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 Bed bath – is provided to dependent clients confined to bed. The nurse washes
the client’s entire body during a bed bath.
1. To remove transient microorganism, body secretion and excretions, and
dead skin cells
2. To stimulate circulation to the skin
3. To produce a sense of well being
4. To promote relaxation and comfort
5. To prevent or eliminate unpleasant body odors.
a. Basin and water
b. Soap and dish
c. Laundry hamper and bag
d. Bath blanket, towels and washcloths as needed
e. clean gown or pajamas
f. Necessary toiletries, such as toothbrush deodorant, comb, shaving
g. Clean gloves for pperineal care
h. Clean linen if you plan to make the bed.

1. Review the patient’s record and plan To determine the amount of assistance
of care regarding the patient’s ability the patient may need with hygiene
to participate; include medical
diagnoses activity or orders specific
to hygiene and type of bath.
2. Assess the patient to determine if Hygiene may be a lower priority than the
there are concerns of higher priority rest for the patient who is short of breath
than hygiene. These might be related or experiencing pain. Higher priority
to other basic needs, such as problems need to be addressed before
toileting, fatigue, pain and level; of hygiene is planned to meet identified
sedation. Assess skin care and other needs.
hygienic practices and any specific
concern that might affect hygiene
needs such as the presence of a
catheter, excessive perspiration from
fever or dry skin.

3. Check to see whether special Having equipment and supplies available

supplies or equipment are in the and ready saves time. It is not cost
patient’s room. effective to obtain unneeded supply.

4. Critically think through your data, This enables you to determine specific
carefully evaluating each aspect and problems for this indiviual in relation to
its relation to other data. hygiene practices.

5. Identify specific problems and Planning for the individual must take into
modification of the procedure needed consideration the individual’s problem.
for this individual.

6. Determine the following individualized Identifying outcomes facilitates
patient outcomes in relation to evaluation.
hygiene. a. Skin and nails clean
b. Absence of offensive odor
c. Skin and mucus membranes intact
d. Patient expresses comfort

7. Plan the bathing procedure, and

determine the supplies that will be
needed for bed bath.

8. Wash or disinfect your hands Hand washing decreases the transfer of
microorganism that cause infection
9. Identify the patients using two Verifying the patient identity ensures that
identifiers you are performing the right skill for the
right patient.
10. Explain the procedure you are about Explaining the procedure helps relieve
to perform anxiety or misperceptions that the patient
may have about a procedure or activity
and sets the stage for patient
11. Close the door and close the curtains To provide privacy.
around the bed
12. Raise the bed to appropriate working Allows to use correct body mechanics
position based on your height and protect yourself from back injury.
13. Carry out bed as follows:
a. Cover the patient with bath blanket The flannel blanket helps to prevent
placed over the top linen. If the chilling and does not adhere to the patient
bath blanket is not available, use should it become wet during the bath.
the top sheet for a cover during the
bath. Remove the top sheet and
bedspread, leaving only the bath
blanket covering the patient. Have
the patient hold the top edge of the
blanket while you pull the sheet
down toward the patient’s feet.
b. Offer to assist the patient with oral Maintains teeth and gums in good
hygiene. Some patients may prefer condition and eliminates unpleasant
oral care after the bath. tastes and odors in the mouth.
c. Fill the basin with comfortably Warm water is comfortable and relaxing
warm water for the bath. to the patients and provides for more
effective cleansing.
d. Position the patient for the bath. The position used must first
Usually the supine (face-up) accommodate the comfort and well-being
position is used unless the patient of the patient and second, make it easy to
cannot tolerate it. In some cases, it carry out the bath. The fowler’s position
may be necessary to use a semi- facilitates respiratory function. The supine
Fowler's position. Lower the side position facilitates access to most of the
rail and move your patient to your body for bathing. Lowering the side rail
side of the bed. helps to decrease the need for the nurse
to reach across the bed.
e. Remove the patient’s gown. Keep To facilitate access to the areas to be
the patient covered with bath bathed and respect the privacy and
blanket. comfort of the patient.
f. Continue with the bath procedures
as follows:
f.1. Spread a towel across the patient’s This keeps the bath blanket dry and
chest on top of the bath blanket. prevents chilling.
f.2. Make a mitt with the washcloth. Using a mitt prevent loose, cool ends of
the cloth from dragging across that
patient and causing discomfort.
f.3. Without using soap, wipe one eye Rinsing or changing portions of the
from the inner canthus to the outer washcloth prevents spreading organisms
canthus. Rinse or use another part of the from one eye to the other. The movement
wash cloth to wash the other eye. of cleansing from the inner canthus to the
outer canthus prevents secretion from
entering the nasolacrimal duct.
f.4. Wash the patient’s face. Ask the Soap can be drying to the skin.
patient about using the soap on the face.
Many people do not. Use gentle strokes
to wash the face. Use soap to wash
behind the ears and the neck. Rinse well.
Note: Many patients can do this portion of
the bath themselves.
f.5. Expose the far arm of the patient, and Washing the farmer arm prevents
place a towel lengthwise under the arm. contaminating a clean part by the leaning
Using long, firm strokes towards the over it once it is washed. Long strokes
center of the body, wash the hand, arm toward the center of the body promote
and axilla while providing support to the venous return. Covering the arm before
patient’s wrist and elbow. Cover the arm rinsing prevents chilling when water
with half of the towel while rinsing out the evaporates from the skin.
wash cloth. Rinse and dry the arm
f.6. Optional: Place a folded towel on the Soaking can loosen dirt under the nails.
bed next to the patient’s hand, place the
basin on the towel and soak the hand.
Wash the hand, rinse and dry.
f.7. Place the towel under the near arm, Bathing the closer arm last prevent
and wash the hand, arm and axilla in the contamination from leaning over the clean
same way. Rinse and dry. arm to bathe the opposite arm.
f.8. Place a towel over the patient’s chest. Exposing the one area at a time for
Fold the bath blanket down to the waist. cleansing prevents chilling of the patient
Wash, rinse and dry the patient’s chest, and promotes privacy. Areas under the
keeping the patient covered with the breasts may be prone to skin breakdown
towel between washing and rinsing. Pay if not cleansed and dried thoroughly.
particular attention areas under the
female breasts.
f.9. Fold the blanket down to the pubic Keeping the towel in place prevents
bone, leaving the towel over the chest. chilling and respects privacy.
Wash, rinse and dry the lower abdomen,
paring particular attention to the
f.10. Remove the bath blanket from the Washing from the distal to proximal areas
far leg only. Place the towel lengthwise promotes venous blood return and
under the leg. Bending the leg at the knee stimulates circulation.
and supporting the knee joint, wash the
leg using long, firm strokes towards the
center of the body. Rinse and dry the leg.
f.11. Place a towel near the patient’s foot Placing the patient’s foot in the basin is
and place the basin on it. Put the patient’s relaxing, and it promotes a more-
foot in the basin, and support the ankle thorough cleaning of the foot and the
and heel in your hand while supporting areas between the toes. Cleaning and
the leg on your arm. Wash, rinse, and dry drying between the toes prevents skin
the foot, paying attention to the toes and irritation and injury.
between the toes.
Be sure to dry the toes thoroughly.
f.12. Wash the near leg and foot in the Washing the closer leg last prevents
same way. contamination.
f.13. Change the bathwater at this point Changing the bath water keeps it warm
or sooner if needed. Make sure the bed’s and clean. Side rails promote safety
side rails are up while you change the
f.14. Assist the patient to a side lying Draping prevents unnecessary exposure
position, facing away from you. Some of the patient, and the towel protects the
patients will turn to a prone position, but bedding from dripping water. Long firm
for many patients, this position is not strokes promote circulation.
comfortable or maybe difficult to obtain.
Place the towel lengthwise along the back
and buttocks, keeping the patient covered
with bath blanket exposing the back.
f.15. Put on clean gloves, and wash the Gloves protect you from potential contact
buttocks and perianal area. Pay attention with fecal material and microorganisms.
to the sacral area by checking for redness Any fecal material near the anus is
and the gluteal folds. Remove gloves and irritating to the skin and source of
discard. microorganism
f.16. give a back rub at this point, or wait Back rubs improve circulation to the area
until after all care is completed and are relaxing
f.17. Change the bath water To prevent the spread of fecal organism
elsewhere in the body
f.18. Assist the patients to supine position Gloves protect you from potential contact
to wash the perineal area. If patient with microorganisms. Perineal care
cannot wash their ow genitalia, you must decreases odor and contamination from
do so for them. Put clean gloves. Wash the rectal area.
moving gently from front to back (clean to
dry) Making certain to wash and dry
carefully. Discard water and gloves.In
many cases, the patient can wash the
perineal area. I f so make sure is
everything within reach of the patient.
Provide privacy but stay within the
hearing distance, or instruct the patient to
call light.
f.19. Assist the patient in applying Deodorant decreases body odor, and
deodorant if used and apply clean clean pajamas or gown promotes warmth
pajamas or gown and general comfort for the patient.
g. Comb or brush arrange the This enhances the self-image
patients hair.
h. Attend to any other personal
hygiene needs. Assist the male
patient with shaving at this point.
You may have his assemble his
shaving equipment, which will
vary, depending on the type of
razor he prefers. If he unable to
shave himself, this task is also
your responsibility. Some facilities
have an electric razor you can use
and infection control procedures
related to using razor.

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