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Gibbs Reflective 0RGHO

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Gibbs’s Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1998) helps you to understand and practice your reflective skills.
Use the template to reflect on a recent event in which you demonstrated a reflected ability to
improve or demonstrate the need for furthur learning or development
Reflective Title
Homeschooling in the amidst of COVID10 Crisis: A Situational Analysis toward Policy Enhancement
 what happened?
Today, things look very different. Around the world, schools are using existing
platforms from the likes of Microsoft and Google as well as conferencing apps like
Zoom to deliver lessons for their students. Some parents now don't let their children to
go back to school until there is no vaccine given to each and everyone. So, it is a part of
what they call "new normal"?
All will change from public space to personal space, instead of going to school
everyday, learning now happens at home. Along with that our social interactions will
shift from physical to virtual. We still interact with the learning community we are in. We
still exchange conversations with classmates, teachers and lecturers, still we're not
cutting of the communication with our learning community.
But now, for the parents, they can do this at home? Is the Department of Education
ready for this?

Feelings: what were you thinking and feeling?

Actually, I am excited, but I'm still thinking how helps develop a basis of
understanding since this is not a part of a routine of the Filipino people. It really takes
time to create the Department of Education policy about homeschooling. Although they
already have a DepEd accredited homeschooling provider, but it is not for all, especially
nowadays that we are experiencing an outbreak of a disease. - Online Development Portfolio Builder Page 1

Evaluation: what was good and bad about the experience?
Homeschooling children during the COVID-19 crisis is changing our approach to
education. Experts believe the innovations teachers use during the outbreak may lead
to lasting change, with technology playing a bigger role in schools in the future. But
advances in e-learning must not leave the educationally disadvantaged behind. (Broom,
According to Loveless, Parents who want to homeschooling their children but still
have some reservations about it should take time to consider the positive and negative
aspects of homeschooling. Parents have the opportunity to determine the curriculum
and their children's schooling schedule, spend extra time with their children on difficult
concepts and move ahead after children master a subject or concept, provide their
children with the personal interaction that teachers in large classrooms are not able to
provide and assist their children during adolescence and other trying times. But the
disadvantages are being around their children all day long. This can be difficult when
children become restless and misbehave. Spend large amounts of money on books
and other learning materials. Spend time reviewing numerous curriculum programs up
to their standards and best suiting their children's learning needs and spend more time
finding playmates and friends for their children in similar circumstances.

Analysis: what sense can you make of the situation?

Homeschooling is legal in The Philippines Based On Article Xiv, Section 1 (2) Of The
Philippine Constitution, Which States That The Country Will “Establish And Maintain A
System Of Free Public Education In The Elementary And High School Levels. Without
Limiting the Natural Right Of Parents To Rear Their Children…”
Under the last phrase, “Without limiting the natural right of parents to rear their
children,” religious groups, mission boards, and families can branch off from public
education to create their own private education. However, the Constitution also
provides under Section 4 (1) that “the State recognizes the complementary roles of
public and private institutions in the education system and shall exercise reasonable
supervision and regulation of all education institutions.” ( Rodriguez, 2018)
Here in the Philippines, we have what we call “homeschool providers.” These are
DepEd-accredited institutions that help parents get accreditation for their homeschooled
children. They handle all the formalities and paperwork for enrolled families who wish to
homeschool their kids, and provide transcripts and other records needed when the time
comes for the homeschooled kids to enroll in a conventional, traditional school. - Online Development Portfolio Builder Page 2

Conclusion: what else could you have done?

Homeschooling can be very stressful, but it's also rewarding. However,

homeschooling is not for every parent, and parents unprepared or unwilling to make the
commitment to be an effective teacher should avoid it.

Action plan: if the situation arose again, what would you do?
Although there are many other benefits and disadvantages associated with
homeschooling specially now that we are experiencing pandemic. Maybe I need to
develop a good action plan to recommend and enhance the Policy.

Name Date
Maria Diane A. Dizon May 18, 2020 - Online Development Portfolio Builder Page 3

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