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Water supply, health and

vulnerability in floods
By Jean McCluskey
Of all natural hazards, floods occur most often and are most wide-
spread in scope and severity. The year 2000 has seen the greatest
number of humanitarian responses to floods for Oxfam in any one
year. In some regions, floods have outnumbered any other type of
relief response for Oxfam GB.

Flood characteristics and Displacement, it seems, is of particular

effects on health significance, specifically where overcro-w-
The public health consequences of any one ing results. The risks of increasing disease
flood event will vary depending upon the seems to be greatest where there is over-
nature of the flood and the effects upon a crowding and standards of water and sani-
given population. What constitutes a disas- tation have declined 1. Where this also
1. PAHO, (1981) A Guide to
ter for one community might be considered results in longer-term displacement, this
Emergency Health Management has the potential for huge risk increases, as
after Natural Disasters, Scientific differently by others. In countries such as
Publication 407 Bangladesh and India, floods form an imp- there is a greater exposure to communica-
ortant and regular part of people’s lives, br- ble diseases.
inging important fertile deposits to agricul- Research in the Dominican Republic
tural lands situated in low lying flooplains; has shown a relationship between hurri-
for others not used to such huge floods, it canes/flooding and displacement with the
can bring destruction of homes, livelihoods result of overcrowding for several weeks,
and increased mortality. inadequate sanitary conditions and massive
Research has tried to identify key deter- increases in communicable public health
minants of flood characteristics which sug- diseases such as gastroenteritis, hepatitis A
gest why some flood events lead to epide- and typhoid 2. Often research into the pub-
mic disease outbreak and others not. Altho- lic health effects of floods last only a few
ugh the potential for disease outbreaks is weeks. Some diseases, such as hepititis A
2. Bissell, (1983) Delayed Impact
of Infectious Diseases after always present after a disaster, there are ce- can have incubation period of up to 50
Natural Disasters, Journal of rtain conditions that must be present for th- days. An absence of any serious outbreak
Emergency Medicine, 59-66. is potential to manifest in the form of epi- of water, sanitation or hygiene-related dis-
demics. It is important for humanitarian ag- eases in the 2 months that the flood dis-
encies to have a better understanding of placed populations from Chokwe, Mozam-
these factors when trying to determine wh- bique spent in displaced camps, was posi-
ere and when epidemics may occur and tively affected by the provision of ade-
accordingly, how to allocate scarce quate water, sanitation and hygiene promo-
resources. tion carried by Oxfam and other agencies.

Effect of floods on water supply

Urban environment (less horizontal velocity), systems ruption caused. Where little infra-
Where a system provides water will be less affected. Often older structure exists, there is obviously
through a distribution network, it style electrical installations, for little damage to be done.
is likely to be most disrupted example motors and circuit In fast rising floods, infrastruc-
where flash or high velocity boards, have parts which can be ture such as handpumps and
floods destroys important infra- salvaged post flood. Parts of the gravity systems will experience
structure, key to the operation of town system in Chokwe, little disruption other than system
the system – treatment stations Mozambique, once dismantled, contamination.
and pumping installations. The cleaned, dried and reassembled Violent flash floods can rip up
distribution system in this case is functioned well in the short-term and destroy any installation in its
likely to experience localized until replacements could be fund- path. In Masengena, Northern
damage where the force of the ed, purchased and fitted at a later Gaza, Mozambique, an Afridev
water has been strongest and will date. handpump installed in reinforced
usually be repairable relatively concrete was ripped out of the
quickly. Rural environments ground and tossed aside like a
Where fast rising floods occur The type of system and the flood small stone.
experienced will determine the dis-
14 VOL.19 NO.3 January 2001
Water and sanitation in emergencies
Effect on water supplies Effect on sanitation
Type of Example Area Dur ation Effect on health Water Utilities Gr oundwater Groundwater Sewerage system Simple pit Lined pit
flood affected infr astr uctur e supply – supply – latr ines latr ines
pr otected unpr otected
Predicta- Area of Large Up to 3 Interruption of Medium system Low, but Medium Low-medium Flooded pits; Low -
ble, India/Bangl (flood months access contamination inaccessible (sources are some flooding; wall flooding
regular Cambodia/ plain type) already localized collapse; slab
flooding Vietnam contaminated) blockages where breakages
overuse/ lack
Increased Area of Larger Up to 6 Infrastructure System Low, but Medium Low-medium Flooded pits; Low -
size of India/Bangl than months damage; loss of contamination; inaccessible (sources are some flooding; wall flooding
regular Cambodia/ normal equipment, damage to already localized collapse; slab
flooding Vietnam (flood supplies; limited electrical contaminated) blockages where breakages
plain type) access over wide equipment; overuse/ lack
area water
Flash Pernam- Small alo- Few days Local devastation System Low, but Medium Low Flooded pits; Low –
flood buco Brazil ngside only contamination; inaccessible (sources are wall flooding
urban/ (2000) rivers damage to already collapse; slab
rural electrical contaminated) breakages
Flash Gaza, Large Weeks Infrastructure System Low, but Medium Medium some Flooded pits; Low –
flood Mozamb- (floodplain damage; loss of contamination; inaccessible (sources are flooding; silt wall flooding;
urban/ ique (2000) type) equipment, damage to already blockage collapse; slab inacces-
rural supplies; limited electrical contaminated) breakages sible
access over wide equipment;
displacement of
medical staff
Slower Peru (86) Lowlying, 3-6 months Infrastructure System Low, but Medium Medium some Flooded pits; Low –
onset, can be damage; limited contamination; inaccessible (sources are flooding; silt wall flooding;
continu- large access over wide damage to already blockage collapse; slab inacces-
ous, area; electrical contaminated) breakages sible
sustained displacement of equipment;
rainfall medical staff
(tends to
be rural)

Tab le 1 Water quality during floods It is important to note however, that the
summarises some of the likely Where water supply is fully protected, the presence of high quality water supply will
flood scenarios and p otential degree of contamination will be limited. not alone prevent diarrhoeal disease out-
effec ts on water, sanitation and In a study in Bangladesh 3, a water quality breaks where parallel routes of transmis-
health infrastructure. survey revealed that of non-flooded tube- sion exist6. An integrated approach to
wells, 87 percent were less than 10 col- reducing public health risks in floods,
iforms/100ml and of flooded tubewells, 50 which combine the efforts of adequate
percent were less than 10 coliforms and 42 quantity and reasonable quality water sup-
percent were between 10-99 coliforms/100 ply, sanitation and hygiene promotion, is
ml. Where a population is collecting its imperative to success in eliminating excess
drinking water supply from a non-protect- morbidity and mortality
ed source, often there is little difference in
the faecal coliform counts between a non- Water supply choices in
flooded unprotected source and a flooded flooding
unprotected source, with contamination The way in which floods affect any given
3. Bilqis et al, (1991)
Environmental Health and the 1991 ranging from 104->106 coliforms/100ml. population will affect the approach taken
Bangladesh Cyclone, Disasters In a further study 4, it was also found to water supply in floods. Where an effect
Vol.17, No.2. that those who did not use tubewell water is massive population displacement to out
4. Emch, Michael, (1999) Diarrheal
for drinking, were 8.5 times more likely to of the flooded area, water supply will usu-
disease risk in Matlab, Bangladesh,
be hospitalized with non-cholera watery ally be approached as any other large pop-
Social Science and Medicine ulation displacement i.e. refugee camps.
49, 519-530. diarrhoea. So although the quality of water
from flooded tubewells contained higher However, many floods are in areas which
regularly experience such events, and as
rates of contamination than the non-flood-
such, the populations, national authorities
ed tubewells, it was much lower than any and relief agencies have had to develop
other available source and therefore would mechanisms and technologies in order to
still be recommended as a preferred source sustain populations living in flooded envi-
in the absence of any non-flooded protect- ronments. Table 2 describes some of the
ed water sources. The closing of a town main methods currently employed in pro-
water supply after recommissioning of the viding potable water to affected popula-
groundwater system after floods including tions.
5. Author’s own field experience disinfection, (because of the lack of a for- Oxfam is about to undertake a small
6. Briscoe, 1981 mal Ministry of Health approval) forced a research project to examine further alter-
large proportion of the population to col- natives for the provision of household
lect water from the gutters, putting the based water supplies and would be inter-
population at greater risk of disease than ested to hear from others who may be
utilizing water from a protected borehole 5. exploring similar lines of thought.

VOL.19 NO.3 January 2001 15

Water and sanitation in emergencies
Alternatives in Where might be Advantages Disadvantages
Supplying Water appropriate/used
During Floods

For those Living in the Flooded Area

Boiling Often promoted, but not Can provide acceptable quality Requires fuel which may be unavailable
Table 2 usually realistic of drinking water or expensive; can be easily re-
contaminated when stored
desc rib es the main methods cur- Bleaching Powder On a household level; either Usually easily available in Difficulties for users in understanding
rently emp loyed in p rovid ing distributed, or used with country; safer active % of instructions; different products of different
instructions for purchased chlorine active % available; often unreliable
potable water to affected chlorine; can be locally pre- potency sustainability
positioned for predictable
p op ulations flooding events
Water Purifying Distribution for household Set amount of chlorine for a set Varying strengths with same sizes of
tablets level use; amount of water; can be locally tablet can cause confusion; because has
pre-positioned in predictable to be able to cope with the highest
flooding chlorine demands, can leave strong smell
and taste
Chloro-flocculants Distribution for household use Can produce clear water which More expensive; can suffer from same
sachets where waters are turbid and has a residual chlorine level; disadvantages as water purifying tablets
chlorination is either not ensures effective disinfection of
completely effective or turbid waters; can be locally
acceptable to the user; pre-positioned in predictable
Transport of Transported and distributed to Gets some clean water to High logistics demand and cost; bags
chlorinated water in affected families; Half volume families where few options; can be perforated; difficult to store in the
sealed plastic bags of water half air to ensure house
bags float
Raising level of Where regular floods with Allows access all year round to Need to ensure access during floods (eg
tubewell above water predictable water levels; existing protected water near building); can’t cope with
level (pre/post flood) sources; can be very cost unpredictable bigger floods
effective; can be a
preparedness mechanism done
7. Oxfam Public Health Assessment at construction or pre-flood
of Floods, Haiti, November 2000, For those Displaced by Floods
unpublished. Access to free water Where free or maintenance Gives access to clean water for Difficult to target the poor, requires
from existing paid-for cost only sources are all; can increase availability of blanket access; using existing suppliers
sources unavailable due to flooding water; can be useful in urban of water (eg tanker suppliers) will not
(usually choice of the poor) settings always increase the total availability of
Provision of protected Sites or specially designated Provides clean water for the Space is often limited in such shelters;
water supplies at ‘flood shelters’ can serve large displaced in the area in which sanitary seals are therefore important;
special shelters on numbers of families for they are sheltered. Water is shelters are often located in areas which
high ground extended periods of time nearby and boats are not will not be used at other times of the year
needed for collecting water - maintenance can therefore be a

Recommissioning and rehabilitation of water supplies

Recommissioning of any water sup- Secondary contamination is also Partially protected or damaged
ply after potential or confirmed con- of particular importance during water supplies (for example
tamination obviously requires disin- flooding since families are likely hand dug wells), often require
fection at super-chlorination rates to be living in more unhygienic physical cleaning before the
before any water should be released conditions. Water supplies col- super-chlorination process.
for consumption. lected externally and stored Oxfam has specially designed
Chlorination of water supplies inside a house or collective cen- dewatering/desludging kits,
needs to be assured, as there are tres (for the displaced) may be which can be easily used by
likely to be increased sources of more vulnerable to contamina- non-skilled personnel in the
potential contamination from tion. In such instances, Oxfam field. This ensures that any con-
leaks and breakages in a system, have provided a specially taminants/sediments will be
particularly as affected sewerage designed drinking water contain- removed to both improve the
and drainage systems may be er that has a sealable lid and a chlorination process and return
located nearby. tap for extraction. the previous yield of the well.

Other factors that can exacer- deal with some of the problems the floods
bate effects produced by floods present such as building houses on stilts
There are also other significant factors that from bamboo, there are still major losses
of life, increases in morbidity and devas-
may contribute to the severity of any
tation of livelihoods.
potential outbreak including:- People live in dangerous areas
8. Winchester, P. (2000) Cyclone
Vulnerability of populations because either gains can offset the
Mitigation, Resource Allocation and
Post Disaster Reconstruction in
Lack of preparedness risks, through caste or occupation.
Southern India: Lessons Form Two Previous experience of affected com- Families live in high-risk areas mainly
Decades of Research, Disasters, munity to cope with similar disaster because poor people have no choice –
24:1, 18-37. Lack of co-ordination/collaboration disaster occurs when hazard and vul-
Lack of resources at a local or national nerability meet. Research in south
level India 8 , which has resonance in many
other countries’ reports that successive
Although there are countries that expe- government policies to reduce vulner-
rience floods on a regular basis, and the ability and poverty in its coastal areas
population, local and national authorities have succeeded in reducing the loss of
have developed coping mechanisms to life, but failed to reduce poverty.
16 VOL.19 NO.3 January 2001
Water and sanitation in emergencies
There are increasing numbers of peo- vide more effective, appropriate safe
9. Blaikie, P. M. (1981) Class, ple vulnerable to floods. In many respects, water supply to affected families and
La nd Use and Soil Erosion. the physical risks are of secondary impor- communities. Improved preparedness,
10. Loretti and Tegegn, (1996)
tance to the economic risks presented to a capacity building and pre-positioning of
Disasters in Africa (Old and New
hazards and growing vulnerability), population. It is suggested that established procedures and materials, which give
World Health Statistics incomes and credit worthiness are two key greater community involvement in the
Quarterly, 49. attributes to reducing vulnerability 9. This choices of water supply, could significant-
given, NGOs potentially have an impor- ly improve the effectiveness of present
tant role to play in alleviating some of the options. In particular, there is a need to
11. Dai Zhi-Chang, (1992) No
major causes of poverty and in turn, vul- understand better the coping mechanisms
Epidemic Despite Devastating nerability. It is therefore key that an of the affected populations, particularly
Floods, Chinese Medical Journal approach to relief, disaster preparedness those who are not (or chose not to be) dis-
105:91, 531-34. and mitigation, starts with programmes placed, how they adapt at the household
12. Winchester, P. (2000) Cyclone
Mitigation, Resource Allocation
with a developmental focus on the vulner- level to diminish risk and how important
and Post Disaster Reconstruction in ability of such populations underlying levels of awareness are, such
Southern India: Lessons Form Two Structures and capacity for disaster as risks and what influences this (literacy,
Decades of Research, Disasters, reduction and emergency management in level of education, previous exposure to
24:1, 18-37.
many countries are often very poor. The health promotion).
UN Economic Commission for Africa However, the greatest single factor that
reports that 50 percent of African coun- describes vulnerability, is socio-economic
about the author
tries have plans for disaster mitigation, but status – being the greatest cause of direct
Jean McCluskey
works with Oxfam, UK.
very few have laws and budgets to support and indirect cause of public health risks in
She can be contacted
them and inter-country collaboration and floods. It is suggested that poverty is at
via the Editor. support systems are weak 10. A Ministry of the root cause of many of the direct vari-
Public Health report in China 11 suggested ables such as lack of access to clean
that it was only through enormous plan- water. The speed of recovery from the
ning, preparedness, surveillance and the effects of floods is also relative to the size
participation of everyone of the asset base 12.
Children find a d rinking water source at the (co-ordination at ministe- NGOs therefore have an important role
centre of a flooded village rial to community level), to play in reducing this vulnerability
which ensured that there through programmes aimed specifically at
were no epidemic out- livelihoods and income protection. It is
breaks despite the most unfortunate however, that in many cases,
devastating floods of the there is significantly greater amounts of
century. funding available to respond to a disaster
A number of technical which has already occurred, rather than in
solutions to water supply the prevention or mitigation of its effects.
problems in flood events NGOs and donors must work together to
have been presented and improve prepardness and mitigation stra-
further research needs to tegies for the millions of people who are
be done in order to pro- often predictably and regularly affected.

The International Rescue Committee’s Health

Unit, providing technical assistance to IRC
health programs worldwide, seeks an:
to support local field teams with environmental
health issues and programs.

Responsibilities include: Program design, development &

evaluation, Implementation of guidelines and protocols, Train staff,
Shehzad Noorani/Still Pictures

Develop resource library. Requirements: Univ. degree in

engineering, hydrology, geology or environmental health; Graduate
Degree pref.; min.3 yrs exp. implementing programs in relief settings
(incl. knowledge of vector control); Able to travel extensively. Send
resume to Inge Ceunen, IRC, 122 E. 42nd Street, New York, NY
10186, USA. Fax: 1 (212) 551-3170 - EEO Employer.

VOL.19 NO.3 January 2001 17

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