Topic: Assignment Using Ms Word: Subject: Computer Science

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PREPARED: ..................... ALTAIBAATAR /FA16B610/


REVIEWED ....................... SARANCHIMEG. /MASTER/

: N

DATE: . . . . . . . . .

Section 1.1 My CV

Ulaanbaatar. 2016

Olymp residence
Phone: +976 99284048

Undergraduate (studying at present)
Finished Mongolian-Turkish school
Studying at UFE (from 2016 to 2020)
Cashier (summer of 2016)
Family mart (Altai residence)
Selling and resupplying of stocks
Managing the account book

Guide (from 2013 to 2015 during the summer)

with the foreign tourists (on the site)
Guiding the tourist trough Ulaanbaatar

Acting as their translator

Translator (from 2010 to 2015)

On the internet (from home)
Translating from English to Mongolian, Chinese to English
Edit and proofread my and my coworker’s works

Translating from English
editing and proofreading
Ability to work alone or as a group
Ability to think clearly in stressful situations
Excellent communications skill (both written and oral)
Ability to adapt quickly to new working environments
Excellent pc skills

Hobby and interest

Section 1.1 My CV

Reading and translating

Tasha Uzumcu- teacher at Mon-Turk school phone:(+976) 99422748
Jesse Brooks- teacher at UFE phone:(+976) 99594665

Section 1.2 My family

Figure 1 My family

Figure 2 My parents
These are my parents. They are 41 years old. My
father runs his own business and my mother is
accountant at UTSTTTHT. They are loving hard
working couple.

Section 1.2 My family

Figure 3 My father and my sisters

These are my sisters the one on the left is the older sister while
the one on the right is the younger one. The sister is 8 years old
and the little one will soon become 7 years old. They are both
rambunctious and mischievous children.

Figure 4 My mom and little sisters

Figure 5 My mom and little sisters again

Section 1.4 Invitation

A brief description of the solar system

The solar system consists of the Sun; the nine planets, 67 satellites of the planets and a large number of
small bodies (comets and asteroids). The inner solar system contains the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and
Mars. The planets of the outer solar system are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

The orbits of the planets are ellipses with the Sun at one focus. Though all, except Mercury and Pluto,
are very nearly circular, the orbits of the planets are all more or less in the same plane (called the
ecliptic and defined by the plane of the Earth’s orbit).

The ecliptic is inclined only 7 degrees from the plane of the Sun’s equator. Pluto’s orbit deviates the
most from the plane of the ecliptic with an inclination of 17 degrees.

The Sun is the most important part of our solar system. It is the biggest object and does have about 98%
of the whole mass of the solar system. About 1.3 billion earths would fit inside the sun. The sun travels
around the galaxy together with planets and other objects bound to it by gravitational forces.

Solar System

The largest of the bodies we call planets, most of which are in turn are orbited by smaller moons or
satellites. These objects, together with many lesser masses, are known as the Solar system. The Sun is
just a star, one of a hundred billion inhabiting our galaxy alone.

Being a star the Sun is an example of the fundamental building blocks of our universe. It formed, 4.5
billion years ago, as the nucleus of a cloud of gas which was collapsing under its own gravitational

At its formation, hydrogen was the most abundant gas, as elsewhere in the universe, and accounted for
three quarters of the Sun’s original material. This will change as the hydrogen is burned, and within the
very central regions virtually all the hydrogen has been converted to helium.

The outer regions have not yet taken part in hydrogen burning. Astronomers have measured the
chemical composition of the Sun, and can thus estimate that of the initial solar nebula from which the
sun and planets formed.

In addition to 78 percent by weight of hydrogen, they find 20 percent to be helium, while only 2 percent
remains for other elements such as oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and iron.

Later, as its hydrogen becomes depleted, it will evolve into a giant red star, swelling to engulf the earth
and the inner planets. The remnant Sun will fade gradually to oblivion, passing through the white dwarf
stage on its way.

Astronomy usually began with the Greeks. The Greek philosopher Aristotle held that the earth is fixed at
the center of the universe while Ptolemy based a mathematical model of the moving planets in our Solar

Nicolaus Copernicus, in 1543, published his hypothesis that the Sun is the center of the universe but
since the teaching of Aristotle had been adopted by the church his view was seen as unbelievable.

Section 1.4 Invitation

Five years after the appearance of the great supernova of 1604, Galileo built his first telescope. He saw
the moons of Jupiter, Saturn’s rings, the phases of Venus, and the stars in the Milky Way. He published
the news the following year in The Starry Messenger.

At the age of 23, young Isaac Newton realized that gravitational force accounts for falling bodies on
earth as well as the motion of the moon and the planets in orbit. This was a revolutionary step in the
history of thought, as it extended the influence of earthly behavior to the realm 150 Top School Essays
of the heavens. One set of laws, discovered and tested on our planet, later governed the entire universe.
The first of his many seminal contributions to twentieth century science, relativity recognized the speed
of light as the absolute speed limit in the universe and, as such, united the previously separate concepts
of space and time into a unified space-time.

Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity replaced Newton’s model of gravity with one in which the
gravitational force is interpreted as the response of bodies to distortions in space- time which matter
itself creates.

Various improvements have been seen in the study of the Solar system over the past few centuries.
They have proved better for the mankind in many ways.

Section 1.4 Invitation

This is an invitation
to birthday party

is Turning 19

This Sunday October 16
is the big day prepare for the
big day to surprise him

Section 2.1 Dream job

My dream job is to be a pilot. An airline pilot's job description is to safely fly an , but a

pilot does much more than just fly. A typical day may start with the pilot using

skills to check the and . The must be

pre-flighted and all aircraft logs reviewed. When ready, the pilot will oversee the push-back and then taxi to the

. While flying, in addition to monitoring aircraft systems, the pilot

must communicate with the FAA and the company. Pilots may work long hours and strange shifts, often being away
from home for several days.

Section 2.3 A letter to myself

1. Japan
First of all, I want to go to Japan as it is full of beautiful scenery and festivals to weird and fascinating
places. I have wanted to travel to Japan since I was 5. Which might have been influenced by anime and
manga since I have started watching(reading) them since 5
2. Germany
I want to go to Germany as I is a place where I want to study and possibly work in the future. And I want to
learn more about it
3. Australia
I want to see the “The Great Barrier Reef”, which is one of the 7 wonders of the nature. It’s simply for the
satisfaction of it
4. Bolivia
Salar De Uyuni or salt flat is a normal plain but after it rains it is just magnificent. I want to personally see
this magnificent scenery by myself. It is said that after it rains it reflects the whole sky and you will feel
like you are walking in the sky. That is something I definitely want to try
5. Zambia/Zimbabwe
I want to see the great Victoria Falls that is said to be the widest waterfall that falls twice the height of
Niagara Falls

Section 2.3 A letter to myself

Hi this is you/me Altaibaatar

I am sending you this letter from 10 years into the future. You see I am leading a happy life now/10 years
in the future. I have a family a loving wife and cute little son. It’s almost been 7.5 years since I graduated. I
inherited my dad’s company and is running it successfully. Don’t worry since our parents are doing fine. I
am living in the same house in the outskirts of town. But this is not the one you/I am living in now/lived in
then. I actually bought the hose that was right next to the one my/your parents are living in. Well anyway
just live life with the goal of leading a happy life(something I learned a few years later). This letter isn’t to
guide you through calamity or me warning my past something I just won the lottery and got the right to
send one letter to myself. Well I want to write more but revealing anymore might alter the future/present so
this is about it. Hope you live your life to the fullest.


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