know how
many others the Lord is
using in like manner  to
set these kinds of captives
free.   Sadly, countless
people are seeking
Christ through ministries of
those who are preaching
"another gospel.” "Another
Jesus" is being ignorantly
worshiped   in churches of
all kinds---including millions
of   folk who stay home and
watch TBN. It’s a dangerous
thing. People are becoming
mentally, spiritually and
even physically
bound.  People are picking
up religious devils at
Pentecostal altars while
"tarrying" or "chanting" to
receive the Holy Ghost
by speaking in
other tongues.  Some clients
ended up with absolutely no
control over their bodies. 
No one could help
them because they  refused
to even consider that they
are not saved.  In Dorothy’s
case, when she was
an usher in a defiled , dry
Baptist church for two
decades, she KNEW she
was not saved.  Once the
Pentecostals got a grip on
her and she "manifested"
the speaking in a tongue,
she became super spiritual. 
Piece by piece, the demons
took over.  The demons

spoke through her and used
her body to do
various unclean things. 
.You can read more on this
case in my book "Faces of
the Religious Demon."
The case of  Carol is
unique because she is an
obedient,  compliant,
coherent believer,  willing to
comply with any biblical
mandate to be delivered,
which was not the case with
others.  I also see no real
fault in her as I have seen in
some of  the others.  She
was simply watching TV,
responded to a sinner's
prayer through a Mormon
sponsored program. Carol
also fed continuously from
the teachings of mega TV
preachers and she was
guided to a mega church by
a vision that was
demonically inspired.
          As it stands, I work
with those that I can, and I
plant a seed into those that I
cannot help, and pray that
the Lord will direct them to a
true Christian who will
nurture and water that seed. 
For those who refuse to
hear, I let them fire me and I
shake the dust from my feet
and move on to the next
captive. Case in point, I was
recently fired after two
sessions. The client’s
primary concern was sexual
in nature---a Christian,
churchgoing wife
with persistent,
uncontrollable fantasies of
lesbian sex. 
In the first session,
we examined her sexual life
from a carnal perspective
and the client was

engaged. However, early in
the second session, I
switched gears by focusing
on the client’s spirituality. In
the first five minutes of the
second session, I knew that
the client was a nominal
Christian, NOT born
again. By the end of the
session, the client also
realized that for 18 years,
she had really bore no fruit
for Christ and she too
acknowledged the
possibility that she was not
saved. As a result, the
sexual problem paled in
light of the client’s spiritual
darkness. On the other
hand, though scheduled, the
third session was cancelled
by email and I made no
effort to convince the client
to re-schedule. She wrote
“Our last session has
caused me to “pause” and
“rethink” things. In her case,
I believe I’ve done my job.  
A least I cause her to think.

            As Jesus warned the
Apostle Peter, Satan desires
to have all of us. He wants to
sifts us like wheat. Peter
was not sifted because the
Lord Himself prayed that
Peter’s faith would not
fail. (Luke 32:31) This is my
prayer for the saved
churchgoer. I pray that your
faith will fail you not. Even
though I have always
worshiped the true Jesus of
the cross, for years I either
stood in the pulpit or sat in
the midst of
congregants who I knew
were not worshiping the
Lord in spirit and in truth. It
was rather obvious for I
recognized them by their

lack of fruit. 
I observed people
who were clearly in a
religious rut yet they stirred
themselves up
by singing, shouting,
dancing, speaking in
tongues, falling out slain in
the spirit,
uttering prophecies and
even casting out
demons, yet I perceived in
my spirit that it was a
combination of flesh
interacting with
devils. Once I learned that
worshipers were actually
picking up demons at the
altar, I was shocked to come
to terms with the fact that
the abyss has been opened
and droves of demons have
already taken over the
organized church, both its
pulpits and its pews. What
can be done? Well, only one
thing. Those who are God’s
must “Come Out of Her.”

The first question

of 2011 is..... . . .

Sheppard's Counseling and Publishing Center, PO Box 356, East Greenbush NY, NY 12061 5184775759

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