Sts. Philosophy of Technology

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Alinsonorin, Jenne Lee MWF (9:30-10:30)

de Guzman, Ma. Victorina

Philosophy of Technology

1.) Differentiate technology and modern technology.

Technology is the means to an end and a human activity. However, Martin
Heidegger said that the said definition is somewhat correct, but it isn’t
deep enough. According to Heidegger, technology must be understood as
a way of revealing. The revealing of technology is called bringing-forth or
poiesis Technology seems instrumental, but the fact that we see things as
instrumental reveals that we already think in terms of power over nature.
We are part of the process, but we are not or beyond it. On the other
hand, modern technology is too revealing. It differs from poiesis (brings
out of concealment into unconcealment) and is based on modern physics
as an exact science. The revealing of modern technology is not bringing-
forth but rather a challenging-forth.
2.) What is enframing? What is its effect on natural resources?
Enframing highlights the threat of technology. This threat does not come
from the potentially lethal machine and apparatus of technology. Rather, it
is the essence of technology that is threatening. Enframing simply tells us
that the truth itself is concealed and no longer unrevealed. Enframing
affect natural resources in a way that man’s thinking of resources are
enframed or concealed as to how would these resources be transformed
for their own benefits.
3.) What is standing reserve? What is its effect on natural resources?
Standing reserve is how man see resources. Man no longer sees them of
what they actually are but instead sees them as ways to fulfill man’s
needs. Everything is imposed upon or challenged to be an orderly
resource for technical application, which in turn man take resources for
further use. Standing reserve affect natural resources in a way that man
use and manipulate resources what nature gives to us to manufacture or
to create technology that is man-made. Thus, causes distraction of our
natural resources.
4.) What is the essence of technology?
According to Heidegger, the essence of technology is by no means
anything technological. This means that technological things have their
own novel kind of presence, endurance, and connections among parts
and whole. They have their own way of presenting themselves and the
world in which they operate.
5.) Why should technology be questioned?
The purpose of questioning technology is therefore to break the chains of
technology and be free, not in the absence of technology but through a
better understanding of its essence and meaning


The painting above is a representation of enframing since it shows how human thinks
about the resources. The picture frames are painted in the shade of wood and it hangs
on the pale colored tree which represent the slowly dying of the tree, from this, the tree
as seen by humans does not exist for what it really is but as something that should be
taken down to convert into an object for our use ( in this case as a picture frame). It is a
sad fact that we no longer see ourselves as part of the world we inhabit. We have lost
the love for the world that which makes life both possible and pleasurable.

The two photos above shows standing reserve since man no longer see trees as what it
truly is but instead man sees it as a potential material for making paper. Thus, causes a
significant effect not only to us humans but also to all the living creatures in this world.

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