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42072019 WIKIPEDIA Wu Xing Wu Xing - Wikipedia The Wu Xing (Chinese: #47; pinyin: wu xing), also known as the Five Elements, Five Phases, the Five Agents, the Five Movements, Five Processes, the Five Steps/Stages and the Five Planets of significant gravity (Mars: , Mercury: 7k , Jupiter: &, Venus: 4, and Satur: #914] is the short form of "Wu zho"ng lixing zhi qi” (Ji 84 ZA) or “the five types of, chi dominating at different times". It is a fivefold conceptual scheme that many traditional Chinese fields used to explain a wide array of phenomena, from cosmic cycles to the interaction between internal organs, and from the succession of political regimes to the properties of medicinal drugs. The "Five Phases" are Wood (26 mi), Fire ( huo"), Karth (4: tu"), Metal (4 jin), and Water (ik shu “mutual generation’ (Ji xidingshéng) sequence. In the order of “mutual overcoming" (#id/#1 5% xidngke), they are Wood, Earth, Water, Fire, and Metal.{3Ilalls) ‘This order of presentation is known as the ‘The system of five phases was used for describing interactions and relationships between phenomena. After it eame to maturity in the second or first century BCE during the Han dynasty, this device was employed in many fields of early Chinese thought, including seemingly disparate fields such as geomancy or Feng shui, astrology, traditional Chinese medicine, music, military strategy, and martial arts. The system is still used as a reference in some forms of complementary and alternative medicine and martial arts. Contents Names The phases Cycles Generating Overcoming Cosmology and feng shui Dynastic transitions Chinese medi Celestial stem Ming neiyin Music Martial arts Tea ceremony hitpstien.wikipecia.orgwidiWu_Xing Metal & ol 48 / Generating Interaction > 4X / Overcoming interaction Diagram of the interactions between the Wu Xing. The "generative" cycle is illustrated by grey arrows running clockwise on the outside of the circle, while the "destructive" or “conquering cycle is represented by red arrows inside the circle. Wu Xing Chinese Ht Transcriptions Standard Mandarin Hanyu Pinyin waxing Bopomofo xT HL Wade-Giles wu?-hsing? IPA [ocin) Yue: Cantonese Yale Romanization ngh-hahng IPA In.hen] Southern Min Hokkien POJ Ngéehan Ngé-hing Eastern Min Fuzhou BUC Ngi-heng 19 42072019 Wu Xing - Wikipedia See also Bibliography References External links Names Xing (Chinese: 4) of ‘Wu Xing! means moving; a planet is called a ‘moving star’ (Chinese: 4%) in Chinese. Wu Xing (Chinese: 1) originally refers to the five major planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Venus) that ereate five dimensions of earth life!" "Wu Xing” is also widely translated as " Elements" and this is used extensively by many including practitioners of Five Element acupuncture. This translation arose by false analogy with the Western system of the four elements.!®] Whereas the classical Greek elements were Tablet in the Temple of Heaven of Beijing, written in Chinese and Mai concerned with substances or natural qualities, the Chinese xing are "primarily concerned with process and change," hence the common translation as u, dedicated to th “phases” or “agents".!7] By the same token, Mii is thought of as “Tree” rather the Five Movements. The Mar than "Wood" 61 The word ‘element’ is thus used within the context of Chinese word wsiha, meaning “star”, explains medicine with a different meaning to its usual meaning. that this tablet is dedicated to the five planets: Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, It should be recognized that the word phase, although commonly preferred, is. Venus and Mercury and the not perfect. Phase is a better translation for the five seasons (iii Wu" Yin) movements which they govern, mentioned below, and so agents or processes might be preferred for the primary term xing. Manfred Porkert attempts to resolve this by using Evolutive Phase for i4' Wu" Xing and Circuit Phase for .ilf Wu" Yan, but these terms are unwieldy. Some of the Mawangdui Silk Texts (no later than 168 BC) also present the Wu Xing as "five virtues" or types of activities.l Within Chinese medicine texts the Wa Xing are also referred to as Wu Yun (Chinese: ill; wu” yin) or a combination of the two characters (Wu Xing-Yun) these emphasise the correspondence of five elements to five ‘seasons’ (four seasons plus one). Another tradition refers to the Wu” Xing as Wie” Dé (4), the Five Virtues. The phases ‘The five phases are around 72 days each and are usually used to describe the state in nature: = Wood/Spring: a period of growth, which generates abundant wood and vitality ‘= Fire/Summer: a period of swelling, flowering, brimming with fire and energy = Earth: the in-between transitional seasonal periods, or a separate ‘season’ known as Late Summer or Long Summer - in the latter case associated with leveling and dampening (moderation) and fruition + Metal/Autumn: a period of harvesting and collecting + Water/Winter: a period of retreat, where stillness and storage pervades Cycles The doctrine of five phases describes two cycles, a generating or creation (/:, sheng) cycle, also known as "mother-son", and an overcoming or destruction ((ul/ #, ké) eyele, also known as “grandfather-grandson’, of interactions between the phases. Within Chinese medicine the effects of these two main relations are further elaborated: tps sikipesia orgiwikiWu_Xing 20 42072019 Wu Xing - Wikipedia = Inter-promoting (shéng cycle, mother/son) Inter-acting (grandmother/grandson) ‘Over-acting (ké cycle, grandfather/grandson) = Counter-acting (reverse ké) Generating ‘The common memory jogs, which help to remind in what order the phases are: = Wood feeds Fire ‘= Fire creates Earth (ash) = Earth bears Metal = Metal collects Water = Water nourishes Wood Other common words for this cycle include "begets", "engenders" and "mothers". Overcoming = Wood parts Earth (such as roots or trees can prevent soil erosion) = Earth dams (or muddies or absorbs) Water = Water extinguishes Fire = Fire melts Metal = Metal chops Wood This cycle might also be called "controls", "restrains" or "fathers", Cosmology and feng shui According to Wu Xing theory, the structure of the cosmos mirrors the five phases. Each phase has a complex series of associations with different aspects of nature, as can be seen in the following table. In the ancient Chinese form of geomaney, known as Feng Shui, practitioners all based their art and system on the five phases (Wu Xing). All of these phases are represented within the trigrams. Associated with these phases are colors, seasons and shapes; all of which are interacting with each other.{*01 Based on a particular directional energy flow from one phase to the next, the interaction can be expansive, destructive, or exhaustive. A proper knowledge of each aspect of energy flow will enable the Feng Shui practitioner to apply A? certain cures or rearrangement of energy in a way they believe to be beneficial Another illustration of the cycle for the receiver of the Feng Shui Treatment. hitpstien wikipedia. orgwiiWu_Xing 39 42072019 Wu Xing - Wikipedia Movement | Metal | Metal | Fire | Wood | Wood | Water Earth Earth Tara | & ca Ea K Py “eae qian dul ti zhén xin kan gen kan Trigrams = = Iching Heaven | Lake | Fire. +=» Thunder_ Wind ‘Water Mountain | Field Planet (Celestial Neptune | Venus Mars. Jupiter | Pluto. == Mercury ‘Uranus Saturn Body) Golor Indigo. | White | Crimson Green | Scarlet Black Purple Yellow Day Friday | Friday | Tuesday Thursday | Thursday | Wednesday | Saturday ‘Saturday Season Autumn | Autumn Summer Spring | Spring Winter Intermediate | Intermediate Gardinal West | West | South East «=| East. «North Center Center Dynastic transitions According to the Warring States period political philosopher Zou Yan 88 (c. 305-240 BCE), each of the five elements h indicates the foreordained destiny (yun iil) of a dynasty; accordingly, the ns. Zou Yan claims that the Mandate of Heaven sanctions possesses a personified "virtue" (de i), whi cyclic succession of the elements also indicates dynastie transi the legitimacy of a dynasty by sending self- manifesting auspicious signs in the ritual color (yellow, blue, white, red, and black) that matches the element of the new dynasty (Earth, Wood, Metal, Fire, and Water). From the Qin dynasty onward, ‘most Chinese dynasties invoked the theory of the Five Elements to legitimize their reign.[*4 Chinese medicine ‘The interdependence of zang-fu networks in the body was said to be a circle of five things, and so mapped by the Chinese doctors onto the five phases. (2103 ive Chinese Elements - Diurnal hitpstien wikipedia. orgwiiWu_Xing 49 472072019 Wu Xing - Wikipedia Movement | Wood (Wu Xing) Fire(Wu Xing) Earth (Wu xing) Mgjal (vu Wavor (wu Planet | Jupiter Mars Saturn Venus Mercury Menta ieaism, intutton, | erudition, spontaneity passion, intensity | agreeableness, honesty rationality, | resourcefulness, Quality | curiosity mind wit motion | anger, kindness | hate, resolve ——_anxiely, jo get fear, gentleness Emot ger, kin hate, resol ty, joy wet fear, gent Zana vin | iver heartpericardium _spleenipancreas lung kidney small Fu (yang gall bladder intestine/San stomach large urinary bladder organs) intestine Jiao Sensory | eyes tongue mouth nose ears Body Part | tendons pulse muscles skin bones Body Fluid | tears sweat saliva mucus | urine Finger index finger middle finger thumb ring finger pinky finger Sense sight taste touch smell hearing Taste!" | sour biter sweet pungent, | saity Smell rancid scorched fragrant rotten putrid Life | early chitdhood | pre-puberty eolescence/nirmesiate aduthood S800, Animal | scaly feathered human tures shelled Celestial stem Movement | Wood | Fire | Earth | Metal | Water Jia Bing = Wu! | Geng He = Ren Heavenly Stem Viz DingT Ji Xin Guise Yearendswith 4,5 67 69 (01 23 Ming neiyin In Ziwei, neiyin (283) or the method of divination is the further classification of the Five Elements into 60 ming (#), ot life orders, based on the ganzhi. Similar to the astrology zodiac, the ming is used by fortune-tellers to analyse a person's personality and future fate. hitpstien wikipedia. orgwiiWu_Xing 59 42072019 Order | Ganzhi 1 Jia Zi PF 2 | YiChou Zit 3 Bing Yin Wit 4 Ding Mao Jp 5 | WuChen ii 6 JisiaG 7 Geng Wu i 8 Xin Wei A 9 Ren Shen =H 10 Gui You 37% an Jia Xu AR 12 Yi Hai Z.% 13 Bing 21 AF 44 Ding Chou Fit 15 Wu Yin sie 16 JiMao cL5y 17 Sera Chen 18 Xin Si-O 19 Ren Wu +P 20 GuiWei 8% 2 Jia Shen FH! 22 YiYou Zit 23 Bing Xu PR 24 Ding Hai 7% 25 Wu Zi RF 26 Ji Chou chil 27 Geng Yin Rit 28 Xin Mao 5 29 Ren Chen $e 30 Gui Si FE Music Sea metal #4 Furnace fire #2 Forest wood AH Road earth £63 + ‘Sword metal 214% Volcanic fire 115% Cave water i Fr Fortress earth ii: ‘Wax metal #18 Willow wood Hib: Stream water sk Roof tiles earth at. Lightning fire 5, Conifers wood #17 River water {fi Wu Xing - Wikipedia Order 34 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 44 42 43 44 45 46 a7 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 87 58 59 60 Ganzhi Jia Wu 4 Gui Wei 2.4% Bing Shen 31 Ding You JH Wu Xu pik vial 2% Geng Zi ie f Xin Chou Ren Yin 8% Gui Mao 389) Jia Chen Hifi YISIZE, Bing Wu 4 Ding Wei TA ‘Wu Shen J Ji You cha Geng Xu BER Xin Hai 7% Ren Zi =f Gui Chou 3844 Jia Yin F Yi Mao 2.5) Bing Chen Pz Ding Si Tt Wu Wu 24 Ji Wei Geng Shen He Xin You Fi Ren Xu FAR Gui Hai 2% Ming Sand metal st14 Forest fire tly Fk Meadow wood “Fit ‘Adobe earth |: Precious metal @£4 Lamp fire (ir ‘Sky water Fa5i7k Highway earth 256-1 Jewellery metal $2 Mulberry wood Hi Rapids water Aik Desert earth ui ‘Sun fire Lk Pomegranate wood Hf * ‘Ocean water Aik Element Metal Fire Wood Earth Metal Fire Water Earth Metal Wood Water Earth Fire Wood Water The Yuéling chapter (/J 448) of the Li”jt (Hi) and the Hudinénzi” (#38) make the following correlations: hitpstien wikipedia. orgwiiWu_Xing 6 42072019 Wu Xing - Wikipedia Movement Wood Fire | Earth | Metal | Water Colour Green Red Yellow | White | Black Arctic Direction east south center | west north Basic Pentatonic Scale pitch #4 & a 5 a Basic Pentatonic Scale pitch pinyin jué zhi gong | shang yi solfege miorE solorG door | reorD | laorA + The Chinese word #¥ ging, has many meanings, including green, azure, cyan, and black. Itrefers to green in Wu Xing, + In most modern music, various five note o seven note scales (e.g, the major scale) are defined by selecting five or seven frequencies from the set of twelve semi-tones in the Equal tempered tuning, The Chinese “lu” tuning is closest to the ancient Greek tuning of Pythagoras. Martial arts ‘Tai chi ch’uan uses the five elements to designate different directions, positions or footwork patterns. Rither forward, backward, left, right and centre, or three steps forward (attack) and two steps back (retreat). ‘The Five Steps (i wu" bi) * Jin ba (#25, in simplified characters j#t32) Forward step = Toi bu (BY) Backward step = Zo gu (48, in simplified characters Eff) Left step = You pan (4583) Right step = ZhGng ding (5) Central position, balance, equilibrium. ‘Xingyiquan uses the five elements metaphorically to represent five different states of combat. Movement Fist | Chinese | Pinyin Description Metal Spiiting | Pi To spiitike an axe chopping up and over. Water Or SK | Zuan Dring forward horizontally ike a goyser Wood Crushing i Béng To collapse, as a building collapsing in on itself Fire Pounding | sl Pao Exploding outward like a cannon while blocking. Earth Crossing | Bi/#t | Héng Crossing across the line of attack while tuning over. Tea ceremony ‘There are spring, summer, fall, and winter teas. The perennial tea ceremony includes four tea settings (61H) and a tea master (ii] 28). Each tea setting is arranged and stands for the four directions (north, south, east, and west). A vase of the seasons’ flowers is put on tea table. The tea settings are: = earth, (Incense), yellow, center, up and down + wood, #18, (Spring Wind), green, east * fire, 313% (Summer Dew), red, south = metal, si (Fall Sounds), white, west = water, 418} (Winter Sunshine) black/blue, north hitpstien wikipedia. orgwiiWu_Xing 79 n0n018 Wu Xing - Whipedia See also * Color in Chinese culture + Flying Star Feng Shui = Humorism +i = Wu Xing painting + Zang Fu Bibliography Feng Youlan (Yu-lan Fung), A History of Chinese Philosophy, volume 2, p. 13, = Joseph Needham, Science and Civilization in China, volume 2, pp. 262-23 = Maciocia, G, 2005, The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, 2nd edn, Elsevier Ltd., London = Chen Yuan, *Legitimation Discourse and the Theory of the Five Elements in Imperial China,” Journal of Song-Yuan Studies (2014): 325-364, References 1, DrZai, J, Taoism and Science: Cosmology, Evolution, Morality, Health and more (https:/ -WzMCQAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcovert). Ultravisum, 2015. “Archived copy” (http://www.kheper.nel/topics/eastern/wuxing. html). Archived (hitps://web archive.orghveb/201605272 25452/httpwww Kheper neVtopies/easterm/wuxing html) from the original on 2016-05-27. Retrieved 2016-05-14 3. Deng Yu Zhu Shuanli; Xu Peng; Deng Hai (2000). "7: BIBNMO HES RIEHR* ( caderlview_abstract.aspxfile_no=20001226) [Characteristics and a New English Translation of Wu Xing and Yin- Yang]. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine. 20 (12): 937. Archived (https:iweb.archive.orgiweb/2015071611524 4fhttpilworw.cim.crvexyjhen/zxyjhen/chireaderiview_abstract.aspx?fle_no=20001226) from the original on 2016-07- 16 4, Deng Yu et al; Fresh Translator of Zang Xiang Fractal five System, Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine; 1999 5, Deng Yuet al, TCM Fractal Sets'i2&4}12HK, Joumal of Mathematical Medicine . 1999, 12 (3) . 264-265 6, Nathan Sivin (1996), "Science and Medicine in Chinese History” in his Seience in Ancient China (Aldershot, England: Variorum), text VI, p. 179. 7. Nathan Sivin (1987), Traditional Medicine in Contemporary China (Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, The University of Michigan) p. 73. é Wood and Metal were often replaced with air. Lecture Room, CCTV-10. 9. Nathan Sivin (1987), Traditional Medicine in Contemporary China, p. 72. 10. Chinese Five Elements Chart (http:/ xls) Archived (h {tps:/hweb archive. org/web/20070928 105605/http:/www.northernshaolinacademy.cominewidocs/FiveElementsChart.x Is) 2007-09-28 at the Wayback Machine Information on the Chinese Five Elements from Northern Shaolin Academy in Microsoft Excel 2003 Format 11. Chen, Yuan (2014), Legitimation Discourse and the Theory of the Five Elements in Imperial China. https:/www academia edu/23276848/_Legitimation_Discourse_and the Theory of the Five_Elements_in_Imperial_ China, Joural_of Song-Yuan_Studies_44_2014_325-364: Journal of Song-Yuan Studies. 12. “Traditional Chinese Medicine: In Depth” (https:/Inccih.nih gov/healthiwhatiscam/chinesemed.htm). National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Archived (https://web.archive.orgiweb/20170404224358/https:|/necih.nih.g ovihealth/whatiscam/chinesemed.htm) from the original on 4 April 2017. Retrieved 20 March 2017. hitpstien wikipedia. orgwiiWu_Xing a9 42072019 Wu Xing - Wikipedia 13. Hafner, Christopher. "The TCM Organ Systems (Zang Fu)" (https:/www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edulexplore-healing-pr actices/what-traditional-chinese-medicine/whal-qi-and-other-concepts/-tom-organ-sy). University of Minnesota Archived (https://web /https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edulexplore-healing-practi ces/what-traditional-chinese-medicine/what-qi-and-other-concepts/-tem-organ-sy) from the original on 6 April 2017. Retrieved 5 April 2017. 14, Eberhard, Wolfram (December 1965). "Chinese Regional Stereotypes’. Asian Survey. University of Califomia Press. 5 (12), 596-608, doi: 10,2307/2642652 (,2307%2F 2642652), JSTOR 2642652 (hitps:/ stable/2642652), External links = Wuxing (Wu-hsing) ( Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article. Retrieved from "" This page was last edited on 17 April 2019, at 15:43 (UTC). Text is available under the Creative Commons Altribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 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